Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Israel's Deliberate targeting of houses and schools and children burning to death from white phosphorous shells is documented by Amnesty and HRW and others.

Poor Zionist boy refuses to face the truth his heros are baby killers!

Yes it is, Zionazi, they targeted schools and houses where they knew children were and children burned to death.

YOU defending that exposes the Zionazi scum of the earth you are, you are no better than them.

None of that represents a DELIBERATE targeting of children by the IDF using WP munitions...

But there is plenty of evidence where Palestinian animals have deliberately targeted schools and restaurants.[/QUOTE]
more Zionist lies by a lying Zionist


How many Christians have Palestinian animals killed in Lebanon? 150,000.

more filth from an isa-respecting whore----who dances on the dead
bodies of the 100s of millions murdered in the name of the dung
'god' she worships. -----an interesting factoid "BAALZEBUB"
means "lord of the flies" ----more specifically 'lord of the dung
beetles" it is hebrew.-------and describes the creed of sherri---
her "god" that which exists in place of a "soul"
Nobody believes a Zionist.

There is no truth in a Zionist.

more Zionist lies by a lying Zionist

Nope. Palestinian animals led by Yasser Arafat their terrorist leader were the most notorious and vicious killers of Christians in Lebanon.

Mrs. Sherri, you really sound like a robot with a tape shoved into a slot in the robot's body reapeating the same thing ad nauseam. Do you really think anyone believes a mental case like you? Try to get out for some fresh air today.
Just curious, who were the animals that killed the Israeli olympic team in Munich all in the spirit of the olympics?

Israel's Deliberate targeting of houses and schools and children burning to death from white phosphorous shells is documented by Amnesty and HRW and others.

Poor Zionist boy refuses to face the truth his heros are baby killers!

Yes it is, Zionazi, they targeted schools and houses where they knew children were and children burned to death.

YOU defending that exposes the Zionazi scum of the earth you are, you are no better than them.


But there is plenty of evidence where Palestinian animals have deliberately targeted schools and restaurants.
Just curious, who were the animals that killed the Israeli olympic team in Munich all in the spirit of the olympics?

They were loving pious worshippers of the god ---isa/allaaa.

They acted on the directions----(delivered in arabic) by a specific
creature called 'isa' who was a 'balestinian' about 2000 years
ago (sherri talks to him too) Their noble action is now
being rewarded in Jannah.-------since some have been called
to their ETERNAL REWARD---since that event of noble jihad
People died in a civil war in Lebanon, in all groups there were casualties.

And Israel killed 20000 Lebanese in 1982.

And your post is just more lies of a Zionist who has no capacity to tell the truth about anything.

more Zionist lies by a lying Zionist


How many Christians have Palestinian animals killed in Lebanon? 150,000.
Nope. Palestinian animals led by Yasser Arafat their terrorist leader were the most notorious and vicious killers of Christians in Lebanon.
People died in a civil war in Lebanon, in all groups there were casualties.

And Israel killed 20000 Lebanese in 1982.

And your post is just more lies of a Zionist who has no capacity to tell the truth about anything.

more Zionist lies by a lying Zionist

Nope. Palestinian animals led by Yasser Arafat their terrorist leader were the most
notorious and vicious killers of Christians in Lebanon.

All vocations had a LINGO----I learned the lingo of the
cult of "isa/allaaa" respecters starting at about age 10---
when I began picking up old pamphlets lying about town---
hard core nazi stuff written by Germans---who fled to
places like Syria and Egypt to escape the Nuremburg

The "people died in civil war thing" is that jihado
whore euphemism for rape, mutilation, murder
ritual over which she and her fellow whore ululate in glee ---
as they dance on the dead bodies of 100s of millions

It is not new and it is not even out of date. Their
rape and murder and enslavement fest in sudan was
described by the depraved worshippers of isa/allaaa---
in the same terms ------

in fact-----even the biafran genocide of two million
(at least a million children) is described by the whores
and dogs as a "civil were in which people died"---

and even the armenian genocide and the genocide in
east pakistan-----------"oh well...'there was a civil
war and people died"

9-11-01----"'oh well-----a war yanno"

Boston-----"some street violence ----as per usual---no biggie"

-------a CHECKPOINT!!!!!!!!! WHATTA ATROCITY!!!!!!!
Surely it wasn't noble, life loving, peace loving Palestinians who would stoop so low as to commit such a heinous crime in a venue for world peace, right? Let's ask Sherri who did it.

Just curious, who were the animals that killed the Israeli olympic team in Munich all in the spirit of the olympics?

They were loving pious worshippers of the god ---isa/allaaa.

They acted on the directions----(delivered in arabic) by a specific
creature called 'isa' who was a 'balestinian' about 2000 years
ago (sherri talks to him too) Their noble action is now
being rewarded in Jannah.-------since some have been called
to their ETERNAL REWARD---since that event of noble jihad
Abraham’s slave-wife Hagar represents Jerusalem, the mother-city of the Jews, the center of that system of trying to please God by trying to obey the Commandments; and the Jews, who try to follow that system, are her slave children. 26 But our mother-city is the heavenly Jerusalem, and she is not a slave to Jewish laws.

27 That is what Isaiah meant when he prophesied, “Now you can rejoice, O childless woman; you can shout with joy though you never before had a child. For I am going to give you many children—more children than the slave-wife has.”

28 You and I, dear brothers, are the children that God promised, just as Isaac was. 29 And so we who are born of the Holy Spirit are persecuted now by those who want us to keep the Jewish laws, just as Isaac, the child of promise, was persecuted by Ishmael, the slave-wife’s son.

30 But the Scriptures say that God told Abraham to send away the slave-wife and her son, for the slave-wife’s son could not inherit Abraham’s home and lands along with the free woman’s son. 31 Dear brothers, we are not slave children, obligated to the Jewish laws, but children of the free woman, acceptable to God because of our faith.
People died in a civil war in Lebanon, in all groups there were casualties.

And Israel killed 20000 Lebanese in 1982.

And your post is just more lies of a Zionist who has no capacity to tell the truth about anything.

more Zionist lies by a lying Zionist

Nope. Palestinian animals led by Yasser Arafat their terrorist leader were the most notorious and vicious killers of Christians in Lebanon.
Nah, Palestinian animals led by Yasser Arafat slaughtered every Lebanese Christian man, woman, or child they could get their filthy paws on. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT.
Well, I'm sure that Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch certainly have documented a number of cases, where White Phosphorous munitions have detonated over schools or hospitals.

And for every time that a WP shell has detonated over one of those, how many times has a WP shell detonated over a legitimate Hamas or other insurgency target?

Collateral damage and accidental shell-explosions over unintended targets happen from time to time, with twitchy-fused munitions, and when you embed rocket launchers and personnel and bases and leadership and other military assets alongside hospitals and schools and mosques - despicable cowardly Palestinian fighters, hiding behind the skirts of their womenfolk and children so that the enemy will be more reluctant to return fire - something that AI and HRW and the UN have documented about them time and again.

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW, proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive of) intentional targeting of a school or hospital building?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW, proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive of) zero hostile activity emanating from those sites at the time of the incidents, requiring a fire-mission response from the IDF?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive) that the IDF knew chlidren were present at the time?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive) that the IDF fire-control team intentionally called-down WP munitions fire upon such targets?

My grandmama can document that WP munitions detonated over a school or hospital.

It takes a little more doing to prove Malice Aforethought (Intent) and Prior Knowledge (of the presence of children) - in order to make a case for Deliberate Targeting of Childing Using White Phosphorous Munitions.

Don't show us a link to a generic report laden with biased assumptions.

Show us objective proof of Malice Aforethought and Prior Knowledge.

Until then, your claims of Deliberate Targeting of Children Using White Phosphorous Muntions are set aside for lack of evidence.

Israel's Deliberate targeting of houses and schools and children burning to death from white phosphorous shells is documented by Amnesty and HRW and others.

Poor Zionist boy refuses to face the truth his heros are baby killers!

Yes it is, Zionazi, they targeted schools and houses where they knew children were and children burned to death.

YOU defending that exposes the Zionazi scum of the earth you are, you are no better than them.


But there is plenty of evidence where Palestinian animals have deliberately targeted schools and restaurants.
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White phosphorous is a chemical weapon and its use in Gaza was a war crime every time it was used there. That is what human rights groups concluded. Every person attacked with white phosphorous was a victim of an Israeli war crime.

As for the shelling on the UN school/shelter that got so much publicity in Cast Lead, it was found no rockets were fired from that school. The shelling was in clear violation of international law, it was an unlawful targeting, a war crime, because it unlawfully targeted civilians and civilian objects, and because it was an unlawful use of chemical weapons against civilians, as well.

The video from HRW addresses this.

There is also an accompanying report from HRW that can be read on their website.

Here, we see a 15 year old boy, and injuries he suffered when he was targeted with chemical weapons, ie white phosphorous, by Israel in Cast Lead.


Well, I'm sure that Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch certainly have documented a number of cases, where White Phosphorous munitions have detonated over schools or hospitals.

And for every time that a WP shell has detonated over one of those, how many times has a WP shell detonated over a legitimate Hamas or other insurgency target?

Collateral damage and accidental shell-explosions over unintended targets happen from time to time, with twitchy-fused munitions, and when you embed rocket launchers and personnel and bases and leadership and other military assets alongside hospitals and schools and mosques - despicable cowardly Palestinian fighters, hiding behind the skirts of their womenfolk and children so that the enemy will be more reluctant to return fire - something that AI and HRW and the UN have documented about them time and again.

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW, proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive of) intentional targeting of a school or hospital building?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW, proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive of) zero hostile activity emanating from those sites at the time of the incidents, requiring a fire-mission response from the IDF?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive) that the IDF knew chlidren were present at the time?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive) that the IDF fire-control team intentionally called-down WP munitions fire upon such targets?

My grandmama can document that WP munitions detonated over a school or hospital.

It takes a little more doing to prove Malice Aforethought (Intent) and Prior Knowledge (of the presence of children) - in order to make a case for Deliberate Targeting of Childing Using White Phosphorous Munitions.

Don't show us a link to a generic report laden with biased assumptions.

Show us objective proof of Malice Aforethought and Prior Knowledge.

Until then, your claims of Deliberate Targeting of Children Using White Phosphorous Muntions are set aside for lack of evidence.

Israel's Deliberate targeting of houses and schools and children burning to death from white phosphorous shells is documented by Amnesty and HRW and others.

Poor Zionist boy refuses to face the truth his heros are baby killers!


But there is plenty of evidence where Palestinian animals have deliberately targeted schools and restaurants.
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There is ZERO proof that Israel targeted anyone with WP. It is legal to use as long as it's used as a smoke screen.

But Sherri, you are too stupid to understand these facts. You should have finished High school before you came to post here, dumb UGLY Nazi
Jesus did not target children to burn and kill with chemical weapons like white phosphorous.

That is conduct of Zionists, which Jesus is not.

The attacks by Zionist Israel with chemical weapons define Zionism.

Oh, and, by the way, Sherriah, what does any of that have to do with whether or not Jesus was a Zionist?

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