Even Newt Gingrich Admits KremlinGate Is So Serious That "They're Probably Going To Jail."


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
So who will be going to the gray bar hotel? Don orange Cheetos? his son in law? or will don Cheetos throw someone else under the bus?

Donald Trump is not the only Republican, unfortunately, with an itchy twitter finger. Here’s what former Speaker of the House and current conspiracy theorist Newt Gingrich had to say recently about KremlinGate.

Apparently it’s the path of righteousness and truth to investigate the president when the president is a Democrat and an indiscriminate Indian hunting party from the Old West hell bent on destruction when the president is a Republican. If hypocrisy were a fatal disease, Newt Gingrich would be terminal.

Even Newt Gingrich Admits KremlinGate Is So Serious That "They're Probably Going To Jail."
The former speaker attacked Mueller, as well as the Justice Department, during an interview on ABC's This Week.

'You tell me why the first four names that came up, I don't know about the next nine, but the four names are all people who gave to Democrats.

He continued: 'Two of them are people with a record of hiding evidence from the defense, and one of them is a person who defended the Clinton Foundation.

'Now, in this environment with a Justice Department where 97 per cent of the donations last year went to Hillary, explain to me why I should relax as a Republican.

Read more: Gingrich says Mueller is stacking team with left leaners | Daily Mail Online
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Gingrich needs to go to the Vatican and spend the rest of his life in the confessional. In other words, out of site.
So who will be going to the gray bar hotel? Don orange Cheetos? his son in law? or will don Cheetos throw someone else under the bus?

Donald Trump is not the only Republican, unfortunately, with an itchy twitter finger. Here’s what former Speaker of the House and current conspiracy theorist Newt Gingrich had to say recently about KremlinGate.

Apparently it’s the path of righteousness and truth to investigate the president when the president is a Democrat and an indiscriminate Indian hunting party from the Old West hell bent on destruction when the president is a Republican. If hypocrisy were a fatal disease, Newt Gingrich would be terminal.

Even Newt Gingrich Admits KremlinGate Is So Serious That "They're Probably Going To Jail."

Shithead.....he states they are going to railroad some low level staffer they get to make a false statement by interrogating him endlessly till he makes a small statement that is inconsistent...the same way they got Scooter Libby.....

The former speaker attacked Mueller, as well as the Justice Department, during an interview on ABC's This Week.

'You tell me why the first four names that came up, I don't know about the next nine, but the four names are all people who gave to Democrats.

He continued: 'Two of them are people with a record of hiding evidence from the defense, and one of them is a person who defended the Clinton Foundation.

'Now, in this environment with a Justice Department where 97 per cent of the donations last year went to Hillary, explain to me why I should relax as a Republican.

Read more: Gingrich says Mueller is stacking team with left leaners | Daily Mail Online
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Exactly........the best thing Trump can do...appoint a new special counsel to investigate the hilary campaign and the clinton foundation ties to foriegn governments when she was Secretary of State......she doesn't have the power to protect low level minions anymore....so they won't be as eager to go to jail to protect her...
The former speaker attacked Mueller, as well as the Justice Department, during an interview on ABC's This Week.

'You tell me why the first four names that came up, I don't know about the next nine, but the four names are all people who gave to Democrats.

He continued: 'Two of them are people with a record of hiding evidence from the defense, and one of them is a person who defended the Clinton Foundation.

'Now, in this environment with a Justice Department where 97 per cent of the donations last year went to Hillary, explain to me why I should relax as a Republican.

Read more: Gingrich says Mueller is stacking team with left leaners | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Exactly........the best thing Trump can do...appoint a new special counsel to investigate the hilary campaign and the clinton foundation ties to foriegn governments when she was Secretary of State......she doesn't have the power to protect low level minions anymore....so they won't be as eager to go to jail to protect her...

It's so funny that you keep thinking that the Clintons are guilty of something even after all the investigations, the special prosecutor and the IRS investigations carried out at the behest of Judicial Watch.

They didn't turn on her the first 17 times they investigated her, even with immunity, yet Republicans always think that the next investigation will be different.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

The Clintons are either the smartest criminals who ever lived or they aren't the liars and crooks Republicans keep saying they are. The same people who said Hillary should be prosecuted for her private server, are now using private servers in the White House.

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