Even Gerorge Bush Senior is voting for Clinton

Sounds like it speaks volumes but so many haters have taken over the conservative party, that they are by far the majority of that party now. So you say they aren't the hate party, hell I can prove it with one word, TRUMP!
I live in a very Conservative Christian district, how Conservative Christian? Bachmann was our representative. I'm watching all these fake Christians conservatives High fiving each other and trying to sell the same hate as their party. They are frothing at the mouth with the same bile that the party is trying to sell. Hate for everything that the blind side of the Bible tells them to hate.
Why not. Trump kicked Jebs ass.
You see these bottom feeders that can't support one thing they say about Clinton, are scum bags, look at how they react when they get beaten in a thread. Not one fact.
Beating your meat and crying victory won't work either. The fact that the FBI has come out and said she screwed up big time, was not accurate with statements and said to the congressional committee that she lied. You boys pretending all is well is just stupid. Lying and smearing is all leftists ever have.
You want to compare this trivial piece that was in no way chargeable as far as breaking any law, compared to your scum candidate. Rape history and wanting to have sex with his daughter. Who is married to a ex prostitute. Who has destroyed a hell of a lot more of other people business than he has created himself, A man who if he would have invested in a simple S&P fund when Daddy gave him his money and just retired at that time he would have made more money than what he has and wouldn't have destroyed so many people and their businesses. President Scum Bag.
Nothing on this forum is going to have any effect on Hillary's win. The clowns here will simply drop their posts on Trump and focus full time to bashing Clinton 45.

Business as usual.

When have we ever stopped bashing the lying corrupt Hillary? We have been doing it since Al Gore invented the internet.

Of course you haven't but 95% are complete FOX CRAP.
Only the missing factor, proof.

Plenty of proof...she's been protected by the Obozo's DOJ for his political "legacy"...ie doubling the national debt, losing two wars that were won, and making us the laughingstock of the world by bowing to tyrants and cowardice to stop ISIS and Iran in their tracks. The whole democrat party is now a criminal cabal that should be taken down by RICO statutes.
Wacko world , wacko world, wacko world. Unbelievable make believe bullshit.
Sounds like it speaks volumes but so many haters have taken over the conservative party, that they are by far the majority of that party now. So you say they aren't the hate party, hell I can prove it with one word, TRUMP!
I live in a very Conservative Christian district, how Conservative Christian? Bachmann was our representative. I'm watching all these fake Christians conservatives High fiving each other and trying to sell the same hate as their party. They are frothing at the mouth with the same bile that the party is trying to sell. Hate for everything that the blind side of the Bible tells them to hate.
Actually you are wrong, when he was asked personally. He said he isn't going to say who he is voting for. Stop lying.
Sorry loser he said it to a room of 40 people ignoramus
As the sources say, but he said himself he won't reveal to the public who he will vote for. Liberal desperation is amusing.
Sources say, good example of stupidity getting in the way of facts. It will be totally clear to you in a few days, when Trump tell you that he doesn't need Bushes vote. Your a idiot.
Come on hero, just one thing you can prove about Hillary that some one should care about.

33,000 deleted emails, most of them about her influence-peddling getting her partner in crime fat speaking fees. She has also destroyed evidence of her espionage for Clinturd Foundation clients like the Saudis to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. She's guilty of treason, espionage, obstruction of justice, and probably the murder of Vince Foster. Anything else you'd like to know, pinhead?
Other then FOX CRAP NEWS and all the simple minds that believe them . You have no proof. just 95% of what you got is lies , we don't need your opinion, we want facts that show she broke the law. The real law not the law that you made up. Loser.
Come on hero, just one thing you can prove about Hillary that some one should care about.

33,000 deleted emails, most of them about her influence-peddling getting her partner in crime fat speaking fees. She has also destroyed evidence of her espionage for Clinturd Foundation clients like the Saudis to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. She's guilty of treason, espionage, obstruction of justice, and probably the murder of Vince Foster. Anything else you'd like to know, pinhead?
I'll explain stupid for you, so even you low voltage mind will understand. 33000 deleted post but you were able to get deleted email and find out that most of them about speaking fees and influence peddling. You are so fucking dumb that I bet you still don't understand how it was such a show of stupidity.
Only the missing factor, proof.

Plenty of proof...she's been protected by the Obozo's DOJ for his political "legacy"...ie doubling the national debt, losing two wars that were won, and making us the laughingstock of the world by bowing to tyrants and cowardice to stop ISIS and Iran in their tracks. The whole democrat party is now a criminal cabal that should be taken down by RICO statutes.
Ya stupid if it's that clear make a citizens arrest and you will finally find out how totally stupid you are, while your sitting in the mental institute, The make believe world of the ding bat right.
This (the OP) is old news. The Clinton's and Bush's have always been tight.
Since she comes from a family which are Dems, and she is a Dem, I imagine Laura Bush also voted for Obama.

Means nothing to me who they vote for.
and your opinion means way less then the fact that Bush is voting for Hillary.
I doubt that many Republicans will be voting for president. They don't have a candidate in the race.

Trump is leading the race now. Are you transmitting from planet x?
He is not bozo.

Yeah he is you disoriented loonbat.
Taking in every single poll in the country Hillary is still 4% points ahead of Shit head scum bag. All the rest of the consolidated poll listing . Hillary is way ahead . and if you take out any 2 singular polls of your choice and I take two singular polls out , then She is hammering him.
Sounds like it speaks volumes but so many haters have taken over the conservative party, that they are by far the majority of that party now. So you say they aren't the hate party, hell I can prove it with one word, TRUMP!
I live in a very Conservative Christian district, how Conservative Christian? Bachmann was our representative. I'm watching all these fake Christians conservatives High fiving each other and trying to sell the same hate as their party. They are frothing at the mouth with the same bile that the party is trying to sell. Hate for everything that the blind side of the Bible tells them to hate.
George Bush Senior is a globalist fuck... That makes him a spineless fucker
Come on people don't you have anything here. other then I hate you ,lies and your dumb. back up anything at all with some proof . Anything.
Sounds like it speaks volumes but so many haters have taken over the conservative party, that they are by far the majority of that party now. So you say they aren't the hate party, hell I can prove it with one word, TRUMP!
I live in a very Conservative Christian district, how Conservative Christian? Bachmann was our representative. I'm watching all these fake Christians conservatives High fiving each other and trying to sell the same hate as their party. They are frothing at the mouth with the same bile that the party is trying to sell. Hate for everything that the blind side of the Bible tells them to hate.
George Bush Senior is a globalist fuck... That makes him a spineless fucker
God you people are losers. Nothing except hate, on hate, over hate. You losers are pitiful. Prove something, back up anything that you say with proof anything , you choose. You know something that someone should care about.
Sounds like it speaks volumes but so many haters have taken over the conservative party, that they are by far the majority of that party now. So you say they aren't the hate party, hell I can prove it with one word, TRUMP!
I live in a very Conservative Christian district, how Conservative Christian? Bachmann was our representative. I'm watching all these fake Christians conservatives High fiving each other and trying to sell the same hate as their party. They are frothing at the mouth with the same bile that the party is trying to sell. Hate for everything that the blind side of the Bible tells them to hate.
George Bush Senior is a globalist fuck... That makes him a spineless fucker
God you people are losers. Nothing except hate, on hate, over hate. You losers are pitiful. Prove something, back up anything that you say with proof anything , you choose. You know something that someone should care about.
Who gives a fuck about George Bush Senior, all he'll ever be known for his read my lips no new taxes. That lying motherfucker
I doubt that many Republicans will be voting for president. They don't have a candidate in the race.

Trump is leading the race now. Are you transmitting from planet x?
Trump isn't a Republican. He's an opportunist. Those two are not mutually exclusive, but Trump is flying the Republican flag simply as a tactic. He has no ideology other than Anything & Everything Pro-Trump.

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