Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I don't think Jesus would be too pleased with Muslim Palestinians squatting on the land of his people.

In*Romans 11:26, therefore, Paul is talking about the salvation of ethnic Israel, which would take place, not necessarily at some time in the future, but throughout the history of salvation. Thus, “all Israel” does not mean Judaism of the last days. Even if “all” meant “every,” Paul could hardly be thinking only of the fraction of the Jews who would be alive at the end of time. This only reinforces the idea that*Romans 11:26*does not refer to political or geographical deliverance prior to Jesus’ second coming but to spiritual salvation.

God has not rejected Israel forever (v. 2). He still loves them (v. 28) and is still committed to them (v. 29), as the conversion of the remnant demonstrates. But God does not want to save only the remnant. He wants to save “all Israel,” and He is more than able to do so, as long as they turn to Jesus. Provision has been made for this to happen. In a complete reversal of Old Testament expectations, Paul trusts that the great Gentile ingathering may incite the Jewish people to jealousy and thus bring them to salvation. If they come, says Paul, this will have a powerful impact on the Christian world itself comparable to “life from the dead” (v. 15, NIV).

The mystery of Israel’s salvation: A study of Romans 11:26


>>Paul could hardly be thinking only of the fraction of the Jews who would be alive at the end of time.<<

So now you are a mind reader of some death for 2000 years??

Give it a rest! Paul taught his own form of Christianity, not that of the apostles or of Jesus' brother James, from Jerusalem.

In*Romans 11:26, therefore, Paul is talking about the salvation of ethnic Israel, which would take place, not necessarily at some time in the future, but throughout the history of salvation. Thus, “all Israel” does not mean Judaism of the last days. Even if “all” meant “every,” Paul could hardly be thinking only of the fraction of the Jews who would be alive at the end of time. This only reinforces the idea that*Romans 11:26*does not refer to political or geographical deliverance prior to Jesus’ second coming but to spiritual salvation.

God has not rejected Israel forever (v. 2). He still loves them (v. 28) and is still committed to them (v. 29), as the conversion of the remnant demonstrates. But God does not want to save only the remnant. He wants to save “all Israel,” and He is more than able to do so, as long as they turn to Jesus. Provision has been made for this to happen. In a complete reversal of Old Testament expectations, Paul trusts that the great Gentile ingathering may incite the Jewish people to jealousy and thus bring them to salvation. If they come, says Paul, this will have a powerful impact on the Christian world itself comparable to “life from the dead” (v. 15, NIV).

The mystery of Israel’s salvation: A study of Romans 11:26


>>Paul could hardly be thinking only of the fraction of the Jews who would be alive at the end of time.<<

So now you are a mind reader of some death for 2000 years??

Give it a rest! Paul taught his own form of Christianity, not that of the apostles or of Jesus' brother James, from Jerusalem.

Paul was a very practical person------He tried to create a "NEW WORLD" based
on jewish ethics-------he failed miserably
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

We know Jesus lived in Palestine because of Herodotus

I have repeatedly provided this explanation for how we know the land was called Palestine over and over .
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This article, read in its entirety , cleared things up for me.

What the Apostle Paul is addressing is Jews being saved from the beginning to the end, he is speaking of the complete history of Salvation. Before Jesus, Salvation was the old covenant and belief in the Messiah to come. With Jesus coming, Salvation is through belief in Him, for Jew and Gentile, and the time we have for Salvation is our lives or when Jesus returns, if His return comes before our physical lives end.

This is as far as Salvation reaches , that I can find certainty in from the Gospel of Jesus.

I will simply add I would not be surprised to learn one day that our God's capacity to save was broader then this even.


In*Romans 11:26, therefore, Paul is talking about the salvation of ethnic Israel, which would take place, not necessarily at some time in the future, but throughout the history of salvation. Thus, “all Israel” does not mean Judaism of the last days. Even if “all” meant “every,” Paul could hardly be thinking only of the fraction of the Jews who would be alive at the end of time. This only reinforces the idea that*Romans 11:26*does not refer to political or geographical deliverance prior to Jesus’ second coming but to spiritual salvation.

God has not rejected Israel forever (v. 2). He still loves them (v. 28) and is still committed to them (v. 29), as the conversion of the remnant demonstrates. But God does not want to save only the remnant. He wants to save “all Israel,” and He is more than able to do so, as long as they turn to Jesus. Provision has been made for this to happen. In a complete reversal of Old Testament expectations, Paul trusts that the great Gentile ingathering may incite the Jewish people to jealousy and thus bring them to salvation. If they come, says Paul, this will have a powerful impact on the Christian world itself comparable to “life from the dead” (v. 15, NIV).

The mystery of Israel’s salvation: A study of Romans 11:26


>>Paul could hardly be thinking only of the fraction of the Jews who would be alive at the end of time.<<

So now you are a mind reader of some death for 2000 years??

Give it a rest! Paul taught his own form of Christianity, not that of the apostles or of Jesus' brother James, from Jerusalem.
More Zionist lies from the Zionist slanderer.

Here Jihad Sherri is caught in another lie about Jesus which will make her go to hell. Her claim that "Jesus was a Palestinian that lived in Palestine".

Here's what Jesus said about himself in the New Testament. Can you understand English?

Romans 11: I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

There goes Jihad Sherri's Jesus was a Palestinian" myth down the toilet.
Oh, so Roudy is a liar because he quotes the first verse of Romans 11? I'm beginning to question your sanity. Read the damn verse, Heide, and then comment.
And from references of Greek writers, we know the boundaries of the land called Palestine varied and sometimes even included Syria. The land was sometimes called Syria as well or Syria Palestina .
We see an illustration of Palestine being called Syria in Matthew.
All the sherrliar's yipping about how *she* believes, she *believes*, she BELIEVES is not going to touch one single person outside her own filthy skin. It sure hasn't touched the one INside any........
Jihad Sherri slanders and LIES about Jesus when she claims him to be a Palestinian from Palestine when Jesus himself says who he is in the New Testament in Romans 11:

"I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin."

Da witch is goin' ta HELL.
All the sherrliar's yipping about how *she* believes, she *believes*, she BELIEVES is not going to touch one single person outside her own filthy skin. It sure hasn't touched the one INside any........
LOL The only thing "it" believes is Jew hatred.

Very Jesus-like behavior. Ha ha ha.
"...Paul was a very practical person------He tried to create a 'NEW WORLD' based on jewish ethics-------he failed miserably"
I'm not sure that I agree with this one; at least not completely.

As I understand it, from my own amateur-caliber historical reading over the years...

The sketchy information we have about Saul (Paul) of Tarsus leads us to believe that he quite probably was, indeed, a practical person, prior to his 'vision-experience' on the way to Damascus.

After that, it would seem that his 'practicality' was largely sublimated in favor of the zeal of the freshly converted.

Practical people do not seek to build new worlds amongst populations foreign to one's belief system; i.e., generally speaking, practical people do not make good missionaries, nor martyrs.

But, consider - in a very real sense, Saul (Paul) was wildly successful, beyond his own wildest dreams, in defining and disseminating a new belief-system built upon the old.

In short, he found a way to introduce Jewish monotheism and its attendant morality and philosophy to the rest of the world in a dramatically modified form...

That modified form incorporated much philosophy and content and ceremonial from other belief systems extant amongst the peoples of the Mediterranean Basin in order to make it palatable and marketable and sustainable to those legions of prospective converts, while retaining strong links to its Spiritual Mothership - Judaism.

The tensions and conflicts that have manifested between Christianity and Judaism throughout the centuries are as much attributable to similarities and claims of precedence between the two belief-systems as they are due to differences; and have no bearing upon the truth of such origins and relationships and symmetries.

If Jesus was the person who launched the new belief system, it was Paul who gave it substantive form and clarity and guidance and who steered it in a direction designed to achieve a broad acceptance.

Discounting for a moment the divinity-status of either man...

In a very real sense, Saul (Paul) was every bit as important to the spread of Christianity as Jesus was, and the impact of Paul's work seems to have exceeded the impact of his fellow Church Fathers (other disciples or apostles).
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Now she calls Jesus himself a liar, just because he didn't utter the word "palestinian" when referring to who he is. Did he or didn't He call himself an Israelite?

Romans 11:

I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

The Israelites (&#1489;&#1504;&#1497; &#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500;, Standard: Bnai Yisra&#702;el; Tiberian: Bnai Yi&#347;r&#257;&#702;&#275;l; ISO 259-3 (Arabic: &#1576;&#1606;&#1610; &#1575;&#1587;&#1585;&#1575;&#1574;&#1610;&#1604; Bani Isra'il): Bnai Yi&#347;ra&#702;el, translated as: "Children of Israel" or "Sons of Israel") were a Semitic Hebrew-speaking people of the Ancient Near East, who inhabited part of the Land of Canaan during the tribal and monarchic periods (15th to 6th centuries BCE), later evolving into the Jews and Samaritans, inhabiting the territories of Judea and Galilee, and Samaria respectively. In modern Hebrew usage, an Israelite is, broadly speaking, a lay member of the Jewish ethnoreligious group, as opposed to the priestly orders of Kohanim and Levites.
The word "Israelite" comes from Greek &#921;&#963;&#961;&#945;&#951;&#955;&#943;&#964;&#949;&#962;[citation needed] and derives from the Biblical Hebrew word "Yisrael"(&#1497;&#1460;&#1513;&#1456;&#1474;&#1512;&#1464;&#1488;&#1461;&#1500;).[citation needed] The name Israel first appears c. 1209 BCE, in an inscription of the Egyptian pharaoh Merneptah. The inscription is very brief and says simply: "Israel is laid waste and his seed is not". The Hebrew Bible etymologizes the name as from yisra "to prevail over" or "to struggle/wrestle with", and el, "God, the divine". The eponymous biblical patriarch of the Israelites is Jacob, who wrestled with God who gave him a blessing and renamed him "Israel" because he had "striven with God and with men, and have prevailed". (Genesis 32:24-32) According to the Hebrew Bible, Israelites are the "chosen people" of God. The name Hebrews is sometimes used synonymously with "Israelites".

The biblical term "Israelites" (also the "Twelve Tribes" or "Children of Israel") means both the direct descendants of the patriarch Jacob (Israel) as well as the historical populations of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah.[3] For the post-exilic period, beginning in the 5th century BCE, the remnants of the Israelite tribes came to be referred to as Jews (tribes of Judah, Simeon, Benjamin and partially Levi), named for the kingdom of Judah. This change is explicit in the Book of Esther (4th century BCE). On the other hand, Samaritans (tribes of Menasseh, Ephraim and partially Benjamin and Levi) became named for Samaria. It replaced the title Children of Israel.

The Greek term Jew historically refers to a member of the tribe of Judah, which formed the nucleus of the kingdom of Judah. The term Hebrew has Eber as an eponymous biblical patriarch. It is used synonymously with "Israelites", or as an ethnolinguistic term for historical speakers of the Hebrew language in general.
Ancient times

Biblical Israelites

Tribes of Israel

The Tribes

The Israelite story begins with some of the culture heroes of the Jewish people, the Patriarchs.
The Torah traces the Israelites to the patriarch Jacob, grandson of Abraham, who was renamed Israel after a mysterious incident in which he wrestles all night with God or an angel. Jacob's twelve sons (in order of birth), Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin, become the ancestors of twelve tribes, with the exception of Joseph, whose two sons Mannasseh and Ephraim, who were adopted by Jacob, become tribal eponyms (Genesis 48).

The mothers of Jacob's sons are:
Leah: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun
Rachel: Joseph, Benjamin
Bilhah (Rachel's maid): Dan, Naphtali
Zilpah (Leah's maid): Gad, Asher (Genesis 35:22&#8211;26)

Jacob and his sons are forced by famine to go down into Egypt. When they arrive they and their families are 70 in number, but within four generations they have increased to 600,000 men of fighting age, and the Pharaoh of Egypt, alarmed, first enslaves them and then orders the death of all male Hebrew children. The god of Israel reveals his name to Moses, a Hebrew of the line of Levi; Moses leads the Israelites out of bondage and into the desert, where God gives them their laws and the Israelites agree to become his people. Nevertheless, the Israelites lack complete faith in God, and the generation which left Egypt is not permitted to enter the Promised Land. Those events are memorialized in the Jewish and Samaritan holiday of Passover, as well as the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.
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Words are only labels. The presence or absence of a specific label does NOT categorically deny or confirm the presence or absence of a specific concept or idea.

Example: The word 'corn'. We can find any number of medieval English manuscripts which contain this word. And yet we know for a certainty that 'corn' is a New World plant like tomatoes, potatoes and pumpkin.

The answer to this apparent anachronism lies in the fact that 'corn' actually meant something more like 'grain' to medieval English speakers - ANY grain. This is reflected in the use of 'Indian corn' , ie the grain grown by the 'Indians'.

Another example of 'labels': there's a lovely little scene in 'Ivanhoe' where Wamba the "fool" discourses on the fact that when it's in the field suckling from its mother, a young bovine is the Saxon (ie English) 'calf' - but when served on a platter in the feast hall, it has become Norman 'veal'(ie, French).....He offers several like examples.

Well, initially 'stool' and 'chair' described the same single object one sat upon - but as the Anglo/Norman society in England was generally solidly segregated by class - eventually the English 'stool' was used only for the backless more humble furniture, while the French 'chair' was reserved for something with a back (and cushions!).....

So we can see from this short side trip, it's hardly without precedent or odd that different groups of people would refer to the same content (a land, an idea) by different labels/names.

There is no one True TRUTH in these situations. That is a silly presumption on the part of a few ignorant prideful individuals.

Whatever else may be said of the Land where David ruled, Solomon built the Temple, and Jesus walked, it is not part of Greece. So there's no real reason to call it by a label slapped on by Herodotus - especially if that label was also used to cover parts of Syria!
Scary Sherri, you can run all you want, but you can't hide.

According to the overwhelming evidence readily available, JESUS WAS INDEED A ZIONIST ISRAELITE JEW!
More Zionist lies from the Zionist slanderer.

Here Jihad Sherri is caught in another lie about Jesus which will make her go to hell. Her claim that "Jesus was a Palestinian that lived in Palestine".

Here's what Jesus said about himself in the New Testament. Can you understand English?

Romans 11: I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

There goes Jihad Sherri's Jesus was a Palestinian" myth down the toilet.
Oh, so Roudy is a liar because he quotes the first verse of Romans 11? I'm beginning to question your sanity. Read the damn verse, Heide, and then comment.
Heidi? Now that's a very Jewish name.

I told you Jihad Sherri is a secret Mossad agent placed here to make Zionists look good!
That last post makes no sense - nor does it answer ANY of the questions. I think Shaarona is using some terms incorrectly as well......

I am still waiting to find out what LAWS AND RITUALS were "CREATED BY THE
LEVITES" before going on SHROOON----how about defining "LEVITES"
"SCHOOLS FOR PROPHETS"?? prophesy 101???

The ten commandments?? Followed by all three of the monotheistic religions? Other religions have similar laws. Laws common enough to all cultures that they can be used as a basis of secular law so all people will understand.

Roman law, roman church law that was imposed on most of the world during western conquest and acquisition? Laws adapted from the Roman empire and Byzantine Empire?

The laws and rituals proscribed by the Levites are not the ten commandments. Read them.

This was an identity issue after the Babylonian exile at the same time they were told to divorce foreign wives and abandon the children of those unions. Of course many Jewish men would NOT do so and that was the beginning of the first Diaspora.
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

We know Jesus lived in Palestine because of Herodotus

I have repeatedly provided this explanation for how we know the land was called Palestine over and over .


&#966;&#953;&#955;&#953;&#963;&#964;&#945;&#943;&#959;&#962; = Philistine

You are referencing an english translation, not the greek, so they changed the world and now you have it wrong.

Use your head!!!!!
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

Zionists slander Jesus and Herodotus and me too in this thread.

They just keep on proving there is no Truth in a Zionist.

More Zionist lies from the Zionist slanderer.
Oh, so Roudy is a liar because he quotes the first verse of Romans 11? I'm beginning to question your sanity. Read the damn verse, Heide, and then comment.
Heidi? Now that's a very Jewish name.

I told you Jihad Sherri is a secret Mossad agent placed here to make Zionists look good!
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Matthew 4

King James Version (KJV)

Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.

And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee;

And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim:

That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,

The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles;

The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.

And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.

And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them.

And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judaea, and from beyond Jordan.

Matthew 4 KJV - Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit - Bible Gateway

Palestine is referred to as Syria in these verses.
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