Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Quit digging that hole Satanic Sherri...the readers can clearly see you are a bald faced liar!

What Satanic Sherri claims she said: God judges, that is what I said.

What Satanic Sherri actually said: Sharon is in hell right now

Still think his death is funny Satanic Sherri? Still celebrating? Still thanking God for killing him?

I ask the readers, is this the example of a true Christian?
You obviously have no idea what God's judgment is.

Saying Sharon is in hell is me expressing my opinion, there is no lie in having an opinion.
Serving up a judgmental opinion is an exercise in judging.

Claiming that you do not judge - and then being caught serving-up a judgmental opinion - renders the claim eligible for labeling as a lie.

Or so it seems to this observer.

Bloodrock can help to sort through that upon his return.
I believe Sharon is in hell.

So what?

God judges him, not me.

I did not send him to hell.

As Jesus says, disbelief in Him sends us to hell.

Quit digging that hole Satanic Sherri...the readers can clearly see you are a bald faced liar!

What Satanic Sherri claims she said: God judges, that is what I said.

What Satanic Sherri actually said: Sharon is in hell right now

Still think his death is funny Satanic Sherri? Still celebrating? Still thanking God for killing him?

I ask the readers, is this the example of a true Christian?
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You obviously have no idea what God's judgment is.

Saying Sharon is in hell is me expressing my opinion, there is no lie in having an opinion.
Serving up a judgmental opinion is an exercise in judging.

Claiming that you do not judge - and then being caught serving-up a judgmental opinion - renders the claim eligible for labeling as a lie.

Or so it seems to this observer.

Bloodrock can help to sort through that upon his return.

You and your twisted colon viewpoint is not it
It is Jesus who speaks about condemnation for disbelief in Him.

Why do you keep rejecting Jesus words?

Quit digging that hole Satanic Sherri...the readers can clearly see you are a bald faced liar!

Once again, Satanic Sherri, and how many times do I need to tell you, I have accepted every word Jesus uttered. You are the one who distorts, lies and changes scripture to serve your demented purpose. Let remind you of the sins you're committing. You lie, blaspheme, condemn, judge and bear false witness just to mention a few. If you think you are ready to stand before God on judgment day...well, good luck with that.
I believe Sharon is in hell.

So what?

God judges Him, not me.

I did not send him to hell.

As Jesus says, disbelief in Him sends us to hell.

Quit digging that hole Satanic Sherri...the readers can clearly see you are a bald faced liar!

What Satanic Sherri claims she said: God judges, that is what I said.

What Satanic Sherri actually said: Sharon is in hell right now

Still think his death is funny Satanic Sherri? Still celebrating? Still thanking God for killing him?

I ask the readers, is this the example of a true Christian?

So what? You lied when you denied saying Sharon was in hell. You are not squirming out of this you lying imp of Satan. Admit you lied and ask Jesus to forgive you. You'll feel much better.
I believe Sharon is in hell.

So what?

God judges Him, not me.

I did not send him to hell.

As Jesus says, disbelief in Him sends us to hell.

Quit digging that hole Satanic Sherri...the readers can clearly see you are a bald faced liar!

What Satanic Sherri claims she said: God judges, that is what I said.

What Satanic Sherri actually said: Sharon is in hell right now

Still think his death is funny Satanic Sherri? Still celebrating? Still thanking God for killing him?

I ask the readers, is this the example of a true Christian?

Dayim...another lie! You did judge him. YOU said he is in hell right now. That's judging. You are damaged goods, Satanic Sherri. How can anyone believe anything you say when they can clearly see you tell so many lies?
Sherri sure tries hard to fool us about Jesus & his love for his people of Zion.
Sherri sure tries hard to fool us about Jesus & his love for his people of Zion.

It seems as though she wants to drive people *away* from Jesus...... almost like she wants to keep him all to herself. Kinda reminds me of that schmuck Benny Hinn burbling about 'the consummation of the celestial marriage' - you'd never have imagined the topic was something spiritual.

'Scuse me - gotta go disinfect my mind's eye from that memory (((((shudder!)))))
I said God judged him, not me.

My saying he is in hell is not judging him, stop lying, Satan.

I am still saying that.

No lies.

I believe Sharon is in hell.

So what?

God judges Him, not me.

I did not send him to hell.

As Jesus says, disbelief in Him sends us to hell.

What Satanic Sherri claims she said: God judges, that is what I said.

What Satanic Sherri actually said: Sharon is in hell right now

Still think his death is funny Satanic Sherri? Still celebrating? Still thanking God for killing him?

I ask the readers, is this the example of a true Christian?

So what? You lied when you denied saying Sharon was in hell. You are not squirming out of this you lying imp of Satan. Admit you lied and ask Jesus to forgive you. You'll feel much better.
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His people are Jews and Gentiles who believe in Him.

The more accurate statement is perhaps the children of God are Jews and Gentiles who believe in Him.

Sherri sure tries hard to fool us about Jesus & his love for his people of Zion.
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As I keep repeating judgment is for God.

But Jesus says we actually are condemned by our disbelief in Him.

So, I conclude Sharon is in hell because I don't think he died believing in Jesus.

You obviously have no idea what God's judgment is.

Serving up a judgmental opinion is an exercise in judging.

Claiming that you do not judge - and then being caught serving-up a judgmental opinion - renders the claim eligible for labeling as a lie.

Or so it seems to this observer.

Bloodrock can help to sort through that upon his return.

You and your twisted colon viewpoint is not it
Question: "Are we all God's children, or only Christians?"

Answer:The Bible is clear that all people are God’s creation (Colossians 1:16), and that God loves the entire world (John 3:16), but only those who are born again are children of God (John 1:12;11:52;Romans 8:16;1 John 3:1-10).

In Scripture, the lost are never referred to as children of God.Ephesians 2:3tells us that before we were saved we were “by nature objects of wrath.”Romans 9:8says that “it is not the natural children who are God's children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham's offspring.” Instead of being born as God’s children, we are born in sin, which separates us from God and aligns us with Satan as God’s enemy (James 4:4;1 John 3:8). Jesus said, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me” (John 8:42). Then a few verses later inJohn 8:44, Jesus told the Pharisees that they “belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire.” The fact that those who are not saved are not children of God is also seen in1 John 3:10: “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.”

Read more:Are we all God's children, or only Christians?

Are we all God's children, or only Christians?
Here are Jesus words about the people in Jerusalem.

Lament over Jerusalem

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that*kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have*gathered*your children together*as a hen gathers her brood*under her wings, and*you were not willing!*See,*your house is left to you desolate.*For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say,*‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

His people are Jews and Gentiles who believe in Him.

The more accurate statement is perhaps the children of God are Jews and Gentiles who believe in Him.

Sherri sure tries hard to fool us about Jesus & his love for his people of Zion.
I said God judged him, not me.

My saying he is in hell is not judging him, stop lying, Satan.

I am still saying that.

No lies.

I believe Sharon is in hell.

So what?

God judges Him, not me.

I did not send him to hell.

As Jesus says, disbelief in Him sends us to hell.

So what? You lied when you denied saying Sharon was in hell. You are not squirming out of this you lying imp of Satan. Admit you lied and ask Jesus to forgive you. You'll feel much better.

The readers can see your own words. They know a bald faced lie when they see one.

You have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth. Proverbs 6:2

By your words you will be justified, by your words you will be condemned. Jesus in Matthew 12:37

Admit your sin of lying and repent you fucking heathen
One more time, God judges people, not me.

I am not God, I have no capacity to send people to hell.

But I know, because Jesus says it, that people who die not believing in Jesus go to hell.

Sharon did not believe in Jesus so I know he is in hell.

I am not responsible for the man's killing or his disbelief in Jesus.

I said God judged him, not me.

My saying he is in hell is not judging him, stop lying, Satan.

I am still saying that.

No lies.

So what? You lied when you denied saying Sharon was in hell. You are not squirming out of this you lying imp of Satan. Admit you lied and ask Jesus to forgive you. You'll feel much better.

The readers can see your own words. They know a bald faced lie when they see one.

You have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth. Proverbs 6:2

By your words you will be justified, by your words you will be condemned. Jesus in Matthew 12:37

Admit your sin of lying and repent you fucking heathen
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