Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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BTW Sherri, Kondor owned you in that post that you quoted. You didn't answer any of his questions and you STILL failed to prove what you claimed.

Chalk up yet ANOTHER fail for Sherri !!!! :clap2:
Jesus did not target children to burn and kill with chemical weapons like white phosphorous.

That is conduct of Zionists, which Jesus is not.

The attacks by Zionist Israel with chemical weapons define Zionism.

Oh, and, by the way, Sherriah, what does any of that have to do with whether or not Jesus was a Zionist?


What the fuck does this lie have to do with what he said ??? He's telling you that you're off topic, which is something you always accuse others of doing

Learn to read English, retarded hateful slut
I think we can all come to the conclusion that Sherri has never finished High school. She can't even understand simple posts in English. Nor does she understand the word 'target'.

Hhahahaha what a loser whore Sherri is !
White phosphorous is a chemical weapon and its use in Gaza was a war crime every time it was used there. That is what human rights groups concluded. Every person attacked with white phosphorous was a victim of an Israeli war crime.

As for the shelling on the UN school/shelter that got so much publicity in Cast Lead, it was found no rockets were fired from that school. The shelling was in clear violation of international law, it was an unlawful targeting, a war crime, because it unlawfully targeted civilians and civilian objects, and because it was an unlawful use of chemical weapons against civilians, as well.

The video from HRW addresses this.

There is also an accompanying report from HRW that can be read on their website.

Here, we see a 15 year old boy, and injuries he suffered when he was targeted with chemical weapons, ie white phosphorous, by Israel in Cast Lead.



Well, I'm sure that Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch certainly have documented a number of cases, where White Phosphorous munitions have detonated over schools or hospitals.

And for every time that a WP shell has detonated over one of those, how many times has a WP shell detonated over a legitimate Hamas or other insurgency target?

Collateral damage and accidental shell-explosions over unintended targets happen from time to time, with twitchy-fused munitions, and when you embed rocket launchers and personnel and bases and leadership and other military assets alongside hospitals and schools and mosques - despicable cowardly Palestinian fighters, hiding behind the skirts of their womenfolk and children so that the enemy will be more reluctant to return fire - something that AI and HRW and the UN have documented about them time and again.

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW, proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive of) intentional targeting of a school or hospital building?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW, proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive of) zero hostile activity emanating from those sites at the time of the incidents, requiring a fire-mission response from the IDF?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive) that the IDF knew chlidren were present at the time?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive) that the IDF fire-control team intentionally called-down WP munitions fire upon such targets?

My grandmama can document that WP munitions detonated over a school or hospital.

It takes a little more doing to prove Malice Aforethought (Intent) and Prior Knowledge (of the presence of children) - in order to make a case for Deliberate Targeting of Childing Using White Phosphorous Munitions.

Don't show us a link to a generic report laden with biased assumptions.

Show us objective proof of Malice Aforethought and Prior Knowledge.

Until then, your claims of Deliberate Targeting of Children Using White Phosphorous Muntions are set aside for lack of evidence.

Israel's Deliberate targeting of houses and schools and children burning to death from white phosphorous shells is documented by Amnesty and HRW and others.

Poor Zionist boy refuses to face the truth his heros are baby killers!


But there is plenty of evidence where Palestinian animals have deliberately targeted schools and restaurants.

An account from a PAlestinian is great proof ! NOT. Fuck, you are so stupid Sherri, it's hard to imagine you can even operate a computer!
"White phosphorous is a chemical weapon and its use in Gaza was a war crime every time it was used there. That is what human rights groups concluded. Every person attacked with white phosphorous was a victim of an Israeli war crime..."
None of this (nor the video you posted) provides substantiatial (actual, nor even objectively and strongly suggestive) evidence of deliberate targeting of children utilizing white phosphorous munitions, as you have claimed.

If you cannot substantiate your claim - or if you do not have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what is meant by substantiation in this context - them your claims of deliberate targeting of children utilizing white phosphorous munitions must be set aside.

Nobody is challenging that sometimes civilians (including kids) get hurt by IDF munitions that are detonated too close to civilians.

YOUR challenge is to provide objective proof that such targeting of children was deliberate, as you have claimed.
Please control your anger, Zionist, please do not take it out on the children around you like your Zionist pals in Israel do.

Jesus can take your hate and pain away, there is hope even for Zionists like you.

White phosphorous is a chemical weapon and its use in Gaza was a war crime every time it was used there. That is what human rights groups concluded. Every person attacked with white phosphorous was a victim of an Israeli war crime.

As for the shelling on the UN school/shelter that got so much publicity in Cast Lead, it was found no rockets were fired from that school. The shelling was in clear violation of international law, it was an unlawful targeting, a war crime, because it unlawfully targeted civilians and civilian objects, and because it was an unlawful use of chemical weapons against civilians, as well.

The video from HRW addresses this.

There is also an accompanying report from HRW that can be read on their website.

Here, we see a 15 year old boy, and injuries he suffered when he was targeted with chemical weapons, ie white phosphorous, by Israel in Cast Lead.



Well, I'm sure that Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch certainly have documented a number of cases, where White Phosphorous munitions have detonated over schools or hospitals.

And for every time that a WP shell has detonated over one of those, how many times has a WP shell detonated over a legitimate Hamas or other insurgency target?

Collateral damage and accidental shell-explosions over unintended targets happen from time to time, with twitchy-fused munitions, and when you embed rocket launchers and personnel and bases and leadership and other military assets alongside hospitals and schools and mosques - despicable cowardly Palestinian fighters, hiding behind the skirts of their womenfolk and children so that the enemy will be more reluctant to return fire - something that AI and HRW and the UN have documented about them time and again.

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW, proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive of) intentional targeting of a school or hospital building?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW, proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive of) zero hostile activity emanating from those sites at the time of the incidents, requiring a fire-mission response from the IDF?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive) that the IDF knew chlidren were present at the time?

Do we have documentation from AI and HRW proving (or strongly and objectively suggestive) that the IDF fire-control team intentionally called-down WP munitions fire upon such targets?

My grandmama can document that WP munitions detonated over a school or hospital.

It takes a little more doing to prove Malice Aforethought (Intent) and Prior Knowledge (of the presence of children) - in order to make a case for Deliberate Targeting of Childing Using White Phosphorous Munitions.

Don't show us a link to a generic report laden with biased assumptions.

Show us objective proof of Malice Aforethought and Prior Knowledge.

Until then, your claims of Deliberate Targeting of Children Using White Phosphorous Muntions are set aside for lack of evidence.

An account from a PAlestinian is great proof ! NOT. Fuck, you are so stupid Sherri, it's hard to imagine you can even operate a computer![/QUOTE]
Please control your anger, Zionist, please do not take it out on the children around you like your Zionist pals in Israel do.

Jesus can take your hate and pain away, there is hope even for Zionists like you.

White phosphorous is a chemical weapon and its use in Gaza was a war crime every time it was used there. That is what human rights groups concluded. Every person attacked with white phosphorous was a victim of an Israeli war crime.

As for the shelling on the UN school/shelter that got so much publicity in Cast Lead, it was found no rockets were fired from that school. The shelling was in clear violation of international law, it was an unlawful targeting, a war crime, because it unlawfully targeted civilians and civilian objects, and because it was an unlawful use of chemical weapons against civilians, as well.

The video from HRW addresses this.

There is also an accompanying report from HRW that can be read on their website.

Here, we see a 15 year old boy, and injuries he suffered when he was targeted with chemical weapons, ie white phosphorous, by Israel in Cast Lead.



An account from a PAlestinian is great proof ! NOT. Fuck, you are so stupid Sherri, it's hard to imagine you can even operate a computer!

Whee in my post did you see anger? I was just putting out some facts about your lack of education

And you really should stop shoving your religious beliefs down peoples throats. I'm Jewish, not Christian.
But the fact that you said that those who don't believe in Jesus will burn in hell shows how much of an evil bigot you are.
BTW Sherri, speaking of White Phosphorus, when I saw you pic for the first time, you looked like a person who dipped their face in a pool of it hahaha! NAsty
The sources I addressed, HRW and Amnesty and other human rights groups, substantiate my claim.

If you, a Zionist, cannot deal with the truth, that seems to me to be a personal problem you need to get help with.

I shall keep speaking the truth about Israel's violations of international law as long as they continue and as long as I have a voice to speak out against these injustices.

That is the example Jesus Christ Son of God sets for Christians to follow, He confronts Injustice with Truth.

He confronts each of us with Truth, to include Zionists, and to include the Truth of who He is.

And He gives all a choice to make, to believe in Him and who He says He is, to believe in His name, and have Salvation, or to continue in disbelief and face condemnation.

"White phosphorous is a chemical weapon and its use in Gaza was a war crime every time it was used there. That is what human rights groups concluded. Every person attacked with white phosphorous was a victim of an Israeli war crime..."
None of this (nor the video you posted) provides substantiatial (actual, nor even objectively and strongly suggestive) evidence of deliberate targeting of children utilizing white phosphorous munitions, as you have claimed.

If you cannot substantiate your claim - or if you do not have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what is meant by substantiation in this context - them your claims of deliberate targeting of children utilizing white phosphorous munitions must be set aside.

Nobody is challenging that sometimes civilians (including kids) get hurt by IDF munitions that are detonated too close to civilians.

YOUR challenge is to provide objective proof that such targeting of children was deliberate, as you have claimed.
The sources I addressed, HRW and Amnesty and other human rights groups, substantiate my claim...
Please point me to the text which states that the IDF deliberately targeted children utilizing white phosphorous munitions, or, alternatively, please specify the video and the time-marker on the playback meter in some video or another which states that the IDF deliberately targeted children utilizing white phosphorous munitions, as you have claimed.

Be prepared to have such text challenged with respect to one-sided and biased observations, without benefit of hearing both sides of the story, but that's for later.

For now, please show us where AI or HRW have stated that the IDF deliberately targeted children utilizing white phosphorous munitions, as you have claimed.

So far, you have proven nothing.
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We have reports by human rights groups documenting unlawful targeting of civilians, to include children, with white phosphorous.

The evidence is in these reports, on Amnestys website and the website of HRW, in their reports.

Deal with it Zionist, I am not responsible for your inability to face truths right in front of you.


Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes

Indiscriminate Attacks Caused Needless Civilian Suffering

March 25, 2009

"Israel's repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 71-page report, "Rain of Fire: Israel's Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza," provides witness accounts of the devastating effects that white phosphorus munitions had on civilians and civilian property in Gaza. Human Rights Watch researchers in Gaza immediately after hostilities ended found spent shells, canister liners, and dozens of burnt felt wedges containing white phosphorus on city streets, apartment roofs, residential courtyards, and at a United Nations school. The report also presents ballistics evidence, photographs, and satellite imagery, as well as documents from the Israeli military and government."


http://www.hrw.org/node/81760 (Link to 71 Page Report by HRW)
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We have reports by human rights groups documenting unlawful targeting of civilians, to include children, with white phosphorous.

The evidence is in these reports, on Amnestys website and the website of HRW, in their reports.

Deal with it Zionist, I am not responsible for your inability to face truths right in front of you.
You have claimed that the IDF deliberately targets children utilizing white phosphorous munitions...

We are NOT talking about UNLAWFUL targetings...

We are talking about DELIBERATE targetings...

We are talking about DELIBERATE targeting of CHILDREN on the part of the IDF, utilizing white phosphorous munitions...

Do not show us one-sided allegations of unlawful targetings...

Show us objective evaluations resulting in a charge of DELIBERATE targetings... of CHILDREN... utilizing white phosphorous muntions... in order to substantiate your claim...

If you have such reports, then it should be no problem, to point to text generated by AI or HRW, which definitively asserts that the IDF has deliberately targeted children utilizing white phosphorous munitions...

Produce your evidence...
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Deliberate simply means one intends an attack on a house or school with civilians and civilian objects as the target.

Firing at schools and houses with chemical weapons establishes the deliberate character of an attack.

War crimes were committed in these deliberate attacks on civilians with chemical weapons in Cast Lead.
I have produced evidence Israel targeted civilians and children with chemical weapons attacks.

And I provided a link to a 71 page report documenting the specifics of the attacks.

Deal with it, Zionist.
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Deliberate simply means one intends an attack on a house or school with civilians and civilian objects as the target.

Firing at schools and houses with chemical weapons establishes the deliberate character of an attack.

War crimes were committed in these deliberate attacks on civilians with chemical weapons in Cast Lead.

You have accused the IDF of deliberately targeting children utilizing white phosphorous munitions.

You have not provided evidence that the IDF did any such thing.

Your claim is dismissed - with prejudice.
I have produced evidence Israel targeted civilians and children with chemical weapons attacks.

And I provided a link to a 71 page report documenting the specifics of the attacks.

Deal with it, Zionist.

False. You provided ZERO evidence of Israel targeting civilians and children. Go back to school and learn some English, Nazi Shill.

Chalk up ANOTHER fail for Sherri. BTW, anyone keeping count of how many fails Sherri has? I've simply lost count
I have produced evidence Israel targeted civilians and children with chemical weapons attacks. And I provided a link to a 71 page report documenting the specifics of the attacks. Deal with it, Zionist.
Then you should have no problem pointing us to the passage which affirms that the IDF deliberately targeted children utilizing white phosphorous munitions.

Produce your evidence.
I think Sherri needs a lesson on how modern F-16's and Apache helicopters work

Before the pilot boards the aircraft, there is a mission uploaded into its computer. When the pilot starts his aircraft, he chooses his mission.It's not like they can go fly over Gaza and bomb whatever they feel like.
These missions are made after intelligence has located weapons storage buildings, rocket launchers etc....
Those are the TARGETS.
Deliberate simply means one intends an attack on a house or school with civilians and civilian objects as the target.

Firing at schools and houses with chemical weapons establishes the deliberate character of an attack.

War crimes were committed in these deliberate attacks on civilians with chemical weapons in Cast Lead.

You have accused the IDF of deliberately targeting children utilizing white phosphorous munitions.

You have not provided evidence that the IDF did any such thing.

Your claim is dismissed - with prejudice.
She did provide 2 Pallywood videos.
She did say she provided a link for a 71 page report.
I have proven my case.

Your denial of Zionist war crimes being committed in the attacks with white phosphorous proves nothing whatsoever.

From the HRW Report:

"This report documents Israel’s extensive use of white phosphorus munitions during its 22- day military operations in Gaza, from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, named Operation Cast Lead. Based on in-depth investigations in Gaza, the report concludes that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repeatedly exploded white phosphorus munitions in the air over populated areas, killing and injuring civilians, and damaging civilian structures, including a school, a market, a humanitarian aid warehouse and a hospital....

The unlawful use of white phosphorus was neither incidental nor accidental. It was repeated over time and in different locations, with the IDF “air-bursting” the munition in populated areas up to the last days of its military operation. Even if intended as an obscurant rather than as a weapon, the IDF’s repeated firing of air-burst white phosphorus shells from 155mm artillery into densely populated areas was indiscriminate and indicates the commission of war crimes."

Rain of Fire | Human Rights Watch

Deliberate simply means one intends an attack on a house or school with civilians and civilian objects as the target.

Firing at schools and houses with chemical weapons establishes the deliberate character of an attack.

War crimes were committed in these deliberate attacks on civilians with chemical weapons in Cast Lead.

You have accused the IDF of deliberately targeting children utilizing white phosphorous munitions.

You have not provided evidence that the IDF did any such thing.

Your claim is dismissed - with prejudice.
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