Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Condemnation to hell for those who continue in disbelief of Jesus.

John 3*(English Standard Version)

For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.*And this is the judgment:*the light has come into the world, and*people loved the darkness rather than the light because*their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,*lest his works should be exposed.*But whoever*does what is true*comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

Were those the words of Jesus himself, or the words of a well-meaning and fallible apostle, written much later?
Lament over Jerusalem

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that*kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have*gathered*your children together*as a hen gathers her brood*under her wings, and*you were not willing!*See,*your house is left to you desolate.*For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say,*‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Jesus very clearly says He is not with Jews until they accept Him as Messiah and Lord.

So, I expect the rocket attacks that mostly fall on open land and hurt noone are allowed by God because of Israels continuing disobedience to God.

WTF did I just read?????????

Does she not understand he is talking about temple corruption because of Roman appointments?

blah blah blah ...... she does go on with no real comprehension of what she claims to be reading and quoting.

Her parents shook her too hard as a toddler??
I am not the judge of any man.

But I have a mind to think and reason with and I do not believe Ariel Sharon died believing in Jesus. If that is the case, as I expect it is, I do believe he is in hell right now.

Now, what we call this is believing the words of Jesus and setting forth the consequences of what he says.

No lies here.

Mrs. Sherri had the pitchfork that Mr. Lucifer gave her as a present for Christmas right besides her computer when she typed the above. Poor Jesus, I think he would barf if he could read Mrs. Sherri's posts.
Jesus words are in red at link. That's all of what is below except said Jesus.

3:10-21 -*"So you are a teacher of Israel,"*said Jesus,*"and you do not recognise such things? I assure you that we are talking about something we really know and we are witnessing to something we have actually observed, yet men like you will not accept our evidence. Yet if I have spoken to you about things which happen on this earth and you will not believe me, what chance is there that you will believe me if I tell you about what happens in Heaven? No one has ever been up to Heaven except the Son of Man who came down from Heaven. The Son of Man must be lifted above the heads of men - as Moses lifted up that serpent in the desert - so that any man who believes in him may have eternal life. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that every one who believes in him shall not be lost, but should have eternal life. You must understand that God has not sent his Son into the world to pass sentence upon it, but to save it - through him. Any man who believes in him is not judged at all. It is the one who will not believe who stands already condemned, because he will not believe in the character of God's only Son. This is the judgment - that light has entered the world and men have preferred darkness to light because their deeds are evil. Anybody who does wrong hates the light and keeps away from it, for fear his deeds may be exposed. But anybody who is living by the truth will come to the light to make it plain that all he has done has been done through God."

Johns gospel - Jesus words in red
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Saying Sharon is in hell is me expressing my opinion, there is no lie in having an opinion.
Serving up a judgmental opinion is an exercise in judging.

Claiming that you do not judge - and then being caught serving-up a judgmental opinion - renders the claim eligible for labeling as a lie.

Or so it seems to this observer.

Bloodrock can help to sort through that upon his return.
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Jesus words are in red at link. That's all of what is below except said Jesus.

3:10-21 -*"So you are a teacher of Israel,"*said Jesus,*"and you do not recognise such things? I assure you that we are talking about something we really know and we are witnessing to something we have actually observed, yet men like you will not accept our evidence. Yet if I have spoken to you about things which happen on this earth and you will not believe me, what chance is there that you will believe me if I tell you about what happens in Heaven? No one has ever been up to Heaven except the Son of Man who came down from Heaven. The Son of Man must be lifted above the heads of men - as Moses lifted up that serpent in the desert - so that any man who believes in him may have eternal life. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that every one who believes in him shall not be lost, but should have eternal life. You must understand that God has not sent his Son into the world to pass sentence upon it, but to save it - through him. Any man who believes in him is not judged at all. It is the one who will not believe who stands already condemned, because he will not believe in the character of God's only Son. This is the judgment - that light has entered the world and men have preferred darkness to light because their deeds are evil. Anybody who does wrong hates the light and keeps away from it, for fear his deeds may be exposed. But anybody who is living by the truth will come to the light to make it plain that all he has done has been done through God."

Johns gospel - Jesus words in red

He is speaking to Nicodemus

The wind bloweth where it will, and thou hearest the voice thereof, but knowest not whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
A much bigger problem for you is rejecting Jesus as Messiah.

I am not the judge of any man.

But I have a mind to think and reason with and I do not believe Ariel Sharon died believing in Jesus. If that is the case, as I expect it is, I do believe he is in hell right now.

Now, what we call this is believing the words of Jesus and setting forth the consequences of what he says.

No lies here.

Mrs. Sherri had the pitchfork that Mr. Lucifer gave her as a present for Christmas right besides her computer when she typed the above. Poor Jesus, I think he would barf if he could read Mrs. Sherri's posts.
So what?

He wrote "Palestine" in multiple places in his writings 2460 years ago.
Irsael was written about 3244 Years ago

Biblical Archaeology
Biblical Archaeology

"The Merneptah Stele (also known as the Israel Stele) is an upright stone slab measuring over seven feet tall that contains carved hieroglyphic text dating to approximately 1230 BC. The Egyptian stele describes the military victories of Pharaoh Merneptah and includes the earliest mention of "Israel" outside the Bible. Although the specific battles covered by the stele are not included in the Bible, the stele establishes Extra-Biblical Evidence that the Israelites were already living as a people in ancient Canaan by 1230 BC.

In addition to the Stele, a large wall picture was discovered in the great Karnak Temple of Luxor (ancient Thebes), which shows battle scenes between the Egyptians and Israelites. These scenes have also been attributed to Pharaoh Merneptah and date to approximately 1209 BC. The Karnak Temple also contains records of Pharaoh Shishak'smilitary victories about 280 years later. Specifically, the Shishak Relief depicts Egypt's victory over King Rehoboam in about 925 BC, when Solomon's Temple in Judah was plundered...."

Outside Egypt, we also discover a Wealth of evidence for the early Israelites. The Moabite Stone (Mesha Stele) is a three-foot stone slab discovered near Dibon, East of the Dead Sea, that describes the reign of Mesha, King of Moab, around 850 BC. According to Genesis 19, the Moabites were neighbors of the Israelites. The stele covers victories by King Omri and Ahab of Israel against Moab, and Mesha's later victories on behalf of Moab against King Ahab's descendants..... The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser is a seven-foot, four-sided pillar of basalt that describes the victories of King Shalmaneser III of Assyria. Dated to about 841 BC, the Obelisk was discovered in the ancient palace of Nimrud and shows Israel's King Jehu kneeling before the Assyrian king in humble tribute...."

The House of David and Solomon's Temple

Biblical archaeology covering ancient Israeli kings and culture received a huge lift in 1994 when archaeologists discovered a stone inscription at the ancient city of Dan, which refers to the "House of David." The House of David Inscription (Tel Dan Inscription) is important because it's the first ancient reference to King David outside the Bible. Specifically, the stone is a victory pillar of a King in Damascus dated about 250 years after David's reign, which mentions a "king of Israel" (probably Joram, son of Ahab) and a king of the "House of David" (probably Ahaziah of Judah).

Another important find is the House of Yahweh Ostracon, which is a pottery shard dated to about 800 BC that contains a written receipt for a donation of silver shekels to Solomon's Temple. Written approximately 130 years after the completion of the Temple, this appears to be the earliest mention of Solomon's Temple outside the Bible...

The Merneptah Stele, 1230 BC

The "what" is:
1. ISRAEL (JEWISH Israel) Pre-dates the general Name 'palestein' by 800 Years.
2. The name means nothing without knowing who lived there.
Arabs didn't arrive until Mohammed-the-pirate lit a fire under their Larcenous asses in the 7th c AD, and they raped and pillaged for a thousand miles in every direction. Of course, most 'palestinkians' are Recent immigrants from other arab and non-arab lands in any case.
3. ergo, Today's Palestinkians have about as much to do with "Herodotus" as you do with telling the truth. Zero.

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And your point is?

Jesus words are in red at link. That's all of what is below except said Jesus.

3:10-21 -*"So you are a teacher of Israel,"*said Jesus,*"and you do not recognise such things? I assure you that we are talking about something we really know and we are witnessing to something we have actually observed, yet men like you will not accept our evidence. Yet if I have spoken to you about things which happen on this earth and you will not believe me, what chance is there that you will believe me if I tell you about what happens in Heaven? No one has ever been up to Heaven except the Son of Man who came down from Heaven. The Son of Man must be lifted above the heads of men - as Moses lifted up that serpent in the desert - so that any man who believes in him may have eternal life. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that every one who believes in him shall not be lost, but should have eternal life. You must understand that God has not sent his Son into the world to pass sentence upon it, but to save it - through him. Any man who believes in him is not judged at all. It is the one who will not believe who stands already condemned, because he will not believe in the character of God's only Son. This is the judgment - that light has entered the world and men have preferred darkness to light because their deeds are evil. Anybody who does wrong hates the light and keeps away from it, for fear his deeds may be exposed. But anybody who is living by the truth will come to the light to make it plain that all he has done has been done through God."

Johns gospel - Jesus words in red

He is speaking to Nicodemus

The wind bloweth where it will, and thou hearest the voice thereof, but knowest not whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Jesus very clearly says He is not with Jews until they accept Him as Messiah and Lord.

So, I expect the rocket attacks that mostly fall on open land and hurt noone are allowed by God because of Israels continuing disobedience to God.

WTF did I just read?????????
Now, maybe the lunatic can tell us why most Muslim countries are backwards ass barbarian shitholes of corruption, oppression, and terror, while Israel prospers and gets stronger every day. LOL
God judges , that is what I said.

Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Sharon is in hell right now unless by some miracle He repented from his many sins and accepted Jesus as Messiah in the midst of his coma.

Thank you, God , for justly taking care of all those who reject you as Messiah.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!

The readers will note that Satanic Sherri was accused of judging Sharon and condemning him to hell. She denied this and said "God judges, that is what I said". As you can clearly see in the bold print, this is a bald faced lie. Judge for yourself, fellow readers. If she lied about this, how can you believe anything she says? She has been asked multiple times to explain her lie but refuses and deflects by calling me the liar. Judge for yourself readers.
Dealing with embassies and funeral arrangements is almost pleasant by compassion
There is something useful in Sherri's posts after all.
Yet, Jihad Sherri continues slandering and lying about Jesus when she claims him to be a Palestinian from Palestine. When Jesus himself says who he is in the New Testament in Romans 11:

"I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin."

So, how come Jesus didn't call himself a Paleshitian? LOL
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Jesus very clearly says He is not with Jews until they accept Him as Messiah and Lord.

So, I expect the rocket attacks that mostly fall on open land and hurt noone are allowed by God because of Israels continuing disobedience to God.

WTF did I just read?????????
Now, maybe the lunatic can tell us why most Muslim countries are backwards ass barbarian shitholes of corruption, oppression, and terror, while Israel prospers and gets stronger every day. LOL

Listen, the big issue here since we know she is mentally sick is why someone in her community doesn't suggest her going to a large city near her town and finding a psychiatrist or psychologist who can finally help her. I think all the readers are aware that no sane person sits in her home day after day around the clock on the Internet. In a way it is sad that a life is being wasted because of getting no help for mental problems.
So what?

Irsael was written about 3244 Years ago

Biblical Archaeology
Biblical Archaeology

The Merneptah Stele, 1230 BC

The "what" is:
1. ISRAEL (JEWISH Israel) Pre-dates the general Name 'palestein' by 800 Years.
2. The name means nothing without knowing who lived there.
Arabs didn't arrive until Mohammed-the-pirate lit a fire under their Larcenous asses in the 7th c AD, and they raped and pillaged for a thousand miles in every direction. Of course, most 'palestinkians' are Recent immigrants from other arab and non-arab lands in any case.
3. ergo, Today's Palestinkians have about as much to do with "Herodotus" as you do with telling the truth. Zero.

And to add to that, Herodotus was talking about the coastal region of Philistine, having nothing to do with Judeah which is not coastal at all. The witch is using a common Muslim tactic, using the similarities between these two words as though they are the same.
I suggest you consider giving your life to Jesus and praying to God for answers to all your questions.

Your assumptions are not my assumptions and your questions are not my questions.

Jesus very clearly says He is not with Jews until they accept Him as Messiah and Lord.

So, I expect the rocket attacks that mostly fall on open land and hurt noone are allowed by God because of Israels continuing disobedience to God.

WTF did I just read?????????
Now, maybe the lunatic can tell us why most Muslim countries are backwards ass barbarian shitholes of corruption, oppression, and terror, while Israel prospers and gets stronger every day. LOL
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