Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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According to Jihad Sherri the abomination's warped ideology, spending all her living and breathing hours spouting Jew hate guarantees her a seat in heaven. This is classic anti semitism, where Jews are looked upon as "Christ killers" and hating and persecuting them is "doing Gods work".

Some people are simply so diseased and filled with hate that they are incurable.

Christ killers? Are you kidding? Christians don't hate Jews, but many do have a problem with the Likkud. Every US president since Eisenhower has tried to make peace and stop the killings.

Are you telling me that this is the first time you heard Jews being referred to as Christ killers by Jew haters?

Every US president has been very supportive of Israel. This conflict is about Muslim intolerance and hatred, nothing else.

Arabs got their "Arab Palestine" carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire in Jordan, but still couldn't stand a Jewish state in ancient Israel, in an ocean of Muslim shithole states in the region many of them carved out as well. So they attacked Israel and lost, not to create a Palestinian state but simply to create a Jewish one, and then divide it amongst themselves in true a islamic fashion. Even when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, from 48 to 67, not one word was uttered about a Palestine from either side.

Anti Zionism is simply another word for anti semetism, as correctly noted by Martin Luther King Jr.

Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.
Christ killers? Are you kidding? Christians don't hate Jews, but many do have a problem with the Likkud. Every US president since Eisenhower has tried to make peace and stop the killings.

Are you telling me that this is the first time you heard Jews being referred to as Christ killers by Jew haters?

Every US president has been very supportive of Israel. This conflict is about Muslim intolerance and hatred, nothing else.

Arabs got their "Arab Palestine" carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire in Jordan, but still couldn't stand a Jewish state in ancient Israel, in an ocean of Muslim shithole states in the region many of them carved out as well. So they attacked Israel and lost, not to create a Palestinian state but simply to create a Jewish one, and then divide it amongst themselves in true a islamic fashion. Even when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, from 48 to 67, not one word was uttered about a Palestine from either side.

Anti Zionism is simply another word for anti semetism, as correctly noted by Martin Luther King Jr.

Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.
Your arguments mimic those of the poster named for Ho Chi Minh City. He's a world traveling buffoon too.
The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.

thanks shaar--------fellow posters---PAY ATTENTION----you got the PARTY-LJNE--
direct from the sewer. It is very important----I had no idea what went on in ---
---mosques until 45 years ago when I got ---invited. There is something called
the "KHUTBAH JUMAAT"-----something like the lesson of the week

The lesson I was honored to hear was all about good friday-----since it happened to
be good friday that day. The lesson was ----the bible is a pile of dung and
christians are perverted liars ENEMEEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM.

sometimes one can learn the weekly lesson--just by casual conversation ----
like if the local 7-11 clerk from southeast asia comments
"muslims invented charity" <<< he got it from the Khutbah jumaat

revisionist history is very big in the UMMAH----now--"arabs" have been
migrating IN WAVES to syria and egypt for 10,000 years. NOPE---
it is KHUTBAH JUMAAT as valuable as "muslims invented charity"
Christ killers? Are you kidding? Christians don't hate Jews, but many do have a problem with the Likkud. Every US president since Eisenhower has tried to make peace and stop the killings.

Are you telling me that this is the first time you heard Jews being referred to as Christ killers by Jew haters?

Every US president has been very supportive of Israel. This conflict is about Muslim intolerance and hatred, nothing else.

Arabs got their "Arab Palestine" carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire in Jordan, but still couldn't stand a Jewish state in ancient Israel, in an ocean of Muslim shithole states in the region many of them carved out as well. So they attacked Israel and lost, not to create a Palestinian state but simply to create a Jewish one, and then divide it amongst themselves in true a islamic fashion. Even when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, from 48 to 67, not one word was uttered about a Palestine from either side.

Anti Zionism is simply another word for anti semetism, as correctly noted by Martin Luther King Jr.

Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.
Nah, US started supporting Israel in the 1960's after it realized that most of the Arab world had become client Soviet states, and were constantly attacking their ally. Supporting Israel, just like supporting Japan or South Korea, became a National Security issue. And it still is. Israel is the only country the US can truly trust in the region. The rest are relationships built on convenience and resources, Americans have nothing in common with them.

The Arabs are recent 20th century invaders to the land. It belonged to the Ottomans for 600 years and then controlled by the British after WWI. Out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire, many countries were created, all of them Muslim and Arab. Nobody had a problem with any of it until a Jewish state was created in the land ancient Jews lived. Arabs have always oppressed and persecuted Jews and Christians in their countries as second class citizens, so naturally a Jewish state which stood up for itself was an alien concept to them.

Anti Zionism is just another way for anti Semites to vent their hatred and intolerance towards the Jewish people. After WWII outright anti semitism became politically incorrect so itis now disguised as anti Zionism. Nobody's falling for it except other anti Semites.
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Are you telling me that this is the first time you heard Jews being referred to as Christ killers by Jew haters?

Every US president has been very supportive of Israel. This conflict is about Muslim intolerance and hatred, nothing else.

Arabs got their "Arab Palestine" carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire in Jordan, but still couldn't stand a Jewish state in ancient Israel, in an ocean of Muslim shithole states in the region many of them carved out as well. So they attacked Israel and lost, not to create a Palestinian state but simply to create a Jewish one, and then divide it amongst themselves in true a islamic fashion. Even when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, from 48 to 67, not one word was uttered about a Palestine from either side.

Anti Zionism is simply another word for anti semetism, as correctly noted by Martin Luther King Jr.

Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.
Your arguments mimic those of the poster named for Ho Chi Minh City. He's a world traveling buffoon too.
Ask the idiot where in the bible does it say the land was promised to the ARAB Muslims.

Even the a Koran gives the land to the Jews.

True story. :cool:
"...Christians don't hate Jews, but many do have a problem with the Likkud..."
And many Christians think the Jews don't go far enough to ensure their survival.

"...Every US president since Eisenhower has tried to make peace and stop the killings."
And with every Administration, we reinforce our image as idiots, in this narrow context.

When Americans come to understand that the Jews and Muslims of Israel-Palestine are locked into a decades-long, life-or-death, winner-take-all struggle for survival, perhaps we'll give up on such idiotic vaudeville shows and let nature take its course.

The Muslims want it all, and will not be happy until the State of Israel is wiped off the map and its citizens dispersed or slaughtered or driven into the sea.

There is no compromising with the Mad Dog Palestinians, outside the realm of temporary expediencies on the road to their end-game goals.

The borders of Israel prior to the 1967 Six-Day War were not defensible in the long run.

The Muslim aggression (mobilizing of large-scale formations alongside Israel's borders and closing the Straits of Tiran) of 1967 gave the Israelis the excuse they needed to acquire territorial 'buffers' and 'high ground' against any future Muslim-Arab military adventures, and gave them the excuse they needed to seize control of Jerusalem, their former capital in ancient times.


"...Yeah, Senator, the Jews had a lot of buffers..."

The Israelis have been through Land-for-Peace deals on multiple occasions and it never seems to work out, so, little wonder that they've given up on that idea.

No point in giving back spoils of war when you're just going to have to retake them again in a couple of years, after the Palestinians begin using the conceded lands as operational bases against Israel for the next round of demands.

Lock 'em in a room together and let 'em duke it out.

Last man standing wins.

Smart Vegas Money is on the Jews.

Mine too.
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Christ killers? Are you kidding? Christians don't hate Jews, but many do have a problem with the Likkud. Every US president since Eisenhower has tried to make peace and stop the killings.

Are you telling me that this is the first time you heard Jews being referred to as Christ killers by Jew haters?

Every US president has been very supportive of Israel. This conflict is about Muslim intolerance and hatred, nothing else.

Arabs got their "Arab Palestine" carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire in Jordan, but still couldn't stand a Jewish state in ancient Israel, in an ocean of Muslim shithole states in the region many of them carved out as well. So they attacked Israel and lost, not to create a Palestinian state but simply to create a Jewish one, and then divide it amongst themselves in true a islamic fashion. Even when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, from 48 to 67, not one word was uttered about a Palestine from either side.

Anti Zionism is simply another word for anti semetism, as correctly noted by Martin Luther King Jr.

Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.

wrong again----in fact---it was MUHUMMAD who decided that HE was related to
Ishmael because HE wanted to be related to Abraham. Even way back then---
TRIBE and LINEAGE was the BIG ISSUE in the perverse minds of the
illiterate desert people of arabia -----they actually had ORACLES who invented
lineages for a fee. Learn some reality
Are you telling me that this is the first time you heard Jews being referred to as Christ killers by Jew haters?

Every US president has been very supportive of Israel. This conflict is about Muslim intolerance and hatred, nothing else.

Arabs got their "Arab Palestine" carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire in Jordan, but still couldn't stand a Jewish state in ancient Israel, in an ocean of Muslim shithole states in the region many of them carved out as well. So they attacked Israel and lost, not to create a Palestinian state but simply to create a Jewish one, and then divide it amongst themselves in true a islamic fashion. Even when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, from 48 to 67, not one word was uttered about a Palestine from either side.

Anti Zionism is simply another word for anti semetism, as correctly noted by Martin Luther King Jr.

Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.

Nah, US started supporting Israel in the 1960's after it realized that most of the Arab world had become client Soviet states, and were constantly attacking their ally. Supporting Israel, just like supporting Japan or South Korea, became a National Security issue. And it still is. Israel is the only country the US can truly trust in the region. The rest are relationships built on convenience and resources, Americans have nothing in common with them.

The Arabs are recent 20th century invaders to the land. It belonged to the Ottomans for 600 years and then controlled by the British after WWI. Out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire, many countries were created, all of them Muslim and Arab. Nobody had a problem with any of it until a Jewish state was created in the land ancient Jews lived. Arabs have always oppressed and persecuted Jews and Christians in their countries as second class citizens, so naturally a Jewish state which stood up for itself was an alien concept to them.

Anti Zionism is just another way for anti Semites to vent their hatred and intolerance towards the Jewish people. After WWII outright anti semitism became politically incorrect so itis now disguised as anti Zionism. Nobody's falling for it except other anti Semites.

Its a miracle that the Soviets didn't establish themselves in the Arab world after 1948.. but Arabs hate communism and socialism.. always have.

The problem in Palestine was a matter of culture .. The European Zionists didn't fit in the culture of the Arab Muslims, Christians and Jews. They also didn't speak Arabic.

Most if not all of them were socialists.. going barelegged and bare armed, yapping about free love, Lenin and Marx. They told the Arabs by 1920 that the Brits had given them the land and that the Arabs would work for them and be their slaves.

When Jews moved to Hebron after the expulsion from Spain.. they did so without incident..

I have lived in several Arab countries ... The Jews were still leaving in the 1970s.. Most it seems did not go to Israel.. I remember them as prosperous.. own factories and being heavily into import -export.

The problem wasn't because they were Jews..

You would put up resistance if your population doubled with foreign aliens who wanted to push you off your land and create a state exclusively for themselves.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Are you telling me that this is the first time you heard Jews being referred to as Christ killers by Jew haters?

Every US president has been very supportive of Israel. This conflict is about Muslim intolerance and hatred, nothing else.

Arabs got their "Arab Palestine" carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire in Jordan, but still couldn't stand a Jewish state in ancient Israel, in an ocean of Muslim shithole states in the region many of them carved out as well. So they attacked Israel and lost, not to create a Palestinian state but simply to create a Jewish one, and then divide it amongst themselves in true a islamic fashion. Even when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, from 48 to 67, not one word was uttered about a Palestine from either side.

Anti Zionism is simply another word for anti semetism, as correctly noted by Martin Luther King Jr.

Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.

wrong again----in fact---it was MUHUMMAD who decided that HE was related to
Ishmael because HE wanted to be related to Abraham. Even way back then---
TRIBE and LINEAGE was the BIG ISSUE in the perverse minds of the
illiterate desert people of arabia -----they actually had ORACLES who invented
lineages for a fee. Learn some reality
The illiterate terrorist Mohammad didn't realize that he had related himself to the one that God had called a wild jackass, and commanded Abraham to kick his unruly ass out of his house, and out into the desert.
Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.

Nah, US started supporting Israel in the 1960's after it realized that most of the Arab world had become client Soviet states, and were constantly attacking their ally. Supporting Israel, just like supporting Japan or South Korea, became a National Security issue. And it still is. Israel is the only country the US can truly trust in the region. The rest are relationships built on convenience and resources, Americans have nothing in common with them.

The Arabs are recent 20th century invaders to the land. It belonged to the Ottomans for 600 years and then controlled by the British after WWI. Out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire, many countries were created, all of them Muslim and Arab. Nobody had a problem with any of it until a Jewish state was created in the land ancient Jews lived. Arabs have always oppressed and persecuted Jews and Christians in their countries as second class citizens, so naturally a Jewish state which stood up for itself was an alien concept to them.

Anti Zionism is just another way for anti Semites to vent their hatred and intolerance towards the Jewish people. After WWII outright anti semitism became politically incorrect so itis now disguised as anti Zionism. Nobody's falling for it except other anti Semites.

Its a miracle that the Soviets didn't establish themselves in the Arab world after 1948.. but Arabs hate communism and socialism.. always have.

The problem in Palestine was a matter of culture .. The European Zionists didn't fit in the culture of the Arab Muslims, Christians and Jews. They also didn't speak Arabic.

Most if not all of them were socialists.. going barelegged and bare armed, yapping about free love, Lenin and Marx. They told the Arabs by 1920 that the Brits had given them the land and that the Arabs would work for them and be their slaves.

When Jews moved to Hebron after the expulsion from Spain.. they did so without incident..

I have lived in several Arab countries ... The Jews were still leaving in the 1970s.. Most it seems did not go to Israel.. I remember them as prosperous.. own factories and being heavily into import -export.

The problem wasn't because they were Jews..

You would put up resistance if your population doubled with foreign aliens who wanted to push you off your land and create a state exclusively for themselves.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
If you lived in several Arab countries then you are a liar. Arabs treated Jews as second class citizens and persecuted them. That is a fact. When the state of Israel created, the Arabs started committing ethnic cleansing and killing all the Jews that had lived in those countries, for thousands of years in some cases. By the time they were done, almost the entire region was stripped of its Jewish populations. In essence they did what the nazis couldn't accomplish in Europe. And then they adopted Nazism and weaved it into Arab nationalism and Islamism.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.

wrong again----in fact---it was MUHUMMAD who decided that HE was related to
Ishmael because HE wanted to be related to Abraham. Even way back then---
TRIBE and LINEAGE was the BIG ISSUE in the perverse minds of the
illiterate desert people of arabia -----they actually had ORACLES who invented
lineages for a fee. Learn some reality
The illiterate terrorist Mohammad didn't realize that he had related himself to the one that God had called a wild jackass, and commanded Abraham to kick his unruly ass out of his house, and out into the desert.

Abraham has six other sons in addition to Ishmael.. by the Arab wife Keturah.

Muhammed was not .. nor did he ever claim to be, the messiah.. so I am not sure what your point is. In early sermons Muhammed preached "Save yourselves, I cannot save you.. Return to the God of Abraham".

Genesis 21:18 ESV / 8 helpful votes

Up! Lift up the boy, and hold him fast with your hand, for I will make him into a great nation.”

will make him into a great nation.

Deuteronomy 21:15-17 ESV /

“If a man has two wives, the one loved and the other unloved, and both the loved and the unloved have borne him children, and if the firstborn son belongs to the unloved, then on the day when he assigns his possessions as an inheritance to his sons, he may not treat the son of the loved as the firstborn in preference to the son of the unloved, who is the firstborn, but he shall acknowledge the firstborn, the son of the unloved, by giving him a double portion of all that he has, for he is the firstfruits of his strength. The right of the firstborn is his.
Israel has been a thorn in the rear of EVERY US president and a fickle ally.

The Arabs have always lived in Syria-Palestine and the Levant.. They immigrated in waves from the Arabia peninsula starting 10,000- 6,000 BC.

If you believe your Bible or Torah the Arabs are half brothers to the Jews.

If you must keep telling yourself that Jews are hated, be my guest.... but the problem is not Judaism and never has been.

wrong again----in fact---it was MUHUMMAD who decided that HE was related to
Ishmael because HE wanted to be related to Abraham. Even way back then---
TRIBE and LINEAGE was the BIG ISSUE in the perverse minds of the
illiterate desert people of arabia -----they actually had ORACLES who invented
lineages for a fee. Learn some reality
The illiterate terrorist Mohammad didn't realize that he had related himself to the one that God had called a wild jackass, and commanded Abraham to kick his unruly ass out of his house, and out into the desert.

Roudy----I have a theory----which emerged from my naive mind----based in
unslanted information. Here it is-----Jews lived in arabia----probably
since about 1000 BC ---or earlier The 'natives' of arabia (that is the part
which is now saudi arabia) were just as they were presented in ---LAWRENCE
OF ARABIA------illiterate, nomadic tent dwelling types. The koran, itself,
records muhummad as a caravan raider in his youth. Arabia was important
because it was ON THE WAY to the east-----and that made MECCA----
important and CULTURALLY DIVERSE ----zoroastrians moved in ---christians
moved in......and the native population lived off the literate guys who moved in.

they probably worked a bit for them and robbed them too.

NOW----I asked hubby---about "arabs"---when does "arab" appear in the
literature? and what are 'ishmaelites" He said---the TALMUD---
describes ISHMAELITES as ---illiterate persons with no fixed homes----
who are a bit dangerous to people traveling in the wilderness (midbar).

OK This is what happened. One day----a jew in arabia said to his
friend "you need someone to carry that stuff for you and pack
up your camel?------hire that ISHMAELITE---over there" pointing to
muhummad. Muhummad heard him and asked "what is a
ISHMAELITE"? the jew tried to be polite and said "OH---AN ISHMAELITE

and that is how muhummad became related to Abraham---and descended
from ISHMAEL-----and-----the BEGINNING OF ISLAM

am I not briliiant?
wrong again----in fact---it was MUHUMMAD who decided that HE was related to
Ishmael because HE wanted to be related to Abraham. Even way back then---
TRIBE and LINEAGE was the BIG ISSUE in the perverse minds of the
illiterate desert people of arabia -----they actually had ORACLES who invented
lineages for a fee. Learn some reality
The illiterate terrorist Mohammad didn't realize that he had related himself to the one that God had called a wild jackass, and commanded Abraham to kick his unruly ass out of his house, and out into the desert.

Roudy----I have a theory----which emerged from my naive mind----based in
unslanted information. Here it is-----Jews lived in arabia----probably
since about 1000 BC ---or earlier The 'natives' of arabia (that is the part
which is now saudi arabia) were just as they were presented in ---LAWRENCE
OF ARABIA------illiterate, nomadic tent dwelling types. The koran, itself,
records muhummad as a caravan raider in his youth. Arabia was important
because it was ON THE WAY to the east-----and that made MECCA----
important and CULTURALLY DIVERSE ----zoroastrians moved in ---christians
moved in......and the native population lived off the literate guys who moved in.

they probably worked a bit for them and robbed them too.

NOW----I asked hubby---about "arabs"---when does "arab" appear in the
literature? and what are 'ishmaelites" He said---the TALMUD---
describes ISHMAELITES as ---illiterate persons with no fixed homes----
who are a bit dangerous to people traveling in the wilderness (midbar).

OK This is what happened. One day----a jew in arabia said to his
friend "you need someone to carry that stuff for you and pack
up your camel?------hire that ISHMAELITE---over there" pointing to
muhummad. Muhummad heard him and asked "what is a
ISHMAELITE"? the jew tried to be polite and said "OH---AN ISHMAELITE

and that is how muhummad became related to Abraham---and descended
from ISHMAEL-----and-----the BEGINNING OF ISLAM

am I not briliiant?

The Jews arrived in Arabia from Jericho around 300 BC.

Muhammed wasn't a camel raider.. His wife own caravans that traveled to Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Levant. The Christians in Arabia were Nestorians and lived in Najran and in Tarut Island. They were protected first by the Ethiopian Christian King and then by Muhammed.
"...If you lived in several Arab countries then you are a liar. Arabs treated Jews as second class citizens and persecuted them. That is a fact. When the state of Israel created, the Arabs started committing ethnic cleansing and killing all the Jews that had lived in those countries, for thousands of years in some cases. By the time they were done, almost the entire region was stripped of its Jewish populations. In essence they did what the nazis couldn't accomplish in Europe. And then they adopted Nazism and weaved it into Arab nationalism and Islamism..."
Yes, this does seem accurate in-the-main, doesn't it?
Nah, US started supporting Israel in the 1960's after it realized that most of the Arab world had become client Soviet states, and were constantly attacking their ally. Supporting Israel, just like supporting Japan or South Korea, became a National Security issue. And it still is. Israel is the only country the US can truly trust in the region. The rest are relationships built on convenience and resources, Americans have nothing in common with them.

The Arabs are recent 20th century invaders to the land. It belonged to the Ottomans for 600 years and then controlled by the British after WWI. Out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire, many countries were created, all of them Muslim and Arab. Nobody had a problem with any of it until a Jewish state was created in the land ancient Jews lived. Arabs have always oppressed and persecuted Jews and Christians in their countries as second class citizens, so naturally a Jewish state which stood up for itself was an alien concept to them.

Anti Zionism is just another way for anti Semites to vent their hatred and intolerance towards the Jewish people. After WWII outright anti semitism became politically incorrect so itis now disguised as anti Zionism. Nobody's falling for it except other anti Semites.

Its a miracle that the Soviets didn't establish themselves in the Arab world after 1948.. but Arabs hate communism and socialism.. always have.

The problem in Palestine was a matter of culture .. The European Zionists didn't fit in the culture of the Arab Muslims, Christians and Jews. They also didn't speak Arabic.

Most if not all of them were socialists.. going barelegged and bare armed, yapping about free love, Lenin and Marx. They told the Arabs by 1920 that the Brits had given them the land and that the Arabs would work for them and be their slaves.

When Jews moved to Hebron after the expulsion from Spain.. they did so without incident..

I have lived in several Arab countries ... The Jews were still leaving in the 1970s.. Most it seems did not go to Israel.. I remember them as prosperous.. own factories and being heavily into import -export.

The problem wasn't because they were Jews..

You would put up resistance if your population doubled with foreign aliens who wanted to push you off your land and create a state exclusively for themselves.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

If you lived in several Arab countries then you are a liar. Arabs treated Jews as second class citizens and persecuted them. That is a fact. When the state of Israel created, the Arabs started committing ethnic cleansing and killing all the Jews that had lived in those countries, for thousands of years in some cases. By the time they were done, almost the entire region was stripped of its Jewish populations. In essence they did what the nazis couldn't accomplish in Europe. And then they adopted Nazism and weaved it into Arab nationalism and Islamism.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

The US began sending aid to Israel in 1948.. in the form of food aid in the beginning.

I doubt that you have lived in the Arab world.. I have ... in Libya, KSA, and Kuwait with many long visits to Lebanon. I don't know much about Iraq, Iran and Syria in spite of many brief trips to those countries.

The Mufti only met Hitler once for about 15 minutes.. and Hitler would not shake his hand.

You seem so incredibly focused on hate.. What is that?

Arabs are not Nazis.. Read the Nuremburg laws from 1933 to 1939 if you have any doubts.
Ill take religion for 300 points Alex:

By what religious "name" did Jesus' disciples and apostles often call him?

Jihad Sherri shift no. 3 is welcome to answer as well.

Tick tick tick...

beep: What is rabbi?
The illiterate terrorist Mohammad didn't realize that he had related himself to the one that God had called a wild jackass, and commanded Abraham to kick his unruly ass out of his house, and out into the desert.

Roudy----I have a theory----which emerged from my naive mind----based in
unslanted information. Here it is-----Jews lived in arabia----probably
since about 1000 BC ---or earlier The 'natives' of arabia (that is the part
which is now saudi arabia) were just as they were presented in ---LAWRENCE
OF ARABIA------illiterate, nomadic tent dwelling types. The koran, itself,
records muhummad as a caravan raider in his youth. Arabia was important
because it was ON THE WAY to the east-----and that made MECCA----
important and CULTURALLY DIVERSE ----zoroastrians moved in ---christians
moved in......and the native population lived off the literate guys who moved in.

they probably worked a bit for them and robbed them too.

NOW----I asked hubby---about "arabs"---when does "arab" appear in the
literature? and what are 'ishmaelites" He said---the TALMUD---
describes ISHMAELITES as ---illiterate persons with no fixed homes----
who are a bit dangerous to people traveling in the wilderness (midbar).

OK This is what happened. One day----a jew in arabia said to his
friend "you need someone to carry that stuff for you and pack
up your camel?------hire that ISHMAELITE---over there" pointing to
muhummad. Muhummad heard him and asked "what is a
ISHMAELITE"? the jew tried to be polite and said "OH---AN ISHMAELITE

and that is how muhummad became related to Abraham---and descended
from ISHMAEL-----and-----the BEGINNING OF ISLAM

am I not briliiant?

The Jews arrived in Arabia from Jericho around 300 BC.

Muhammed wasn't a camel raider.. His wife own caravans that traveled to Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Levant. The Christians in Arabia were Nestorians and lived in Najran and in Tarut Island. They were protected first by the Ethiopian Christian King and then by Muhammed.

LOL thanks for the KHUTBAH JUMAAT BS version of history before marrying
the rich widow for her money-----the young man built his rep as a caravan raider

as to jews in arabia------you are referring to unassailable physical evidence
that the shariah cesspit cannot manage to keep under wraps---dating back
to 300 BC The real history is buried in medina---(the erstwhile
yathrib) and that place is not slated for EXCAVATION------too much
reality for you and yours

both the genetic and written history bring us much further back than 300 BC----
at the VERY LEAST----first temple times. Iraqi jews and yemeni jews are
still annoyed with each other over events of THOSE TIMES

Genetically-----well---you would not understand----population genetics is easy for
me-----but I have had little success discussing it on this board-----the ethiopian and
arabian penninsula jews have been in touch with each other since at least 1000 BC--

I like that theory "MUHUMMAD 'PROTECTED' THE CHRISTIANS" yeah----sure.
That's why there remains a large christian population in saudi arabia

"protected" (read that----subjugated and exploited and----eventually
genocided out of existence---in the most comprehensive genocide in
Its a miracle that the Soviets didn't establish themselves in the Arab world after 1948.. but Arabs hate communism and socialism.. always have.

The problem in Palestine was a matter of culture .. The European Zionists didn't fit in the culture of the Arab Muslims, Christians and Jews. They also didn't speak Arabic.

Most if not all of them were socialists.. going barelegged and bare armed, yapping about free love, Lenin and Marx. They told the Arabs by 1920 that the Brits had given them the land and that the Arabs would work for them and be their slaves.

When Jews moved to Hebron after the expulsion from Spain.. they did so without incident..

I have lived in several Arab countries ... The Jews were still leaving in the 1970s.. Most it seems did not go to Israel.. I remember them as prosperous.. own factories and being heavily into import -export.

The problem wasn't because they were Jews..

You would put up resistance if your population doubled with foreign aliens who wanted to push you off your land and create a state exclusively for themselves.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

If you lived in several Arab countries then you are a liar. Arabs treated Jews as second class citizens and persecuted them. That is a fact. When the state of Israel created, the Arabs started committing ethnic cleansing and killing all the Jews that had lived in those countries, for thousands of years in some cases. By the time they were done, almost the entire region was stripped of its Jewish populations. In essence they did what the nazis couldn't accomplish in Europe. And then they adopted Nazism and weaved it into Arab nationalism and Islamism.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

The US began sending aid to Israel in 1948.. in the form of food aid in the beginning.

I doubt that you have lived in the Arab world.. I have ... in Libya, KSA, and Kuwait with many long visits to Lebanon. I don't know much about Iraq, Iran and Syria in spite of many brief trips to those countries.

The Mufti only met Hitler once for about 15 minutes.. and Hitler would not shake his hand.

You seem so incredibly focused on hate.. What is that?

Arabs are not Nazis.. Read the Nuremburg laws from 1933 to 1939 if you have any doubts.

First meeting was for over an hour and they met several times after that. There are several pictures of them together.

Amin was actively promoting the "final solution"
If you lived in several Arab countries then you are a liar. Arabs treated Jews as second class citizens and persecuted them. That is a fact. When the state of Israel created, the Arabs started committing ethnic cleansing and killing all the Jews that had lived in those countries, for thousands of years in some cases. By the time they were done, almost the entire region was stripped of its Jewish populations. In essence they did what the nazis couldn't accomplish in Europe. And then they adopted Nazism and weaved it into Arab nationalism and Islamism.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

The US began sending aid to Israel in 1948.. in the form of food aid in the beginning.

I doubt that you have lived in the Arab world.. I have ... in Libya, KSA, and Kuwait with many long visits to Lebanon. I don't know much about Iraq, Iran and Syria in spite of many brief trips to those countries.

The Mufti only met Hitler once for about 15 minutes.. and Hitler would not shake his hand.

You seem so incredibly focused on hate.. What is that?

Arabs are not Nazis.. Read the Nuremburg laws from 1933 to 1939 if you have any doubts.

First meeting was for over an hour and they met several times after that. There are several pictures of them together.

Amin was actively promoting the "final solution"

No.. you have visited one too many hate sites. The Mufti wanted the European Jews to have other options besides Palestine.. The population had already doubled with foreigners in the previous 15 years.
The US began sending aid to Israel in 1948.. in the form of food aid in the beginning.

I doubt that you have lived in the Arab world.. I have ... in Libya, KSA, and Kuwait with many long visits to Lebanon. I don't know much about Iraq, Iran and Syria in spite of many brief trips to those countries.

The Mufti only met Hitler once for about 15 minutes.. and Hitler would not shake his hand.

You seem so incredibly focused on hate.. What is that?

Arabs are not Nazis.. Read the Nuremburg laws from 1933 to 1939 if you have any doubts.

First meeting was for over an hour and they met several times after that. There are several pictures of them together.

Amin was actively promoting the "final solution"

No.. you have visited one too many hate sites. The Mufti wanted the European Jews to have other options besides Palestine.. The population had already doubled with foreigners in the previous 15 years.

Where did you read this ??
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