Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world might be saved through Him..John 3:17

These are Jesus own words describing the God He follows.

These are Jesus words, not the words of Satan.

All.you, that Satan does, is lie.

You call Jesus Satan.

There is no Truth in you, Satan.

Well, Satan, fuck you.


If the three major religions believe in only one god.... then each see him from a different perspective, but they are looking at the same god.

You must know the story of the blind men and the elephant. Each have limited information from their examination, but they each describing the same thing, or at least the part they feel, from their perspective.

This may be true. But I'm counting on each to give an honest description and not spout lying propaganda.
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I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

How very Christian of you Sherri. I'm sure Jesus is very proud. The readers will notice that all I did was quote scripture to prove my point. I asked Sherri to give scripture to prove her point and she could not. All she has is personal attacks and foul language. Thanks for showing us the true Sherri.
You called Jesus Satan and denied His words.

Luke 12*(English Standard Version)

Acknowledge Christ Before Men

8*“And I tell you,*everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge*before the angels of God,*9*but*the one who denies me before men*will be denied*before the angels of God.10*And*everyone who speaks a word*against the Son of Man*will be forgiven, but the one who*blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.*11*And when they*bring you before the synagogues andthe rulers and*the authorities,*do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say,*12*for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

Luke 12 ESV - Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees - Bible Gateway

I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

How very Christian of you Sherri. I'm sure Jesus is very proud. The readers will notice that all I did was quote scripture to prove my point. I asked Sherri to give scripture to prove her point and she could not. All she has is personal attacks and foul language. Thanks for showing us the true Sherri.
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Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin, those are the words of Jesus.

What does it say about one who does this? They are out of the reach of God.

They obviously have a different master.
You called Jesus Satan and denied His words.

Luke 12*(English Standard Version)

Acknowledge Christ Before Men

8*“And I tell you,*everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge*before the angels of God,*9*but*the one who denies me before men*will be denied*before the angels of God.10*And*everyone who speaks a word*against the Son of Man*will be forgiven, but the one who*blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.*11*And when they*bring you before the synagogues andthe rulers and*the authorities,*do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say,*12*for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

Luke 12 ESV - Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees - Bible Gateway

I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

How very Christian of you Sherri. I'm sure Jesus is very proud. The readers will notice that all I did was quote scripture to prove my point. I asked Sherri to give scripture to prove her point and she could not. All she has is personal attacks and foul language. Thanks for showing us the true Sherri.

Why do you have to lie Sherri? I would never call Jesus Satan. I called you Satan because YOU deny God's word. You are the one who says the OT is no longer valid. You are deflecting from the subject. I'm still waiting for you to give scripture refuting Paul's words. Paul says all Israel will be saved. Paul says the deliverer will come from ZION. Why are you calling the apostle Paul a liar when you say his words are not true? You can't have it both ways.
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin, those are the words of Jesus.

What does it say about one who does this? They are out of the reach of God.

They obviously have a different master.

Now you are trolling and deflecting from the subject at hand because you cannot refute the truth. I'm sorry you are having a meltdown. Maybe you need a break to get your thought together so you can stay on subject which is Jesus is a Zionist and not blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Start another thread if you want to discuss that.
The only statement I made in that post you responded to were Jesus own words, so you called Jesus Satan

You called Jesus Satan and denied His words.

Luke 12*(English Standard Version)

Acknowledge Christ Before Men

8*“And I tell you,*everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge*before the angels of God,*9*but*the one who denies me before men*will be denied*before the angels of God.10*And*everyone who speaks a word*against the Son of Man*will be forgiven, but the one who*blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.*11*And when they*bring you before the synagogues andthe rulers and*the authorities,*do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say,*12*for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

Luke 12 ESV - Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees - Bible Gateway

How very Christian of you Sherri. I'm sure Jesus is very proud. The readers will notice that all I did was quote scripture to prove my point. I asked Sherri to give scripture to prove her point and she could not. All she has is personal attacks and foul language. Thanks for showing us the true Sherri.

Why do you have to lie Sherri? I would never call Jesus Satan. I called you Satan because YOU deny God's word. You are the one who says the OT is no longer valid. You are deflecting from the subject. I'm still waiting for you to give scripture refuting Paul's words. Paul says all Israel will be saved. Paul says the deliverer will come from ZION. Why are you calling the apostle Paul a liar when you say his words are not true? You can't have it both ways.
Jesus does ask Christians to speak out when others speak falsely against Jesus and call Jesus Satan and Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

I already set forth Jesus words about this, found in Luke 12.

Other verses are Matthew 9:26
Satan, the thread is all about Satanic lies about Jesus, they start in the thread title and have been much expounded on in many posts by Satanic Zionist cultists.

Satan, Jesus is not a Zionist.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin, those are the words of Jesus.

What does it say about one who does this? They are out of the reach of God.

They obviously have a different master.

Now you are trolling and deflecting from the subject at hand because you cannot refute the truth. I'm sorry you are having a meltdown. Maybe you need a break to get your thought together so you can stay on subject which is Jesus is a Zionist and not blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Start another thread if you want to discuss that.
The only statement I made in that post you responded to were Jesus own words, so you called Jesus Satan

You called Jesus Satan and denied His words.

Luke 12*(English Standard Version)

Acknowledge Christ Before Men

8*“And I tell you,*everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge*before the angels of God,*9*but*the one who denies me before men*will be denied*before the angels of God.10*And*everyone who speaks a word*against the Son of Man*will be forgiven, but the one who*blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.*11*And when they*bring you before the synagogues andthe rulers and*the authorities,*do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say,*12*for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

Luke 12 ESV - Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees - Bible Gateway

Why do you have to lie Sherri? I would never call Jesus Satan. I called you Satan because YOU deny God's word. You are the one who says the OT is no longer valid. You are deflecting from the subject. I'm still waiting for you to give scripture refuting Paul's words. Paul says all Israel will be saved. Paul says the deliverer will come from ZION. Why are you calling the apostle Paul a liar when you say his words are not true? You can't have it both ways.

Once again, I would never call Jesus Satan. The readers are intelligent enough to see that you're name calling does not win an argument. I have offered scripture and you have resorted to name calling because you cannot reasonably debate the issue. Get back with me when you have something other than vile names.
Stop slandering Jesus.

Jesus tells He is the Son of God.

Zionists do not believe this.

Jesus is not a Zionist.

The only statement I made in that post you responded to were Jesus own words, so you called Jesus Satan

Why do you have to lie Sherri? I would never call Jesus Satan. I called you Satan because YOU deny God's word. You are the one who says the OT is no longer valid. You are deflecting from the subject. I'm still waiting for you to give scripture refuting Paul's words. Paul says all Israel will be saved. Paul says the deliverer will come from ZION. Why are you calling the apostle Paul a liar when you say his words are not true? You can't have it both ways.

Once again, I would never call Jesus Satan. The readers are intelligent enough to see that you're name calling does not win an argument. I have offered scripture and you have resorted to name calling because you cannot reasonably debate the issue. Get back with me when you have something other than vile names.
Stop slandering Jesus.

Jesus tells He is the Son of God.

Zionists do not believe this.

Jesus is not a Zionist.

The only statement I made in that post you responded to were Jesus own words, so you called Jesus Satan

Once again, I would never call Jesus Satan. The readers are intelligent enough to see that you're name calling does not win an argument. I have offered scripture and you have resorted to name calling because you cannot reasonably debate the issue. Get back with me when you have something other than vile names.

More proof that the truth is not in you. I am a Zionist and I believe that Jesus is the son of God and the soon coming Messiah. Unlike you, I believe all the bible. You only believe what fits your agenda, which is Jew and Israel hatred. When the bible says all Israel will be saved, I believe it. You do not. When the bible says the deliverer will come from Zion, I believe it, you do not. The readers can see your hypocrisy.
If you believed in Jesus you would believe in His words and who He says He was and is.

If you believed in Jesus you would not attribute to Him words He, Jesus, never said and an identity He never claimed for Himself.

Can Jesus speak for Himself? Yes

Does Jesus speak for Himself? Yes

We now each of us choose whether we believe Jesus, and what He said about who He was and who He is.

Stop slandering Jesus.

Jesus tells He is the Son of God.

Zionists do not believe this.

Jesus is not a Zionist.

Once again, I would never call Jesus Satan. The readers are intelligent enough to see that you're name calling does not win an argument. I have offered scripture and you have resorted to name calling because you cannot reasonably debate the issue. Get back with me when you have something other than vile names.

More proof that the truth is not in you. I am a Zionist and I believe that Jesus is the son of God and the soon coming Messiah. Unlike you, I believe all the bible. You only believe what fits your agenda, which is Jew and Israel hatred. When the bible says all Israel will be saved, I believe it. You do not. When the bible says the deliverer will come from Zion, I believe it, you do not. The readers can see your hypocrisy.
The Bible, certain verses written by the Apostle Paul, can be interpreted as saying all will be saved, in Romans, all Jews and Gentiles.

But Jesus clearly says belief in Him is required for Salvation in John 3:16.

Whether all will ultimately be saved or not, in some manner which remains a mystery, in this physical life or after death, has absolutely nothing to do with the slanderous Satanic claim being made that Jesus is a Zionist.

No words of Jesus support the Satanic claim being made that Jesus is a Zionist, nor do the words of Paul support this claim.
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The Bible, certain verses written by the Apostle Paul, can be interpreted as saying all will be saved, in Romans, all Jews and Gentiles.

But Jesus clearly says belief in Him is required for Salvation in John 3:16.

Whether all will ultimately be saved or not, in some manner which remains a mystery, in this physical life or after death, has absolutely nothing to do with the slanderous Satanic claim being made that Jesus is a Zionist.

No words of Jesus support the Satanic claim being made that Jesus is a Zionist, nor do the words of Paul support this claim.

The readers can plainly see you twist and slant your interpretation to fit your Jew hating agenda. Paul clearly states all Israel will be saved. In order for all Israel to be saved, there must be an Israel to be saved. You clearly don't believe there is an Israel. Paul also clearly states the deliverer will come from ZION. Either you believe scripture or you don't. Obviously you don't. If you can't even agree with scripture you say you do, then the readers can see your agenda and there is no reason to continue a discussion if you can't stay on subject with honest debate.
Stop slandering Jesus.

Jesus tells He is the Son of God.

Zionists do not believe this.

Jesus is not a Zionist.

The only statement I made in that post you responded to were Jesus own words, so you called Jesus Satan

Once again, I would never call Jesus Satan. The readers are intelligent enough to see that you're name calling does not win an argument. I have offered scripture and you have resorted to name calling because you cannot reasonably debate the issue. Get back with me when you have something other than vile names.

You do realise that those you defend don't see Jesus as the son of God, nor do they believe that he gave his life to save mankind. They say that he was a minor prophet, and not a very good one at that.
Many Zionists believe that Jesus was the son of God and that he died for the sake of mankind. They also believe that the Jews have the right to live behind safe and secure borders on land that is theirs and to be able to defend themselves from attack.

You having been seduced by the dark side believes that the Jews should be wiped out and removed from the pages of history, but you forget that the Gods you worship are JEWISH and that they will also be eradicated leaving you an empty shell.
If you believed in Jesus you would believe in His words and who He says He was and is.

If you believed in Jesus you would not attribute to Him words He, Jesus, never said and an identity He never claimed for Himself.

Can Jesus speak for Himself? Yes

Does Jesus speak for Himself? Yes

We now each of us choose whether we believe Jesus, and what He said about who He was and who He is.

Stop slandering Jesus.

Jesus tells He is the Son of God.

Zionists do not believe this.

Jesus is not a Zionist.

More proof that the truth is not in you. I am a Zionist and I believe that Jesus is the son of God and the soon coming Messiah. Unlike you, I believe all the bible. You only believe what fits your agenda, which is Jew and Israel hatred. When the bible says all Israel will be saved, I believe it. You do not. When the bible says the deliverer will come from Zion, I believe it, you do not. The readers can see your hypocrisy.
And at every turn he pronounced that he was a JEW and his prophesy's were about the Jewish people and lost kingdom, how God would one day return the land of Israel to the Jews and make them strong again. Maybe you are refusing to read those aspects of the Bible because you are not a true Christian, but just some heathen Satanist that practises the black arts. DO you dance naked at the full moon and dig up the bodies of babies to make your magic potions ?
John 3

Jesus Teaches Nicodemus

10*“You are Israel’s teacher,”*said Jesus,*“and do you not understand these things?*11*Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know,*and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.*12*I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?*13*No one has ever gone into heaven*except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.[e]*14*Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness,*so the Son of Man must be lifted up,[f]*15*that everyone who believes*may have eternal life in him.”[g]

16*For God so loved*the world that he gave*his one and only Son,*that whoever believes*in him shall not perish but have eternal life.*17*For God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.*18*Whoever believes in him is not condemned,*but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.*19*This is the verdict: Light*has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.20*Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.*21*But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

If you believed in Jesus you would believe in His words and who He says He was and is.

If you believed in Jesus you would not attribute to Him words He, Jesus, never said and an identity He never claimed for Himself.

Can Jesus speak for Himself? Yes

Does Jesus speak for Himself? Yes

We now each of us choose whether we believe Jesus, and what He said about who He was and who He is.

More proof that the truth is not in you. I am a Zionist and I believe that Jesus is the son of God and the soon coming Messiah. Unlike you, I believe all the bible. You only believe what fits your agenda, which is Jew and Israel hatred. When the bible says all Israel will be saved, I believe it. You do not. When the bible says the deliverer will come from Zion, I believe it, you do not. The readers can see your hypocrisy.
And at every turn he pronounced that he was a JEW and his prophesy's were about the Jewish people and lost kingdom, how God would one day return the land of Israel to the Jews and make them strong again. Maybe you are refusing to read those aspects of the Bible because you are not a true Christian, but just some heathen Satanist that practises the black arts. DO you dance naked at the full moon and dig up the bodies of babies to make your magic potions ?
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin, those are the words of Jesus.

What does it say about one who does this? They are out of the reach of God.

They obviously have a different master.

Claiming to have the Holy Spirit indwelling in oneself while spewing obscenities and addressing other people as 'Satan' is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Look to your own soul, sherrishitflinger!
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