Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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You wish.

AND Jesus hates lying by liars like you who slander His name..

Thank you sir. This should be a blast as I love Jesus & all of his Zionist followers.

Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you Sherri to show us where I "slander Jesus" with lies in my post.

I challenge you to show me where MJB slanders Jesus in his post...

Isn't it funny that whenever someone asks Sherri to back up her claim, she runs away??
Jesus does NOT like liars
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Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post.

Jesus people are those who believe in Jesus

I challenge you to show me where MJB slanders Jesus in his post...

Learn English, Zionist boy.


You said: "Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post."

Geez, you don't even understand your own posts. How pathetic !
Still waiting. Let's try again. Ladies & gentle, I present to you Sherri, to expose me for my lying slander of Jesus.

Thank you sir. This should be a blast as I love Jesus & all of his Zionist followers.

Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you Sherri to show us where I "slander Jesus" with lies in my post.

Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post.

Jesus people are those who believe in Jesus

I challenge you to show me where MJB slanders Jesus in his post...

You wish.

AND Jesus hates lying by liars like you who slander His name..

Thank you sir. This should be a blast as I love Jesus & all of his Zionist followers.

Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you Sherri to show us where I "slander Jesus" with lies in my post.

Isn't it funny that whenever someone asks Sherri to back up her claim, she runs away??
Jesus does NOT like liars

You slander his name everyday by lying and saying he WASN'T a Zionist

Where did I slander Jesus
I do not hate Jews, I respect and admire many Jews like the Rabbis of Rabbis For Human Rights.

The rest of your post is only what Christian Zionists believe, a Movement of the 1800s, real Christians not deluded by Satan believe none of that.

And I am a Christian, not an Anti Zionist.

My belief in Jesus defines me.

So why do you hate Jews? Don't Christians need Israel because without it, there can be no Armageddon in the Middle East and Jesus can't come back? :confused:
I do not hate Jews, I respect and admire many Jews like the Rabbis of Rabbis For Human Rights.

The rest of your post is only what Christian Zionists believe, a Movement of the 1800s, real Christians not deluded by Satan believe none of that.

And I am a Christian, not an Anti Zionist.

My belief in Jesus defines me.

So why do you hate Jews? Don't Christians need Israel because without it, there can be no Armageddon in the Middle East and Jesus can't come back? :confused:

Here's what you said about Jewish people praying at the Wall

You slandered me, learn English, Jesus was slandered and He tells His followers they will be too.

You and your words in your post to me prove Jesus words to be true.

Thank you sir. This should be a blast as I love Jesus & all of his Zionist followers.

Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you Sherri to show us where I "slander Jesus" with lies in my post.

Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post.

Jesus people are those who believe in Jesus

I challenge you to show me where MJB slanders Jesus in his post...
So what?

Belief in Jesus is liberating, Jesus is the Truth who sets men free.

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel of Christ.

Jesus Saves.

I do not pray for animal sacrifice in a temple or worship the remains of a destroyed temple.

God lives in me.

I do not hate Jews, I respect and admire many Jews like the Rabbis of Rabbis For Human Rights.

The rest of your post is only what Christian Zionists believe, a Movement of the 1800s, real Christians not deluded by Satan believe none of that.

So why do you hate Jews? Don't Christians need Israel because without it, there can be no Armageddon in the Middle East and Jesus can't come back? :confused:

Here's what you said about Jewish people praying at the Wall

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Learn English, Zionist boy.


You said: "Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post."

Geez, you don't even understand your own posts. How pathetic !

Learn English.

Everyone here can see what you posted. But still, you cannot back up you claim that MJB slandered Jesus

It is YOU that needs to learn English,
Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post.

Jesus people are those who believe in Jesus

I challenge you to show me where MJB slanders Jesus in his post...

Learn English, Zionist boy.



Here you go your own words

Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post.
So what?

Belief in Jesus is liberating, Jesus is the Truth who sets men free.

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel of Christ.

Jesus Saves.

I do not hate Jews, I respect and admire many Jews like the Rabbis of Rabbis For Human Rights.

The rest of your post is only what Christian Zionists believe, a Movement of the 1800s, real Christians not deluded by Satan believe none of that.

Here's what you said about Jewish people praying at the Wall


and I quote you:

" Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head lol! It's a really funny thing to watch! And then theirs the head banging too ! So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls or beanies or head banging required!"
So what?

Belief in Jesus is liberating, Jesus is the Truth who sets men free.

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel of Christ.

Jesus Saves.

I do not pray for animal sacrifice in a temple or worship the remains of a destroyed temple.

God lives in me.

I do not hate Jews, I respect and admire many Jews like the Rabbis of Rabbis For Human Rights.

The rest of your post is only what Christian Zionists believe, a Movement of the 1800s, real Christians not deluded by Satan believe none of that.

Here's what you said about Jewish people praying at the Wall


Satan lives in you
Golly gee, I wonder why Sherri won't tell us where I "slander Jesus"? Is it actually possible that girl is nuts? Thank goodness Jesus loves even the mentally ill.

Still waiting. Let's try again. Ladies & gentle, I present to you Sherri, to expose me for my lying slander of Jesus.

Thank you sir. This should be a blast as I love Jesus & all of his Zionist followers.

Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you Sherri to show us where I "slander Jesus" with lies in my post.

I challenge you to show me where MJB slanders Jesus in his post...
So what?

Belief in Jesus is liberating, Jesus is the Truth who sets men free.

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel of Christ.

Jesus Saves.

Here's what you said about Jewish people praying at the Wall


and I quote you:

" Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head lol! It's a really funny thing to watch! And then theirs the head banging too ! So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls or beanies or head banging required!"

Criticizing how another person prays is simply crap.
Jesus speaks of two peoples, believers in Him and those who disbelieve.

Jesus says those who believeth in Him shall not perish and have everlasting life.

The rest stand condemned.

But it's not just believe either.

Matthew 7:15 says

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Now these are people who come speaking about Jesus, perhaps even quoting the Bible, and yet it's not words alone that make them true believers.

You also have to do and follow his commands, which involves supporting the will of G-d, as it is written.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Perhaps someone will come and say to Jesus "Lord, didn't I go on the forums, and quote John 3:16 in my posts?"

Even Satan himself, quoted the Bible to Jesus. Quoting the Bible, and saying "Jesus" does not make you part of the family.

Luke 6:46
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.”

Again, what did Jesus say? The entire Bible is Him. He and the Father are one. In the Beginning was the Word, and Word was with G-d, and the Word was G-d.

Does that mean only some of the Word? Or all the Word? Does the Word, include Numbers 34 and Ezekiel 47?

Yes or No?

Jesus words are not meaningless.

True, but your words, are not Jesus words. You are not Jesus Sherri.
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