Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Slanderers shall be slanderers.

Rudy slanders Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr too.

Just demonstrating once again there simply is no truth in a Zionist.

Sherri,, AGAIN SPITS on the real historic YESHUA and SPITS on the bible
and even SPITS on the american hero Martin Luther King---------AGAIN demonstrating
the depravity of ISA-RESPECTS who dance on the dead bodies of HUNDREDS OF
MILLIONS of the victims of their FILTH

Hundreds of millions?

Do you consider such exaggeration to be "truth"?

Maybe some progress would be possible if you quit calling people "filth".
Islam killed 280 million over a span of a few centuries, spanning from India to the Middle East. That doesn't include all the people it enslaved. Look it up.
The genocide in Sudan was carried out by the SPLA .. a Christian Marxist group... that kidnapped children for conscription. The children were Dinka and Nuer for the most part.. animists..

Even now the fighting in South Sudan is between Dink and Nuer.
You're a LIAR.
As always, a RAGING Serial Liar.
A Criminal Sociopath.

The First Genocide in Sudan was by the Ruling NIF (Natl Islam Front) against Southern Christians and Animists

Genocide I (the Big one before trendy Darfur.)

http://www.endgenocide.org/genocide/sudan.html said:
Genocide in Sudan

Who: Southern ethnic and religious groups

When: 1983 to present
Where: Mainly southern Sudan with some northern spillover
Estimated Numbers: Approx. 2 Million killed, 4-5 Million displaced

Sudan long has experienced conflicts over religious, ethnic, and political differences. It geographically is split in half by its ethno-religious composition. The north is mainly Muslim of Arab and Spanish descent while the south is Christian or traditional animist black African with several tribes or bands further dividing identity.

In 1983 the dominant Muslim parties under the National Islamic Front declared the institution of Islamic law,
which protected religious minorities under Muslim rules of pluralism. Non-Muslim political groups however perceived the declaration as a threat, and a civil war broke out. From the southern territories, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (military wing) and Liberation Movement (political wing) called for political autonomy for the south and joined an alliance of anti-government groups consisting of parties from both north and south. The Islamic Front launched a suppressive response to the challenge and occupied many southern villages, often destroying them in the process. Ethnically, the battle lines were drawn between southern Nuer and the Upper Nile, and the southeastern Dinkas vs. Didinga.

The occupying forces created a slave trade of southern Christians and, according to the US Committee for Refugees, around 2 million people have been killed and 4 to 5 million internally displaced since 1983. Refugee organizations report that, as of 1999, 420,000 Sudanese refugees are dispersed across 7 countries. To add to the hardship, the UNHCR estimates that 391,500 external refugees from neighboring conflicts have fled into Sudan over the past 35 years.

Relief operations became involved with Sudan in 1967 to aid in supporting the mass influx of refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Chad, Uganda, DRC, and Somalia. Since the civil war started, the UN's Operation Lifeline Sudan and the Red Cross have provided food and provisions to the refugees and villagers and monitored developments. Unfortunately, the Sudanese government has detained humanitarian shipments, restricted distribution of aid to the opposition groups, and bombed civilian and Red Cross airstrips.

For more information:
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
US Committee for Refugees
Yet more later.
Those who pose as Christians always lie for Islam.
Focus, Jesus slanderer, I am not the topic of this thread.

And I am not judging Sharon, I have no problem leaving that task fully in the hands of God.

I smile thinking about God judging Ariel Sharon.

Is the Jesus slanderer capable of responding to what is written in this thread?

You have an issue with something you claim I wrote in another thread, the proper place to discuss it is there.

I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.
How exactly do you know God is smiling or what he is thinking? Methinks you're are beaucoup dinky dau.
I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.

Shades of Djo! The posters here have to realize the different Sherrias don't compare notes when changing shifts. One makes statements and when the other Sherria is confronted, can honestly say, "You're a liar, I didn't say that". A typical Islamist tactic.

I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.

You haven't been here long - stick around. The sherriturdsucker is fond of claiming any mishap that befalls Israel or Israelis is 'GOD's Judgment' upon Zionism.... A forest fire in Carmel is 'GOD's Judgment' - but the hurricane that devastated the Philippines was't even worth noticing (except to spit on the Israelis for rushing aid there).

The sherriliar's biases are quite blatant: one must be in deep denial to evade noticing them.
Shades of Djo! The posters here have to realize the different Sherrias don't compare notes when changing shifts. One makes statements and when the other Sherria is confronted, can honestly say, "You're a liar, I didn't say that". A typical Islamist tactic.

I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.

You haven't been here long - stick around. The sherriturdsucker is fond of claiming any mishap that befalls Israel or Israelis is 'GOD's Judgment' upon Zionism.... A forest fire in Carmel is 'GOD's Judgment' - but the hurricane that devastated the Philippines was't even worth noticing (except to spit on the Israelis for rushing aid there).

The sherriliar's biases are quite blatant: one must be in deep denial to evade noticing them.

I am far more interested in cogent arguments than personal attacks.
Is the Jesus slanderer capable of responding to what is written in this thread?

You have an issue with something you claim I wrote in another thread, the proper place to discuss it is there.

I don't have a problem, but the readers have a problem with your lying. You said in THIS thread that you judge no one. But you judged Sharon by saying he was burning in hell. Which is proof you are a liar and an imp of Satan. But then again YOU my not have said it. It could have been second shift Satanic Sherri.
Shades of Djo! The posters here have to realize the different Sherrias don't compare notes when changing shifts. One makes statements and when the other Sherria is confronted, can honestly say, "You're a liar, I didn't say that". A typical Islamist tactic.
Yes of course. The different Sherri's occupying this screen name pick up where the other left off, in total humiliation. They don't care, their job is to just repeat the same garbage over and over, regardless of how many times they've been disproved. Haha ha.
God judges , that is what I said.

That's the theory.

Some amongst us are good at spouting the words.

While their manifested behaviors point to a lack of understanding of, and/or lack of compliance with, the words.

Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Sharon is in hell right now unless by some miracle He repented from his many sins and accepted Jesus as Messiah in the midst of his coma.

Thank you, God , for justly taking care of all those who reject you as Messiah.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!
I don't know what you mean?

God judges not man.

You haven't been here long - stick around. The sherriturdsucker is fond of claiming any mishap that befalls Israel or Israelis is 'GOD's Judgment' upon Zionism.... A forest fire in Carmel is 'GOD's Judgment' - but the hurricane that devastated the Philippines was't even worth noticing (except to spit on the Israelis for rushing aid there).

The sherriliar's biases are quite blatant: one must be in deep denial to evade noticing them.

I am far more interested in cogent arguments than personal attacks.
And you think Jihad Sherri makes cogent arguments. Ha ha ha. Good one.
God judges , that is what I said.

Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Sharon is in hell right now unless by some miracle He repented from his many sins and accepted Jesus as Messiah in the midst of his coma.

Thank you, God , for justly taking care of all those who reject you as Messiah.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!

Are you a Christian or do you champion theft and apartheid?
God judges , that is what I said.

Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Sharon is in hell right now unless by some miracle He repented from his many sins and accepted Jesus as Messiah in the midst of his coma.

Thank you, God , for justly taking care of all those who reject you as Messiah.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!
Well if you want to hear Satan speak go no for further than Jihad Sherri a few post ago:

"Now that I've said FUCK ISRAEL..."

I have to tell you...Every time I see Sherri post I think to myself, "now here is a good Christian and a kind, compassionate human being walking in the footsteps of Jesus". Ha ha ha.
Here's what REAL Christians believe. Unlike the lunatic Sherri, their love for Israel and its people is not conditional. I have highlighted number 7, which truly exhibits Christian values.

Why Should Christians Be Friends Of Israel?

‘He remembers His covenant forever... the covenant
He made with Abraham... He confirmed it to Jacob
as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
“To you I will give the land of Canaan.”’
(Psalm 105:8-11)
“I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no
means! God did not reject His people, whom
He foreknew... for God’s gifts and His call are
irrevocable”. (Romans 11:1,2,29)

1. As Christians who have received from God a love
for Israel and the Jewish people, we want, in the
Name of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), to bless them.

2. The early church was Jewish. Christianity sprang
from Jewish roots and has never ceased to depend
upon and be indebted to the Jewish people.

3. We believe that the restoration of the Jewish
people to the Land of Israel is in accordance with
promises contained in the Old and New Testaments,
and that God’s time to “favour Zion” has begun.

4. We believe that Israel (people, land, and nation)
has a Divinely ordained and glorious future, and
that God has neither rejected nor replaced His
Jewish people.

5. We acknowledge that the barriers that exist today
between Jews and Christians are largely due to
Christian anti-Semitism and Christian persecution
of the Jews.

6. We believe in the Jewishness of Jesus (Yeshua)
and the Jewishness of the New Testament.

7. Although we believe our Lord Jesus is both
Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world, our
stand alongside Israel is not conditional upon her
acceptance of our belief.

Well, Jesus didn't agree with the laws created by the Levites that established the rules and rituals of Jewish identity.
There's a chair reserved for Shaarona in any Theological Seminary in America. Go for it.
Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!

Are you a Christian or do you champion theft and apartheid?
Are you a good Christian or did Sherri recruit you from the mosque to support her in this thread that she's getting her butt kicked.
God judges , that is what I said.

Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Sharon is in hell right now unless by some miracle He repented from his many sins and accepted Jesus as Messiah in the midst of his coma.

Thank you, God , for justly taking care of all those who reject you as Messiah.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!

Hahaha ! This comes as no surprise though, Sherri is a compulsive liar !
Don't assume people hate Jews because they disagree with the Likkud.

Do those who disagree with Likud, even in Israel, want Israel and the Jewish people destroyed, or lie about Jesus and the New and Old Testaments?

Destroyed? NO... a just peace YES....

The old testament is an interesting work.. Like all religions it borrows from Sumer, Egypt and Ugarit.
But we are not discussing the origins of the Old Testament. Stay focused, one who poses as a Christian, yet doubts the book the New Testament is based on, and Jesus practiced and believed in.

The discussion is whether Jesus is Zionist and the Old and New Testaments are Zionist or not. And since you're a Muslim convert, you can add the Koran to this mix as well.
Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!

Are you a Christian or do you champion theft and apartheid?

How dare you accuse me of championing Palestinian theft of Israeli land!?
Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!

Hahaha ! This comes as no surprise though, Sherri is a compulsive liar !

True. And even Jesus called her a liar and the mother of all lies.
God judges , that is what I said.

That's the theory.

Some amongst us are good at spouting the words.

While their manifested behaviors point to a lack of understanding of, and/or lack of compliance with, the words.

Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Sharon is in hell right now unless by some miracle He repented from his many sins and accepted Jesus as Messiah in the midst of his coma.

Thank you, God , for justly taking care of all those who reject you as Messiah.

So the readers want to know. Will she admit she lied or will she blame it on the second shift poster?
Where is Sherri? This new Sharoona imposter is lame and no fun. I want Sherri back. She makes me laugh.
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