Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Focus, Jesus slanderer, I am not the topic of this thread...
That was certainly true at the outset.

However, given your hate-mongering and utilization of this and any other similar thread, to conjure-up cheap segues, as an excuse and device for your anti-Israeli / pro-Palestinian / pro-Muslim propagandizing, you quickly become the de facto focus, if not de jure.

You have no one to blame but yourself for the visceral reactions you engender.

Your presence is toxic to most threads you visit.

They really need to keep you on a shorter leash, for the greater good of the community.
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God judges , that is what I said.

I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.
That's the theory.

Some amongst us are good at spouting the words.

While their manifested behaviors point to a lack of understanding of, and/or lack of compliance with, the words.

Liar. YOU said he is burning in hell and I'm going to find the post to prove it, heretic. And maybe you need to check with the 2nd shift poster to make sure he didn't say it.
Who they are are misguided souls embracing Idolatry.

And a Jesus slanderer and Christ rejecter like you has no credibility to judge who is a real Christian.

This is what REAL Christians think of Israel:

Who are we?

We are a non-denominational Christian organisation, seeking to lift up the name of Jesus in all we do to bless His Jewish brethren and share the message of His love both for Israel and the Church.
A true friend is faithful in all circumstances. As Jews in the past have suffered great persecution in the name of Christ, we seek to show them real friendship and love in His name.
... of ISRAEL
Israel means the Jewish people, both inside the nation and in the Diaspora throughout the world. It also means the modern nation of Israel, which includes both Jews and Arabs, all precious to God.

So, we are Christians who love Israel and its peoples and believe that God has a special place for them in His Kingdom purposes before the return of Messiah.
So you are saying that majority of Christians including the Founding Fathers are idol worshippers, just because they can clearly see Jewish Jesus and the New Testament as being Zionist?

Every word in your post is another lie by the Jesus slanderer.

Zionist was founded in the 1890s.

And the majority of Christians are not Zionists, no one I ever met in a Christian Church calls them self Zionist, they call themselves Christians.

Who they are are misguided souls embracing Idolatry.

And a Jesus slanderer and Christ rejecter like you has no credibility to judge who is a real Christian.

This is what REAL Christians think of Israel:

Who are we?

We are a non-denominational Christian organisation, seeking to lift up the name of Jesus in all we do to bless His Jewish brethren and share the message of His love both for Israel and the Church.
A true friend is faithful in all circumstances. As Jews in the past have suffered great persecution in the name of Christ, we seek to show them real friendship and love in His name.
... of ISRAEL
Israel means the Jewish people, both inside the nation and in the Diaspora throughout the world. It also means the modern nation of Israel, which includes both Jews and Arabs, all precious to God.

So, we are Christians who love Israel and its peoples and believe that God has a special place for them in His Kingdom purposes before the return of Messiah.
So you are saying that majority of Christians including the Founding Fathers are idol worshippers, just because they can clearly see Jewish Jesus and the New Testament as being Zionist?

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Slanderers shall be slanderers.

Rudy slanders Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr too.

Just demonstrating once again there simply is no truth in a Zionist.
Actually those are the exact words of Martin Luther Jr. as recorded by a reporter.

"Anti Zionism is anti Semitism" does that bother you?

Even Martin Luther King Jr. saw the hate in dirtbags like Jihad Sherri. :clap:
We think , part of being human. My thoughts are not God's judgments on man.

God judges , that is what I said.

That's the theory.

Some amongst us are good at spouting the words.

While their manifested behaviors point to a lack of understanding of, and/or lack of compliance with, the words.

Liar. YOU said he is burning in hell and I'm going to find the post to prove it, heretic. And maybe you need to check with the 2nd shift poster to make sure he didn't say it.
Zionists do not baptize or get baptized, Satan needs to train you better, boy.

All we see is Zionists slandering Jesus, rejecting Him for who He says He is and calling Him something He is not.
Jesus is a Zionist, Heide. It happened during the Big Bang. Juan Baptiste baptized him as a Zionst.

No, they go to the mikve, just like Jews have done for a few thousand years.....the 'baptism' was in the river, wasn't it. You need to read the specs on 'mikve' to understand that it was all completely within Jewish parameters (including the miraculous dove, etc - which could've started out as a 'drash' on that portion).

Someone who knows Judaism of the Second Temple period would have no trouble understanding that.....but alas, the sherriKKKins' ignorance limits its understanding.

Why would someone who CLAIMS to love and follow Jesus make such extreme efforts to seek to disconnect Jesus from the people and religion he so obviously loved?
A debunked Zionist lie.

Slanderers shall be slanderers.

Rudy slanders Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr too.

Just demonstrating once again there simply is no truth in a Zionist.
Actually those are the exact words of Martin Luther Jr. as recorded by a reporter.

"Anti Zionism is anti Semitism" does that bother you?

Even Martin Luther King Jr. saw the hate in dirtbags like Jihad Sherri. :clap:
God judges , that is what I said.

I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.
That's the theory.

Some amongst us are good at spouting the words.

While their manifested behaviors point to a lack of understanding of, and/or lack of compliance with, the words.

Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Sharon is in hell right now unless by some miracle He repented from his many sins and accepted Jesus as Messiah in the midst of his coma.

Thank you, God , for justly taking care of all those who reject you as Messiah.
Here's what REAL Christians believe. Unlike the lunatic Sherri, their love for Israel and its people is not conditional. I have highlighted number 7, which truly exhibits Christian values.

Why Should Christians Be Friends Of Israel?

‘He remembers His covenant forever... the covenant
He made with Abraham... He confirmed it to Jacob
as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
“To you I will give the land of Canaan.”’
(Psalm 105:8-11)
“I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no
means! God did not reject His people, whom
He foreknew... for God’s gifts and His call are
irrevocable”. (Romans 11:1,2,29)

1. As Christians who have received from God a love
for Israel and the Jewish people, we want, in the
Name of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), to bless them.

2. The early church was Jewish. Christianity sprang
from Jewish roots and has never ceased to depend
upon and be indebted to the Jewish people.

3. We believe that the restoration of the Jewish
people to the Land of Israel is in accordance with
promises contained in the Old and New Testaments,
and that God’s time to “favour Zion” has begun.

4. We believe that Israel (people, land, and nation)
has a Divinely ordained and glorious future, and
that God has neither rejected nor replaced His
Jewish people.

5. We acknowledge that the barriers that exist today
between Jews and Christians are largely due to
Christian anti-Semitism and Christian persecution
of the Jews.

6. We believe in the Jewishness of Jesus (Yeshua)
and the Jewishness of the New Testament.

7. Although we believe our Lord Jesus is both
Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world, our
stand alongside Israel is not conditional upon her
acceptance of our belief.
"...My thoughts are not God's judgments on man..."
No, but they are YOUR judgmental thoughts...i.e., YOUR judgments.

I can call a dairy cow a theological scholar, but it's still a dairy cow.

I can call a judgmental thought merely a thought, but it's still a judgment... not GOD's judgment, but YOUR judgment.

Your denigrating and hate-mongering contributions to this board are absolutely dripping and saturated with foul and hateful judgments each and every day.

You recite the words of Jesus adequately from time to time, it's just that you don't understand them, nor do you practice them, based upon the behaviors that you manifest amongst us on this board system, all self-excusing and juicy belabored rationalizations and protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.
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Here's what REAL Christians believe. Unlike the lunatic Sherri, their love for Israel and its people is not conditional. I have highlighted number 7, which truly exhibits Christian values.

Why Should Christians Be Friends Of Israel?

‘He remembers His covenant forever... the covenant
He made with Abraham... He confirmed it to Jacob
as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
“To you I will give the land of Canaan.”’
(Psalm 105:8-11)
“I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no
means! God did not reject His people, whom
He foreknew... for God’s gifts and His call are
irrevocable”. (Romans 11:1,2,29)

1. As Christians who have received from God a love
for Israel and the Jewish people, we want, in the
Name of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), to bless them.

2. The early church was Jewish. Christianity sprang
from Jewish roots and has never ceased to depend
upon and be indebted to the Jewish people.

3. We believe that the restoration of the Jewish
people to the Land of Israel is in accordance with
promises contained in the Old and New Testaments,
and that God’s time to “favour Zion” has begun.

4. We believe that Israel (people, land, and nation)
has a Divinely ordained and glorious future, and
that God has neither rejected nor replaced His
Jewish people.

5. We acknowledge that the barriers that exist today
between Jews and Christians are largely due to
Christian anti-Semitism and Christian persecution
of the Jews.

6. We believe in the Jewishness of Jesus (Yeshua)
and the Jewishness of the New Testament.

7. Although we believe our Lord Jesus is both
Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world, our
stand alongside Israel is not conditional upon her
acceptance of our belief.

Well, Jesus didn't agree with the laws created by the Levites that established the rules and rituals of Jewish identity.
A debunked Zionist lie.

Slanderers shall be slanderers.

Rudy slanders Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr too.

Just demonstrating once again there simply is no truth in a Zionist.
Actually those are the exact words of Martin Luther Jr. as recorded by a reporter.

"Anti Zionism is anti Semitism" does that bother you?

Even Martin Luther King Jr. saw the hate in dirtbags like Jihad Sherri. :clap:
Nope. Here he is after the 1967 war coming out in total support of Israel. Maybe it was his true Christian values, maybe it was how he saw the situation.

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=kvr2Cxuh2Wk]Martin Luther King Jr: "Israel... is one of the great outpost of democracy in the world" - YouTube[/ame]
Here's what REAL Christians believe. Unlike the lunatic Sherri, their love for Israel and its people is not conditional. I have highlighted number 7, which truly exhibits Christian values.

Why Should Christians Be Friends Of Israel?

‘He remembers His covenant forever... the covenant
He made with Abraham... He confirmed it to Jacob
as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
“To you I will give the land of Canaan.”’
(Psalm 105:8-11)
“I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no
means! God did not reject His people, whom
He foreknew... for God’s gifts and His call are
irrevocable”. (Romans 11:1,2,29)

1. As Christians who have received from God a love
for Israel and the Jewish people, we want, in the
Name of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), to bless them.

2. The early church was Jewish. Christianity sprang
from Jewish roots and has never ceased to depend
upon and be indebted to the Jewish people.

3. We believe that the restoration of the Jewish
people to the Land of Israel is in accordance with
promises contained in the Old and New Testaments,
and that God’s time to “favour Zion” has begun.

4. We believe that Israel (people, land, and nation)
has a Divinely ordained and glorious future, and
that God has neither rejected nor replaced His
Jewish people.

5. We acknowledge that the barriers that exist today
between Jews and Christians are largely due to
Christian anti-Semitism and Christian persecution
of the Jews.

6. We believe in the Jewishness of Jesus (Yeshua)
and the Jewishness of the New Testament.

7. Although we believe our Lord Jesus is both
Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world, our
stand alongside Israel is not conditional upon her
acceptance of our belief.

Well, Jesus didn't agree with the laws created by the Levites that established the rules and rituals of Jewish identity.
I don't agree with many things either, that doesn't turn me into a Jew or Israel hater. What Jesus did believe though, was every single word and prophet in the Old Testament, including Gods Promise. And most Christians agree that the New Testament does indeed land Jesus as a Zionist Jew.
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Here's what REAL Christians believe. Unlike the lunatic Sherri, their love for Israel and its people is not conditional. I have highlighted number 7, which truly exhibits Christian values.

Why Should Christians Be Friends Of Israel?

‘He remembers His covenant forever... the covenant
He made with Abraham... He confirmed it to Jacob
as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
“To you I will give the land of Canaan.”’
(Psalm 105:8-11)
“I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no
means! God did not reject His people, whom
He foreknew... for God’s gifts and His call are
irrevocable”. (Romans 11:1,2,29)

1. As Christians who have received from God a love
for Israel and the Jewish people, we want, in the
Name of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), to bless them.

2. The early church was Jewish. Christianity sprang
from Jewish roots and has never ceased to depend
upon and be indebted to the Jewish people.

3. We believe that the restoration of the Jewish
people to the Land of Israel is in accordance with
promises contained in the Old and New Testaments,
and that God’s time to “favour Zion” has begun.

4. We believe that Israel (people, land, and nation)
has a Divinely ordained and glorious future, and
that God has neither rejected nor replaced His
Jewish people.

5. We acknowledge that the barriers that exist today
between Jews and Christians are largely due to
Christian anti-Semitism and Christian persecution
of the Jews.

6. We believe in the Jewishness of Jesus (Yeshua)
and the Jewishness of the New Testament.

7. Although we believe our Lord Jesus is both
Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world, our
stand alongside Israel is not conditional upon her
acceptance of our belief.

Well, Jesus didn't agree with the laws created by the Levites that established the rules and rituals of Jewish identity.
I don't agree with many things either, that doesn't turn me into a Jew or Israel hater.

Don't assume people hate Jews because they disagree with the Likkud.
Well, Jesus didn't agree with the laws created by the Levites that established the rules and rituals of Jewish identity.
I don't agree with many things either, that doesn't turn me into a Jew or Israel hater.

Don't assume people hate Jews because they disagree with the Likkud.
Do those who disagree with Likud, even in Israel, want Israel and the Jewish people destroyed, or lie about Jesus and the New and Old Testaments?
True Torah Jews illustrate some Jews support life and not death.

Some Jews are still people of conscience who oppose evils like Zionism.

ZIONISM is a cancer that needs complete cure and removal from our world.

I Pray for the destruction of Zionism, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.

You cannot erase the fact that Jesus lived, died and was buried as a Jew by attacking mainstream normative Judaism. Previous 'Christianity' tried to do so, since (at latest) the time of Constantine.

How can a person claim to pray "in Jesus' precious name" while they are full of such hate?

And why would Jesus the Zionist Jew ever listen to such a 'prayer'?
I don't agree with many things either, that doesn't turn me into a Jew or Israel hater.

Don't assume people hate Jews because they disagree with the Likkud.

Do those who disagree with Likud, even in Israel, want Israel and the Jewish people destroyed, or lie about Jesus and the New and Old Testaments?

Destroyed? NO... a just peace YES....

The old testament is an interesting work.. Like all religions it borrows from Sumer, Egypt and Ugarit.
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