Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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True Christians not embracing Idolatry accept Jesus for who Jesus says He is.

I keep telling all here who Jesus is and you keep rejecting Him and slandering Him.

Like it or not, Jesus was indeed a Zionist according to Christians. Yet he is denied by Sherri who has the audacity to call herself a Christian. But I praise her for keeping us laughing.

Zion: the Embodiment of the Spiritual Values of Jesus Christ - Sermon Index

did the cock crow yet?-----uhm ....how many times has she denied Jesus?. The economy
is not good-----people need ......something to sell. I have a great idea for a
new BUSINESS and seek investors. This item should sell like hot cakes-----
a talking crucifix------with a figure of a crucified man attached------that issues a
recorded "I AM NOT A ZIONIST" Such an item would save sherri POSTING TIME.
She could walk about her town-----and issue her "MESSAGE" forth-----her colleagues too--
maybe she can provide names and addresses of potential customers
Your article does not support your claim either.

" Where is God’s heart set? Not on any temporal expression of the old Zion. That is the “not.” But God’s jealousy, God’s concern, God’s wrath, relates to the true, intrinsic, spiritual values of His Son Jesus Christ. He is focused upon that.*"


Jesus fulfilled all the promises in The New Testament, all changed with Jesus.

You remain a liar and Jesus slanderer, unable to produce a single word Jesus spoke that proves Him to be a Zionist.

Like it or not, Jesus was indeed a Zionist according to Christians. Yet he is denied by Sherri who has the audacity to call herself a Christian. But I praise her for keeping us laughing.

Zion: the Embodiment of the Spiritual Values of Jesus Christ - Sermon Index
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Why should I expect Satan to get anything out of attending a Baptist church?

Every word in your post is another lie by the Jesus slanderer.

Zionist was founded in the 1890s.

And the majority of Christians are not Zionists, no one I ever met in a Christian Church calls them self Zionist, they call themselves Christians.
Sherri's deductive reasoning skills at display. Christianity is based on a Zionist book and a Zionist Jewish Messiah. You can't be a Christian and believe the clap you do Jihad Sherri.

Maybe it's to a church you're going to, do they say "Allah Akbar" a lot in your "church"? Ha ha ha.

I have been in Baptist churches. They sing songs which include hebrew words---
and -----words like "ZION" The little white and very old church in my town which
was BAPTIST ----was "FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ZION" It was really cute----rectangle
thing with a steeple like from a christmas card picture. They did not say "allahuakbarr"--
they said "HALLELUJAH"------just like zionists do. Is it possible that sherri was never
in a baptist church and has been attending "AL BAPTIST MASJID" ??
OH !!! just as I thought-----sherri never attended a Baptist church----she should
try it-----very nice---people sing and clap and have a nice time----yelling out
words in hebrew like 'HALLELUJAH also "holy shechinah"??? with
really odd pronunciations gee----maybe she does not go because she
cannot bear to utter hebrew words like "ZION"

Why should I expect Satan to get anything out of attending a Baptist church?

I have been in Baptist churches. They sing songs which include hebrew words---
and -----words like "ZION" The little white and very old church in my town which
was BAPTIST ----was "FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ZION" It was really cute----rectangle
thing with a steeple like from a christmas card picture. They did not say "allahuakbarr"--
they said "HALLELUJAH"------just like zionists do. Is it possible that sherri was never
in a baptist church and has been attending "AL BAPTIST MASJID" ??
Like it or not, Jesus was indeed a Zionist according to Christians. Yet he is denied by Sherri who has the audacity to call herself a Christian. But I praise her for keeping us laughing.

Zion: the Embodiment of the Spiritual Values of Jesus Christ - Sermon Index
If Madame Sherria reads that piece, she'll have a stroke. Maybe you should remove it.

Nope... I ain't gonna say it... uhhh-uhhh... no way... arrrrggghhh... the pain!!!
Words just for you telling you exactly who Jesus is.

You choose, do you believe in Jesus or continue in your disbelief and reject Him as Messiah?

You certainly can never say you have not been presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

John 11

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

17*Now when Jesus came, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb*four days.*18*Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles[c]off,*19*and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary*to console them concerning their brother.*20*So when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, but Mary remained seated in the house.*21*Martha said to*Jesus, “Lord,*if you had been here, my brother would not have died.*22*But even now I know that whatever you ask from God,*God will give you.”*23*Jesus said to her,*“Your brother will rise again.”*24*Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in*the resurrection on the last day.”*25*Jesus said to her,*“I am the resurrection and*the life.[d]*Whoever believes in me,*though he die,yet shall he live,*26*and everyone who lives and believes in me*shall never die. Do you believe this?”*27*She said to him, “Yes, Lord;*I believe that*you are the Christ, the Son of God,*who is coming into the world.

John 11 ESV - The Death of Lazarus - Now a certain - Bible Gateway

Sherri's still babbling, eh?
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Sherri's still babbling, eh?
Some people flap their gums endlessly regardless of whether or not they have anything intelligent to say.

Some people talk so much that the medical staff will still be beating on that person's lips to get them to stop flapping - a half-hour after the patient dies.
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Words just for you telling you exactly who Jesus is.

You choose, do you believe in Jesus or continue in your disbelief and reject Him as Messiah?

You certainly can never say you have not been presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

John 11

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

17*Now when Jesus came, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb*four days.*18*Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles[c]off,*19*and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary*to console them concerning their brother.*20*So when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, but Mary remained seated in the house.*21*Martha said to*Jesus, “Lord,*if you had been here, my brother would not have died.*22*But even now I know that whatever you ask from God,*God will give you.”*23*Jesus said to her,*“Your brother will rise again.”*24*Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in*the resurrection on the last day.”*25*Jesus said to her,*“I am the resurrection and*the life.[d]*Whoever believes in me,*though he die,yet shall he live,*26*and everyone who lives and believes in me*shall never die. Do you believe this?”*27*She said to him, “Yes, Lord;*I believe that*you are the Christ, the Son of God,*who is coming into the world.

Both the book of "hebrews" and the book of "john" were written in greek and
clearly by people who never met Jesus. They are more like OPINION than historicals.

In fact the book of hebrews clearly indicates that writer never met Jesus but that whoever
he or they were they were TOLD things by other people. The book of John is even
more obscure as to origin. Unless you wish to believe that writers who never
met jesus got their words as "DICTATED FROM HEAVEN"-----citing them as clear-cut
factual information is -------for most people------sheer idiocy-----kinda islamic----like
believing that the koran was dictated word for word by the angel JIBRIL
Still preaching? Your style will not gain you converts.
If we wanted to read the bible we can find one for ourselves.
I trust most people are comfortable in their individual beliefs, they don't need you or your sermons.
Try talking and discussion issues without the bible. You and your words.

Words just for you telling you exactly who Jesus is.

You choose, do you believe in Jesus or continue in your disbelief and reject Him as Messiah?

You certainly can never say you have not been presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

John 11

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

17*Now when Jesus came, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb*four days.*18*Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles[c]off,*19*and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary*to console them concerning their brother.*20*So when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, but Mary remained seated in the house.*21*Martha said to*Jesus, “Lord,*if you had been here, my brother would not have died.*22*But even now I know that whatever you ask from God,*God will give you.”*23*Jesus said to her,*“Your brother will rise again.”*24*Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in*the resurrection on the last day.”*25*Jesus said to her,*“I am the resurrection and*the life.[d]*Whoever believes in me,*though he die,yet shall he live,*26*and everyone who lives and believes in me*shall never die. Do you believe this?”*27*She said to him, “Yes, Lord;*I believe that*you are the Christ, the Son of God,*who is coming into the world.

John 11 ESV - The Death of Lazarus - Now a certain - Bible Gateway

Sherri's still babbling, eh?
Still preaching? Your style will not gain you converts.
If we wanted to read the bible we can find one for ourselves.
I trust most people are comfortable in their individual beliefs, they don't need you or your sermons.
Try talking and discussion issues without the bible. You and your words.

---sherri is a KJV literalist. the WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN

of our message board play----- INHERIT THE GRITS AND GRAVY
Well, Jesus didn't agree with the laws created by the Levites that established the rules and rituals of Jewish identity.
I don't agree with many things either, that doesn't turn me into a Jew or Israel hater.

Don't assume people hate Jews because they disagree with the Likkud.

In the case of muslims it is because their god told them to, and this is why since 630 the muslims have waged war on the Jews
The thread title includes slanderous lies about Jesus.

The response to Zionist lies about Jesus is stating who Jesus is.

You keep on with the slander, I shall keep proclaiming the Truth of who Jesus is right in your face.

Jesus is the Son of God, who offers the gift of Salvation for those who believe in Him.

You choose, accept Him as Messiah or reject Him.

Now, you cannot say you have never been told about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Still preaching? Your style will not gain you converts.
If we wanted to read the bible we can find one for ourselves.
I trust most people are comfortable in their individual beliefs, they don't need you or your sermons.
Try talking and discussion issues without the bible. You and your words.

Words just for you telling you exactly who Jesus is.

You choose, do you believe in Jesus or continue in your disbelief and reject Him as Messiah?

You certainly can never say you have not been presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

John 11

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

17*Now when Jesus came, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb*four days.*18*Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles[c]off,*19*and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary*to console them concerning their brother.*20*So when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, but Mary remained seated in the house.*21*Martha said to*Jesus, “Lord,*if you had been here, my brother would not have died.*22*But even now I know that whatever you ask from God,*God will give you.”*23*Jesus said to her,*“Your brother will rise again.”*24*Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in*the resurrection on the last day.”*25*Jesus said to her,*“I am the resurrection and*the life.[d]*Whoever believes in me,*though he die,yet shall he live,*26*and everyone who lives and believes in me*shall never die. Do you believe this?”*27*She said to him, “Yes, Lord;*I believe that*you are the Christ, the Son of God,*who is coming into the world.

John 11 ESV - The Death of Lazarus - Now a certain - Bible Gateway

Sherri's still babbling, eh?
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Don't assume people hate Jews because they disagree with the Likkud.

Do those who disagree with Likud, even in Israel, want Israel and the Jewish people destroyed, or lie about Jesus and the New and Old Testaments?

Destroyed? NO... a just peace YES....

The old testament is an interesting work.. Like all religions it borrows from Sumer, Egypt and Ugarit.

So then sha how about you spell out just what you mean by a "just peace". Does that include recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, the same deal on nationality for both sides, the same deal on right of return for both sides and pledges of safety and security for those living on the other groups side.

This would mean calling the arab league into session and for them to annul their charter, then the same for hamas, fatah, PLO and all the other Islamic groups.
Some people keep rejecting Jesus over and over and over and over until they are burning in hell.

Just saying.

Sherri's still babbling, eh?
Some people flap their gums endlessly regardless of whether or not they have anything intelligent to say.

Some people talk so much that the medical staff will still be beating on that person's lips to get them to stop flapping - a half-hour after the patient dies.
What did Jesus teach about Hell?

Jesus taught much about Hell. He did so out of love--to warn us not to reject Him which would result in us going to Hell for eternity.

Jesus told the story of a rich man and a poor man, and the rich man ended up in Hell, describing it as a place of torment (Luke 16:22-28).*The rich man actually cried out in Hell: ". . .I am tormented in this**flame" (Luke 16:24).

What did Jesus teach about Hell?
Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Not only did she thank God for killing him, she celebrated and thought it was funny that he died. Christian my ass!

Are you a Christian or do you champion theft and apartheid?

You are a muslim and as such you do champion theft and apartheid, as it is a command in the Koran.
Beats me why anyone would believe a word a Zionist had to say about a Muslim, as they are consumed with murderous hate for nonJews.

I don't agree with many things either, that doesn't turn me into a Jew or Israel hater.

Don't assume people hate Jews because they disagree with the Likkud.

In the case of muslims it is because their god told them to, and this is why since 630 the muslims have waged war on the Jews
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