Even Huff Post admits Obama DESTROYED the Dems!!


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2017
The Dems are in the weakest position they've been in nationally since 1928!! Under Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, and 13 Senate seats!!

Obama DESTROYED his OWN party!! Even liberal Sam Stein of the Huffington post admitted that!

SAM STEIN, HUFFINGTON POST: Then on the other hand, you look at the destruction of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama’s leadership, and you have to wonder, you know, what was the political — what were the electoral benefits that he gave to the party? He leaves them in a much worse position. He -- the states are decimated, they've lost control of the House and Senate. The Governorships are decimated.

Sam Stein: Obama Oversaw The Destruction Of The Democratic Party
What rises from the ashes will be stronger, and more prepared to curb stomp your fucking head into the political curb.
The Dems are in the weakest position they've been in nationally since 1928!! Under Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, and 13 Senate seats!!

Obama DESTROYED his OWN party!! Even liberal Sam Stein of the Huffington post admitted that!

SAM STEIN, HUFFINGTON POST: Then on the other hand, you look at the destruction of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama’s leadership, and you have to wonder, you know, what was the political — what were the electoral benefits that he gave to the party? He leaves them in a much worse position. He -- the states are decimated, they've lost control of the House and Senate. The Governorships are decimated.

Sam Stein: Obama Oversaw The Destruction Of The Democratic Party

Well some people can blame Obama, others can blame other things.

What I've seen happen a lot is that when the economy goes good, people will more likely to turn to the right. Obama however was still popular as president even on his last day. Why Obama would be to blame for State politics I don't know.
Now the base is INSANE enough to think if they go FURTHER left they can rebound from this DISASTER!! Going further to the left will only take the Dems right of a CLIFF!!
What rises from the ashes will be stronger, and more prepared to curb stomp your fucking head into the political curb.

Poor pathetic snowflake, you were warned for 8 years, you didn't listen. When people start getting back to work you idiots will be a distant memory, that's what you get for calling everyone a racist that disagrees with your stupid policies. You reap what you sew.
Here's Proof That the Media Helped Boost Donald Trump's Campaign

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump was impossible to beat. Sean Hannity gave Trump at least 22 hours in free advertising. And Chuck Todd probably did the same. Trump was all he could talk about.

When you are spending 70 million, but the media is giving you billions in free air time, it's almost impossible to lose.

Even Trump knew it.

Trump: No need to raise much money because ‘I get so much publicity’
The Dems are in the weakest position they've been in nationally since 1928!! Under Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, and 13 Senate seats!!

Obama DESTROYED his OWN party!! Even liberal Sam Stein of the Huffington post admitted that!

SAM STEIN, HUFFINGTON POST: Then on the other hand, you look at the destruction of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama’s leadership, and you have to wonder, you know, what was the political — what were the electoral benefits that he gave to the party? He leaves them in a much worse position. He -- the states are decimated, they've lost control of the House and Senate. The Governorships are decimated.

Sam Stein: Obama Oversaw The Destruction Of The Democratic Party

Thank you, Barack!
Here's Proof That the Media Helped Boost Donald Trump's Campaign

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump was impossible to beat. Sean Hannity gave Trump at least 22 hours in free advertising. And Chuck Todd probably did the same. Trump was all he could talk about.

When you are spending 70 million, but the media is giving you billions in free air time, it's almost impossible to lose.

Even Trump knew it.

Trump: No need to raise much money because ‘I get so much publicity’
Yup...Trump proved he's smarter than you idiots. :)
Now the base is INSANE enough to think if they go FURTHER left they can rebound from this DISASTER!! Going further to the left will only take the Dems right of a CLIFF!!

Ummm, don't be so fast to believe that!

The left is certainly in deep-deep trouble, but 2 things give them a chance----->

1. They control the schools, and those that control the thinking in the schools, control the future! Did you see the national story about the note sent home with school kids in Chicago pertaining to Trump! Remember, these kids will become adults and vote! It is also why the left would trade Obamacare (give it away) yesterday for a person as the education head (Voss) who would get rid of vouchers. That is our only hope for 15 years down the road on that front, and you know this just by looking at college campuses!

2. To stop the socialists from taking America over while we FIX the education system and keep our fingers crossed it works.............Trump has got to be able to close the borders to illegals, and spirit away at least some of them. And then, in their place, allow highly educated white collar people in as needed.


Because the extremely poor, regardless if Americans or illegal aliens, will ALWAYS VOTE for freebies, while most affluent white collar workers, will vote AGAINST giving their hard earned money away, and it makes no difference if the are Americans, or Americans in waiting. Why does anyone think they are fleeing their country to come here!!!!!

And so, while it may never be put like I just put it because of social pressures, these are the bare facts! This is the LAST chance to keep America as we know it, and we MUST win on both the education, and illegal immigration front to do it. That is a very, very, VERY tall order in deed. While we may be giddy with our recent success, the task to succeed is daunting; in fact, the Republicans had already capitulated AFTER the 2012 election, until Trump won in a shocker. The Dems also know these facts, and while extremely pissed, probably have confidence that this is just a temporary setback.

Therefore, if you are a conservative, Republican, or Independent that leans toward the right, you better NOT disengage, and like it or not, Trump has got to be our guy. We have to control him when need be, and support that which we believe in when he tries. We also need support Devoss, and write congress.....or call....when illegal immigration is put in front of congress.

Without these two lynchpins, (education reform, and illegal immigration stopped at the border) we are going to lose the country because of sheer numbers. Remember, population is never close to static, and with the border open, it grows so fat, that we current American citizens will lose control of the country rather quickly, as we have seen!
Here's Proof That the Media Helped Boost Donald Trump's Campaign

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump was impossible to beat. Sean Hannity gave Trump at least 22 hours in free advertising. And Chuck Todd probably did the same. Trump was all he could talk about.

When you are spending 70 million, but the media is giving you billions in free air time, it's almost impossible to lose.

Even Trump knew it.

Trump: No need to raise much money because ‘I get so much publicity’
Yup...Trump proved he's smarter than you idiots. :)
Three weeks in and already, many Trump voters are suffering from Buyer's remorse.
Yes, Obama's EO forcing girls to shower with sexually deranged boys in their school locker rooms was the torpedo that sunk the good ship democrat that had already been taking on much water since Obergefell 2015.

I can only conclude it was sabotage...possibly to make sure Hillary Clinton would not be president? The only other explanation for such a cleanly divisive stunt right during the dems 2016 campaign no less, is pure human madness...pure insanity. Either that or I guess believing your own false polling data doesn't pay off in the end? Obama at the very least should've remembered Prop 8 in the most blue left state in the Union: California. There's your sign...

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