Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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He slandered me, another Zionist who does not know English.

Toast boy is the only one saying MJB slandered Jesus in that particular post.

I challenge you to show me where MJB slanders Jesus in his post...

Learn English, Zionist boy.



Here you go your own words

Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post.
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LOL! Seriously Sherry. How is life on the funny farm?

He slandered me, another Zionist who does not know English.

Toast boy is the only one saying MJB slandered Jesus in that particular post.

Learn English, Zionist boy.



Here you go your own words

Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post.
Toast slandered no one.

He spoke the truth.

And backed it up with incontestable evidence.

All automatic gainsay and baseless protestations to the contrary notwishstanding.
In every post of yours, we see displayed proof there is no truth in a Zionist.

A Zionist who still slanders Jesus, falsely alleging Jesus is a Zionist.

Toast slandered no one.

He spoke the truth.

And backed it up with incontestable evidence.

All automatic gainsay and baseless protestations to the contrary notwishstanding.
Funny, funny, funny! So tell us Sherri , what does Jesus say about terrorist supporters like you who hate his people?

You slandered me in your post.

I am not a terrorist supporter.

And I do not hate Jesus people, who are those who believe in Him.

LOL! Seriously Sherry. How is life on the funny farm?

He slandered me, another Zionist who does not know English.

Toast boy is the only one saying MJB slandered Jesus in that particular post.


Here you go your own words

Jesus says to expect slander about Him and us from people like MJB, like all those slanderous lies in his last post.
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Funny, funny, funny! So tell us Sherri , what does Jesus say about terrorist supporters like you who hate his people?

You slandered me in your post.

I am not a terrorist supporter.

And I do not hate Jesus people, who are those who believe in Him.

LOL! Seriously Sherry. How is life on the funny farm?

He slandered me, another Zionist who does not know English.

Toast boy is the only one saying MJB slandered Jesus in that particular post.

Again, you claimed that MJB slandered Jesus in his last post. I asked you to show me where in that post he slandered Jesus.
You claim you didn't say that. Like Kondor said, I gave you indisputable evidence that YOU DID SAY THAT.
And as usual, you respond with "Zionist this" and "Zionist that" lol!

It's so funny seeing you so desperate :cool:

If they already believe in god, they don't need to believe in jesus.
If Jesus died to save all mankind, that would mean mankind everywhere in the world, even those who have never heard or don't believe in the divinity the church bestowed on jesus 400 yrs after his death.

The lessons jesus taught were already in the torah. Praying to a suffering figure on a cross is idolatry.

If they already believe in god, they don't need to believe in jesus.
If Jesus died to save all mankind, that would mean mankind everywhere in the world, even those who have never heard or don't believe in the divinity the church bestowed on jesus 400 yrs after his death.

The lessons jesus taught were already in the torah. Praying to a suffering figure on a cross is idolatry.

Exactly. Jesus was just one of many prophets around at the time. The region was crying out for a messiah. Bowing in front of a statue of Jesus and a cross doesn't sit well with me. It is idolatry pure and simple. There is only one G-d.
In every post of yours, we see displayed proof there is no truth in a Zionist. A Zionist who still slanders Jesus, falsely alleging Jesus is a Zionist.
Toast slandered no one. He spoke the truth. And backed it up with incontestable evidence. All automatic gainsay and baseless protestations to the contrary notwishstanding.
Please report back to the Nurse's Station in your ward...

Nurse Rached has your mid-day num-nums allllll ready for you...

Again, you lie.

I did not say he slandered Jesus in my post.

I like catching you in your lies.

Funny, funny, funny! So tell us Sherri , what does Jesus say about terrorist supporters like you who hate his people?

You slandered me in your post.

I am not a terrorist supporter.

And I do not hate Jesus people, who are those who believe in Him.

LOL! Seriously Sherry. How is life on the funny farm?

Again, you claimed that MJB slandered Jesus in his last post. I asked you to show me where in that post he slandered Jesus.
You claim you didn't say that. Like Kondor said, I gave you indisputable evidence that YOU DID SAY THAT.
And as usual, you respond with "Zionist this" and "Zionist that" lol!

It's so funny seeing you so desperate :cool:
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For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.*And this is the judgment:*the light has come into the world, and*people loved the darkness rather than the light because*their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,*lest his works should be exposed.*But whoever*does what is true*comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”


Jesus says otherwise in John 3, Salvation requires belief in Jesus.

If they already believe in god, they don't need to believe in jesus.
If Jesus died to save all mankind, that would mean mankind everywhere in the world, even those who have never heard or don't believe in the divinity the church bestowed on jesus 400 yrs after his death.

The lessons jesus taught were already in the torah. Praying to a suffering figure on a cross is idolatry.
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You need to worry about that continuing disbelief in Jesus problem you have.

Take care of it while you still can.

3-shift Sherri. Hard to keep track isn't it? You need handover sessions at the end of each shift. Look, why don't you fight it out with the other two of you.
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Watch "John Hagee Christian Zionist" on YouTube

THE false prophet Hagee, here he declares the US will.attack Iran in a certain time frame.

The time has passed.

HAGEE exposed for the false prophet he is.
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