Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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even roman money
Problem is if we educate Sherri, she will leave us. Then where will we go for fun & laughs?

Whatever Jesus was, as defined by his ethnicity or the geography of where He lived, He is not and never was a Zionist.
Whatever? Jesus tells us who he is. An Israelite and lover of his people and ZION. Stop slandering and lying about Jesus.

Romans 11:

"I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin."

Ever opened the New testament? Or do you just copy and paste irrelevant verses like a monkey?
I am avoiding answering no questions that relate to the thread topic here, which is a lying Zionist claim that Jesus is a Zionist.

I suggest you consider giving your life to Jesus and praying to God for answers to all your questions.

Your assumptions are not my assumptions and your questions are not my questions.

I suggest you answer the questions instead of trying to make people become Christians.

If you're such a great believer grab your Bible and hit the streets and start preaching to the public. Of course this you will never go up and ask the same from those Hell-bound Muslims that you are so close to, probably because they might smash our head in.

What a fucking phony baloney hypocrite. LOL
Then you had better read the rules to the forum, The topic here is Even Jesus Is A Zionist. What makes you think he's not a Zionist when he says he is?.
It is Jesus who speaks about condemnation for disbelief in Him.

Why do you keep rejecting Jesus words?

Quit digging that hole Satanic Sherri...the readers can clearly see you are a bald faced liar!

Once again, Satanic Sherri, and how many times do I need to tell you, I have accepted every word Jesus uttered. You are the one who distorts, lies and changes scripture to serve your demented purpose. Let remind you of the sins you're committing. You lie, blaspheme, condemn, judge and bear false witness just to mention a few. If you think you are ready to stand before God on judgment day...well, good luck with that.
Jihad Sherri on Judgement Day:



Got to admit getting the blood pressure up is a good way to avoid crying. I'll be doing enough of that on Saturday.
It is darn near impossible to transport a body or ashes to the middle east, and you need not days but weeks to get all the papers and documents required, just to declare him dead. Then power of attorney takes even more weeks.
Not even for a General will the red tape part.

Problem is if we educate Sherri, she will leave us. Then where will we go for fun & laughs?

Whatever Jesus was, as defined by his ethnicity or the geography of where He lived, He is not and never was a Zionist.
Whatever? Jesus tells us who he is. An Israelite and lover of his people and ZION. Stop slandering and lying about Jesus.

Romans 11:

"I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin."

Ever opened the New testament? Or do you just copy and paste irrelevant verses like a monkey?

Is she getting the idea yet? I could keep at this if she doesn't
One would have to have a certain capacity and intellectual honesty, to get an idea.

A ten ton truck load of maps isn't going to do much then. Still maybe someone else reading might be helped.
We're talking basic education here. I think it's middle school where they teach you in world history that the Roman invasion and sacking of Jerusalem did not occur until until 60 AD.

Does anybody know if Jihad Sherri made it past elementary? Islamists always prey on the weak, feeble minded, ignorant, illiterate, and mentally ill morons (all of which apply to Jihad Sherri), and then fill up their minds with whatever crap they want.
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More lies from the Jesus slanderer who keeps on proving to all there is simply no truth in a Zionist.

Palestine has been called Palestine for 2460 years, get it through your pea brain, challenged one.

One would have to have a certain capacity and intellectual honesty, to get an idea.

A ten ton truck load of maps isn't going to do much then. Still maybe someone else reading might be helped.
We're talking basic education here. I think it's middle school where they teach you in world history that the Roman invasion and sacking of Jerusalem did not occur until until 60 AD.

Does anybody know if Jihad Sherri made it past elementary? Islamists always prey on the weak, feeble minded, ignorant, illiterate, and mentally ill morons (all of which apply to Jihad Sherri), and then fill up their minds with whatever crap they want.
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