Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Sherria, which Jesus are you referring to? Apparently, there were many guys named Jesus preaching in those days.
These are the words written, that what I wrote was primarily based upon, we each of us choose to believe them or not.

John 1

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Word Became Flesh

1*In the beginning was*the Word, and*the Word was with God, and*the Word was God.*2*He was in the beginning with God.*3*All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.*4*In him was life,[a]*and*the life was the light of men.*5*The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1 - The Word Became Flesh - In the - Bible Gateway

Jesus is the Word who was with God from the beginning.

And Jesus is God, as it is written in John 1.

The Gospels define Jesus and Jesus defines God.

So the Great Spaghetti Monster is Jesus' father? Is that why he was wearing a strainer of thorns?
The Jesus slanderer seems too stupid to understand English, I claimed to be no one's judge ,but there certainly is a judge who will judge you.

Big letters and your photo album do not protect you from all the slander of Jesus you are embracing here...
Judge not lest ye be judged, my little butt-floss...

Liar! You claimed Sharon is burning in hell. That is called judging. For all you know he accepted Jesus in his last waking moment. You fool no one, heretic.
Jesus is the eternal and preexistent and now incarnate word (verses 1 and 14 See).

Jesus is the Son of the Father who is Himself God (See verses 1 and 18).

The revelation of God and redemption in and through Jesus culminate the history of Salvation.

All written in The Old Testament is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Salvation is through Jesus.

The Word Became Flesh

1*In the beginning was*the Word, and*the Word was with God, and*the Word was God.*2*He was in the beginning with God.*3*All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.*4*In him was life,[a]*and*the life was the light of men.*5*The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

6*There was a man*sent from God, whose name was*John.*7*He came as a*witness, to bear witness about the light,*that all might believe through him.*8*He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.

9*The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.*10*He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet*the world did not know him.*11*He came to*his own,*and*his own people[c]*did not receive him.*12*But to all who did receive him,*who believed in his name,*he gave the right*to become*children of God,13*who*were born,*not of blood*nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

14*And*the Word*became flesh and*dwelt among us,*and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of*grace andtruth.*15*(John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said,*‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”)*16*For from*his fullness we have all received,*grace upon grace.[d]*17*For*the law was given through Moses;*grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.*18*No one has ever seen God;*the only God,[e]*who is at the Father's side,[f]*he has made him known.

John 1 - The Word Became Flesh - In the - Bible Gateway
Is the Jesus slanderer capable of responding to what is written in this thread?

You have an issue with something you claim I wrote in another thread, the proper place to discuss it is there.

The Jesus slanderer seems too stupid to understand English, I claimed to be no one's judge ,but there certainly is a judge who will judge you.

Judge not lest ye be judged, my little butt-floss...

Liar! You claimed Sharon is burning in hell. That is called judging. For all you know he accepted Jesus in his last waking moment. You fool no one, heretic.
Is the Jesus slanderer capable of responding to what is written in this thread?

You have an issue with something you claim I wrote in another thread, the proper place to discuss it is there.

The Jesus slanderer seems too stupid to understand English, I claimed to be no one's judge ,but there certainly is a judge who will judge you.

Liar! You claimed Sharon is burning in hell. That is called judging. For all you know he accepted Jesus in his last waking moment. You fool no one, heretic.

I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.
Is the Jesus slanderer capable of responding to what is written in this thread?

You have an issue with something you claim I wrote in another thread, the proper place to discuss it is there.

Liar! You claimed Sharon is burning in hell. That is called judging. For all you know he accepted Jesus in his last waking moment. You fool no one, heretic.

I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.
Shades of Djo! The posters here have to realize the different Sherrias don't compare notes when changing shifts. One makes statements and when the other Sherria is confronted, can honestly say, "You're a liar, I didn't say that". A typical Islamist tactic.
Is the Jesus slanderer capable of responding to what is written in this thread?

You have an issue with something you claim I wrote in another thread, the proper place to discuss it is there.

I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.

Shades of Djo! The posters here have to realize the different Sherrias don't compare notes when changing shifts. One makes statements and when the other Sherria is confronted, can honestly say, "You're a liar, I didn't say that". A typical Islamist tactic.

I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.
I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.

Shades of Djo! The posters here have to realize the different Sherrias don't compare notes when changing shifts. One makes statements and when the other Sherria is confronted, can honestly say, "You're a liar, I didn't say that". A typical Islamist tactic.

I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.
That's the theory.

Some amongst us are good at spouting the words.

While their manifested behaviors point to a lack of understanding of, and/or lack of compliance with, the words.
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Focus, Jesus slanderer, I am not the topic of this thread.

And I am not judging Sharon, I have no problem leaving that task fully in the hands of God.

I smile thinking about God judging Ariel Sharon.

Is the Jesus slanderer capable of responding to what is written in this thread?

You have an issue with something you claim I wrote in another thread, the proper place to discuss it is there.

Liar! You claimed Sharon is burning in hell. That is called judging. For all you know he accepted Jesus in his last waking moment. You fool no one, heretic.

I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.
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The books of Matthew and Luke and Mark and John are the The Gospels.

So then sharia produce the gospel according to Jesus to prove your claims. That is all you have to do. All educated Christians know that the N.T is just the teachings of Jesus and not his exact words

Holy Shiite. The imp of Satan was up ALL night spamming lies and now it's at it already. Is this the 3rd shift or 1st shift imp of Satan?

Vampires and imps of Satan are nocturnal........
God judges , that is what I said.

Shades of Djo! The posters here have to realize the different Sherrias don't compare notes when changing shifts. One makes statements and when the other Sherria is confronted, can honestly say, "You're a liar, I didn't say that". A typical Islamist tactic.

I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.
That's the theory.

Some amongst us are good at spouting the words.

While their manifested behaviors point to a lack of understanding of, and/or lack of compliance with, the words.
I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.

Shades of Djo! The posters here have to realize the different Sherrias don't compare notes when changing shifts. One makes statements and when the other Sherria is confronted, can honestly say, "You're a liar, I didn't say that". A typical Islamist tactic.

I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.

He means that if you check, you'll see that account posts 24/7. It's obvious that there is more than one poster as you can tell at times at least one of the posters uses English as a second language. They will say something in one thread and when confronted deny they ever said it. They will start 2 posts with the same title and same links and then deny that. They really need to compare notes when changing shifts.
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