Even I'm surprised. Household debt hits 16 trillion

Hudson is a national treasure. He’s exposed the scam and like you stated, it looks to be coming to an end.

What’s most disappointing about the scam (besides creating an imperialist empire), is the vast majority of the wealth it generated wasn’t used to improve our nation‘s infrastructure, healthcare, or education. It was given to a select few elites.

Hudson's a Marxist economist.
Why did Marxism work out so well in the USSR?
Hudson's a Marxist economist.
Why did Marxism work out so well in the USSR?
You don’t know what Marxism is. You do know that anyone who criticizes or exposes the fraud that is our economic system, is a commie or Marxist. Lol.

Such simple minds you duopoly dupes have.
How about this? You stop borrowing more money than you can pay back.

Sounds good?
I haven't borrowed any money in decades. so why don't you tell "status-quo Joe" to stop patronizing parasites who get rich from saddling millions of Americans with student loan and medical debt?

"Former Vice President Joe Biden told a room of affluent New York donors on Tuesday night that he doesn’t think it’s appropriate to 'demonize' the rich.

"'You know, what I’ve found is rich people are just as patriotic as poor people. Not a joke. I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,' Biden told about 100 donors at the Carlyle Hotel on the Upper East Side, multiple media outlets reported."

Biden promises wealthy donors he would not 'demonize' the rich
I haven't borrowed any money in decades. so why don't you tell "status-quo Joe" to stop patronizing parasites who get rich from saddling millions of Americans with student loan and medical debt?

"Former Vice President Joe Biden told a room of affluent New York donors on Tuesday night that he doesn’t think it’s appropriate to 'demonize' the rich.

"'You know, what I’ve found is rich people are just as patriotic as poor people. Not a joke. I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,' Biden told about 100 donors at the Carlyle Hotel on the Upper East Side, multiple media outlets reported."

Biden promises wealthy donors he would not 'demonize' the rich

A lot of other people are borrowing money they can't pay back. Kinda stupid of them,isn't it?
A lot of other people are borrowing money they can't pay back. Kinda stupid of them,isn't it?
Not if neoliberal economic policies over the past forty years have raised the cost of living and doing business to such an extent that millions of Americans can't afford to pay rent, buy food, and obtain educational and medical services without borrowing.
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A lot of other people are borrowing money they can't pay back. Kinda stupid of them,isn't it?
Guess who is the biggest borrower and won’t ever pay it back? If you said the USG, you win the booby prize.
Not if neoliberal economic policies over the past forty years have raised the cost of living and doing business to such an extent that millions of Americans can't afford to pay rent, buy food, and obtain education and medical services without borrowing.
It is the cost of government that has increased tremendously. Back in the 1950s the combined cost of federal, state and local government was in the teens percent of GDP and our country thrived and the middle class grew. Now it is almost 40% of the GDP and it is a great burden on the productive economy resulting in less family income. Also, the filthy government trying to regulate everything under the sun from housing construction to parking spaces and all those things are a great burden on the economy. Just look how Potatohead is affecting the cost of gas at the pump with his deranged ass kissing of the Environmental wackos as an example.

The best way not to be poor? Don't help elect Leftest politicians that screw up everything with failed Leftest policies.

However, the Moon bats do elect Leftest turds and then they complain about the consequences of their stupidity.
It is the cost of government that has increased tremendously. Back in the 1950s the combined cost of federal, state and local government was in the teens percent of GDP and our country thrived and the middle class grew. Now it is almost 40% of the GDP and it is a great burden on the productive economy resulting in less family income. Also, the filthy government trying to regulate everything under the sun from housing construction to parking spaces and all those things are a great burden on the economy. Just look how Potatohead is affecting the cost of gas at the pump with his deranged ass kissing of the Environmental wackos as an example.

The best way not to be poor? Don't help elect Leftest politicians that screw up everything with failed Leftest policies.

However, the Moon bats do elect Leftest turds and then they complain about the consequences of their stupidity.

Sacrificing for a war in Ukraine that didn't have to be while defense companies make record profits. When will the people learn that their interests & interests of warmongering capitalist are not the same? End the war in Ukraine, abolish NATO, reject "full spectrum dominance."

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