Even if burglar threatens you with gun, you can't shoot back

How do you know he wasn't shot in the victim's yard and kept running until he reached the neighbor's yard.

I've seen it.

All you see is Television. Men don't always go down when they're hit by a bullet.

In fact, they seldom go down right away.

If they're psyched-up, pumped-up, adrenaline-flowing.... They can run for a LONG ways before they collapse.

All bullets do is cause to bleed out. Unless the bullet hits the heart or the brain, it takes time to bleed out. Sometimes enough time that he can cover a hundred yards or more.

Let those of us who know what we're talking about hash this out. Which excludes dimocraps

You can make us all sandwiches if you would, please

The only thing you're an authority on is converting oxygen into carbon dioxide. I tend to think that climbing a fence with some bullets in you is probably an indicator of his being shot post-climb. Additionally, the cops taking 7 months to bring charges would seem to indicate they investigated the matter and made that determination. Now run along sonny. By the way, I like mine with Gulden's Dijon.

stupid twat.

What's happened in New Yawk in the intervening 7 Months?

Anything? You know, like elections?

You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Democrats Sweep Town Board Election | Long Islander News

In fact, you're quite typically dimocrap-dumb

So you're thinking that in 7 months the body moved from close range to someone else's back yard?

The only thing you're an authority on is converting oxygen into carbon dioxide. I tend to think that climbing a fence with some bullets in you is probably an indicator of his being shot post-climb. Additionally, the cops taking 7 months to bring charges would seem to indicate they investigated the matter and made that determination. Now run along sonny. By the way, I like mine with Gulden's Dijon.

stupid twat.

What's happened in New Yawk in the intervening 7 Months?

Anything? You know, like elections?

You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Democrats Sweep Town Board Election | Long Islander News

In fact, you're quite typically dimocrap-dumb

So you're thinking that in 7 months the body moved from close range to someone else's back yard?

You have GOT to work for the gubmint.

No sane Private Organization would promote a juvenile such as yourself to anything more mentally taxing than door stop.

All you're good for is to insult. Go away. You bother me.

amazing isnt it....people have no problem showing ids for other things...cashing a check, getting booze the list just goes on...but showing it to vote is a fucking hassle...really...in some countries people die trying to vote...somehow i just dont see that showing my id is a big deal....

I think it's just laziness myself. If you believe A, C, and E, you're a liberal. If you believe B, D, and F, you're a conservative. Most people believe a mix of A-C and D-F and varying degrees of each. It's just easier to use a broad stroke than it is to try to learn about someone.

Let me run this by you once more......

I think the arrested individual probably DID break the law in New Yawk.

I also think you're an idiot if you live in a liberal State.

And I don't have a lot of sympathy for idiots.

Down here? Just another dead dimocrap. Hardly even make the news.

And OBTW, we're going to pass New Yawk in population literally any day now.

Florida went for Obama in 2012
Florida elected a Liberal
According to you, "I also think you're an idiot if you live in a liberal State."
Therefore you are an idiot.

Thanks for playing. Now where are my sandwiches.
stupid twat.

What's happened in New Yawk in the intervening 7 Months?

Anything? You know, like elections?

You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Democrats Sweep Town Board Election | Long Islander News

In fact, you're quite typically dimocrap-dumb

So you're thinking that in 7 months the body moved from close range to someone else's back yard?

You have GOT to work for the gubmint.

No sane Private Organization would promote a juvenile such as yourself to anything more mentally taxing than door stop.

All you're good for is to insult. Go away. You bother me.

If you could synthesize a coherent argument to support your point, we could have an adult conversation. I urge you to enroll in some sort of remedial education post-haste or simply accept that life has passed you by and fade off into the great unknown...because right now you're too busy embarrassing yourself to be of any concern to me.
I think it's just laziness myself. If you believe A, C, and E, you're a liberal. If you believe B, D, and F, you're a conservative. Most people believe a mix of A-C and D-F and varying degrees of each. It's just easier to use a broad stroke than it is to try to learn about someone.

Let me run this by you once more......

I think the arrested individual probably DID break the law in New Yawk.

I also think you're an idiot if you live in a liberal State.

And I don't have a lot of sympathy for idiots.

Down here? Just another dead dimocrap. Hardly even make the news.

And OBTW, we're going to pass New Yawk in population literally any day now.

Florida went for Obama in 2012
Florida elected a Liberal
According to you, "I also think you're an idiot if you live in a liberal State."
Therefore you are an idiot.

Thanks for playing. Now where are my sandwiches.


So you're thinking that in 7 months the body moved from close range to someone else's back yard?

You have GOT to work for the gubmint.

No sane Private Organization would promote a juvenile such as yourself to anything more mentally taxing than door stop.

All you're good for is to insult. Go away. You bother me.

If you could synthesize a coherent argument to support your point, we could have an adult conversation. I urge you to enroll in some sort of remedial education post-haste or simply accept that life has passed you by and fade off into the great unknown...because right now you're too busy embarrassing yourself to be of any concern to me.

Are you going to sit there and tell me that we were not told the whole story by the OP? I'm stunned. :eek:

Forced vacations (I was over my max hours at work) suck but they allow you to do some research into the topic. Dude was blasted away in a neighbor's yard. At the end of the day, I wish the prosecutors would have taken the 7 months between act and indictment and charged the guy with reckless endangerment or something like that. If he was a criminal trying to break into your house...he's a man that needed to be slaughtered IMHO. Manslaughter seems to be too much of a charge for the act.

How long did he pursue the attempted robber?
I understand it was in a neighbor's yard...was it an adjacent neighbor's yard?
If it was so cut and dried, why didn't police charge him the night of the shooting?
Sure reeks of political motivation on the part of the DA since they seem to have brought up the seemingly immaterial criminal record of the accused....why is it valid?

I guess we need to watch and wait.

You're just prejudiced because of the gun. The facts of the case seem to be subjective in your mind. Harmless burglar fires into a home. No problem. Scared the crap out of the owners. No problem. Owner responds with deadly force with an assault shotgun and now we have a problem.

What part of "If he was a criminal trying to break into your house...he's a man that needed to be slaughtered IMHO" did you not understand?

He didn't need to be slaughtered, but he did fuck up royally. The owner's actions should have saved the taxpayers money defending his worthless ass, and it prevented him from ever trying it again. Instead they decide to prosecute7 months later for what purpose? Looks like another political witch hunt.

Seems to me you don't mind gun ownership as much as you mind lawful gun ownership used in self-defense. That's what seems to bother you.
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Let me run this by you once more......

I think the arrested individual probably DID break the law in New Yawk.

I also think you're an idiot if you live in a liberal State.

And I don't have a lot of sympathy for idiots.

Down here? Just another dead dimocrap. Hardly even make the news.

And OBTW, we're going to pass New Yawk in population literally any day now.

Florida went for Obama in 2012
Florida elected a Liberal
According to you, "I also think you're an idiot if you live in a liberal State."
Therefore you are an idiot.

Thanks for playing. Now where are my sandwiches.

You have GOT to work for the gubmint.

No sane Private Organization would promote a juvenile such as yourself to anything more mentally taxing than door stop.

All you're good for is to insult. Go away. You bother me.

If you could synthesize a coherent argument to support your point, we could have an adult conversation. I urge you to enroll in some sort of remedial education post-haste or simply accept that life has passed you by and fade off into the great unknown...because right now you're too busy embarrassing yourself to be of any concern to me.


Self portrait?

You're just prejudiced because of the gun. The facts of the case seem to be subjective in your mind. Harmless burglar fires into a home. No problem. Scared the crap out of the owners. No problem. Owner responds with deadly force with an assault shotgun and now we have a problem.

What part of "If he was a criminal trying to break into your house...he's a man that needed to be slaughtered IMHO" did you not understand?

He didn't need to be slaughtered, but he did fuck up royally. The owner's actions should have saved the taxpayers money defending his worthless ass, and it prevented him from ever trying it again. Instead they decide to persecute 7 months later for what purpose? Looks like another political witch hunt.

Seems to me you don't mind gun ownership as much as you mind lawful gun ownership used in self-defense. That's what seems to bother you.

It would be dandy if you responded to what I wrote instead of what you think I wrote.

For example, I wrote the following: "Sure reeks of political motivation on the part of the DA since they seem to have brought up the seemingly immaterial criminal record of the accused....why is it valid?"

I agree, it seems really strange that it took 7 months to bring charges--there is some ulterior motive behind this it would appear.

As for "what bothers me"...nothing particularly about this case outside of the political nature of the charges... I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing. Maybe in "gun owner's class" (if there is such a thing), they need to go over the do's and don'ts???
What part of "If he was a criminal trying to break into your house...he's a man that needed to be slaughtered IMHO" did you not understand?

He didn't need to be slaughtered, but he did fuck up royally. The owner's actions should have saved the taxpayers money defending his worthless ass, and it prevented him from ever trying it again. Instead they decide to persecute 7 months later for what purpose? Looks like another political witch hunt.

Seems to me you don't mind gun ownership as much as you mind lawful gun ownership used in self-defense. That's what seems to bother you.

It would be dandy if you responded to what I wrote instead of what you think I wrote.

For example, I wrote the following: "Sure reeks of political motivation on the part of the DA since they seem to have brought up the seemingly immaterial criminal record of the accused....why is it valid?"

I agree, it seems really strange that it took 7 months to bring charges--there is some ulterior motive behind this it would appear.

As for "what bothers me"...nothing particularly about this case outside of the political nature of the charges... I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing. Maybe in "gun owner's class" (if there is such a thing), they need to go over the do's and don'ts???

So if we agree what is the point of contention?
The problem with this story, if you get the whole story, is that he chased the burglar down and shot him in the back OFF his property. THAT is why he was charged. The headline I got on the story was that he shot him in self defense. Then when they went into the details, you realize he was chased down the street and shot.

It is amazing that you are aware of facts that aren't even in the story, all without providing a link. Then again, you always think cops who shoot are right, and that people who do the exact same thing in the exact same circumstances are wrong. Since you don't actually believe in the rule of law, I am not surprised that you always have details that make civilians look bad, but refuse to accept absolute proof that a cop is.
In my state (Tennessee), once there is no longer a direct threat to one's life, all shooting (on the part of the victim, in this case the homeowner) must cease. This point was emphasized many times in my CCP classes.

Really? If the gunman grabs your wife and drags her down the street you can't shoot him? Why do I think that the laws in Tennessee don't actually say that?
The problem with this story, if you get the whole story, is that he chased the burglar down and shot him in the back OFF his property. THAT is why he was charged. The headline I got on the story was that he shot him in self defense. Then when they went into the details, you realize he was chased down the street and shot.

The story never said this. The story never mentioned him chasing him down the street. Unless you have a link to another side of the story.

Another liberal lie.

Not in this article, no, it didn't. But the information I read does detail that out, and that is why he was charged.

Then provide a fucking link, scumbag.
The problem with this story, if you get the whole story, is that he chased the burglar down and shot him in the back OFF his property. THAT is why he was charged. The headline I got on the story was that he shot him in self defense. Then when they went into the details, you realize he was chased down the street and shot.

The story never said this. The story never mentioned him chasing him down the street. Unless you have a link to another side of the story.

Another liberal lie.

You are awfully quick with the "liberal lie" charge.

The brothers chased the alleged burglars from the porch, and Youssef fired, striking a 33-year-old man from Roosevelt in the back. That man, Jazzmen Bryant, later died of his wounds.

Now, almost seven months later, Youssef Abdel-Gawad has been indicted on manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide charges.

“This is not why our founding fathers developed the system,” Ramy Abdel-Gawad said. “This is absolutely absurd to see a district attorney defending criminals.”

The District Attorney’s office said the man who died was shot in a neighbor’s backyard as he ran away. A pellet gun was recovered from the group of alleged burglars.
LI Man Facing Manslaughter Charge For Shooting, Killing Alleged Armed Burglar « CBS New York
Police conducted a seven month investigation into this..

I don't give a fuck if they investigated for 7 years, self defense is the only possible explanation if, as your link says, they were breaking into his house with a weapon.
The problem with this story, if you get the whole story, is that he chased the burglar down and shot him in the back OFF his property. THAT is why he was charged. The headline I got on the story was that he shot him in self defense. Then when they went into the details, you realize he was chased down the street and shot.

That's what I heard on 1010WINS.

In New York State, that's a crime.

Then he lives in the wrong State.

In Florida, if the burglar/robber has your personal property you are allowed to chase him and use whatever force is necessary to retrieve your property.

If I were chasing him and shot him, I PROMISE you, they would find my personal property on him.

See, people.... Even living in a dimocrap State is bad for you.

You need to think about that.

I remember when cops would help you drag the guy you shot inside in order to make sure the assholes DA couldn't charge you with murder for shooing a burglar outside.
He didn't need to be slaughtered, but he did fuck up royally. The owner's actions should have saved the taxpayers money defending his worthless ass, and it prevented him from ever trying it again. Instead they decide to persecute 7 months later for what purpose? Looks like another political witch hunt.

Seems to me you don't mind gun ownership as much as you mind lawful gun ownership used in self-defense. That's what seems to bother you.

It would be dandy if you responded to what I wrote instead of what you think I wrote.

For example, I wrote the following: "Sure reeks of political motivation on the part of the DA since they seem to have brought up the seemingly immaterial criminal record of the accused....why is it valid?"

I agree, it seems really strange that it took 7 months to bring charges--there is some ulterior motive behind this it would appear.

As for "what bothers me"...nothing particularly about this case outside of the political nature of the charges... I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing. Maybe in "gun owner's class" (if there is such a thing), they need to go over the do's and don'ts???

So if we agree what is the point of contention?

I'm not sure we have one....

I think that the shooter is very likely guilty of reckless endangerment if he's firing into someone else's backyard as (if he had a shotgun), he's definitely possibly endangering others. The DA shouldn't be going for manslaughter based on what I know from the news reports I have seen. That is not only stigmatizing to the accused but it is going to be damn hard to prove given that, I believe, many would have acted the same way. As you said...are you going to wait for them to come back?

You're bringing up Trayvon Martin seems to be pretty idiotic; maybe it was brought up by others first though...I saw TM was on this thread so it's more than likely you were talking to him/her/it. I have him/her/it on ignore.
That's what I heard on 1010WINS.

In New York State, that's a crime.

Then he lives in the wrong State.

In Florida, if the burglar/robber has your personal property you are allowed to chase him and use whatever force is necessary to retrieve your property.

If I were chasing him and shot him, I PROMISE you, they would find my personal property on him.

See, people.... Even living in a dimocrap State is bad for you.

You need to think about that.

There are reasons that a sane state like New York prohibits you from wildly firing at people running away.

1. They no longer pose a threat to you.
2. Recovering property is not a justification for killing a human being.
3. You may injure or kill people not at all involved in any crime.

Yet cops do it all the time.

Until you, personally, insist that every single cop who ever shoots anyone who is unarmed and/or running away, don't try to use the fact that the law treats civilians differently as an excuse to dump on people just because you are afraid of guns.
That's what I heard on 1010WINS.

In New York State, that's a crime.

Then he lives in the wrong State.

In Florida, if the burglar/robber has your personal property you are allowed to chase him and use whatever force is necessary to retrieve your property.

If I were chasing him and shot him, I PROMISE you, they would find my personal property on him.

See, people.... Even living in a dimocrap State is bad for you.

You need to think about that.

I remember when cops would help you drag the guy you shot inside in order to make sure the assholes DA couldn't charge you with murder for shooing a burglar outside.

Not sure of the details (or if it's true) but I heard the story once of a guy who killed someone standing on his porch trying to break in. He shot him through the screen door. When the cops arrived, they told him to replace the screen as they drove around the block a few times. When they got back and "arrived" on the scene, the crime scene photos revealed a screen door without a hole in it meaning that the recently deceased had the door open.

Justice was served IMHO.

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