Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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So many good Christians around the world, rising up in support of Isrsel and what their faith tells them. Here are some Canadians.


What We Believe:
Our Statement of Faith

C4I Canada believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We believe that Jesus was and is the long-awaited Jewish Messiah (Christ) of Israel who died and rose again, and who will return to Israel at God the Father’s appointed time. We also believe that salvation is of the Jews (John 4:22) and that Gentiles (non-Jews) who accept Jesus’ salvation should do so with gratitude and respect toward the Jewish roots of their faith (Romans, Chapters 9-11).

About Replacement Theology

By definition, replacement theology maintains that the church has replaced Israel and the Jewish people in God’s plans and purposes. In other words, replacement theology teaches that Christians are God’s new “Chosen People.” This theology has existed within the church since its inception. It has been used erroneously as an argument for persecuting Jewish people and has resulted in millions of Jewish deaths down through the centuries, including, but not limited to, the Crusades and the more recent and infamous European Holocaust, a dark period of recent history when the church remained virtually silent. C4I believes that God’s eternal promises to Israel, as recorded in the Bible, have never been revoked. We oppose replacement theology and urge all Christians to do the same.

About our Ministry to the Church and to Jewish People

It is against this unfortunate backdrop of church history that C4I believes that, where the relationship between Christians and Jews is concerned today, our primary role is to provide educational resources that will help Christians to understand why they should love, support, and pray for Jewish people and for Israel. Our secondary role is to demonstrate unconditional love to the Jewish people, thereby fulfilling the apostle Paul’s mandate for the church in its relationship with the Jewish people (Romans 11:14). In practical terms, this means adopting charitable initiatives in Israel whereby we can clearly demonstrate our love and kindness to the Jewish people as one means of witnessing to our faith in Jesus Christ. Moreover, we firmly believe that the Messiah (Christ) will reveal Himself to His people at God the Father’s appointed time and in His own way.
Where is Sherri? This new Sharoona imposter is lame and no fun. I want Sherri back. She makes me laugh.

She is in conference with her Iranian handlers trying to decide how to respond to being caught in a bald faced lie. And if the readers question what I quoted, they can go to the "Sharon" thread, second page.
Where is Sherri? This new Sharoona imposter is lame and no fun. I want Sherri back. She makes me laugh.

So you have a problem with civil discourse.

to what "civil discourse do you refer????
BTW----you commented somthing like "Jesus rejected the laws invented by the
Levites"-------can you tell me ---who are the levites and what laws they invented
and where in the New Testament there are words attributed to Jesus indicating
that rejection.. ?
Where is Sherri? This new Sharoona imposter is lame and no fun. I want Sherri back. She makes me laugh.

She is in conference with her Iranian handlers trying to decide how to respond to being caught in a bald faced lie. And if the readers question what I quoted, they can go to the "Sharon" thread, second page.
Not to worry! Boring Sharoona is here to rescue Sherri and keep us busy with its lame comebacks until Sherri gets her marching orders.
Even as far away as New Zealand you have true Christians rising up for Israel.

Christian Friends of Israel
The goal of CFOIC It is to reach out, to educate the church, to teach about Jewish history and particularly about the Jews currently living in Biblical Israel – the communities of Judea and Samaria (and previously Gaza). With the help of CFOIC, thousands of Christians have provided financial support for community projects.

Redemption of Israel

“In Ezekiel 36:22-28, God tells of His plan to bring the people back. He didn’t say that the people were being brought back because of their own righteousness; rather, He says that He is bringing them back for the sake of His Name. In Hebraic thought, a name stood for the character of a person. When God says He is doing something for the sake of His name, He is saying that His reputation is at stake. He promised to do certain things and He will fulfill them so that the nations will know that He is God.” (For Zion’s Sake I will not be Silent,” by Rebecca Brimmer, page 101, Bridges for Peace.)

Isaiah 45:17a
“Israel will be saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation…”

Ezekiel 36:26-28
“Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a right spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes and you will be careful to observe My ordinances. And you will live in the land that I gave to your forefathers; so you will be My people and I will be your God.”

Romans 11:26-27
“And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The Deliverer will come from Zion; He will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is My covenant with them when I take away their sins.”

Other verses: Psalm 130:7-8; Isaiah 33:24; 35:8-10; 44:3-5,21-23; 46:13; 62:1,10-12; Jeremiah 31:31-34; 33:7-9; 50:20; Ezekiel 11:18-19; Joel 2:28-29,32; 3:21; Micah 7:18-20; Zechariah 12:10-12; 13:1-2; Hebrews 8:8-12; 10:16,17
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Message from Christian Embassy in Jerusalem:

The reasons behind our actions

Christian support for the restoration of the Jews to their ancient homeland has been around for as long as Christians have been able to read the Bible for themselves. For there they read about God’s covenant with Abraham in which He bequeathed to him and his descendants the land of Canaan. And they read in the Hebrew prophets that although the children of Israel may be exiled from the land for a time, that one day God would regather them to the land one final time, and draw them and then the world unto Himself.

As soon as Christians could read the Bible for themselves they attempted to change the state church and make it more like the early church in the New Testament. This in turn brought about great persecution and many had to flee their homes and countries.

They also became aware of the Hebraic roots of Christianity and began studying Hebrew, and the Jewish Feasts, and they identified with the persecuted people of Israel. They also read that God had promised to one day regather the Jewish people to their ancient homeland and they began praying for this to happen. This means that for four hundred years before the state of Israel was established that whole movements of Christians were praying for that day.

As the number of Bible-believing Christians grew so did their influence and their involvement in the re-establishming of Israel.

The Facts Are On Israel’s Side
In addition to our reading of the Bible, we also support Israel because we have studied the history of the modern State of Israel and we know that the facts are on her side. She is a legal nation, on legally acquired territory and she has the right to exist and to exist in secure borders. Though Israel is a nation like all nations - she may not be perfect, nor all of her policies the best - yet she is legal and morally right in her establishment and existence. While she is surrounded by countries and organizations committed to her destruction, we stand for her right to exist in secure borders.
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Is Sharoona the same lying ignoramus who claimed "Muslims don't sacrifice during the EID" celebrations?

You'd think Sherri could recruit someone with at least half a brain. But no, it's gotta be another like herself.
Every word in your post is another lie by the Jesus slanderer.

Zionist was founded in the 1890s.

And the majority of Christians are not Zionists, no one I ever met in a Christian Church calls them self Zionist, they call themselves Christians.

Who they are are misguided souls embracing Idolatry.

And a Jesus slanderer and Christ rejecter like you has no credibility to judge who is a real Christian.

So you are saying that majority of Christians including the Founding Fathers are idol worshippers, just because they can clearly see Jewish Jesus and the New Testament as being Zionist?

Sherri's deductive reasoning skills at display. Christianity is based on a Zionist book and a Zionist Jewish Messiah. You can't be a Christian and believe the crap you do, Jihad Sherri.

At the church you go to, do they say "Allah Akbar" a lot there? Do they have lots of prayer rugs? Ha ha ha.
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God judges , that is what I said.

That's the theory.

Some amongst us are good at spouting the words.

While their manifested behaviors point to a lack of understanding of, and/or lack of compliance with, the words.

Here ya go readers. Proof positive that Satanic Sherri is a liar! She claimed she only said God judges but you can clearly see SHE said Sharon is in hell. Not only that, but she actually THANKED GOD FOR KILLING HIM!!!!!! Jesus is SO proud of Satanic Sherri.

Sharon is in hell right now unless by some miracle He repented from his many sins and accepted Jesus as Messiah in the midst of his coma.

Thank you, God , for justly taking care of all those who reject you as Messiah.

Someone has mysteriously disappeared. The readers are still waiting for an explanation of this bald faced lie.
Every word in your post is another lie by the Jesus slanderer.

Zionist was founded in the 1890s.

And the majority of Christians are not Zionists, no one I ever met in a Christian Church calls them self Zionist, they call themselves Christians.

So you are saying that majority of Christians including the Founding Fathers are idol worshippers, just because they can clearly see Jewish Jesus and the New Testament as being Zionist?

Sherri's deductive reasoning skills at display. Christianity is based on a Zionist book and a Zionist Jewish Messiah. You can't be a Christian and believe the clap you do Jihad Sherri.

Maybe it's to a church you're going to, do they say "Allah Akbar" a lot in your "church"? Ha ha ha.

I have been in Baptist churches. They sing songs which include hebrew words---
and -----words like "ZION" The little white and very old church in my town which
was BAPTIST ----was "FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ZION" It was really cute----rectangle
thing with a steeple like from a christmas card picture. They did not say "allahuakbarr"--
they said "HALLELUJAH"------just like zionists do. Is it possible that sherri was never
in a baptist church and has been attending "AL BAPTIST MASJID" ??
Like it or not, Jesus was indeed a Zionist according to Christians. Yet he is denied by Sherri who has the audacity to call herself a Christian. But I praise her for keeping us laughing.

Zion: the Embodiment of the Spiritual Values of Jesus Christ - Sermon Index

did the cock crow yet?-----uhm ....how many times has she denied Jesus?. The economy
is not good-----people need ......something to sell. I have a great idea for a
new BUSINESS and seek investors. This item should sell like hot cakes-----
a talking crucifix------with a figure of a crucified man attached------that issues a
recorded "I AM NOT A ZIONIST" Such an item would save sherri POSTING TIME.
She could walk about her town-----and issue her "MESSAGE" forth-----her colleagues too--
maybe she can provide names and addresses of potential customers
Hebrews 1

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Supremacy of God's Son

1*Long ago, at many times and*in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,*2*but*in these last days*he has spoken to us by*his Son, whom he appointed*the heir of all things,*through whom also he created*the world.*3*He is the radiance of the glory of God andthe exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.*After making purification for sins,*he sat down*at the right hand of the Majesty on high,*4*having become as much superior to angels as the name*he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.

Hebrews 1 ESV - The Supremacy of God's Son - Long ago, - Bible Gateway

Every word in your post is another lie by the Jesus slanderer.

Zionist was founded in the 1890s.

And the majority of Christians are not Zionists, no one I ever met in a Christian Church calls them self Zionist, they call themselves Christians.

So you are saying that majority of Christians including the Founding Fathers are idol worshippers, just because they can clearly see Jewish Jesus and the New Testament as being Zionist?

Sherri's deductive reasoning skills at display. Christianity is based on a Zionist book and a Zionist Jewish Messiah. You can't be a Christian and believe the crap you do, Jihad Sherri.

At the church you go to, do they say "Allah Akbar" a lot there? Do they have lots of prayer rugs? Ha ha ha.
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