Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Zionists always prey on the Gentile child.and the innocent.

How many Gentile children have you killed?

How much blood of the innocent is on your hands?

Thank God I'm not a Zionist, is my daily praise to God.

Thank Jesus I am not a Zionist.

One would have to have a certain capacity and intellectual honesty, to get an idea.

A ten ton truck load of maps isn't going to do much then. Still maybe someone else reading might be helped.
We're talking basic education here. I think it's middle school where they teach you in world history that the Roman invasion and sacking of Jerusalem did not occur until until 60 AD.

Does anybody know if Jihad Sherri made it past elementary? Islamists always prey on the weak, feeble minded, ignorant, illiterate, and mentally ill morons (all of which apply to Jihad Sherri), and then fill up their minds with whatever crap they want.
Zionists always prey on the Gentile child.and the innocent.

How many Gentile children have you killed?

How much blood of the innocent is on your hands?

Thank God I'm not a Zionist, is my daily praise to God.

Thank Jesus I am not a Zionist.

A ten ton truck load of maps isn't going to do much then. Still maybe someone else reading might be helped.
We're talking basic education here. I think it's middle school where they teach you in world history that the Roman invasion and sacking of Jerusalem did not occur until until 60 AD.

Does anybody know if Jihad Sherri made it past elementary? Islamists always prey on the weak, feeble minded, ignorant, illiterate, and mentally ill morons (all of which apply to Jihad Sherri), and then fill up their minds with whatever crap they want.
Why should anyone read your propaganda posts, Israeli shill?

What are you babbling about?

The question, posed immediately following two calls to watch propaganda videos, is self-explanatory.

Translation: "Why should we bother to watch your propaganda videos?"

There... distilled down to terms so simple that even you can understand them.
You first...

Answer the question...

Why should anyone bother to view your propaganda videos?
Watch "Map of Palestinian and Jewish land 1946-2009-Gaza under Fire" on YouTube

Watch "Palestine Before Israel - Maps" on YouTube

>>Jesus lived in a land known as Palestine.

This is true no matter how many times you lie and deny it.

No, it was not named palestine by the romans till over 50 years after his death.

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Some people care about Truth.

So they watch Truth being brought into Light.

Some people like you choose darkness over light every time.

Why should anyone read your propaganda posts, Israeli shill?

The question, posed immediately following two calls to watch propaganda videos, is self-explanatory.

Translation: "Why should we bother to watch your propaganda videos?"

There... distilled down to terms so simple that even you can understand them.
You first...

Answer the question...

Why should anyone bother to view your propaganda videos?
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Our world is filled with maps.

Christian Bibles are filled with maps labeled Palestine when Jesus lived.


There are a lot more
Christian Bibles may be utilized reasonably reliably as a transmission mechanism for relaying the early teachings and verbiage of Christianity from one generation to the next.

Christian Bibles sometimes contain maps which are modern-day reconstructions of amateur-caliber publisher's understandings of political divisions of the times as applied to geographic features.

A map which labels the region as anything other than the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah prior to the Roman conquest, or a map which labels the region as anything other than the Roman client-state and province of Judea during the life of Jesus, or anything other than Syria-Palestina, after the 70 A.D. destruction of Jerusalem, during the remainder of the Roman era, is in error...

Regardless of whether or not it is published in some edition or another of the Bible...
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Kondor showing us his shit certainly llustrates he is full of BS.

Noone cares to look at Kondor shit.

Get over yourself Zionist.
Watch "Palestine Before Israel - Maps" on YouTube

Typical propaganda BS post.

I choose to believe The Christian Bible over Kondor propaganda.

I choose to believe Jesus over Kondor, the Jesus in John 3:16 who says there He is the Son of God.

It's not difficult for me at all to choose Jesus and His Truth over Kondor and his propaganda.

Our world is filled with maps.

Christian Bibles are filled with maps labeled Palestine when Jesus lived.


There are a lot more
Christian Bibles may be utilized reasonably reliably as a transmission mechanism for relaying the early teachings and verbiage of Christianity from one generation to the next.

Christian Bibles sometimes contain maps which are modern-day reconstructions of amateur-caliber publisher's understandings of political divisions of the times as applied to geographic features.

A map which labels the region as anything other than the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah prior to the Roman conquest, or a map which labels the region as anything other than the Roman client-state and province of Judea during the life of Jesus, or anything other than Syria-Palestina, after the 70 A.D. destruction of Jerusalem, during the remainder of the Roman era, is in error...

Regardless of whether or not it is published in some edition or another of the Bible...
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Why are there references to Palestine but not to jews in Herodotus?His "Histories' is the most comprehensive and earliest study of the region. Why no references that any of this alleged jewish history in their religious writings? Why all the references to Syria and Palestine?

Best Answer*(Chosen by Asker)The general view is that they were there,but that their "kingdoms" were very actually small tribes. Try putting "Herodotus/ jews" into google and you will find a wide range of pro-con websites. However,Palestine is referenced extensively in Herodotus,and he recaps Egyptian history with great detail. There are no references to Judea and Samaria so they clearly belong to a much later era - and the tale of David may be consigned to mythology.

Why are there references to Palestine but not to jews in Herodotus? - Yahoo Answers
Palestine&#8221; in the BibleWhat have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Sidon,*
and all the coasts of*Palestine? (Joel 3:4a = 4:4a Heb)

The people shall hear, and be afraid;
sorrow shall take hold of the inhabitants of*Palestina. (Exod 15:14)

Rejoice not thou, whole*Palestina*... (Isa 14:29a)

Howl, O gate; cry, O city,
thou whole*Palestina, art dissolved. (Isa 14:31a)

Hebrew Streams: "Palestine" in the Bible
Books: herodotus (sorted by popularity) - Project Gutenberg

Herodotus seven references to Palestine in his writings 2460 years ago.

105. Thence they went on to invade Egypt; and when they were in Syria which
is called Palestine, Psammetichos king of Egypt met them; and by gifts and
entreaties he turned them from their purpose, so that they should not
advance any further: and as they retreated, when they came to the city of
Ascalon in Syria, most of the Scythians passed through without doing any
damage, but a few of them who had stayed behind plundered the temple of
Aphrodite Urania.

That this was so I conjectured myself not only because they are dark-skinned
and have curly hair (this of itself amounts to nothing, for there are other
races which are so), but also still more because the Colchians, Egyptians,
and Ethiopians alone of all the races of men have practised circumcision
from the first.* The Phenicians and the Syrians[88] who dwell in Palestine
confess themselves that they have learnt it from the Egyptians, and the
Syrians[89] about the river Thermodon and the river Parthenios, and the
Macronians, who are their neighbours, say that they have learnt it lately
from the Colchians.

106. The pillars which Sesostris of Egypt set up in the various countries
are for the most part no longer to be seen extant; but in Syria Palestine I
myself saw them existing with the inscription upon them which I have
mentioned and the emblem.

5. Now by this way only is there a known entrance to Egypt: for from
Phenicia to the borders of the city of Cadytis belongs to the Syrians[4] who
are called of Palestine, and from Cadytis, which is a city I suppose not
much less than Sardis, from this city the trading stations on the sea coast
as far as the city of Ienysos belong to the king of Arabia, and then from
Ienysos again the country belongs to the Syrians as far as the Serbonian
lake, along the side of which Mount Casion extends towards the Sea.

91. From that division which begins with the city of Posideion, founded by
Amphilochos the son of Amphiaraos on the borders of the Kilikians and the
Syrians, and extends as far as Egypt, not including the territory of the
Arabians (for this was free from payment), the amount was three hundred and
fifty talents; and in this division are the whole of Phenicia and Syria
which is called Palestine and Cyprus: this is the fifth division.

Now in the line stretching to Phenicia from the land of the Persians the
land is broad and the space abundant, but after Phenicia this peninsula goes
by the shore of our Sea along Palestine, Syria, and Egypt, where it ends;
and in it there are three nations only.

89. Of the triremes the number proved to be one thousand two hundred
and seven, and these were they who furnished them:--the Phenicians,
together with the Syrians[82] who dwell in Palestine furnished three
hundred; and they were equipped thus, that is to say, they had about
their heads leathern caps made very nearly in the Hellenic fashion,
and they wore corslets of linen, and had shields without rims and
javelins. These Phenicians dwelt in ancient time, as they themselves
report, upon the Erythraian Sea, and thence they passed over and dwell
in the country along the sea coast of Syria; and this part of Syria
and all as far as Egypt is called Palestine.

From the Project Gutenberg website.*

Added link
The Histories of Herodotus. Volumes I and II (complete): (the Histories of ... - Herodotus, G. C. Macaulay (Translated) - Google Books
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Why would any person choose to believe a poster here over Jesus and The Bible?

To return to thread topic, the claim is Jesus is a Zionist but Jesus own words in The Bible tell us He is the Son of God.
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