Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I have proven my case.

Your denial of Zionist war crimes changes being committed in the attacks with white phosphorous proves nothing whatsoever.

From the HRW Report:

"This report documents Israel’s extensive use of white phosphorus munitions during its 22- day military operations in Gaza, from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, named Operation Cast Lead. Based on in-depth investigations in Gaza, the report concludes that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repeatedly exploded white phosphorus munitions in the air over populated areas, killing and injuring civilians, and damaging civilian structures, including a school, a market, a humanitarian aid warehouse and a hospital....

The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

Deliberate simply means one intends an attack on a house or school with civilians and civilian objects as the target.

Firing at schools and houses with chemical weapons establishes the deliberate character of an attack.

War crimes were committed in these deliberate attacks on civilians with chemical weapons in Cast Lead.

You have accused the IDF of deliberately targeting children utilizing white phosphorous munitions.

You have not provided evidence that the IDF did any such thing.

Your claim is dismissed - with prejudice.


You could keep saying that you proved your point, but the reality is that you didn't. You failed miserably at responding to Kondor's simple questions.
Deliberate simply means one intends an attack on a house or school with civilians and civilian objects as the target.

Firing at schools and houses with chemical weapons establishes the deliberate character of an attack.

War crimes were committed in these deliberate attacks on civilians with chemical weapons in Cast Lead.

You have accused the IDF of deliberately targeting children utilizing white phosphorous munitions.

You have not provided evidence that the IDF did any such thing.

Your claim is dismissed - with prejudice.
She did provide 2 Pallywood videos.
She did say she provided a link for a 71 page report.

Link to HRW Report

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

Link to HRW Video


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More from the HRW Report, about Israels widespread use of white phosphorous in Cast Lead.

We read how the weapons were fired directly over homes and over apartment buildings in Gaza, killing four civilians from one family in one identified incident on January 15, 2009.

"In its Gaza operations, the IDF apparently used white phosphorus in three ways. First, on at least three occasions the IDF air-burst white phosphorus in densely populated areas. In the crowded Gaza City neighborhood of Tel al-Hawa, for example, Israeli forces on January 15 fired air-burst white phosphorus directly over homes and apartment buildings where civilians were living or taking shelter, killing at least four civilians from one family. On that day, white phosphorus shells struck the al-Quds Hospital and its administration building run by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, setting parts of the hospital on fire and forcing the evacuation of about 50 patients and 500 neighborhood residents who had taken refuge there."

"Also on January 15, at least three white phosphorus shells struck the main UNRWA compound in the Rimal neighborhood of central Gaza City, wounding three and starting fires that gutted four buildings and destroyed more than US$3.7 million worth of medical supplies. According to UNRWA officials, they had been speaking with IDF officers throughout the morning as the shells landed progressively closer to the compound, asking them to halt fire. About 700 civilians were sheltering in the UN compound at the time."

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch
This defines Zionism.

This is not who Jesus is.

Jesus does not attack children and civilians with chemical weapons like white phosphorous.

What desperation is displayed by Zionists and Zionism, they have to burn to death innocent civilians and children to maintain their continuing possession of the land in Palestine.

This was never and is not the example Jesus sets for anyone to follow.

Jesus is not a Zionist, there is as much a difference between Jesus and Zionism as the distance that separates heaven from hell.
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Were the HRW people making that report actually IN Gaza - or did they simply accept whatever they were told by the Palestinians as completely accurate and truthful accounts?
They carried out an investigation and issued a 71 page report addressing their findings.

A link to the report is provided.
Gaza White Phosphorus Victim: Peres and Livni Should ‘Burn Like My Children Burned’

Haaretz reported yesterday that an IDF unit is suspected of firing at least 20 white phosphorus shells (by the IDF’s count, which renders it automatically suspect) in densely populated Gaza areas in contravention of IDF policy. *The shells caused severe burns and deaths to civilians who were showered with the deadly substance. *The*N.Y. Times has done a follow-up story*today:

…A week into Israel’s war in Gaza, the home of Sabah Abu Halima was hit by an Israeli shell. Ms. Abu Halima, the matriarch of a farming family in the northern Gaza area of Beit Lahiya, was caught in an inferno that burned her husband and four of their nine children to death.

But as she lay in a bed on the third floor of an annex to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on Wednesday, bandaged all over and in terrible pain, it was less the magnitude of her loss than the source of the fire that was drawing attention, not only from her doctors but also from human rights organizations and even the Israeli military.

…Palestinian officials say her family was hit by white phosphorus, a weapon that militaries use widely to obscure the battlefield but that is also limited under an international convention that bans targeting civilians with it.

Ms. Abu Halima said that when her family was hit, “fire came from the bodies of my husband and my children. The children were screaming, ‘Fire! Fire!’ and there was smoke everywhere and a horrible, suffocating smell,” she said. “My 14-year-old cried out, ‘I’m going to die. I want to pray.’ I saw my daughter-in-law melt away.”

gaza white phosphorus victim: Peres and livni should ‘burn like my children burned’

haaretz reported yesterday that an idf unit is suspected of firing at least 20 white phosphorus shells (by the idf’s count, which renders it automatically suspect) in densely populated gaza areas in contravention of idf policy. *the shells caused severe burns and deaths to civilians who were showered with the deadly substance. *the*n.y. Times has done a follow-up story*today:

…a week into israel’s war in gaza, the home of sabah abu halima was hit by an israeli shell. Ms. Abu halima, the matriarch of a farming family in the northern gaza area of beit lahiya, was caught in an inferno that burned her husband and four of their nine children to death.

But as she lay in a bed on the third floor of an annex to shifa hospital in gaza city on wednesday, bandaged all over and in terrible pain, it was less the magnitude of her loss than the source of the fire that was drawing attention, not only from her doctors but also from human rights organizations and even the israeli military.

…palestinian officials say her family was hit by white phosphorus, a weapon that militaries use widely to obscure the battlefield but that is also limited under an international convention that bans targeting civilians with it.

Ms. Abu halima said that when her family was hit, “fire came from the bodies of my husband and my children. The children were screaming, ‘fire! Fire!’ and there was smoke everywhere and a horrible, suffocating smell,” she said. “my 14-year-old cried out, ‘i’m going to die. I want to pray.’ i saw my daughter-in-law melt away.”

gaza white phosphorus victim: Peres and livni should ?burn like my children burned? Tikun-olam tikun olam-????? ????

enemies of israel attack god's chosen people at their own risk. God fights for israel.
"I have proven my case..."
You haven't proven a thing.

"...the report concludes that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repeatedly exploded white phosphorus munitions in the air over populated areas..."

Hamas and other Muslim militia scum routinely embed war-assets inside-of and nearby-to civilian facilities, hoping that the IDF will hesitate to hit them.

WHY did the IDF repeatedly explode white phosphorous munitions in the air over populated areas?

Were they trying to hit Hamas and other militia war-assets?

"...The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental..."
1. we do not know whether the use of WP munitions was unlawful.

2. we do not know whether it was intentional in any given instance.

"...firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes..."
Pure speculation. If they're so certain that this was a war-crime, then they need to file charges at the UN or the ICC. Any sign of that yet, after all this time?

You have, to date, merely served-up one-sided and unsubstantiated assertions and assumptions regarding IDF intentions and targets; never mind the entirely irrelevant references to war crimes.

Speculation is insufficient for arraignment, never mind conviction.

You have offered zero proof of the IDF deliberately targeting children utilizing white phosphorous munitions.

After several entreaties and 'chances' to do so, we must now assume that you cannot substantiate your claim.

Epic Fail.
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I have proven Israel unlawfully attacked civilians with white phosphorous and committed war crimes.

The Zionist Kondor defends these crimes.

WHAT does that say about him?
Of course the blabber mouth doesn't want anybody to know that usage of white phosphorus is not a "war crime" and actually sometimes necessary against terrorist animals.

Didn't see dirtbag Jihad Sherri making a big fuss over it when the US used it in Iraq. So as usual Sherri is full of hot air, bullshit, and lies.

White phosphorus use in Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During military combat operations in Fallujah, Iraq, white phosphorus munitions were used by United States military forces as an incendiary weapon and as an obscurant. The United States denied allegations that white phosphorus was used as a weapon against civilians, stating that it was only used to target insurgents.
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1 Peter 2:9-10

English Standard Version (ESV)

But you are*a chosen race,*a royal*priesthood,*a holy nation,*a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you*out of darkness into*his marvelous light.*Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

They are not God's chosen people, according to The New Testament and The Christian Gospels.

God's chosen people are believers in Jesus.

gaza white phosphorus victim: Peres and livni should ‘burn like my children burned’

haaretz reported yesterday that an idf unit is suspected of firing at least 20 white phosphorus shells (by the idf’s count, which renders it automatically suspect) in densely populated gaza areas in contravention of idf policy. *the shells caused severe burns and deaths to civilians who were showered with the deadly substance. *the*n.y. Times has done a follow-up story*today:

…a week into israel’s war in gaza, the home of sabah abu halima was hit by an israeli shell. Ms. Abu halima, the matriarch of a farming family in the northern gaza area of beit lahiya, was caught in an inferno that burned her husband and four of their nine children to death.

But as she lay in a bed on the third floor of an annex to shifa hospital in gaza city on wednesday, bandaged all over and in terrible pain, it was less the magnitude of her loss than the source of the fire that was drawing attention, not only from her doctors but also from human rights organizations and even the israeli military.

…palestinian officials say her family was hit by white phosphorus, a weapon that militaries use widely to obscure the battlefield but that is also limited under an international convention that bans targeting civilians with it.

Ms. Abu halima said that when her family was hit, “fire came from the bodies of my husband and my children. The children were screaming, ‘fire! Fire!’ and there was smoke everywhere and a horrible, suffocating smell,” she said. “my 14-year-old cried out, ‘i’m going to die. I want to pray.’ i saw my daughter-in-law melt away.”

gaza white phosphorus victim: Peres and livni should ?burn like my children burned? Tikun-olam tikun olam-????? ????

enemies of israel attack god's chosen people at their own risk. God fights for israel.
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I have proven Israel unlawfully attacked civilians with white phosphorous and committed war crimes. The Zionist Kondor defends these crimes. WHAT does that say about him?
I do not know that the IDF committed war crime(s) in this context.

I am not defending war crimes.

I am demanding evidence that your allegations are true.

So far, you have been unable to substantiate those claims.

What does that say about you?

Other than you're a Muslim propaganda shill and really bad bullshit artist wannabe?


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I have proven Israel unlawfully attacked civilians with white phosphorous and committed war crimes.

The Zionist Kondor defends these crimes.

WHAT does that say about him?

You proved none of your claims concerning targeting children, Nazi Shill.

What does it say about you that you constantly lie, and start threads about pilots killed in an accidental crash, and thanking God for their deaths??
I have proven Israel unlawfully attacked civilians with white phosphorous and committed war crimes. The Zionist Kondor defends these crimes. WHAT does that say about him?
I do not know that the IDF committed war crime(s) in this context.

I am not defending war crimes.

I am demanding evidence that your allegations are true.

So far, you have been unable to substantiate those claims.

What does that say about you?

Other than you're a Muslim propaganda shill and really bad bullshit artist wannabe?


Usage of white phosphorus is not a "war crime". Just because the freakazoid says it, doesn't mean it's true. In fact,it never is.
I have proven Israel unlawfully attacked civilians with white phosphorous and committed war crimes.

The Zionist Kondor defends these crimes.

WHAT does that say about him?

You proved none of your claims concerning targeting children, Nazi Shill.

What does it say about you that you constantly lie, and start threads about pilots killed in an accidental crash, and thanking God for their deaths??

Listen, since Mrs. Sherri wants us to believe that she cares about children and since over 11,000 children have been killed by her friends in Syria, she is going to post an article about what the parents of these children are saying with regard to their childrens' deaths. Surely, being that Mrs. Sherri seems to collect these stories, she can post quite a few about the deaths of children in Syria unless of course she doesn't bother with the deaths of all these children because she can't blame it on the Jews.
Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

I will post this again, a finding by HRW that the use of white phosphorous was a war crime.

"The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."

I have proven Israel unlawfully attacked civilians with white phosphorous and committed war crimes. The Zionist Kondor defends these crimes. WHAT does that say about him?
I do not know that the IDF committed war crime(s) in this context.

I am not defending war crimes.

I am demanding evidence that your allegations are true.

So far, you have been unable to substantiate those claims.

What does that say about you?

Other than you're a Muslim propaganda shill and really bad bullshit artist wannabe?


Usage of white phosphorus is not a "war crime". Just because the freakazoid says it, doesn't mean it's true. In fact,it never is.
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None of that substantiates your claim that the IDF deliberately targeted children utilizing WP munitions.

Again... you painted yourself into a corner, and cannot get out...

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

I will post this again, a finding by HRW that the use of white phosphorous was a war crime.

"The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."

I do not know that the IDF committed war crime(s) in this context.

I am not defending war crimes.

I am demanding evidence that your allegations are true.

So far, you have been unable to substantiate those claims.

What does that say about you?

Other than you're a Muslim propaganda shill and really bad bullshit artist wannabe?


Usage of white phosphorus is not a "war crime". Just because the freakazoid says it, doesn't mean it's true. In fact,it never is.
Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

I gave you a link to the HRW report, where they find Israels use of WP constituted the commission of war crimes.

I posted excerpts of the report and discussed some more specific findings, like an attack of WP over houses and apts that killed 4 civilians in one family in one incident in January 2009.

I cannot post the whole report.

Go read it for yourself.

I have proven Israel unlawfully attacked civilians with white phosphorous and committed war crimes. The Zionist Kondor defends these crimes. WHAT does that say about him?
I do not know that the IDF committed war crime(s) in this context.

I am not defending war crimes.

I am demanding evidence that your allegations are true.

So far, you have been unable to substantiate those claims.

What does that say about you?

Other than you're a Muslim propaganda shill and really bad bullshit artist wannabe?


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