Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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The human rights groups find Israel committed war crimes in attacks with white phosphorous .
Aw boo hoo. Who gives a fuck. Maybe the Hamas animals shouldn't have kept shooting missiles at Israeli cities from behind women and children forcing Israel into doing something. It's quite simple, no missiles = no white phosphorus up Uranus.

Firing WP shells over houses and apartments where families and children are is deliberately targeting children with WP.

HRW documented this, I quoted directly from their report.

CAN you not read?

None of that substantiates your claim that the IDF deliberately targeted children utilizing WP munitions.

Again... you painted yourself into a corner, and cannot get out...

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

I will post this again, a finding by HRW that the use of white phosphorous was a war crime.

"The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."

Usage of white phosphorus is not a "war crime". Just because the freakazoid says it, doesn't mean it's true. In fact,it never is.
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Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

I gave you a link to the HRW report, where they find Israels use of WP constituted the commission of war crimes.

I posted excerpts of the report and discussed some more specific findings, like an attack of WP over houses and apts that killed 4 civilians in one family in one incident in January 2009.

I cannot post the whole report.

Go read it for yourself.

I have proven Israel unlawfully attacked civilians with white phosphorous and committed war crimes. The Zionist Kondor defends these crimes. WHAT does that say about him?
I do not know that the IDF committed war crime(s) in this context.

I am not defending war crimes.

I am demanding evidence that your allegations are true.

So far, you have been unable to substantiate those claims.

What does that say about you?

Other than you're a Muslim propaganda shill and really bad bullshit artist wannabe?


You posted jack shit other than false accusations and bullshit allegations.

Use of white phosphorus does not constitute a "war crime". Other countries like the US have done it and will continue if necessary. Period end of story.

Go get an education.
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Firing WP shells over houses and apartments where families and children are is deliberately targeting children with WP.

None of that substantiates your claim that the IDF deliberately targeted children utilizing WP munitions.

Again... you painted yourself into a corner, and cannot get out...

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

I will post this again, a finding by HRW that the use of white phosphorous was a war crime.

"The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."
Firing missiles from behind civilians is a war crime and disgusting barbaric behavior showing lack of respect for life, including your own. What cowards and animals these Palestinians are.

You have accused the IDF of deliberately targeting children utilizing white phosphorous munitions.

You have not provided evidence that the IDF did any such thing.

Your claim is dismissed - with prejudice.
She did provide 2 Pallywood videos.
She did say she provided a link for a 71 page report.

Link to HRW Report

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

Link to HRW Video


Those reports and videos prove nothing and HRW and all other do-gooders are not the ones who decide what is or isn't a war crime. Any IDF fire was in response to terrorist fire and rocket attacks.
"War is hell".
~~~Uncle Billy Sherman
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They did not do that.

You are lying.

Firing WP shells over houses and apartments where families and children are is deliberately targeting children with WP.

None of that substantiates your claim that the IDF deliberately targeted children utilizing WP munitions.

Again... you painted yourself into a corner, and cannot get out...
Firing missiles from behind civilians is a war crime and disgusting barbaric behavior showing lack of respect for life, including your own. What cowards and animals these Palestinians are.
The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

I gave you a link to the HRW report, where they find Israels use of WP constituted the commission of war crimes.

I posted excerpts of the report and discussed some more specific findings, like an attack of WP over houses and apts that killed 4 civilians in one family in one incident in January 2009.

I cannot post the whole report.

Go read it for yourself.

I do not know that the IDF committed war crime(s) in this context.

I am not defending war crimes.

I am demanding evidence that your allegations are true.

So far, you have been unable to substantiate those claims.

What does that say about you?

Other than you're a Muslim propaganda shill and really bad bullshit artist wannabe?


You posted jack shit other than false accusations and bullshit allegations.

Use of white phosphorus does not constitute a "war crime". Other countries like the US have done it and will continue if necessary. Period end of story.

Go get an education.
She did provide 2 Pallywood videos.
She did say she provided a link for a 71 page report.

Link to HRW Report

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

Link to HRW Video


Those reports and videos prove nothing and HRW and all other do-gooders are not the ones who decide what is or isn't a war crime. Any IDF fire was in response to terrorist fire and rocket attacks.
"War is hell".
~~~Uncle Billy Sherman

Isn't this Mark guy in the video the one who collects Nazi memorabilia? Naturally Mrs. Sherri thinks the guy is a honest broker.
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The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

I gave you a link to the HRW report, where they find Israels use of WP constituted the commission of war crimes.

I posted excerpts of the report and discussed some more specific findings, like an attack of WP over houses and apts that killed 4 civilians in one family in one incident in January 2009.

I cannot post the whole report.

Go read it for yourself.
You posted jack shit other than false accusations and bullshit allegations.

Use of white phosphorus does not constitute a "war crime". Other countries like the US have done it and will continue if necessary. Period end of story.

Go get an education.

Don't you just love the smell of crispy critters in the morning? So get a good Jewish lawyer and sue the bastards. Oh, that's right. You are a lawyer AND a psychologist. AND a 24/7 spammer...you imp of Satan and what does your spam have to do with the fact that Jesus is a Zionist. Get on topic you Iranian hack.
Zionists deliberately burn to death children with white phosphorous.

Jesus loves children.

What exposing Zionism and all its Satanic practices does is add to the overwhelming proof that Jesus is not a Zionist.

The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

You posted jack shit other than false accusations and bullshit allegations.

Use of white phosphorus does not constitute a "war crime". Other countries like the US have done it and will continue if necessary. Period end of story.

Go get an education.

Don't you just love the smell of crispy critters in the morning? So get a good Jewish lawyer and sue the bastards. Oh, that's right. You are a lawyer AND a psychologist. AND a 24/7 spammer...you imp of Satan and what does your spam have to do with the fact that Jesus is a Zionist. Get on topic you Iranian hack.
Hamas war criminals fire rockets from behind women and children. Look at the depravity of these sick Palestinian savages.

Hamas' war crimes
In Gaza, it targets Israeli citizens with rockets, then shields its fighters behind Palestinian civilians.

The best example of Hamas' double war crime tactic was Tuesday, when it succeeded in sending a rocket to a town less than 20 miles south of Tel Aviv and injuring a child. At the same time, it provoked Israel to attack a United Nations school from which Hamas was launching its rockets. Residents of the neighborhood said two Hamas fighters were in the area at the time, and the Israeli military said they had been killed, according to the New York Times.

The Hamas tactic of firing rockets from schools, hospitals and mosques dates back to 2005, when Israel ended its occupation of Gaza. Several months ago, the head of the Israeli air force showed me a videotape (now available on YouTube) of a Hamas terrorist deliberately moving his rocket launcher to the front of a U.N. school, firing a rocket and then running away, no doubt hoping that Israel would then respond by attacking the rocket launcher and thus killing Palestinian children in the school.*

This is the Hamas dual strategy: to kill and injure as many Israeli civilians as possible by firing rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilian targets, and to provoke Israel to kill as many Palestinian civilians as possible to garner world sympathy.

The international law of war, likewise, makes it a war crime to use human shields in the way Hamas does. It also makes it a war crime for Hamas to target Israeli civilians with anti-personnel rockets loaded with ball bearings and shrapnel designed to kill as many civilians as possible.

A bad day for Hamas is a day in which its rockets fail to kill or injure any Israeli civilians and Israel kills no Palestinian civilians. That is what Israel and the world must strive for. Hamas knows that the moment it ends its policy of firing rockets at Israeli civilians from behind the shield of Palestinian civilians, Israel will end its military activities in Gaza. That is precisely the result Hamas does not want to achieve.[

url=http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-dershowitz10-2009jan10,0,2587090.story#ixzz2so1ApjRv]Hamas' war crimes - latimes.com[/url]
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What bullshit Zionazis post, Israel attacking schools can be blamed on noone but Israel.

AND AMNESTY addressed this in their report on Cast Lead, acts of Hamas do not justify Israel to attack civilians or civilian objects.
Hamas war criminals fire rockets from behind women and children. Look at the depravity of these sick Palestinian savages.

Hamas' war crimes
In Gaza, it targets Israeli citizens with rockets, then shields its fighters behind Palestinian civilians.

The best example of Hamas' double war crime tactic was Tuesday, when it succeeded in sending a rocket to a town less than 20 miles south of Tel Aviv and injuring a child. At the same time, it provoked Israel to attack a United Nations school from which Hamas was launching its rockets. Residents of the neighborhood said two Hamas fighters were in the area at the time, and the Israeli military said they had been killed, according to the New York Times.

The Hamas tactic of firing rockets from schools, hospitals and mosques dates back to 2005, when Israel ended its occupation of Gaza. Several months ago, the head of the Israeli air force showed me a videotape (now available on YouTube) of a Hamas terrorist deliberately moving his rocket launcher to the front of a U.N. school, firing a rocket and then running away, no doubt hoping that Israel would then respond by attacking the rocket launcher and thus killing Palestinian children in the school.*

This is the Hamas dual strategy: to kill and injure as many Israeli civilians as possible by firing rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilian targets, and to provoke Israel to kill as many Palestinian civilians as possible to garner world sympathy.

The international law of war, likewise, makes it a war crime to use human shields in the way Hamas does. It also makes it a war crime for Hamas to target Israeli civilians with anti-personnel rockets loaded with ball bearings and shrapnel designed to kill as many civilians as possible.

A bad day for Hamas is a day in which its rockets fail to kill or injure any Israeli civilians and Israel kills no Palestinian civilians. That is what Israel and the world must strive for. Hamas knows that the moment it ends its policy of firing rockets at Israeli civilians from behind the shield of Palestinian civilians, Israel will end its military activities in Gaza. That is precisely the result Hamas does not want to achieve.[

url=http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-dershowitz10-2009jan10,0,2587090.story#ixzz2so1ApjRv]Hamas' war crimes - latimes.com[/url]
Well said, Roudy...
Hamas war criminals fire rockets from behind women and children. Look at the depravity of these sick Palestinian savages.

Hamas' war crimes
In Gaza, it targets Israeli citizens with rockets, then shields its fighters behind Palestinian civilians.

The best example of Hamas' double war crime tactic was Tuesday, when it succeeded in sending a rocket to a town less than 20 miles south of Tel Aviv and injuring a child. At the same time, it provoked Israel to attack a United Nations school from which Hamas was launching its rockets. Residents of the neighborhood said two Hamas fighters were in the area at the time, and the Israeli military said they had been killed, according to the New York Times.

The Hamas tactic of firing rockets from schools, hospitals and mosques dates back to
2005, when Israel ended its occupation of Gaza. Several months ago, the head of the Israeli air force showed me a videotape (now available on YouTube) of a Hamas terrorist deliberately moving his rocket launcher to the front of a U.N. school, firing a rocket and then running away, no doubt hoping that Israel would then respond by attacking the rocket launcher and thus killing Palestinian children in the school.*

This is the Hamas dual strategy: to kill and injure as many Israeli civilians as possible by
firing rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilian targets, and to provoke Israel to kill as many Palestinian civilians as possible to garner world sympathy.

The international law of war, likewise, makes it a war crime to use human shields in the way Hamas does. It also makes it a war crime for Hamas to target Israeli civilians with anti-personnel rockets loaded with ball bearings and shrapnel designed to kill as many civilians as possible.

A bad day for Hamas is a day in which its rockets fail to kill or injure any Israeli civilians and Israel kills no Palestinian civilians. That is what Israel and the world must strive for. Hamas knows that the moment it ends its policy of firing rockets at Israeli civilians from behind the shield of Palestinian civilians, Israel will end its military activities in Gaza.
That is precisely the result Hamas does not want to achieve.[

.story#ixzz2so1ApjRv]Hamas' war crimes - latimes.com[/url]
Well said, Roudy...

It should be noted that the idiot waxes POETIC ---about JOYFUL
self as a victim of "PERSECUTION FOR THE GLORY OF ISA".
Not a new idea in the most primitive of creeds and very,
very, very much USED amongst meccaists The short cut
to JANNAH is martyrdom. The meccaists make this
depraved notion as ATTRACTIVE AS POSSIBLE----by promising
the "martyr" eternal posthumous glory besides the eternal
bliss of jannah -----and even GILD THE LILY by promising
a free pass for family members. It gets even MORE
depraved-------the family of the "sacrificed one"----gets paid
off. There is just NO DOWN SIDE Is it any wonder
so many people do it and Gazan moms do not even bother
to ask anyone to provide shelters for their kids-----

best if all---of course----it even has PROPAGANDA VALUE
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What bullshit Zionazis post, Israel attacking schools can be blamed on noone but Israel.

AND AMNESTY addressed this in their report on Cast Lead, acts of Hamas do not justify Israel to attack civilians or civilian objects.
Hamas uses schools and hospitals to shoot missiles from. Which group of subhumans do this? Only the Palestinian savages. LOL
What bullshit Zionazis post, Israel attacking schools can be blamed on noone but Israel.

AND AMNESTY addressed this in their report on Cast Lead, acts of Hamas do not justify Israel to attack civilians or civilian objects.
Hamas uses schools and hospitals to shoot missiles from. Which group of subhumans do this? Only the Palestinian savages. LOL

wrong----the palestinian savages did not invent human sacrifice.
Human sacrifice---by savages of their OWN ----- has been
very prevalent in the history of savage societies. It was always
described as something pleasing to the "god" of the savages.

Even that short cut to Jannah BS is not new. and "HONOR"
to the family of the sacrifice victim----not new. Our very own
board lawyer claims it as some kind of "honor" and pleasing
to her "god" Roudy---remember---the issue is actually
addressed on Yom Kippur (read the book)-----the allusion is in
poetic form------the greatest sin of all ------"putting ones children
thru fire" It is the ritual of the worshippers of 'moloch'----
aka isa/allaaaa
Amnesty investigated this Zionist claim and found it to be false.

What bullshit Zionazis post, Israel attacking schools can be blamed on noone but Israel.

AND AMNESTY addressed this in their report on Cast Lead, acts of Hamas do not justify Israel to attack civilians or civilian objects.
Hamas uses schools and hospitals to shoot missiles from. Which group of subhumans do this? Only the Palestinian savages. LOL
I will hand you over to ravaging men, artisans of destruction. You shall be fuel for the fire, your blood shall flow throughout the land. You shall not be remembered, for I, the LORD, have spoken. (Ezekiel 21:33-37 NAB)

Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)
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