Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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First meeting was for over an hour and they met several times after that. There are several pictures of them together.

Amin was actively promoting the "final solution"

No.. you have visited one too many hate sites. The Mufti wanted the European Jews to have other options besides Palestine.. The population had already doubled with foreigners in the previous 15 years.

Where did you read this ??

The Mufti is a very controversial person.. but his only objective was to stop the flood of European Zionists into Palestine... and he was not alone.. The documents that you read at Avalon Project, Yale all agree that a Jewish state in Palestine would be an unmitigated disaster.

The Mufti wanted to ransom Jews to Spain and send others to Poland for resettlement... Obviously he failed.. Even the US, Britain and Cuba would not accept the European Jews... in part because they were socialists.

This was written in 1920.. It may help if you read it.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
The US began sending aid to Israel in 1948.. in the form of food aid in the beginning.

I doubt that you have lived in the Arab world.. I have ... in Libya, KSA, and Kuwait with many long visits to Lebanon. I don't know much about Iraq, Iran and Syria in spite of many brief trips to those countries.

The Mufti only met Hitler once for about 15 minutes.. and Hitler would not shake his hand.

You seem so incredibly focused on hate.. What is that?

Arabs are not Nazis.. Read the Nuremburg laws from 1933 to 1939 if you have any doubts.

First meeting was for over an hour and they met several times after that. There are several pictures of them together.

Amin was actively promoting the "final solution"

No.. you have visited one too many hate sites. The Mufti wanted the European Jews to have other options besides Palestine.. The population had already doubled with foreigners in the previous 15 years.

very good sharoona------you learned the UMMAH version of history. The mufti
wanted the OPTION OF CALIPHATE and enslavement of non muslims within-------
including the right to genocide those who objected out of existence ----legally
as happened to the armenians and to the south sudanis The nuremberg

(I should clarify by noting that the filth of shariah/dhimmia was actually created by
Constantine----first emperor of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----muslims adopted
it---------christians have---largely----repudiated it-----Muslims cling to it and
sharoona clings to it)

PS since when do muslims shake hands? you claim YOU have been "around"?
You were told that AL HUSSEINI put out his hand to "shake"??? really?
I am amazed.

for those who do not know------one of the defenses against the reality of the
islamo nazi alliance is-------"of course not----hitler considered arabs "inferior"----
In fact that is true-----his concept included non mingling between arabs and
aryans------but it did not preclude-------a world with CALIPHATE ----

nazism still does not preclude a world with CALIPHATE---
over there----equal but separate and in FULL
First meeting was for over an hour and they met several times after that. There are several pictures of them together.

Amin was actively promoting the "final solution"

No.. you have visited one too many hate sites. The Mufti wanted the European Jews to have other options besides Palestine.. The population had already doubled with foreigners in the previous 15 years.

very good sharoona------you learned the UMMAH version of history. The mufti
wanted the OPTION OF CALIPHATE and enslavement of non muslims within-------
including the right to genocide those who objected out of existence ----legally
as happened to the armenians and to the south sudanis The nuremberg

(I should clarify by noting that the filth of shariah/dhimmia was actually created by
Constantine----first emperor of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----muslims adopted
it---------christians have---largely----repudiated it-----Muslims cling to it and
sharoona clings to it)

PS since when do muslims shake hands? you claim YOU have been "around"?
You were told that AL HUSSEINI put out his hand to "shake"??? really?
I am amazed.

for those who do not know------one of the defenses against the reality of the
islamo nazi alliance is-------"of course not----hitler considered arabs "inferior"----
In fact that is true-----his concept included non mingling between arabs and
aryans------but it did not preclude-------a world with CALIPHATE ----

nazism still does not preclude a world with CALIPHATE---
over there----equal but separate and in FULL

Oh BS.. the last guy who declared himself Caliph was the Emir of Mecca, a traitor to the Zionists .. and he was chased off the Arabian Peninsula by Ibn Saud two weeks later.

The popular press was yapping about the potential candidates for Caliph.. Farouk of Egypt, the Mufti of Palestine and Ibn Saud.. Farouk and the Mufti had NO religious training and Ibn Saud said hell no.

I thought education was your strong point.

There will never be another Caliphate.. The last one was a dud and the Arabs have divergent interests.

Keep scaring yourself with nonsense.
No.. you have visited one too many hate sites. The Mufti wanted the European Jews to have other options besides Palestine.. The population had already doubled with foreigners in the previous 15 years.

Where did you read this ??

The Mufti is a very controversial person.. but his only objective was to stop the flood of European Zionists into Palestine... and he was not alone.. The documents that you read at Avalon Project, Yale all agree that a Jewish state in Palestine would be an unmitigated disaster.

The Mufti wanted to ransom Jews to Spain and send others to Poland for resettlement... Obviously he failed.. Even the US, Britain and Cuba would not accept the European Jews... in part because they were socialists.

This was written in 1920.. It may help if you read it.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

I read it already-----as a child. I grew up in a town that was a nazi enclave in
the USA during the 1930s and during world war II and solidly
anti semite hole even before Anti semitic and Nazi literature was
PROMULGATED so much in that town -----that when I was a kid------it was still
ALL OVER THE PLACE ....... I had a habit of reading anything that was lying around.

Your literature caught my eye-----because it was SO MUCH about JOOOOOS---
tattered old pamphlet like things and ----publications about the size of the
"reader's digest" magazine. I read the reader's digest too----the same
way------whatever I found lyiing around-------old dusty stuff. I was very young---
with a mind like a blank page. I knew myself to be a jew------by the fact that I was
informed that I had killed someone named "jesus"------and because some of the
foods I ate at my grandmother's house and even in my own house-----were unknown
to my friends I had no education in religion other than my very AVID and VERY
random reading. When I was a child----there were still "RESTRICTED" 'clubs'
in my town-------and no blacks at all. see? I know you. Interestingly enough---
I have relatives IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND----both maternal and paternal line----
my maternal grandmother was born in London and two of my aunts also.

you provided an example of typical british anti semitism of that time---very typical

SEE? I know you by both experience and family legacy
Where did you read this ??

The Mufti is a very controversial person.. but his only objective was to stop the flood of European Zionists into Palestine... and he was not alone.. The documents that you read at Avalon Project, Yale all agree that a Jewish state in Palestine would be an unmitigated disaster.

The Mufti wanted to ransom Jews to Spain and send others to Poland for resettlement... Obviously he failed.. Even the US, Britain and Cuba would not accept the European Jews... in part because they were socialists.

This was written in 1920.. It may help if you read it.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

I read it already-----as a child. I grew up in a town that was a nazi enclave in
the USA during the 1930s and during world war II and solidly
anti semite hole even before Anti semitic and Nazi literature was
PROMULGATED so much in that town -----that when I was a kid------it was still
ALL OVER THE PLACE ....... I had a habit of reading anything that was lying around.

Your literature caught my eye-----because it was SO MUCH about JOOOOOS---
tattered old pamphlet like things and ----publications about the size of the
"reader's digest" magazine. I read the reader's digest too----the same
way------whatever I found lyiing around-------old dusty stuff. I was very young---
with a mind like a blank page. I knew myself to be a jew------by the fact that I was
informed that I had killed someone named "jesus"------and because some of the
foods I ate at my grandmother's house and even in my own house-----were unknown
to my friends I had no education in religion other than my very AVID and VERY
random reading. When I was a child----there were still "RESTRICTED" 'clubs'
in my town-------and no blacks at all. see? I know you. Interestingly enough---
I have relatives IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND----both maternal and paternal line----
my maternal grandmother was born in London and two of my aunts also.

you provided an example of typical british anti semitism of that time---very typical

SEE? I know you by both experience and family legacy

I am sorry that you were subject to anti-semitism in the US.

My family is as mixed as anyone could want.. I have wonderful Jewish relatives. Nieces, nephews and grands.

You don't know me at all.. I grew up in Ghawar.. as a practicing Christian.
No.. you have visited one too many hate sites. The Mufti wanted the European Jews to have other options besides Palestine.. The population had already doubled with foreigners in the previous 15 years.

very good sharoona------you learned the UMMAH version of history. The mufti
wanted the OPTION OF CALIPHATE and enslavement of non muslims within-------
including the right to genocide those who objected out of existence ----legally
as happened to the armenians and to the south sudanis The nuremberg

(I should clarify by noting that the filth of shariah/dhimmia was actually created by
Constantine----first emperor of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----muslims adopted
it---------christians have---largely----repudiated it-----Muslims cling to it and
sharoona clings to it)

PS since when do muslims shake hands? you claim YOU have been "around"?
You were told that AL HUSSEINI put out his hand to "shake"??? really?
I am amazed.

for those who do not know------one of the defenses against the reality of the
islamo nazi alliance is-------"of course not----hitler considered arabs "inferior"----
In fact that is true-----his concept included non mingling between arabs and
aryans------but it did not preclude-------a world with CALIPHATE ----

nazism still does not preclude a world with CALIPHATE---
over there----equal but separate and in FULL

Oh BS.. the last guy who declared himself Caliph was the Emir of Mecca, a traitor to the Zionists .. and he was chased off the Arabian Peninsula by Ibn Saud two weeks later.

The popular press was yapping about the potential candidates for Caliph.. Farouk of Egypt, the Mufti of Palestine and Ibn Saud.. Farouk and the Mufti had NO religious training and Ibn Saud said hell no.

I thought education was your strong point.

There will never be another Caliphate.. The last one was a dud and the Arabs have divergent interests.

Keep scaring yourself with nonsense.

Try again-----I learned about the BEAUTY OF THE CALIPHATE----from
muslims -----not jews. I did not even know the word "CALIPHATE"
until I encoutered large numbers of starry eyed muslim IDEALISTS.
I also learned about the GLORIOUS MUGHAL EMPIRE from muslims.

scared? I am afraid of rats and dogs-------not muslims----although I will
admit that my husband who was born in a shariah cesspit-----does avoid
muslims and mosques if at all possible. He will cross the street rather than
walk past a storefront mosque. It is a kind of family legacy thing
very good sharoona------you learned the UMMAH version of history. The mufti
wanted the OPTION OF CALIPHATE and enslavement of non muslims within-------
including the right to genocide those who objected out of existence ----legally
as happened to the armenians and to the south sudanis The nuremberg

(I should clarify by noting that the filth of shariah/dhimmia was actually created by
Constantine----first emperor of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----muslims adopted
it---------christians have---largely----repudiated it-----Muslims cling to it and
sharoona clings to it)

PS since when do muslims shake hands? you claim YOU have been "around"?
You were told that AL HUSSEINI put out his hand to "shake"??? really?
I am amazed.

for those who do not know------one of the defenses against the reality of the
islamo nazi alliance is-------"of course not----hitler considered arabs "inferior"----
In fact that is true-----his concept included non mingling between arabs and
aryans------but it did not preclude-------a world with CALIPHATE ----

nazism still does not preclude a world with CALIPHATE---
over there----equal but separate and in FULL

Oh BS.. the last guy who declared himself Caliph was the Emir of Mecca, a traitor to the Zionists .. and he was chased off the Arabian Peninsula by Ibn Saud two weeks later.

The popular press was yapping about the potential candidates for Caliph.. Farouk of Egypt, the Mufti of Palestine and Ibn Saud.. Farouk and the Mufti had NO religious training and Ibn Saud said hell no.

I thought education was your strong point.

There will never be another Caliphate.. The last one was a dud and the Arabs have divergent interests.

Keep scaring yourself with nonsense.

Try again-----I learned about the BEAUTY OF THE CALIPHATE----from
muslims -----not jews. I did not even know the word "CALIPHATE"
until I encoutered large numbers of starry eyed muslim IDEALISTS.
I also learned about the GLORIOUS MUGHAL EMPIRE from muslims.

scared? I am afraid of rats and dogs-------not muslims----although I will
admit that my husband who was born in a shariah cesspit-----does avoid
muslims and mosques if at all possible. He will cross the street rather than
walk past a storefront mosque. It is a kind of family legacy thing

LOLOL have you ever been anywhere? Muslims do shake hands.. .. and they shake hands with Christians.

You are creating your own fears .
Oh BS.. the last guy who declared himself Caliph was the Emir of Mecca, a traitor to the Zionists .. and he was chased off the Arabian Peninsula by Ibn Saud two weeks later.

The popular press was yapping about the potential candidates for Caliph.. Farouk of Egypt, the Mufti of Palestine and Ibn Saud.. Farouk and the Mufti had NO religious training and Ibn Saud said hell no.

I thought education was your strong point.

There will never be another Caliphate.. The last one was a dud and the Arabs have divergent interests.

Keep scaring yourself with nonsense.

Try again-----I learned about the BEAUTY OF THE CALIPHATE----from
muslims -----not jews. I did not even know the word "CALIPHATE"
until I encoutered large numbers of starry eyed muslim IDEALISTS.
I also learned about the GLORIOUS MUGHAL EMPIRE from muslims.

scared? I am afraid of rats and dogs-------not muslims----although I will
admit that my husband who was born in a shariah cesspit-----does avoid
muslims and mosques if at all possible. He will cross the street rather than
walk past a storefront mosque. It is a kind of family legacy thing

LOLOL have you ever been anywhere? Muslims do shake hands.. .. and they shake hands with Christians.

You are creating your own fears .

I do not have to GO-----everything comes to me. Of course ---today----
sophisticated muslims in their dealings with OTHERS----"shake hands"----
when doing business or politics

In the 1920s --30s ----I DOUBT that the GRAND MUFTI put out his hand for a
shake -----that's all. It is not an arab muslim custom to do so. I have the
the advantage----muslims act like muslims when around me. what fears?

do you have a link to this HITLER REFUSAL TO SHAKE HANDS---other than
that ----with a black athlete----whose name escapes me right now.
Jesse Owens? ????
Try again-----I learned about the BEAUTY OF THE CALIPHATE----from
muslims -----not jews. I did not even know the word "CALIPHATE"
until I encoutered large numbers of starry eyed muslim IDEALISTS.
I also learned about the GLORIOUS MUGHAL EMPIRE from muslims.

scared? I am afraid of rats and dogs-------not muslims----although I will
admit that my husband who was born in a shariah cesspit-----does avoid
muslims and mosques if at all possible. He will cross the street rather than
walk past a storefront mosque. It is a kind of family legacy thing

LOLOL have you ever been anywhere? Muslims do shake hands.. .. and they shake hands with Christians.

You are creating your own fears .

I do not have to GO-----everything comes to me. Of course ---today----
sophisticated muslims in their dealings with OTHERS----"shake hands"----
when doing business or politics

In the 1920s --30s ----I DOUBT that the GRAND MUFTI put out his hand for a
shake -----that's all. It is not an arab muslim custom to do so. I have the
the advantage----muslims act like muslims when around me. what fears?

do you have a link to this HITLER REFUSAL TO SHAKE HANDS---other than
that ----with a black athlete----whose name escapes me right now.
Jesse Owens? ????

You have your thing going.. and you claim that you grew up in the 19s.. Tend your hate and ignorance.
LOLOL have you ever been anywhere? Muslims do shake hands.. .. and they shake hands with Christians.

You are creating your own fears .

I do not have to GO-----everything comes to me. Of course ---today----
sophisticated muslims in their dealings with OTHERS----"shake hands"----
when doing business or politics

In the 1920s --30s ----I DOUBT that the GRAND MUFTI put out his hand for a
shake -----that's all. It is not an arab muslim custom to do so. I have the
the advantage----muslims act like muslims when around me. what fears?

do you have a link to this HITLER REFUSAL TO SHAKE HANDS---other than
that ----with a black athlete----whose name escapes me right now.
Jesse Owens? ????

You have your thing going.. and you claim that you grew up in the 19s.. Tend your hate and ignorance.

The onlt ignorance I see is coming from you Shaarona. You post all these claims and I rarely see you backing any of them up with links. Instead, you keep bringing up the fact that you lived in the Middle East so you think you know better than anyone else
LOLOL have you ever been anywhere? Muslims do shake hands.. .. and they shake hands with Christians.

You are creating your own fears .

I do not have to GO-----everything comes to me. Of course ---today----
sophisticated muslims in their dealings with OTHERS----"shake hands"----
when doing business or politics

In the 1920s --30s ----I DOUBT that the GRAND MUFTI put out his hand for a
shake -----that's all. It is not an arab muslim custom to do so. I have the
the advantage----muslims act like muslims when around me. what fears?

do you have a link to this HITLER REFUSAL TO SHAKE HANDS---other than
that ----with a black athlete----whose name escapes me right now.
Jesse Owens? ????

You have your thing going.. and you claim that you grew up in the 19s.. Tend your hate and ignorance.

You grew up before the 1900s? or BEFORE?-----you are well over 100 or---just 14
years old? what does "tend your hate and ignorance" mean?
what "hate" and what "ignorance"?? You have some link---or even some
specific knowlege that when al Husseini met Adolf-----Al husseini held his hand
out and----Hitler rebuffed him? I have seen arab and subcontinent muslims
"SHAKE" hands with
people ----but never with each other-------and it is clear to me that it is not
a custom amongst muslims and I have a very firm impression that AL HUSSEINI
would not have initiated a "shake" I believe that you have an intention of
creating the FALSE IMPRESSION the NAZIS----would refuse to ally with arab
muslims because of the "the racial issues" <<<BS!!!!
No.. you have visited one too many hate sites. The Mufti wanted the European Jews to have other options besides Palestine.. The population had already doubled with foreigners in the previous 15 years.

Where did you read this ??

The Mufti is a very controversial person.. but his only objective was to stop the flood of European Zionists into Palestine... and he was not alone.. The documents that you read at Avalon Project, Yale all agree that a Jewish state in Palestine would be an unmitigated disaster.

The Mufti wanted to ransom Jews to Spain and send others to Poland for resettlement... Obviously he failed.. Even the US, Britain and Cuba would not accept the European Jews... in part because they were socialists.

This was written in 1920.. It may help if you read it.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Who is Anstruther Mackay and what makes his opinion the law of the land? Just another obscure writer who is noted for nothing.
Hmmnn...so Sherri disappears and My Shaarona steps in to take her place. Very strange. Very strange indeed. But I thought the subject was Jesus is a Zionist. Which in my opinion he is.
Where did you read this ??

The Mufti is a very controversial person.. but his only objective was to stop the flood of European Zionists into Palestine... and he was not alone.. The documents that you read at Avalon Project, Yale all agree that a Jewish state in Palestine would be an unmitigated disaster.

The Mufti wanted to ransom Jews to Spain and send others to Poland for resettlement... Obviously he failed.. Even the US, Britain and Cuba would not accept the European Jews... in part because they were socialists.

This was written in 1920.. It may help if you read it.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Who is Anstruther Mackay and what makes his opinion the law of the land? Just another obscure writer who is noted for nothing.

He was a british offiicial in MANDATE PALESTINE---who expressed his antisemitism
in a very typical BRITISH MANNER. The Brits were interesting LORDS OF THE
EMPIRE They viewed the natives as something like pets in their own
personal zoo snd livestock on their farm------with a perverse sense of affection--
-in mandate palestine---
brought their british anti semitism with them and felt PROTECTIVE
toward their 'native pets' and live stock Jews were never their pets or
livestock . no matter where jews lived, jews were jews as per ----
ROME---and later as per LUTHER
The concept of Zionism began with the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. And Jesus lived & died a Jew of Hebrew Zionist teachings as supported throughout passages of the Old Testament & confirmed by the Apostles.

Jesus is a Jew
The concept of Zionism began with the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. And Jesus lived & died a Jew of Hebrew Zionist teachings as supported throughout passages of the Old Testament & confirmed by the Apostles.

Jesus is a Jew

MJB----let me congratulate you------you have EXCITED....many people---this thread
has almost 2500 responses and-----tens of thousands of views. YOU ARE A LEADER!!!
..... however-----zionism began......with abraham who fled mesopotamia ---because
it was an ethical mess.... and harbored a sick legal system. He was an idealist and
he did what civilized people do when they want to found a community-----he BOUGHT
land-----just as the zionists of the 1800s did
The Mufti is a very controversial person.. but his only objective was to stop the flood of European Zionists into Palestine... and he was not alone.. The documents that you read at Avalon Project, Yale all agree that a Jewish state in Palestine would be an unmitigated disaster.

The Mufti wanted to ransom Jews to Spain and send others to Poland for resettlement... Obviously he failed.. Even the US, Britain and Cuba would not accept the European Jews... in part because they were socialists.

This was written in 1920.. It may help if you read it.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07[/QUOTE

I read it already-----as a child. I grew up in a town that was a nazi enclave in
the USA during the 1930s and during world war II and solidly
anti semite hole even before Anti semitic and Nazi literature was
PROMULGATED so much in that town -----that when I was a kid------it was still
ALL OVER THE PLACE ....... I had a habit of reading anything that was lying around.

Your literature caught my eye-----because it was SO MUCH about JOOOOOS---
tattered old pamphlet like things and ----publications about the size of the
"reader's digest" magazine. I read the reader's digest too----the same
way------whatever I found lyiing around-------old dusty stuff. I was very young---
with a mind like a blank page. I knew myself to be a jew------by the fact that I was
informed that I had killed someone named "jesus"------and because some of the
foods I ate at my grandmother's house and even in my own house-----were unknown
to my friends I had no education in religion other than my very AVID and VERY
random reading. When I was a child----there were still "RESTRICTED" 'clubs'
in my town-------and no blacks at all. see? I know you. Interestingly enough---
I have relatives IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND----both maternal and paternal line----
my maternal grandmother was born in London and two of my aunts also.

you provided an example of typical british anti semitism of that time---very typical

SEE? I know you by both experience and family legacy

I am sorry that you were subject to anti-semitism in the US.

My family is as mixed as anyone could want.. I have wonderful Jewish relatives. Nieces, nephews and grands.

You don't know me at all.. I grew up in Ghawar.. as a practicing Christian.

I know you very well by your LINGO-----every profession and every hobby has a
LINGO. If one talks to a lawyer---one hears LEGALESE If one talks to a
Doctor one hears ----medico lingo etc etc. When one talks to a jihado nazi---
one hears jihado crap. I have spoken to lots of people like you-----certainly
not ALL were from the USA----I am very familiar with that which is taught in mosques --
both in arab countries and in southeast asia-----you have stated that you have been
in arab countries------your lingo is consistent with your "experience"
"practicing christian" does not say much. Different sects have different versions of
anti-semitism. By the time I was an adolesecent-----almost 1/4 of my town was
jewish-----3/4 christian OF DIFFERENT SECTS------I had playmates from many
different sects and even attended various churches----now and then. I even had
close friends who were of SERBIAN background ----which is why what happened in
Bosnia was no big surprise to me. I know you very well
The illiterate terrorist Mohammad didn't realize that he had related himself to the one that God had called a wild jackass, and commanded Abraham to kick his unruly ass out of his house, and out into the desert.

Roudy----I have a theory----which emerged from my naive mind----based in
unslanted information. Here it is-----Jews lived in arabia----probably
since about 1000 BC ---or earlier The 'natives' of arabia (that is the part
which is now saudi arabia) were just as they were presented in ---LAWRENCE
OF ARABIA------illiterate, nomadic tent dwelling types. The koran, itself,
records muhummad as a caravan raider in his youth. Arabia was important
because it was ON THE WAY to the east-----and that made MECCA----
important and CULTURALLY DIVERSE ----zoroastrians moved in ---christians
moved in......and the native population lived off the literate guys who moved in.

they probably worked a bit for them and robbed them too.

NOW----I asked hubby---about "arabs"---when does "arab" appear in the
literature? and what are 'ishmaelites" He said---the TALMUD---
describes ISHMAELITES as ---illiterate persons with no fixed homes----
who are a bit dangerous to people traveling in the wilderness (midbar).

OK This is what happened. One day----a jew in arabia said to his
friend "you need someone to carry that stuff for you and pack
up your camel?------hire that ISHMAELITE---over there" pointing to
muhummad. Muhummad heard him and asked "what is a
ISHMAELITE"? the jew tried to be polite and said "OH---AN ISHMAELITE

and that is how muhummad became related to Abraham---and descended
from ISHMAEL-----and-----the BEGINNING OF ISLAM

am I not briliiant?

The Jews arrived in Arabia from Jericho around 300 BC.

Muhammed wasn't a camel raider.. His wife own caravans that traveled to Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Levant. The Christians in Arabia were Nestorians and lived in Najran and in Tarut Island. They were protected first by the Ethiopian Christian King and then by Muhammed.
Hmmmm....so to recap, this Sharoona character who claims to be "knowledgable"....

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Muslims brutally slaughtering hundreds of millions of animals as sacrifice during their EID celebration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eid_al-Adha

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Arab Muslim total ethnic cleansing and persecution of over 1.2 million Jews who have lived in the region for over 2000 years in some cases. http://legalinsurrection.com/2013/1...e-ethnic-cleansing-of-jews-in-the-arab-world/

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about the fact that today, the same Jews and their descendants comprise of a majority of Isrselis population.

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad the prophet of Islam raiding Caravans EVEN DURING RAMADAN, killing and raping travelers and looting their belongings: Caravan raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad Slaughtering the ancient Jews of Medina just because they refused to accept the illiterate terrorist prophet as the "Final Messenger". After which he stole their gold and belongings and used the money to finance his other "jihadi" invasions and raids. http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/Arlandson/qurayza_jews.htm

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about ISSAC being the one whom the God's promise and covenant goes to. It's clearly written in the OT. Not ISHMAEL whom God called an unruly wild jackass, who's descendants will be at war with all nations. Ironic how the illiterate prophet related himself to someone which best describes Islam and its fruits.

Genesis 17:
19And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

21But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.

Genesis 16:
11Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.

12And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.


YUP, like I thought, another IMPOSTER from the same boilerplate mosque basement propaganda center that produced Jihad Sherri. So tell us,is this the best you guys can throw at us, after all this humiliation by Sherri's one through four?! Ha ha ha ha!
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Roudy----I have a theory----which emerged from my naive mind----based in
unslanted information. Here it is-----Jews lived in arabia----probably
since about 1000 BC ---or earlier The 'natives' of arabia (that is the part
which is now saudi arabia) were just as they were presented in ---LAWRENCE
OF ARABIA------illiterate, nomadic tent dwelling types. The koran, itself,
records muhummad as a caravan raider in his youth. Arabia was important
because it was ON THE WAY to the east-----and that made MECCA----
important and CULTURALLY DIVERSE ----zoroastrians moved in ---christians
moved in......and the native population lived off the literate guys who moved in.

they probably worked a bit for them and robbed them too.

NOW----I asked hubby---about "arabs"---when does "arab" appear in the
literature? and what are 'ishmaelites" He said---the TALMUD---
describes ISHMAELITES as ---illiterate persons with no fixed homes----
who are a bit dangerous to people traveling in the wilderness (midbar).

OK This is what happened. One day----a jew in arabia said to his
friend "you need someone to carry that stuff for you and pack
up your camel?------hire that ISHMAELITE---over there" pointing to
muhummad. Muhummad heard him and asked "what is a
ISHMAELITE"? the jew tried to be polite and said "OH---AN ISHMAELITE

and that is how muhummad became related to Abraham---and descended
from ISHMAEL-----and-----the BEGINNING OF ISLAM

am I not briliiant?

The Jews arrived in Arabia from Jericho around 300 BC.

Muhammed wasn't a camel raider.. His wife own caravans that traveled to Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Levant. The Christians in Arabia were Nestorians and lived in Najran and in Tarut Island. They were protected first by the Ethiopian Christian King and then by Muhammed.
Hmmmm....so to recap, this Sharoona character who claims to be a "knowledgable",

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Muslims brutally slaughtering hundreds of millions of animals as sacrifice during their EID celebration,

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Arab Muslim total ethnic cleansing and persecution of over 1.2 million Jews who have lived in the region for over 2000 years in some cases. Nakbah | United Nations | Jewish Refugees | Ron Prosor

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about the fact that today, the same Jews and their descendants comprise of a majority of Isrselis population.

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad the prophet of Islam raiding Caravans EVEN DURING RAMADAN and killing and raping travelers and looting their belongings: Caravan raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad Slaughtering the ancient Jews of Medina just because they refused to accept the illiterate terrorist prophet as the "Final Messenger". Of which he stole their gold and belongings and used the money to dance his other "jihadi" invasions and raids. Muhammad’s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about ISSAC being the one whom the God's promise and covenant goes to. It's clearly written in the OT. Not ISHMAEL whom God called an unruly wild jackass, who's descendants will be at war with all nations. Ironic how the illiterate prophet related himself to someone which best describes Islam and its fruits.

The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..

The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.

Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.

In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.
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