Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I think Sharoona's real name is SHARMOOTA. Meaning Bitch in Arabic.

Did you cover yourself when you stepped out in public, SHARMOOTA?

No you silly ass I was named after the Rose of Sharon and I am not subject to the likes of you.
Nah I think your real name is SHARMOOTA and I'm sticking with it. It sits well in you.

Are you the second or third shifter? And where is comrade Jihad Sherri? Is she on suicide watch? LOL
I think Sharoona's real name is SHARMOOTA. Meaning Bitch in Arabic.

Did you cover yourself when you stepped out in public, SHARMOOTA?

No you silly ass I was named after the Rose of Sharon and I am not subject to the likes of you.
Yes, you are a subject of and surrendered to Mohammad and Issslam.

Ya Sharmoota hamor.
Episcopalian my ass. You're an imposter pretending to be one. Funny thing about you jackasses is you actually think you're fooling everybody.

So are you just ignorant or a liar, or both?

Mostly in Libya.. there was a woman's group dedicated to the arts most beautiful ceramic sculptures.. I still cherish these exquisite pieces. You sound like a moron. Are you?
Most what in Libya? Are you loosing it SHARMOOTA Kalb?

An Libya, the KHARA bastion of tolerance onto wards Jews and Christians.

Tell you what, HEYWAN, how about we ship your filthy ass back there? You seem to miss it a lot.

Why are you calling me a dog? Is there something wrong with you?
Hmmmm....so to recap, this Sharoona character who claims to be a "knowledgable",

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Muslims brutally slaughtering hundreds of millions of animals as sacrifice during their EID celebration,

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Arab Muslim total ethnic cleansing and persecution of over 1.2 million Jews who have lived in the region for over 2000 years in some cases. Nakbah | United Nations | Jewish Refugees | Ron Prosor

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about the fact that today, the same Jews and their descendants comprise of a majority of Isrselis population.

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad the prophet of Islam raiding Caravans EVEN DURING RAMADAN and killing and raping travelers and looting their belongings: Caravan raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about Mohammad Slaughtering the ancient Jews of Medina just because they refused to accept the illiterate terrorist prophet as the "Final Messenger". Of which he stole their gold and belongings and used the money to dance his other "jihadi" invasions and raids. Muhammad’s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews

-DID NOT KNOW or LIED about ISSAC being the one whom the God's promise and covenant goes to. It's clearly written in the OT. Not ISHMAEL whom God called an unruly wild jackass, who's descendants will be at war with all nations. Ironic how the illiterate prophet related himself to someone which best describes Islam and its fruits.

The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..

The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.

Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.

In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.

your claim that the jewish population of YATHRIB was 90 is pure BS---but ---of course
all traces of that town are erased by the filth you endorse. The hebrews "took from"
---right----they did -----they took a lesson in the filth of NIMROD-----read the books. In
the middle east the child of RAPE BY A MUSLIM MALE----is a muslim by law YOUR
POINT?. the bible is all about FREE CHOICE----You got one thing right----the barbaric
FRST BORN COMES FIRST------was discarded in favor of -----BEST COMES FIRST

My husband was born in a shariah cesspit-----where rape of non muslims was LEGAL---
so legal that the jews there had WAYS AROUND THE FILTH you endorse. A raped
woman never claimed rape------she was just MARRIED as soon as possible---to hide
the filth you support------because the child of such a rape would be CONFISCATED
under the filth that you support

They had an intersting custom------if the girl could not be married off quickly---
the child became a sorta ---son of the mother's father----anything to save the
mother and the child from the filth you so love. -------my hubby was in Israel
circa 1940-----an emergency situation---his MOTHER's father died when she was 11-
----the only way to save her from the RAPE you endorse was to MARRY HER OFF and
SHIP HER OUT. A brave father of ONE SURVIVING SON-----(wife raped and murdered
and other kids murdered)----donated HIS son---and managed to get the little couple
away from the FILTH you support. He died in the effort-----but the little couple did
survive. You nauseate me-----Now tell us about YOUR CHURCH in saudi arabia
in which you "practiced" christianity. In fact tell me about the LOAD OF CHRISTMAS
cards your friends and relatives MAILED to you in SAUDI ARABIA -----sorry----Not only
Have I known saudis------I have also known people who -----did things there

Medina is an Aramaic name, not originally arabic. Of the three jewish tribes in and around Medina, the population seems to have been close to 10,000. Of the Banu-Korayzeh alone there were 600 men that were killed. Banu-Nadir and the Banu-Kainuka were enslaved or expelled. Jews elsewhere in the area, and christians, were not expelled till an unknown will was found some time after Mohammed's death. Jews remained in Southern Arabia though.

Jewish elders were however invite by Umar to direct the clean up and repair of the temple mount and allow some 75 families to live within Jerusalem, after negotiation with the christians. Umar was going to let them bring 200 families.
Mostly in Libya.. there was a woman's group dedicated to the arts most beautiful ceramic sculptures.. I still cherish these exquisite pieces. You sound like a moron. Are you?
Most what in Libya? Are you loosing it SHARMOOTA Kalb?

An Libya, the KHARA bastion of tolerance onto wards Jews and Christians.

Tell you what, HEYWAN, how about we ship your filthy ass back there? You seem to miss it a lot.

Why are you calling me a dog? Is there something wrong with you?
That's not all I called you Sharmoota. Pay attention hamor (donkey), didn't you say you LIVED in Arab countries? And you don't understand a word of Arabic? Ha ha ha.

Poor Sharmoota is in over her head. The morons these people recruit.

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The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..

The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.

Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.

In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.

your claim that the jewish population of YATHRIB was 90 is pure BS---but ---of course
all traces of that town are erased by the filth you endorse. The hebrews "took from"
---right----they did -----they took a lesson in the filth of NIMROD-----read the books. In
the middle east the child of RAPE BY A MUSLIM MALE----is a muslim by law YOUR
POINT?. the bible is all about FREE CHOICE----You got one thing right----the barbaric
FRST BORN COMES FIRST------was discarded in favor of -----BEST COMES FIRST

My husband was born in a shariah cesspit-----where rape of non muslims was LEGAL---
so legal that the jews there had WAYS AROUND THE FILTH you endorse. A raped
woman never claimed rape------she was just MARRIED as soon as possible---to hide
the filth you support------because the child of such a rape would be CONFISCATED
under the filth that you support

They had an intersting custom------if the girl could not be married off quickly---
the child became a sorta ---son of the mother's father----anything to save the
mother and the child from the filth you so love. -------my hubby was in Israel
circa 1940-----an emergency situation---his MOTHER's father died when she was 11-
----the only way to save her from the RAPE you endorse was to MARRY HER OFF and
SHIP HER OUT. A brave father of ONE SURVIVING SON-----(wife raped and murdered
and other kids murdered)----donated HIS son---and managed to get the little couple
away from the FILTH you support. He died in the effort-----but the little couple did
survive. You nauseate me-----Now tell us about YOUR CHURCH in saudi arabia
in which you "practiced" christianity. In fact tell me about the LOAD OF CHRISTMAS
cards your friends and relatives MAILED to you in SAUDI ARABIA -----sorry----Not only
Have I known saudis------I have also known people who -----did things there

Medina is an Aramaic name, not originally arabic. Of the three jewish tribes in and around Medina, the population seems to have been close to 10,000. Of the Banu-Korayzeh alone there were 600 men that were killed. Banu-Nadir and the Banu-Kainuka were enslaved or expelled. Jews elsewhere in the area, and christians, were not expelled till an unknown will was found some time after Mohammed's death. Jews remained in Southern Arabia though.

Jewish elders were however invite by Umar to direct the clean up and repair of the temple mount and allow some 75 families to live within Jerusalem, after negotiation with the christians. Umar was going to let them bring 200 families.
Aris, seriously, do you think Sharmoota is interested in facts?

The mosque imam told her the ENTIRE tribe of Jews was 90 people and Mohammad ONLY slaughtered 50 of them, and he had to, and THEY DESERVED IT, even after the Koran says they had surrendered.
Hmmnn...so Sherri disappears and My Shaarona steps in to take her place. Very strange. Very strange indeed. But I thought the subject was Jesus is a Zionist. Which in my opinion he is.
I wonder who's coming to save Jihad Sherri's ass next? My Abdula? LOL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3ADektyDhM]The Knack-My Sharona - YouTube[/ame]
The Hebrews took from Babylon and the Ugarit.. as well as Egypt.. The Christians took from the Jews.. The Muslims took from both..
The Jewish population of Medina was about 90 people.... but you know how these stories become epic.
Your hatred and ignorance is really amazing to me.
In the ME the child of a slave enjoys the same claims on his father as other children.... but then the Bible is all about the younger brother getting over on the elder brother.
your claim that the jewish population of YATHRIB was 90 is pure BS---but ---of course
all traces of that town are erased by the filth you endorse. The hebrews "took from"
---right----they did -----they took a lesson in the filth of NIMROD-----read the books. In
the middle east the child of RAPE BY A MUSLIM MALE----is a muslim by law YOUR
POINT?. the bible is all about FREE CHOICE----You got one thing right----the barbaric
FRST BORN COMES FIRST------was discarded in favor of -----BEST COMES FIRST

My husband was born in a shariah cesspit-----where rape of non muslims was LEGAL---
so legal that the jews there had WAYS AROUND THE FILTH you endorse. A raped woman never claimed rape------she was just MARRIED as soon as possible---to hide the filth you support------because the child of such a rape would be CONFISCATED
under the filth that you support
They had an intersting custom------if the girl could not be married off quickly---the child became a sorta ---son of the mother's father----anything to save the mother and the child from the filth you so love. -------my hubby was in Israel
circa 1940-----an emergency situation---his MOTHER's father died when she was 11-----the only way to save her from the RAPE you endorse was to MARRY HER OFF and SHIP HER OUT. A brave father of ONE SURVIVING SON-----(wife raped and murdered and other kids murdered)----donated HIS son---and managed to get the little couple
away from the FILTH you support. He died in the effort-----but the little couple did survive. You nauseate me-----Now tell us about YOUR CHURCH in saudi arabia in which you "practiced" christianity. In fact tell me about the LOAD OF CHRISTMAS cards your friends and relatives MAILED to you in SAUDI ARABIA -----sorry----Not only
Have I known saudis------I have also known people who -----did things there
Medina is an Aramaic name, not originally arabic. Of the three jewish tribes in and around Medina, the population seems to have been close to 10,000. Of the Banu-Korayzeh alone there were 600 men that were killed. Banu-Nadir and the Banu-Kainuka were enslaved or expelled. Jews elsewhere in the area, and christians, were not expelled till an unknown will was found some time after Mohammed's death. Jews remained in Southern Arabia though.
Jewish elders were however invite by Umar to direct the clean up and repair of the temple mount and allow some 75 families to live within Jerusalem, after negotiation with the christians. Umar was going to let them bring 200 families.
You have to understand,.. EVERYTHING Sharonna says is a LIE.
Not mistaken, a pathological Untruth.
This camel-by-insemination is not sane.

Medina, Islam's second holiest city, was originally a Jewish "settlement"

Medina, Islam's second holiest city, was originally a Jewish "settlement"

Although the fact is little publicized, more than one historian has affirmed at the Arab world's second holiest city, Medina, was one of the allegedly "purely Arab" cities that actually was first settled by Jewish tribes.1 And like the 16th Century English Protestants who financed their endeavors through the plunder of Catholic monasteries in England, the roots of Islamic anti-Semitism might be found in the initial plunder of Jewish settlements, and the imposition of a "poll tax" to fund Arab campaigns.

Bernard Lewis writes:

The city of Medina, some 280 miles north of Mecca, had originally been settled by Jewish tribes from the north, especially the Banu Nadir and Banu Quraiza. The comparative richness of the town attracted an infiltration of pagan Arabs who came at first as clients of the Jews and ultimately succeeded in dominating them. Medina, or, as it was known before Islam, Yathrib, had no form of stable government at all. The town was tom by the feuds of the rival Arab tribes of Aus and Khazraj, with the Jews maintaining an uneasy balance of power. The latter, engaged mainly in agriculture and handicrafts, were economically and culturally superior to the Arabs, and were consequently disliked.... as soon as the Arabs had attained unity through the agency of Muhammad they attacked and ultimately eliminated the Jews.2​

In the last half of the fifth century, many Persian Jews fled from persecution to Arabia, swelling the Jewish population there.3 But around the sixth century, Christian writers reported of the continuing importance of the Jewish community that remained in the Holy Land. For the dispersed Arabian Jewish settlers, Tiberias in Judea was central. In the Kingdom of Himyar on the Red Sea's east coast in Arabia, "conversion to Judaism of influential circles" was popular, and the Kingdom's rule stretched across "considerable portions of South Arabia."
The commoners as well as the royal family adopted Judaism, and one writer ports that "Jewish priests (presumably rabbis) from Tiberias ... formed part the suite of King Du Noas and served as his envoys in negotiations with Christian cities."4

According to Guillaume,

At the dawn of Islam the Jews dominated the economic life of the Hijaz [Arabia]. They held all the best land ... ; at Medina they must have formed at least HALF of the population. There was also a Jewish settlement to the north of the Gulf of Aqaba.... What is important is to note that the Jews of the Hijaz made many proselytes [or converts] among the Arab tribesmen.5​

The first "Palestinian" or Judean refugees -- the Jews -- had resettled to become prosperous, influential Arabian settlers.

The prosperity of the Jews was due to their superior knowledge of agriculture and irrigation and their energy and industry. Homeless [Jewish] refugees in the course of a few generations became large landowners in the country, [the refugees who had come to the Hijaz when the Romans conquered Palestine] controllers of its finance and trade.... Thus it can readily be seen that Jewish prosperity was a challenge to the Arabs, particularly the Quraysh at Mecca and ... [other Arab tribes] at Medina.

The Prophet Muhammad himself was a member of the Quraysh tribe, which coveted the Jews' bounty, and
when the Muslims took up arms they treated the Jews with much greater severity than the Christians, who, until the end of the purely Arab Caliphate, were not badly treated.6​

One of the reasons for "this discrimination" against the Jews is what Guillaurne called "the Quran's scornful words" regarding the Jews.7

The Jews' development of land and culture was a prime source of booty in the Arabian desert peninsula.
Beginning at the time of the Prophet Muhammad and Islam8 from the expulsions, depredations, extortion, forced conversions or murder of Jewish Arabians settled in Medina to the mass slaughter of Jews at Khaibar -- the precedent was established among Arab-Muslims to expropriate that which belonged to the Jews. Relations between the Prophet Muhammad and the Jews were "never ... easy":

They had irritated him by their refusal to recognize him as a prophet, by ridicule and by argument; and of course their economic supremacy ... was a standing irritant.9​

It appears that the first "Instigation" by the Prophet Muhammad himself against the Jews was an incident in which he had "one or two Jews ... murdered and no blood money was paid to their next of kin." [......]

Because the Jews preferred to retain their own beliefs,
a tribe of Jews in the neighborhood of Medina, fell under suspicion of treachery and were forced to lay down their arms and evacuate their settlements. Valuable land and much booty fell into the hands of the Muslims. The neighboring tribe of Qurayza, who were soon to suffer annihilation, made no move to help their co-religionists, and their allies, the Aus, were afraid to give them active support. 12​

The Prophet Muhammad's pronouncement: "Two religions may not dwell together on the Arabian Peninsula."13 This edict was carried out by Abu Bakr and Omar 1, the Prophet Muhammad's successors;
the entire community of Jewish settlements throughout northern Arabia was Systematically Slaughtered.
According to Bernard Lewis, "the extermination of the Jewish tribe of Quraiza was followed by "an attack on the Jewish oasis of Khaibar."14
Messengers of Muhammad were sent to the Jews who had escaped to the safety and comfort of Khaibar, "inviting" Usayr, the Jewish "war chief," to visit Medina for mediations.

Usayr set off with thirty companions and a Muslim escort. Suspecting no foul play, the Jews went unarmed. On the way, the Muslims turned upon the Defenseless delegation, killing all but one who managed to escape. "War is deception," 15 according to an oft-quoted saying of the Prophet.16​

The late Israeli historian and former President, Itzhak Ben-Zvi, judged the "inhuman atrocities" of the Arabian communities as unparalleled since then:
... the complete Extermination of the two Arabian-Jewish tribes, the Nadhir and Kainuka' by the Mass Massacre of their men, women and children, was a tragedy for which no parallel can be found in Jewish history until our own day .... 17​

The Slaughter of Arabian Jews and the expropriation of their property became Allah's will. According to the Koran,

... some you slew and others you took captive. He (Allah] made you masters of their [the Jews'] land, their houses and their goods, and of yet another land [Khaibar] on which you had Never set foot before. Truly, Allah has power over all things.

Guillaume reports that the anti-Jewish attack at Khaibar was fiercely fought off, but "though the inhabitants fought more bravely here than elsewhere, outnumbered and caught off their guard, they were defeated."19 Those who somehow survived constituted the formula for Islam's future successes. Some of the Jews, "non-Muslims" or infidels, "retained their land," at least until Muslims could be recruited in sufficient numbers to replace the Jews. Meanwhile, the Arabian Jews paid a 50% "tribute," or tax, for the "protection" of the new plunderers. As Professor Lewis writes, "The Muslim victory in Khaibar marked the first contact between the Muslim state and a conquered non-Muslim people and formed the basis for later dealings of the same type."20

Thus the Jewish dhimmi evolved [the protected ones] -- the robbery of freedom and political independence compounding the extortion and eventual expropriation of property. "Tolerated" between onslaughts, expulsions, and pillages from the Arab Muslim conquest onward, the non-Muslim dhimmi-predominantly Jewish but Christian too -- provided the important source of religious revenue through the "infidel's" head tax. He became very quickly a convenient political scapegoat and whipping boy as well.
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Roudy---PUHLEEEEZE I so enjoy BOTH sharoooona-----and sherrrrri because
of them, I NEED NOT REGRET no long hearing the ---KHUTBAH JUMAAAT----of that it
has become so uhm TRUNCATED post 9-11-01 or that my former muslim informants
have BECOME SO SHY of their ------true "beliefs" NOW I GET ALL THE PARTY LINE
crap direct from sherri and shaarmootah----or whatever is its name
Jihad Sherri and Sharmoota posing for their ID card as employees of the Mosque propaganda HQ:

Jerusalem of The Old Testament

"�Many peoples will come and say, �Come, let us go up to the mountain of the*LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.� The law will go out from Zion, the word of the*LORD*from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.� (Isaiah 2:3-4)"

One of the glorious consequences of this is that Jerusalem is associated with the end of war, and with peace and reconciliation between the nations*(Isaiah 2:3-4).

Jerusalem Past.

Despite what some would have us believe, the Old Testament vision of Jerusalem is of an international, shared, inclusive city of faith, hope and love.�

4 - Battle for Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jews
Jerusalem Present

So what does the New Testament add to this vision? Well, there is some good news and some bad news. First, the bad news. It may surprise you to learn that the New Testament is rather pessimistic about the fate of Jerusalem. Far from promising a prosperous future at the centre of a revived Jewish state or even a millennial kingdom, Jesus lamented the impending destruction of Jerusalem. Luke�s gospel provides us with several insights into the passion of Jesus for Jerusalem. In Luke 13 we find Jesus rebuking the leaders of Israel for not caring for the people in the way he does and predicting that he must die there. Evoking the language of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 12:7; 22:5), Jesus similarly laments:

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.*�Look, your house is left to you desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, �Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.� (Luke 13:34-35)

4 - Battle for Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jews
Jerusalem of The Old Testament

"�Many peoples will come and say, �Come, let us go up to the mountain of the*LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.� The law will go out from Zion, the word of the*LORD*from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.� (Isaiah 2:3-4)"

One of the glorious consequences of this is that Jerusalem is associated with the end of war, and with peace and reconciliation between the nations*(Isaiah 2:3-4).

Jerusalem Past.

Despite what some would have us believe, the Old Testament vision of Jerusalem is of an international, shared, inclusive city of faith, hope and love.�

4 - Battle for Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jews
Are you finally a devout Zionist, Little Cupcake?
Jesus speaks of Jerusalem Present

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, �If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace�but now it is hidden from your eyes. The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.� They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God�s coming to you. (Luke 19:41-44)

With the benefit of hindsight it�s obvious that Jesus was warning the people about what was going to happen very soon, not events 2000 years or more in the distant future. With the total destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD, stone by stone, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Jews and the exile of the remnant as slaves of Rome, Jesus� sad prediction came true, to the letter

.4 - Battle for Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jews
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Nothing of Zionism in a thing I am discussing.

Jesus is God, not Zionism.

Jerusalem of The Old Testament

"�Many peoples will come and say, �Come, let us go up to the mountain of the*LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.� The law will go out from Zion, the word of the*LORD*from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.� (Isaiah 2:3-4)"

One of the glorious consequences of this is that Jerusalem is associated with the end of war, and with peace and reconciliation between the nations*(Isaiah 2:3-4).

Jerusalem Past.

Despite what some would have us believe, the Old Testament vision of Jerusalem is of an international, shared, inclusive city of faith, hope and love.�

4 - Battle for Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jews
Are you finally a devout Zionist, Little Cupcake?
The Times of the Gentiles

But what about Luke 21:24 you may be thinking? This is a favourite verse among those who believe it describes the events of June 1967 and capture of Jerusalem by Israel.

Here are the words of Jesus, in context.

When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near.�� Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.� For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written�There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people.� They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.� People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.� At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.� When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.*(Luke 21:20-28)

Now the problem with applying these verses to 1948 or 1967 is simple. If we take the Bible literally, Revelation 11:2 says that the Gentile �trampling� of Jerusalem would continue for only �42 months�. Dating this event is therefore somewhat problematic. Is it past, present or future? It is far more likely, as the TNIV Study Bible suggests, that the �times of the Gentiles� is �a conventional symbol for a limited period of time of unrestrained wickedness.�[5]� If you re-read the context of Luke 21:24 again you will see that Jesus is referring to events that occurred in 70AD. In verses 25-27 Jesus specifies cataclysmic events that will be associated with his return.

In verse 28 Jesus gives encouragement to his followers referring to �your redemption� not to any �redemption� of unbelieving Jerusalem.[6]� It is therefore perhaps far wiser to believe that the �times of the Gentiles� will not be fulfilled �until the end of this present world-order when Christ will come with divine majesty and power to establish His eternal kingdom on the new earth after the Final Judgement (cf. verses 25-33)�[7]�

As for the future of Jerusalem,� �the central focus would not be upon Jerusalem, but rather upon the Son of Man� The �restoration� was of Jesus, not of Jerusalem.[8]

4 - Battle for Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jews
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Jerusalem present � from the time of Jesus Christ to the present day � is associated with unbelief and the rejection of the gospel.*In Galatians 4, for example, Paul associates �Jerusalem with Hagar and slavery rather than Sarah and freedom. In the contrast between Sarah and Hagar, between Isaac and Ishmael,*�Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children.� (Galatians 4:25).

Gal. 4:21 ff. represents, perhaps, the sharpest polemic against Jerusalem in the New Testament... Far from being pre-occupied with hopes for a glorification of the earthly Jerusalem, Paul�s thought represents a most emphatic repudiation of any eschatological hopes concerning the earthly city.[9]

The Apostle John in his Revelation uses even less flattering language to describe Jerusalem in unbelief. He writes, the*�great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.�� The reference to �Sodom� refers to immorality and �Egypt� to slavery.�*The Jerusalem that crucified Jesus Christ at Passover; rejected the signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; repudiated the message of the Apostles; executed Stephen and� James; tried to assassinate Paul; and instigated �a great persecution� against the church� (Acts 8:2), has now become associated with the immorality of Sodom and the oppression of Egypt. The status of Jerusalem has changed irrevocably. From now on the earthly Jerusalem will be associated not with the Patriarchs or with David or with the Temple of Solomon or Herod but with a simple wooden cross and an empty tomb. �The coming of Jesus has been its undoing.�[10]*And here is at last a hint of the �good news� about Jerusalem in the New Testament. Jerusalem past and Jerusalem present.

4 - Battle for Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jews
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