Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Sally needs to learn to read, I keep telling it I have no friends killing anyone anywhere but it keeps claiming I do.

I have no friends in Syria, I know no one in Syria.

What is Sallys fixation with Syria?

How many children has Sally killed?

How does Sally kill children?
It kills me just to read her posts.
And its all to divert attention from Israels human rights abuses/crimes and to demonize Muslims.

This method of responding to criticisms with bringing up what others do is I expect a big Hasbara training technique.

Zionists never confront Israels crimes. Deny and divert.

I actually think these techniques go all the way back to the Garden of Eden and demonstrate Satan's strategies.

Sally needs to learn to read, I keep telling it I have no friends killing anyone anywhere but it keeps claiming I do.

I have no friends in Syria, I know no one in Syria.

What is Sallys fixation with Syria?

How many children has Sally killed?

How does Sally kill children?
It kills me just to read her posts.
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Jesus was a communist subversive who was trying to take over the world, and failed badly.

hardly. Jesus got a bad rap. he was an innocent young pharisee---
doing the best he could. He tried----"Lets just do our thing and try
not to aggravate them too much" His big mistake was his attack
on the roman/sadducean corruption in the temple business. Keep
in mind ----the Romans at that time were the EMPIRE BUILDERS----
desperately trying to IMPOSE ROME on the world "ROME UBER
ALLES"-----and the sadducees were shills for the RULERS. Jesus
was charismatic.------something like Rabbi Menachem Schneerson
z'"l the really negative stuff was a result of the somewhat
Jesus was not a Pharisee.

Paul was a Pharisee before He began to follow Jesus.

Matthew 9:14

English Standard Version (ESV)

A Question About Fasting

Then*the disciples of John came to him, saying,*“Why do we and*the Pharisees fast,[a]*but your disciples do not fast?”
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Jesus was a pharisee----till the day he died-----then he was a dead
pharisee. Pontius Pilate crucified----in the course of his 10
year career-----more than 20,000 pharisees --<<< that is history.

Paul was a desperate "LETS BUILD A NEW WORLD" nut----he
created the creed that enacted the genocide of hundreds of
millions Not his fault----his intentions were noble During
his last days he PRAYED FOR THE END OF THE WORLD (not
uncommon amongst very depressed persons)
The Gospels tell us He was not a Pharisee , I accept what they say and reject the words of a poor lost Zionist who continues in her disbelief of Jesus as Messiah.

Jesus never even taught The Old Testament.

Jesus was a pharisee----till the day he died-----then he was a dead
pharisee. Pontius Pilate crucified----in the course of his 10
year career-----more than 20,000 pharisees --<<< that is history.

Paul was a desperate "LETS BUILD A NEW WORLD" nut----he
created the creed that enacted the genocide of hundreds of
millions Not his fault----his intentions were noble During
his last days he PRAYED FOR THE END OF THE WORLD (not
uncommon amongst very depressed persons)
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Jesus was a pharisee----till the day he died-----then he was a dead
pharisee. Pontius Pilate crucified----in the course of his 10
year career-----more than 20,000 pharisees --<<< that is history.

Paul was a desperate "LETS BUILD A NEW WORLD" nut----he
created the creed that enacted the genocide of hundreds of
millions Not his fault----his intentions were noble During
his last days he PRAYED FOR THE END OF THE WORLD (not
uncommon amongst very depressed persons)

You might want to check the scripture and what Jesus said to the Pharisees.
Jesus was a communist subversive who was trying to take over the world, and failed badly.

I agree that Jesus was quite probably a Communist - in a strictly generic and literal sense, as opposed to the modern usage of the phrase; meaning that he advocated that people divest themselves of possessions; implying ownership in common, rather than personally.

I agree that Jesus was quite probably Subversive - at least from the perspectives of the Jewish Establishment within the Province of Judea, and the Romans; advocating that people obey established earthly authority but that they give their hearts and minds to God, and that they focus more upon the afterlife than the present one; a fairly radical and uncommon approach that certainly raised the suspicions and hostility of The Establishment.

I agree that he was trying to take over the world, in a metaphorical sense; hoping that his teachings would spread throughout the known world and change the way that men interacted with each other and their God; although this remains in the realm of the metaphorical. He apparently went to great lengths to reinforce the idea that he did not seek earthly political power.

As to his failing; well... with somewhere between 1.8 and 2.2 billion Christians in the world today - the largest major religious belief-system on the face of the planet - and given that this larger percentage of adherents amongst the world's population is extant some 2000 years after his own lifetime, well... we should all be remembered as such failures.
None of that represents a DELIBERATE targeting of children by the IDF using WP munitions...

Watch "Rain of Fire White Phosphorus in Gaza by Human Rights Watch" on YouTube ...

Do the meek deliberately burn to death children with white phosphorous?
Show us one single example where Israeli Defense Forces personnel deliberately burned children to death using white phosphorous munitions... just one.
Yes it is, Zionazi, they targeted schools and houses where they knew children were and children burned to death.

YOU defending that exposes the Zionazi scum of the earth you are, you are no better than them.

None of that represents a DELIBERATE targeting of children by the IDF using WP munitions...

Watch "Rain of Fire White Phosphorus in Gaza by Human Rights Watch" on YouTube ...

Do the meek deliberately burn to death children with white phosphorous?
Show us one single example where Israeli Defense Forces personnel deliberately burned children to death using white phosphorous munitions... just one.
Through much research as to the historical Jesus, I believe Jesus was neither a Pharisee nor a Sudducee, but an ESSENE. I also believe the Essenes were highligh influenced by the Zoroastrians as witnessed in their writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls, most convincing in the war scroll account of the righteous one in the battle between good & evil. Hence the new eschatology of the Jews in the writings of the Tanakh which through the Jews transfered into early Chrisitanity.

Jesus was a pharisee----till the day he died-----then he was a dead
pharisee. Pontius Pilate crucified----in the course of his 10
year career-----more than 20,000 pharisees --<<< that is history.

Paul was a desperate "LETS BUILD A NEW WORLD" nut----he
created the creed that enacted the genocide of hundreds of
millions Not his fault----his intentions were noble During
his last days he PRAYED FOR THE END OF THE WORLD (not

uncommon amongst very depressed persons)

You might want to check the scripture and what Jesus said to the Pharisees.
Through much research as to the historical Jesus, I believe Jesus was neither a Pharisee nor a Sudducee, but an ESSENE. I also believe the Essenes were highligh influenced by the Zoroastrians as witnessed in their writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls, most convincing in the war scroll account of the righteous one in the battle between good & evil. Hence the new eschatology of the Jews in the writings of the Tanakh which through the Jews transfered into early Chrisitanity.

Jesus was a pharisee----till the day he died-----then he was a dead
pharisee. Pontius Pilate crucified----in the course of his 10
year career-----more than 20,000 pharisees --<<< that is history.

Paul was a desperate "LETS BUILD A NEW WORLD" nut----he
created the creed that enacted the genocide of hundreds of
millions Not his fault----his intentions were noble During
his last days he PRAYED FOR THE END OF THE WORLD (not

uncommon amongst very depressed persons)

You might want to check the scripture and what Jesus said to the Pharisees.

Well... now the scholars are saying the Essenes didn't exist.. or that they were very small in numbers.
For your consideration:

A Portrait Of Jesus' World - The Essenes And The Dead Sea Scrolls | From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians | FRONTLINE | PBS

Through much research as to the historical Jesus, I believe Jesus was neither a Pharisee nor a Sudducee, but an ESSENE. I also believe the Essenes were highligh influenced by the Zoroastrians as witnessed in their writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls, most convincing in the war scroll account of the righteous one in the battle between good & evil. Hence the new eschatology of the Jews in the writings of the Tanakh which through the Jews transfered into early Chrisitanity.

Jesus was a pharisee----till the day he died-----then he was a dead
pharisee. Pontius Pilate crucified----in the course of his 10
year career-----more than 20,000 pharisees --<<< that is history.

Paul was a desperate "LETS BUILD A NEW WORLD" nut----he
created the creed that enacted the genocide of hundreds of
millions Not his fault----his intentions were noble During
his last days he PRAYED FOR THE END OF THE WORLD (not

uncommon amongst very depressed persons)

You might want to check the scripture and what Jesus said to the Pharisees.
How many Christians have Palestinian animals killed in Lebanon? 150,000.
Yes it is, Zionazi, they targeted schools and houses where they knew children were and children burned to death.

YOU defending that exposes the Zionazi scum of the earth you are, you are no better than them.

None of that represents a DELIBERATE targeting of children by the IDF using WP munitions...

Watch "Rain of Fire White Phosphorus in Gaza by Human Rights Watch" on YouTube ...

Show us one single example where Israeli Defense Forces personnel deliberately burned children to death using white phosphorous munitions... just one.

But there is plenty of evidence where Palestinian animals have deliberately targeted schools and restaurants.
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