Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Please explain why we have Old And New Testaments?

A great deal of the religious division and confusion in the world today is caused by general lack of knowledge about the purpose and intent of the two major divisions of the Bible, the old and the new testaments.

The Old Testament is revelation and law from God covering about the time from the creation of the earth to the time of Jesus' death on the cross. The New Testament is revelation and law from God covering about the time from Jesus' birth to His (future) second coming. It tells us that His Son, Jesus, came, lived, died, and arose so that believers on Jesus as the Christ might have eternal life. The New Testament also tells us, by both command and recorded example how we are to worship God today. The two portionscf God's will are so closely related it can be said about them that the Old is the New concealed and the New is the Old revealed. The Old Testament was preparatory, temporary, and limited. The New is complete, eternal, and universal. The Old Testament promised a New Testament (Jer. 31:31). The prophet Isaiah spoke of the days to come when the new law would go forth from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-4). In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul stated that the law of Moses had been given until the seed, which is Christ Jesus, had come (study Galatians 3:19-27).

Please explain why we have Old And New Testaments?
Oh look! Jihad Sherri found other idiots like herself!
Well, I have to say I feel Blessed to have had this opportunity to have these discussions on this thread. There were some things that had bothered me for many years about Salvation before Jesus that I now understand much better. It's just like it all comes together, so much so that literally I explained it to myself in my head and walked into a Sermon Wednesday night and listened to my preacher express it exactly the same way I had just explained it to myself.

I would write it here now, but I am working my way through understanding a few more things a bit better first, then I will.
Well. it's been fun but I have to go to the looney bin for a check-up and adjustment. My Zionism needs a boost.
"Well my shift has ended, let's see a big show of hand for the Abdul which will take over for the 3rd shift. The second shift has been brought to you by Budweiser Hallal Beer. Allahu Akbar!"
Jesus is the Son of God.

As much separates Jesus from being a Zionist as is the distance between heaven and hell.

The master of every Zionist is Satan.
So are you calling Jesus, Satan?

Satan is one of the children of god... be it theology or science, the god particle is the source of all life, so we are all the children of god
When one looks at the abominable behavior of Jihad Sherri, you start wondering if God has a sense of humor sometimes.
No Red Bull, caffeine is as strong as it gets.

I don't like the taste of it.

She drinks a shit load of Red Bull.

3rd shift Sherri, is that you?
My favorite Sherri is the late night to morning shift one. He's the one that sounds the dumbest and most Islamic. Can we write a letter to their supervisor and ask the shifts to be switched? That way we can all enjoy the late night Sherri show.
I wish I could make you understand Jesus.

I really could care less about history.

We love because He first loved us, to have that love hit you and immerse you and envelope you and consume you, nothing in this world like that, nothing can come anywhere close to that.

Jesus My Jesus
You live in my heart
You lead and guide me
Each and every day of my life
You are the one who I was born to seek and find and to know
The only one who could have feeled the emptiness I felt inside

The beginning of a song I wrote

And you know, the words always fall short in fully expressing who Jesus is, they always do

I finally see a Sherri that is seeking understanding. Proverbs tells us not to lean on our own understanding. And Jesus said "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". Ask, seek, knock. If you believe in Jesus and you ask Him to show you the truth, He will. And if you would ask people to pray for you, they will. I will pray for you Sherri.
Here is the curse, another statement of it/another way to say it, by Jesus Himself.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that*kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have*gathered*your children together*as a hen gathers her brood*under her wings, and*you were not willing!*See,*your house is left to you desolate.*For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say,*‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’

Matthew 23 ESV - Seven Woes to the Scribes and Pharisees - Bible Gateway
It's not actually a curse he was talking about the leadership, the Pharisees and Scribes. But if you actually read on in Mathew, you will see the Zionist Israelite Jew Jesus celebrating the Zionist Biblical celebration of PASSOVER.

Checkmate, LOL:

The Passover with the Disciples
Matthew 26
17 Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Where will you have us prepare for you to eat the Passover?” 18 He said, “Go into the city to a certain man and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, My time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.’” 19 And the disciples did as Jesus had directed them, and they prepared the Passover.
Ill take religion for 300 points Alex:

By what religious "name" did Jesus' disciples and apostles often call him?

Jihad Sherri shift no. 3 is welcome to answer as well.

Tick tick tick...
Ill take religion for 300 points Alex:

By what religious "name" did Jesus' disciples and apostles often call him?

Jihad Sherri shift no. 3 is welcome to answer as well.

Tick tick tick...
She's calling a friend.
Whoops, battery is dead.
Ill take religion for 300 points Alex:

By what religious "name" did Jesus' disciples and apostles often call him?

Jihad Sherri shift no. 3 is welcome to answer as well.

Tick tick tick...
She's calling a friend.
Whoops, battery is dead.
Ha ha ha. Well Alex Trebek from Jeopardy wants you the viewers to know that Jesus was called RABBI, even after his resurrection. So far all the arrows are pointing to Jesus being a ZIONIST, JEW, ISRAELITE, OLD TESTAMENT BEIEVER, RABBI.

Mark 11:20
The Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree

20 As they passed by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots. 21 And Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree that you cursed has withered.” 22 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. 23 Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received[c] it, and it will be yours. 25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

^^^^^^. Very Jewish, YOM KIPPUR prayer every Jew prays on the Judaism's Day of Attonement. Jesus was as Jewish and Zionist as you can get!
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Ill take religion for 300 points Alex:

By what religious "name" did Jesus' disciples and apostles often call him?

Jihad Sherri shift no. 3 is welcome to answer as well.

Tick tick tick...
She's calling a friend.
Whoops, battery is dead.
Ha ha ha. Well Alex Trebek from Jeopardy wants you the viewers to know that Jesus was called RABBI, even after his resurrection. So far all the arrows are pointing to Jesus being a ZIONIST, JEW, ISRAELITE, OLD TESTAMENT BEIEVER, RABBI.

Mark 11:20
The Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree

20 As they passed by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots. 21 And Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree that you cursed has withered.” 22 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. 23 Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received[c] it, and it will be yours. 25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

^^^^^^. Very Jewish, YOM KIPPUR prayer every Jew prays on the Judaism's Day of Attonement. Jesus was as Jewish and Zionist as you can get!

roudy----as a jew you recognize what Jesus and his friends were saying-----
but there are "some people" who simply do not know and do not want
to know. Some people cannot BEAR THE IDEA-----the reality
Sherri is a blast. She keeps on saying how much she loves her Jesus while she supports those who are killing his people all over the world. Sure hope she likes her life on the funny farm.

I wish I could make you understand Jesus.

I really could care less about history.

We love because He first loved us, to have that love hit you and immerse you and envelope you and consume you, nothing in this world like that, nothing can come anywhere close to that.

Jesus My Jesus
You live in my heart
You lead and guide me
Each and every day of my life
You are the one who I was born to seek and find and to know
The only one who could have feeled the emptiness I felt inside

The beginning of a song I wrote

And you know, the words always fall short in fully expressing who Jesus is, they always do

I finally see a Sherri that is seeking understanding. Proverbs tells us not to lean on our own understanding. And Jesus said "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". Ask, seek, knock. If you believe in Jesus and you ask Him to show you the truth, He will. And if you would ask people to pray for you, they will. I will pray for you Sherri.
By saying that she thinks it will give her immunity in her afterlife, whereas it is unlikely to do didldy squat because of her hatred of Israel and how she delights in the death of children.

Sherri is a blast. She keeps on saying how much she loves her Jesus while she supports those who are killing his people all over the world. Sure hope she likes her life on the funny farm.

I wish I could make you understand Jesus.

I really could care less about history.

We love because He first loved us, to have that love hit you and immerse you and envelope you and consume you, nothing in this world like that, nothing can come anywhere close to that.

Jesus My Jesus
You live in my heart
You lead and guide me
Each and every day of my life
You are the one who I was born to seek and find and to know
The only one who could have feeled the emptiness I felt inside

The beginning of a song I wrote

And you know, the words always fall short in fully expressing who Jesus is, they always do

I finally see a Sherri that is seeking understanding. Proverbs tells us not to lean on our own understanding. And Jesus said "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". Ask, seek, knock. If you believe in Jesus and you ask Him to show you the truth, He will. And if you would ask people to pray for you, they will. I will pray for you Sherri.
She's calling a friend.
Whoops, battery is dead.
Ha ha ha. Well Alex Trebek from Jeopardy wants you the viewers to know that Jesus was called RABBI, even after his resurrection. So far all the arrows are pointing to Jesus being a ZIONIST, JEW, ISRAELITE, OLD TESTAMENT BEIEVER, RABBI.

Mark 11:20
The Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree

20 As they passed by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots. 21 And Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree that you cursed has withered.” 22 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. 23 Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received[c] it, and it will be yours. 25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

^^^^^^. Very Jewish, YOM KIPPUR prayer every Jew prays on the Judaism's Day of Attonement. Jesus was as Jewish and Zionist as you can get!

roudy----as a jew you recognize what Jesus and his friends were saying-----
but there are "some people" who simply do not know and do not want
to know. Some people cannot BEAR THE IDEA-----the reality
That is true Irosie. The more I see the more I am convinced that Jesus was a Jewish, Zionist, Israelite rabbi preaching Judaism from the Old Testament.

The above verse I quoted is a classic prayer and true essence of Yom Kippur, Judaism's holiest day, in which you are to forgive and beg others for forgiveness and pray that God may forgive you.
By saying that she thinks it will give her immunity in her afterlife, whereas it is unlikely to do didldy squat because of her hatred of Israel and how she delights in the death of children.

Sherri is a blast. She keeps on saying how much she loves her Jesus while she supports those who are killing his people all over the world. Sure hope she likes her life on the funny farm.

I wish I could make you understand Jesus.

I really could care less about history.

We love because He first loved us, to have that love hit you and immerse you and envelope you and consume you, nothing in this world like that, nothing can come anywhere close to that.

Jesus My Jesus
You live in my heart
You lead and guide me
Each and every day of my life
You are the one who I was born to seek and find and to know
The only one who could have feeled the emptiness I felt inside

The beginning of a song I wrote

And you know, the words always fall short in fully expressing who Jesus is, they always do

I finally see a Sherri that is seeking understanding. Proverbs tells us not to lean on our own understanding. And Jesus said "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". Ask, seek, knock. If you believe in Jesus and you ask Him to show you the truth, He will. And if you would ask people to pray for you, they will. I will pray for you Sherri.
According to Jihad Sherri the abomination's warped ideology, spending all her living and breathing hours spouting Jew hate guarantees her a seat in heaven. This is classic anti semitism, where Jews are looked upon as "Christ killers" and hating and persecuting them is "doing Gods work".

Some people are simply so diseased and filled with hate that they are incurable.
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So rare that a nutcase wants to be on a public display. Gotta love her for that. What fun she gives us.

By saying that she thinks it will give her immunity in her afterlife, whereas it is unlikely to do didldy squat because of her hatred of Israel and how she delights in the death of children.

Sherri is a blast. She keeps on saying how much she loves her Jesus while she supports those who are killing his people all over the world. Sure hope she likes her life on the funny farm.

I wish I could make you understand Jesus.

I really could care less about history.

We love because He first loved us, to have that love hit you and immerse you and envelope you and consume you, nothing in this world like that, nothing can come anywhere close to that.

Jesus My Jesus
You live in my heart
You lead and guide me
Each and every day of my life
You are the one who I was born to seek and find and to know
The only one who could have feeled the emptiness I felt inside

The beginning of a song I wrote

And you know, the words always fall short in fully expressing who Jesus is, they always do

I finally see a Sherri that is seeking understanding. Proverbs tells us not to lean on our own understanding. And Jesus said "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". Ask, seek, knock. If you believe in Jesus and you ask Him to show you the truth, He will. And if you would ask people to pray for you, they will. I will pray for you Sherri.
By saying that she thinks it will give her immunity in her afterlife, whereas it is unlikely to do didldy squat because of her hatred of Israel and how she delights in the death of children.

Sherri is a blast. She keeps on saying how much she loves her Jesus while she supports those who are killing his people all over the world. Sure hope she likes her life on the funny farm.

According to Jihad Sherri the abomination's warped ideology, spending all her living and breathing hours spouting Jew hate guarantees her a seat in heaven. This is classic anti semitism, where Jews are looked upon as "Christ killers" and hating and persecuting them is "doing Gods work".

Some people are simply so diseased and filled with hate that they are incurable.

Christ killers? Are you kidding? Christians don't hate Jews, but many do have a problem with the Likkud. Every US president since Eisenhower has tried to make peace and stop the killings.
And the funny thing is she thinks she is right and everyone else is wrong.
Unbelievable. :lol:

So rare that a nutcase wants to be on a public display. Gotta love her for that. What fun she gives us.

By saying that she thinks it will give her immunity in her afterlife, whereas it is unlikely to do didldy squat because of her hatred of Israel and how she delights in the death of children.

Sherri is a blast. She keeps on saying how much she loves her Jesus while she supports those who are killing his people all over the world. Sure hope she likes her life on the funny farm.

By saying that she thinks it will give her immunity in her afterlife, whereas it is unlikely to do didldy squat because of her hatred of Israel and how she delights in the death of children.
According to Jihad Sherri the abomination's warped ideology, spending all her living and breathing hours spouting Jew hate guarantees her a seat in heaven. This is classic anti semitism, where Jews are looked upon as "Christ killers" and hating and persecuting them is "doing Gods work".

Some people are simply so diseased and filled with hate that they are incurable.

Christ killers? Are you kidding? Christians don't hate Jews, but many do have a problem with the Likkud. Every US president since Eisenhower has tried to make peace and stop the killings.

Are you telling me that this is the first time you heard Jews being referred to as Christ killers?

Every US president has been very supportive of Israel. This conflict is about Muslim intolerance and hatred, nothing else.

Arabs got their "Arab Palestine" carved out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire in Jordan, but still couldn't stand a Jewish state in ancient Israel, in an ocean of Muslim shithole states in the region many of them carved out as well. So they attacked Israel and lost, not to create a Palestinian state but simply to destroy the Jewish one, and then divide it amongst themselves in true islamic fashion. Even when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, from 48 to 67, not one word was uttered about a Palestine from either side.

Anti Zionism is simply another word for anti semetism, as correctly noted by Martin Luther King Jr.
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