Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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The Jews arrived in Arabia from Jericho around 300 BC.

Muhammed wasn't a camel raider.. His wife own caravans that traveled to Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Levant. The Christians in Arabia were Nestorians and lived in Najran and in Tarut Island. They were protected first by the Ethiopian Christian King and then by Muhammed.
Hmmmm....so to recap, this Sharoona character who claims to be a "knowledgable",

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Muslims brutally slaughtering hundreds of millions of animals as sacrifice during their EID celebration,

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Arab Muslim total ethnic cleansing and persecution of over 1.2 million Jews who have lived in the region for over 2000 years in some cases. Nakbah | United Nations | Jewish Refugees | Ron Prosor

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about the fact that today, the same Jews and their descendants comprise of a majority of Isrselis population.

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad the prophet of Islam raiding Caravans EVEN DURING RAMADAN and killing and raping travelers and looting their belongings: Caravan raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad Slaughtering the ancient Jews of Medina just because they refused to accept the illiterate terrorist prophet as the "Final Messenger". Of which he stole their gold and belongings and used the money to dance his other "jihadi" invasions and raids. Muhammad’s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about ISSAC being the one whom the God's promise and covenant goes to. It's clearly written in the OT. Not ISHMAEL whom God called an unruly wild jackass, who's descendants will be at war with all nations. Ironic how the illiterate prophet related himself to someone which best describes Islam and its fruits.

The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..

The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.

Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.

In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.
Yeah? Did you learn this at your mosque, that Mohammad ONLY slaughtered 50 Jews?! And probably because HE HAD NO CHOICE, RIGHT? Just like the Islamic terrorists today, right?

"The Banu Qurayza (Arabic: بني قريظة; بنو قريظة* alternate spellings include Quraiza, Qurayzah, Quraytha, and the archaic Koreiza) were a Jewish tribe which lived in northern Arabia, at the oasis of Yathrib (presently known as Medina), until the 7th century. In February/March of 627 AD, their conflict with Muhammad led to a 25-day siege of Banu Qurayza ending in the tribe's surrender. There is much debate about the number executed with some estimating that between 400-900 males (many pubescent and adolescent boys) were beheaded."

I guess you were trained at the same place as Sherri, it appears they look for shameless losers with no self respect who can keep coming back after they've been proven a liar. LOL
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Hmmmm....so to recap, this Sharoona character who claims to be a "knowledgable",

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Muslims brutally slaughtering hundreds of millions of animals as sacrifice during their EID celebration,

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Arab Muslim total ethnic cleansing and persecution of over 1.2 million Jews who have lived in the region for over 2000 years in some cases. Nakbah | United Nations | Jewish Refugees | Ron Prosor

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about the fact that today, the same Jews and their descendants comprise of a majority of Isrselis population.

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad the prophet of Islam raiding Caravans EVEN DURING RAMADAN and killing and raping travelers and looting their belongings: Caravan raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad Slaughtering the ancient Jews of Medina just because they refused to accept the illiterate terrorist prophet as the "Final Messenger". Of which he stole their gold and belongings and used the money to dance his other "jihadi" invasions and raids. Muhammad’s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about ISSAC being the one whom the God's promise and covenant goes to. It's clearly written in the OT. Not ISHMAEL whom God called an unruly wild jackass, who's descendants will be at war with all nations. Ironic how the illiterate prophet related himself to someone which best describes Islam and its fruits.

The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..

The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.

Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.

In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.
Yeah? Did you learn this at your mosque, that Mohammad ONLY slaughtered 50 Jews?! And probably because HE HAD NO CHOICE, RIGHT? Just like the Islamic terrorists today, right?

The Banu Qurayza (Arabic: بني قريظة; بنو قريظة* alternate spellings include Quraiza, Qurayzah, Quraytha, and the archaic Koreiza) were a Jewish tribe which lived in northern Arabia, at the oasis of Yathrib (presently known as Medina), until the 7th century. In February/March of 627 AD, their conflict with Muhammad led to a 25-day siege of Banu Qurayza ending in the tribe's surrender. There is much debate about the number executed with some estimating that between 400-900 males (many pubescent and adolescent boys) were beheaded.

I guess you were trained at the same place as Sherri, it appears they look for shameless losers with no self respect who can keep coming back after they've been proven a liar. LOL
Look, your Mohammad was so compassionate, even your Koran says so. Look how he "only" slaughtered the males, even AFTER they had surrendered:

Banu Qurayzah sent word to Muhammad proposing to evacuate their territory and remove themselves to Adhri'at, but Muhammad rejected their proposal and insisted on their abiding by his judgment. They sent to al-Aws pleading that they should help them as al-Khazraj had helped their client Jews before them. A group of al-Aws tribesmen sought Muhammad and pleaded with him to accept from their allies a similar arrangement to that which he accepted from the allies of al-Khazraj. Muhammad asked, "O men of al-Aws, would you be happy if we allowed one of your men to arbitrate the case?" When they agreed, he asked them to nominate whomsoever they wished. This was communicated to the Jews, and the latter, unmindful of the fate that was lying in store for them, nominated Sa'd ibn Mu'adh. Sa'd was a reputable man of al-Aws tribe, respected for his sound judgment. Previously, Sa'd was the first one to approach the Jews, to warn them adequately, even to predict to them that they might have to face Muhammad one day. He had witnessed the Jews cursing Muhammad and the Muslims. After his nomination and acceptance as arbitrator, Sa'd sought guarantees from the two parties that they would abide by his judgment. After these guarantees were secured, he commanded that Banu Qurayzah come out of their fortress and surrender their armour. Sa'd then pronounced his verdict that the fighting men be put to the sword, that their wealth be confiscated as war booty, and that the women and the children be taken as captives. When Muhammad heard the verdict, he said: "By Him Who dominates my soul, God is pleased with your judgment, 0 Sa'd; and so are the believers. You have surely done your duty." He then proceeded to Madinah where he commanded a large grave to be dug for the Jewish fighters brought in to be killed and buried.[1]
Muhammad Husayn Haykal - The Life of Muhammad. (p. 337)

Gee, where do I sign up to convert to Islam, such a peaceful loving religion. And what a benevolent man Mohammad was. Ha ha ha.
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Well I'm really glad that we've finally established that Jesus and the New Testament are indeed Zionist and now we can move on to how peaceful Issssslam really is..

<exit stage left imposter Sharoona>
<jihad Sherri now steps into the stage>

ha ha ha.
The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..

The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.

Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.

In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.
Yeah? Did you learn this at your mosque, that Mohammad ONLY slaughtered 50 Jews?! And probably because HE HAD NO CHOICE, RIGHT? Just like the Islamic terrorists today, right?

The Banu Qurayza (Arabic: &#1576;&#1606;&#1610; &#1602;&#1585;&#1610;&#1592;&#1577;; &#1576;&#1606;&#1608; &#1602;&#1585;&#1610;&#1592;&#1577;* alternate spellings include Quraiza, Qurayzah, Quraytha, and the archaic Koreiza) were a Jewish tribe which lived in northern Arabia, at the oasis of Yathrib (presently known as Medina), until the 7th century. In February/March of 627 AD, their conflict with Muhammad led to a 25-day siege of Banu Qurayza ending in the tribe's surrender. There is much debate about the number executed with some estimating that between 400-900 males (many pubescent and adolescent boys) were beheaded.

I guess you were trained at the same place as Sherri, it appears they look for shameless losers with no self respect who can keep coming back after they've been proven a liar. LOL
Look, your Mohammad was so compassionate, even your Koran says so. Look how he "only" slaughtered only the males, even after they had surrendered:

Banu Qurayzah sent word to Muhammad proposing to evacuate their territory and remove themselves to Adhri'at, but Muhammad rejected their proposal and insisted on their abiding by his judgment. They sent to al-Aws pleading that they should help them as al-Khazraj had helped their client Jews before them. A group of al-Aws tribesmen sought Muhammad and pleaded with him to accept from their allies a similar arrangement to that which he accepted from the allies of al-Khazraj. Muhammad asked, "O men of al-Aws, would you be happy if we allowed one of your men to arbitrate the case?" When they agreed, he asked them to nominate whomsoever they wished. This was communicated to the Jews, and the latter, unmindful of the fate that was lying in store for them, nominated Sa'd ibn Mu'adh. Sa'd was a reputable man of al-Aws tribe, respected for his sound judgment. Previously, Sa'd was the first one to approach the Jews, to warn them adequately, even to predict to them that they might have to face Muhammad one day. He had witnessed the Jews cursing Muhammad and the Muslims. After his nomination and acceptance as arbitrator, Sa'd sought guarantees from the two parties that they would abide by his judgment. After these guarantees were secured, he commanded that Banu Qurayzah come out of their fortress and surrender their armour. Sa'd then pronounced his verdict that the fighting men be put to the sword, that their wealth be confiscated as war booty, and that the women and the children be taken as captives. When Muhammad heard the verdict, he said: "By Him Who dominates my soul, God is pleased with your judgment, 0 Sa'd; and so are the believers. You have surely done your duty." He then proceeded to Madinah where he commanded a large grave to be dug for the Jewish fighters brought in to be killed and buried.[1]
Muhammad Husayn Haykal - The Life of Muhammad. (p. 337)

Gee, where do I sign up to convert to Islam, such a peaceful loving religion. Ha ha ha.

LOLOL. I am Episcopalian..

Do you have even the smallest clue why all women in Arabia needed a family, tribe and clan.

Ignorance is an awful burden.
The Jews arrived in Arabia from Jericho around 300 BC.

Muhammed wasn't a camel raider.. His wife own caravans that traveled to Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Levant. The Christians in Arabia were Nestorians and lived in Najran and in Tarut Island. They were protected first by the Ethiopian Christian King and then by Muhammed.
Hmmmm....so to recap, this Sharoona character who claims to be a "knowledgable",

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Muslims brutally slaughtering hundreds of millions of animals as sacrifice during their EID celebration,

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Arab Muslim total ethnic cleansing and persecution of over 1.2 million Jews who have lived in the region for over 2000 years in some cases. Nakbah | United Nations | Jewish Refugees | Ron Prosor

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about the fact that today, the same Jews and their descendants comprise of a majority of Isrselis population.

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad the prophet of Islam raiding Caravans EVEN DURING RAMADAN and killing and raping travelers and looting their belongings: Caravan raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad Slaughtering the ancient Jews of Medina just because they refused to accept the illiterate terrorist prophet as the "Final Messenger". Of which he stole their gold and belongings and used the money to dance his other "jihadi" invasions and raids. Muhammad’s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about ISSAC being the one whom the God's promise and covenant goes to. It's clearly written in the OT. Not ISHMAEL whom God called an unruly wild jackass, who's descendants will be at war with all nations. Ironic how the illiterate prophet related himself to someone which best describes Islam and its fruits.

The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..

The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.

Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.

In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.

your claim that the jewish population of YATHRIB was 90 is pure BS---but ---of course
all traces of that town are erased by the filth you endorse. The hebrews "took from"
---right----they did -----they took a lesson in the filth of NIMROD-----read the books. In
the middle east the child of RAPE BY A MUSLIM MALE----is a muslim by law YOUR
POINT?. the bible is all about FREE CHOICE----You got one thing right----the barbaric
FRST BORN COMES FIRST------was discarded in favor of -----BEST COMES FIRST

My husband was born in a shariah cesspit-----where rape of non muslims was LEGAL---
so legal that the jews there had WAYS AROUND THE FILTH you endorse. A raped
woman never claimed rape------she was just MARRIED as soon as possible---to hide
the filth you support------because the child of such a rape would be CONFISCATED
under the filth that you support

They had an intersting custom------if the girl could not be married off quickly---
the child became a sorta ---son of the mother's father----anything to save the
mother and the child from the filth you so love. -------my hubby was in Israel
circa 1940-----an emergency situation---his MOTHER's father died when she was 11-
----the only way to save her from the RAPE you endorse was to MARRY HER OFF and
SHIP HER OUT. A brave father of ONE SURVIVING SON-----(wife raped and murdered
and other kids murdered)----donated HIS son---and managed to get the little couple
away from the FILTH you support. He died in the effort-----but the little couple did
survive. You nauseate me-----Now tell us about YOUR CHURCH in saudi arabia
in which you "practiced" christianity. In fact tell me about the LOAD OF CHRISTMAS
cards your friends and relatives MAILED to you in SAUDI ARABIA -----sorry----Not only
Have I known saudis------I have also known people who -----did things there
Yeah? Did you learn this at your mosque, that Mohammad ONLY slaughtered 50 Jews?! And probably because HE HAD NO CHOICE, RIGHT? Just like the Islamic terrorists today, right?

The Banu Qurayza (Arabic: &#1576;&#1606;&#1610; &#1602;&#1585;&#1610;&#1592;&#1577;; &#1576;&#1606;&#1608; &#1602;&#1585;&#1610;&#1592;&#1577;* alternate spellings include Quraiza, Qurayzah, Quraytha, and the archaic Koreiza) were a Jewish tribe which lived in northern Arabia, at the oasis of Yathrib (presently known as Medina), until the 7th century. In February/March of 627 AD, their conflict with Muhammad led to a 25-day siege of Banu Qurayza ending in the tribe's surrender. There is much debate about the number executed with some estimating that between 400-900 males (many pubescent and adolescent boys) were beheaded.

I guess you were trained at the same place as Sherri, it appears they look for shameless losers with no self respect who can keep coming back after they've been proven a liar. LOL
Look, your Mohammad was so compassionate, even your Koran says so. Look how he "only" slaughtered only the males, even after they had surrendered:

Banu Qurayzah sent word to Muhammad proposing to evacuate their territory and remove themselves to Adhri'at, but Muhammad rejected their proposal and insisted on their abiding by his judgment. They sent to al-Aws pleading that they should help them as al-Khazraj had helped their client Jews before them. A group of al-Aws tribesmen sought Muhammad and pleaded with him to accept from their allies a similar arrangement to that which he accepted from the allies of al-Khazraj. Muhammad asked, "O men of al-Aws, would you be happy if we allowed one of your men to arbitrate the case?" When they agreed, he asked them to nominate whomsoever they wished. This was communicated to the Jews, and the latter, unmindful of the fate that was lying in store for them, nominated Sa'd ibn Mu'adh. Sa'd was a reputable man of al-Aws tribe, respected for his sound judgment. Previously, Sa'd was the first one to approach the Jews, to warn them adequately, even to predict to them that they might have to face Muhammad one day. He had witnessed the Jews cursing Muhammad and the Muslims. After his nomination and acceptance as arbitrator, Sa'd sought guarantees from the two parties that they would abide by his judgment. After these guarantees were secured, he commanded that Banu Qurayzah come out of their fortress and surrender their armour. Sa'd then pronounced his verdict that the fighting men be put to the sword, that their wealth be confiscated as war booty, and that the women and the children be taken as captives. When Muhammad heard the verdict, he said: "By Him Who dominates my soul, God is pleased with your judgment, 0 Sa'd; and so are the believers. You have surely done your duty." He then proceeded to Madinah where he commanded a large grave to be dug for the Jewish fighters brought in to be killed and buried.[1]
Muhammad Husayn Haykal - The Life of Muhammad. (p. 337)

Gee, where do I sign up to convert to Islam, such a peaceful loving religion. Ha ha ha.

LOLOL. I am Episcopalian..

Do you have even the smallest clue why all women in Arabia needed a family, tribe and clan.

Ignorance is an awful burden.

Episcopalian my ass. You're an imposter pretending to be one. Funny thing about you jackasses is you actually think you're fooling everybody.

So are you just ignorant or a liar, or both?
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Hmmmm....so to recap, this Sharoona character who claims to be a "knowledgable",

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Muslims brutally slaughtering hundreds of millions of animals as sacrifice during their EID celebration,

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Arab Muslim total ethnic cleansing and persecution of over 1.2 million Jews who have lived in the region for over 2000 years in some cases. Nakbah | United Nations | Jewish Refugees | Ron Prosor

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about the fact that today, the same Jews and their descendants comprise of a majority of Isrselis population.

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad the prophet of Islam raiding Caravans EVEN DURING RAMADAN and killing and raping travelers and looting their belongings: Caravan raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad Slaughtering the ancient Jews of Medina just because they refused to accept the illiterate terrorist prophet as the "Final Messenger". Of which he stole their gold and belongings and used the money to dance his other "jihadi" invasions and raids. Muhammad&#8217;s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about ISSAC being the one whom the God's promise and covenant goes to. It's clearly written in the OT. Not ISHMAEL whom God called an unruly wild jackass, who's descendants will be at war with all nations. Ironic how the illiterate prophet related himself to someone which best describes Islam and its fruits.

The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..

The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.

Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.

In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.

your claim that the jewish population of YATHRIB was 90 is pure BS---but ---of course
all traces of that town are erased by the filth you endorse. The hebrews "took from"
---right----they did -----they took a lesson in the filth of NIMROD-----read the books. In
the middle east the child of RAPE BY A MUSLIM MALE----is a muslim by law YOUR
POINT?. the bible is all about FREE CHOICE----You got one thing right----the barbaric
FRST BORN COMES FIRST------was discarded in favor of -----BEST COMES FIRST

My husband was born in a shariah cesspit-----where rape of non muslims was LEGAL---
so legal that the jews there had WAYS AROUND THE FILTH you endorse. A raped
woman never claimed rape------she was just MARRIED as soon as possible---to hide
the filth you support------because the child of such a rape would be CONFISCATED
under the filth that you support

They had an intersting custom------if the girl could not be married off quickly---
the child became a sorta ---son of the mother's father----anything to save the
mother and the child from the filth you so love. -------my hubby was in Israel
circa 1940-----an emergency situation---his MOTHER's father died when she was 11-
----the only way to save her from the RAPE you endorse was to MARRY HER OFF and
SHIP HER OUT. A brave father of ONE SURVIVING SON-----(wife raped and murdered
and other kids murdered)----donated HIS son---and managed to get the little couple
away from the FILTH you support. He died in the effort-----but the little couple did
survive. You nauseate me-----Now tell us about YOUR CHURCH in saudi arabia
in which you "practiced" christianity. In fact tell me about the LOAD OF CHRISTMAS
cards your friends and relatives MAILED to you in SAUDI ARABIA -----sorry----Not only
Have I known saudis------I have also known people who -----did things there
Moreover the jackass liar says Jews were still leaving in the 70's. Sure sure, where from? Saudi Arabia or Libya? One problem, hardly any Jews in those countries at the time.

The idiot imposter doesn't know that he's dealing with people who know more about this than he could ever dream of.

For example: Judaism isn't even a recognized religion in Saudi Arabia, in other words, you cannot apply for a visa (required for all US citizens) IF YOU CLAIM TO BE A JEW.
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Look, your Mohammad was so compassionate, even your Koran says so. Look how he "only" slaughtered only the males, even after they had surrendered:

Banu Qurayzah sent word to Muhammad proposing to evacuate their territory and remove themselves to Adhri'at, but Muhammad rejected their proposal and insisted on their abiding by his judgment. They sent to al-Aws pleading that they should help them as al-Khazraj had helped their client Jews before them. A group of al-Aws tribesmen sought Muhammad and pleaded with him to accept from their allies a similar arrangement to that which he accepted from the allies of al-Khazraj. Muhammad asked, "O men of al-Aws, would you be happy if we allowed one of your men to arbitrate the case?" When they agreed, he asked them to nominate whomsoever they wished. This was communicated to the Jews, and the latter, unmindful of the fate that was lying in store for them, nominated Sa'd ibn Mu'adh. Sa'd was a reputable man of al-Aws tribe, respected for his sound judgment. Previously, Sa'd was the first one to approach the Jews, to warn them adequately, even to predict to them that they might have to face Muhammad one day. He had witnessed the Jews cursing Muhammad and the Muslims. After his nomination and acceptance as arbitrator, Sa'd sought guarantees from the two parties that they would abide by his judgment. After these guarantees were secured, he commanded that Banu Qurayzah come out of their fortress and surrender their armour. Sa'd then pronounced his verdict that the fighting men be put to the sword, that their wealth be confiscated as war booty, and that the women and the children be taken as captives. When Muhammad heard the verdict, he said: "By Him Who dominates my soul, God is pleased with your judgment, 0 Sa'd; and so are the believers. You have surely done your duty." He then proceeded to Madinah where he commanded a large grave to be dug for the Jewish fighters brought in to be killed and buried.[1]
Muhammad Husayn Haykal - The Life of Muhammad. (p. 337)

Gee, where do I sign up to convert to Islam, such a peaceful loving religion. Ha ha ha.

LOLOL. I am Episcopalian..

Do you have even the smallest clue why all women in Arabia needed a family, tribe and clan.

Ignorance is an awful burden.

Episcopalian my ass. You're an imposter pretending to be one. Funny thing about you jackasses is you actually think you're fooling everybody.

So are you just ignorant or a liar, or both?

Mostly in Libya.. there was a woman's group dedicated to the arts most beautiful ceramic sculptures.. I still cherish these exquisite pieces. You sound like a moron. Are you?
Look, your Mohammad was so compassionate, even your Koran says so. Look how he "only" slaughtered only the males, even after they had surrendered:

Banu Qurayzah sent word to Muhammad proposing to evacuate their territory and remove themselves to Adhri'at, but Muhammad rejected their proposal and insisted on their abiding by his judgment. They sent to al-Aws pleading that they should help them as al-Khazraj had helped their client Jews before them. A group of al-Aws tribesmen sought Muhammad and pleaded with him to accept from their allies a similar arrangement to that which he accepted from the allies of al-Khazraj. Muhammad asked, "O men of al-Aws, would you be happy if we allowed one of your men to arbitrate the case?" When they agreed, he asked them to nominate whomsoever they wished. This was communicated to the Jews, and the latter, unmindful of the fate that was lying in store for them, nominated Sa'd ibn Mu'adh. Sa'd was a reputable man of al-Aws tribe, respected for his sound judgment. Previously, Sa'd was the first one to approach the Jews, to warn them adequately, even to predict to them that they might have to face Muhammad one day. He had witnessed the Jews cursing Muhammad and the Muslims. After his nomination and acceptance as arbitrator, Sa'd sought guarantees from the two parties that they would abide by his judgment. After these guarantees were secured, he commanded that Banu Qurayzah come out of their fortress and surrender their armour. Sa'd then pronounced his verdict that the fighting men be put to the sword, that their wealth be confiscated as war booty, and that the women and the children be taken as captives. When Muhammad heard the verdict, he said: "By Him Who dominates my soul, God is pleased with your judgment, 0 Sa'd; and so are the believers. You have surely done your duty." He then proceeded to Madinah where he commanded a large grave to be dug for the Jewish fighters brought in to be killed and buried.[1]
Muhammad Husayn Haykal - The Life of Muhammad. (p. 337)

Gee, where do I sign up to convert to Islam, such a peaceful loving religion. Ha ha ha.

LOLOL. I am Episcopalian..

Do you have even the smallest clue why all women in Arabia needed a family, tribe and clan.

Ignorance is an awful burden.

Episcopalian my ass. You're an imposter pretending to be one. Funny thing about you jackasses is you actually think you're fooling everybody.

So are you just ignorant or a liar, or both?

Not only is he an EPISCOPLIAN-----he even attended an EPISCOPALIAN CHURCH
in SAUDI ARABIA in his childhood -------RINGING BELLS AND ALL
LOLOL. I am Episcopalian..

Do you have even the smallest clue why all women in Arabia needed a family, tribe and clan.

Ignorance is an awful burden.

Episcopalian my ass. You're an imposter pretending to be one. Funny thing about you jackasses is you actually think you're fooling everybody.

So are you just ignorant or a liar, or both?

Ps.. I am female.. mother and grandmother.

Not only is he an EPISCOPLIAN-----he even attended an EPISCOPALIAN CHURCH
in SAUDI ARABIA in his childhood -------RINGING BELLS AND ALL

The Episcopal congregation was called the Canterbury group and met in the theater.

Have you ever been anywhere or are you just a full time ignoramus?
Will Sharoona start quoting biblical verses, like Jihad Sherri, now that its been humiliated?

I wouldn't be surprised.
LOLOL. I am Episcopalian..

Do you have even the smallest clue why all women in Arabia needed a family, tribe and clan.

Ignorance is an awful burden.

Episcopalian my ass. You're an imposter pretending to be one. Funny thing about you jackasses is you actually think you're fooling everybody.

So are you just ignorant or a liar, or both?

Not only is he an EPISCOPLIAN-----he even attended an EPISCOPALIAN CHURCH
in SAUDI ARABIA in his childhood -------RINGING BELLS AND ALL
Yeah, he went around saying hello "Ahlan wa sahlan" to all the Saudi Arabian Jews and waving his cross over there. Ha ha ha.
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Episcopalian my ass. You're an imposter pretending to be one. Funny thing about you jackasses is you actually think you're fooling everybody.

So are you just ignorant or a liar, or both?

Ps.. I am female.. mother and grandmother.

Not only is he an EPISCOPLIAN-----he even attended an EPISCOPALIAN CHURCH
in SAUDI ARABIA in his childhood -------RINGING BELLS AND ALL

The Episcopal congregation was called the Canterbury group and met in the theater.

Have you ever been anywhere or are you just a full time ignoramus?
Yeah, because we know that Saudi Arabia allows churches to exist, that's why it has to be in a "theatre", hidden away from the public, right, Sharmoota?
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I think Sharoona's real name is SHARMOOTA. Meaning Bitch in Arabic.

Did you cover yourself when you stepped out in public, SHARMOOTA?
I think Sharoona's real name is SHARMOOTA. Meaning Bitch in Arabic.

Did you cover yourself when you stepped out in public, SHARMOOTA?

No you silly ass I was named after the Rose of Sharon and I am not subject to the likes of you.
LOLOL. I am Episcopalian..

Do you have even the smallest clue why all women in Arabia needed a family, tribe and clan.

Ignorance is an awful burden.

Episcopalian my ass. You're an imposter pretending to be one. Funny thing about you jackasses is you actually think you're fooling everybody.

So are you just ignorant or a liar, or both?

Mostly in Libya.. there was a woman's group dedicated to the arts most beautiful ceramic sculptures.. I still cherish these exquisite pieces. You sound like a moron. Are you?
Most what in Libya? Are you loosing it SHARMOOTA Kalb?

Ahhh Libya, the KHARA bastion of tolerance towards Jews and Christians. What a truly romantic place.

Tell you what, HEYWAN, how about we ship your filthy ass back there? You seem to miss it a lot.
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