Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Reading a Commentary on Romans 11 that suggests words of the Apostle Paul in verses 25-27 are tied to the concept of universal salvation, the idea that every man shall be saved, Jew and Gentile. How this might come about is a matter beyond our understanding.

The Interpreters Bible Volume 9 Abingdon, p 574

"But that the whole course of history , with its strange distribution of favors, is all part of a coherent process by which these very alternations of favor will bring all men to an enjoyment of what God has designed - this is the kind of conviction which can be inspired only by some clear declaration of mercy."

It is pointed out these verses seem to say all Israel and all Gentiles will be saved.

There are actually many Bible verses supporting the concept of universal salvation.

But at the same time Salvation requires belief in Jesus, how universal salvation may he arrived at for every person remains a mystery. Paul even uses the word mystery in these verses.

Tying it back to thread topic, nothing in these verses supporting Jesus was or is a Zionist.

wrong again-----everything in those verses support the concept that jesus was a
zionist------BECAUSE the stench and FILTH ----of the JIHADO/NAZI ideology
supports the DEPRAVED cooncept that ONLY THOSE WHO LICK THE SHIT ---of
the ideology of ISA-RESPECTOR baby throat slitters are "saved" ----ZIONIST
ideology supports the SALVATION OF ALL RIGHTEOUS persons regardless of creed
Reading a Commentary on Romans 11 that suggests words of the Apostle Paul in verses 25-27 are tied to the concept of universal salvation, the idea that every man shall be saved, Jew and Gentile. How this might come about is a matter beyond our understanding.

The Interpreters Bible Volume 9 Abingdon, p 574

"But that the whole course of history , with its strange distribution of favors, is all part of a coherent process by which these very alternations of favor will bring all men to an enjoyment of what God has designed - this is the kind of conviction which can be inspired only by some clear declaration of mercy."

It is pointed out these verses seem to say all Israel and all Gentiles will be saved.

There are actually many Bible verses supporting the concept of universal salvation.

But at the same time Salvation requires belief in Jesus, how universal salvation may he arrived at for every person remains a mystery. Paul even uses the word mystery in these verses.

Tying it back to thread topic, nothing in these verses supporting Jesus was or is a Zionist.

Only a belief in god. If you believe in god why must you also believe Jesus, born of woman, is any more the son of god that we all are? What Jesus teaches is the torah, he just puts it in, for their time, a modern story telling way. It makes it easier for a 1st century person of any faith to understand.

Considering the many people in the world, there are differing paths to god (all roads lead to rome. same idea) We don't all come from the same background or have the same experiences, we all have to find our own way.
Reading a Commentary on Romans 11 that suggests words of the Apostle Paul in verses 25-27 are tied to the concept of universal salvation, the idea that every man shall be saved, Jew and Gentile. How this might come about is a matter beyond our understanding.

The Interpreters Bible Volume 9 Abingdon, p 574

"But that the whole course of history , with its strange distribution of favors, is all part of a coherent process by which these very alternations of favor will bring all men to an enjoyment of what God has designed - this is the kind of conviction which can be inspired only by some clear declaration of mercy."

It is pointed out these verses seem to say all Israel and all Gentiles will be saved.

There are actually many Bible verses supporting the concept of universal salvation.

But at the same time Salvation requires belief in Jesus, how universal salvation may he arrived at for every person remains a mystery. Paul even uses the word mystery in these verses.

Tying it back to thread topic, nothing in these verses supporting Jesus was or is a Zionist.

I agree that it's a matter way beyond your understanding. And I agree that the whole bible is about universal salvation. But you are twisting, lying, distorting, projecting, misquoting and using conjecture. Paul specifically and intentionally used ZION and not Jerusalem. He specifically and intentionally used ISRAEL and not Palestine. You say you believe Jesus is God. God says "I am the Lord and I change not". He gave the land to Israel as an everlasting possession. What do you not understand about 'everlasting?" Your twisted imagination says God is a liar because the old testament no longer applies. You are a heretic. ZION and ISRAEL used in that scripture describes ZIONIST!! Choke on it Jew hater.
Learn to read English, I called you Satan , because Satan is speaking through you.

Satan has proven nothing, he is the deceiver and liar and accuser and no truth lies in Satan.

I see. So now you're calling the apostle Paul Satan because he disproves your claims. I have given you new testament biblical proof and you have given what your handlers are feeding you. Give biblical proof Sherri and not just some wild off the wall nonsensical BS. You're not looking too good here Sherri. The millions of readers are seeing you for the heretic you are. Maybe it's time to hire some new handlers? And Christian ones this time.

Call me names and personally attack me all you want. It just shows the readers you are losing the argument. I have given you new testament biblical proof and you have given nothing but ad hominem attacks, deflection and conjecture. You can't disprove the message so you attack the messenger. Typical.
Learn to read English, I called you Satan , because Satan is speaking through you.

I see. So now you're calling the apostle Paul Satan because he disproves your claims. I have given you new testament biblical proof and you have given what your handlers are feeding you. Give biblical proof Sherri and not just some wild off the wall nonsensical BS. You're not looking too good here Sherri. The millions of readers are seeing you for the heretic you are. Maybe it's time to hire some new handlers? And Christian ones this time.

Call me names and personally attack me all you want. It just shows the readers you are losing the argument. I have given you new testament biblical proof and you have given nothing but ad hominem attacks, deflection and conjecture. You can't disprove the message so you attack the messenger. Typical.

Does sound like she is out of steam, arguments.
You have called me names, as I clearly recall.

And the fact remains Jesus tells us in verse after verse after verse who He is and nowhere does Jesus call Himself a Zionist.

Romans 11 does not state Jesus is a Zionist either.

Learn to read English, I called you Satan , because Satan is speaking through you.

I see. So now you're calling the apostle Paul Satan because he disproves your claims. I have given you new testament biblical proof and you have given what your handlers are feeding you. Give biblical proof Sherri and not just some wild off the wall nonsensical BS. You're not looking too good here Sherri. The millions of readers are seeing you for the heretic you are. Maybe it's time to hire some new handlers? And Christian ones this time.

Call me names and personally attack me all you want. It just shows the readers you are losing the argument. I have given you new testament biblical proof and you have given nothing but ad hominem attacks, deflection and conjecture. You can't disprove the message so you attack the messenger. Typical.
Thus saith the LORD God: Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone , and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: and I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel: and one king shall be king to them all...so shall they be My people, and I will be their God, and David My servant shall be king over them: and they shall have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments, and observe My statutes, and do them. And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt...and My servant David shall be their prince for ever.” Ezekiel 37:21-25
Sherri is correct. Zion is a synonym for Jerusalem. Jesus will rule in Jerusalem forever. JESUS IS A ZIONIST people!
Jesus is not a Zionist.

This Truth has been disclosed by the words of Jesus Himself.

Learn to read English, I called you Satan , because Satan is speaking through you.

Call me names and personally attack me all you want. It just shows the readers you are losing the argument. I have given you new testament biblical proof and you have given nothing but ad hominem attacks, deflection and conjecture. You can't disprove the message so you attack the messenger. Typical.

Does sound like she is out of steam, arguments.
You address Scripture of The Old Testament and the past.

Jesus has came as Messiah, it is now up to each person whether to turn to Him, repent of their sin and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

That is what believers in Jesus accept as truth and that is written in The Gospels.

Believers in Jesus believe in the new covenant found in The New Testament.

And Jesus tells Christians who He is and what He never says is that He is a Zionist.and the reason is because He is not and never was a Zionist.

Christians believe in Jesus Christ not the Satanic cult called Zionism.

Thus saith the LORD God: Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone , and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: and I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel: and one king shall be king to them all...so shall they be My people, and I will be their God, and David My servant shall be king over them: and they shall have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments, and observe My statutes, and do them. And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt...and My servant David shall be their prince for ever.” Ezekiel 37:21-25
Sherri is correct. Zion is a synonym for Jerusalem. Jesus will rule in Jerusalem forever. JESUS IS A ZIONIST people!
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Watch "Zionist Jews Are Not Jews. Zionist Are Satan Woshipping Cult.flv" on YouTube
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You address Scripture of The Old Testament and the past.

Jesus has came as Messiah, it is now up to each person whether to turn to Him, repent of their sin and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

That is what believers in Jesus accept as truth and that is written in The Gospels.

Believers in Jesus believe in the new covenant found in The New Testament.

And Jesus tells Christians who He is and what He never says is that He is a Zionist.and the reason is because He is not and never was a Zionist.

Christians believe in Jesus Christ not the Satanic cult called Zionism.
Jesus never tells us anything.
All we have are Second and Third hand accounts and manufactured Myth.

An ever more screwed up and distant Cult of personality grew up around a legend of a PRACTICING ORTHODOX JEW.. JESUS.

Somehow they went all and increasingly wrong and created a new religion/CULT of personality JESUS-THE-JEW would Deplore.

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You address Scripture of The Old Testament and the past.

Jesus has came as Messiah, it is now up to each person whether to turn to Him, repent of their sin and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

That is what believers in Jesus accept as truth and that is written in The Gospels.

Believers in Jesus believe in the new covenant found in The New Testament.

And Jesus tells Christians who He is and what He never says He is is a Zionist.

The OT may be dead to you but the 10 commandments and the words of the prophets are alive to real Christians and believing Jews. Just because you want it to be so doesn't make it so. God says His words go forth and will accomplish what they were sent to accomplish and will not return to Him void. This includes OT scripture. We know why you refuse to believe the OT and it's because of the hundreds of times it mentions that the land has been given to ISRAEL as an everlasting possession and not your arab terrorist heroes. Jew hater.
Watch "JS: Judaism and Zionism are not the same. A Rabbi speaks in support of Palestine. 11/20/2012." on YouTube
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Satan, The Gospels contains the words of Jesus.

WE know who Jesus was from the words from His own mouth.

You address Scripture of The Old Testament and the past.

Jesus has came as Messiah, it is now up to each person whether to turn to Him, repent of their sin and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

That is what believers in Jesus accept as truth and that is written in The Gospels.

Believers in Jesus believe in the new covenant found in The New Testament.

And Jesus tells Christians who He is and what He never says is that He is a Zionist.and the reason is because He is not and never was a Zionist.

Christians believe in Jesus Christ not the Satanic cult called Zionism.
Jesus never tells us anything.
All we have are Second and Third hand accounts and manufactured Myth.

An ever more screwed up and distant Cult of personality grew up around a legend of a PRACTICING ORTHODOX JEW.. JESUS.

Somehow they went all and increasingly wrong and created a new religion/CULT of personality JESUS-THE-JEW would Deplore.

Followers of Jesus believe Jesus is who.Jesus says He is.

And we all choose, do we believe in Jesus or do we reject Him.

You address Scripture of The Old Testament and the past.

Jesus has came as Messiah, it is now up to each person whether to turn to Him, repent of their sin and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

That is what believers in Jesus accept as truth and that is written in The Gospels.

Believers in Jesus believe in the new covenant found in The New Testament.

And Jesus tells Christians who He is and what He never says He is is a Zionist.

The OT may be dead to you but the 10 commandments and the words of the prophets are alive to real Christians and believing Jews. Just because you want it to be so doesn't make it so. God says His words go forth and will accomplish what they were sent to accomplish and will not return to Him void. This includes OT scripture. We know why you refuse to believe the OT and it's because of the hundreds of times it mentions that the land has been given to ISRAEL as an everlasting possession and not your arab terrorist heroes. Jew hater.
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Again, Jihad Sherri rambles on about there being "no Zion" despite all the verses quoted with Zion both in the Old and New Testaments.

With mentally ill ignorant supporters like Jihad Sherri, do Palestinians (or should I say Philistines) need any enemies? Ha ha ha.
What does Sherri not understand about the word FOREVER? Proof the Old Testament is not null and void:

As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the Lord.
Isaiah 59:21
Offensive aryan khara
That is the garbage palestinian children are being taught.
It is racist nonsense
Yes we need more of your vomit from youtube to convince us, Jihad Sherri.

Humiliation after humiliation. And it keeps coming for more.
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