Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

How DARE YOU question Joey's MASTER?

I would have happily supported Gingrich or Perry or Santorum.

But you idiots nominated a MOrmon, my blood enemy.

I have yet to vote for Romney.

So you hate Romney, no wonder you think people would hate Obama. It is your unhealthy hate that you project into this issue.

Not at all.

I hate Romney because he is an utterly reprehensible human being. He doesn't have one redeeming quality about him.

He belongs to an evil cult started by child molesting con-artists.

He made his fortune screwing over working people and undermining the middle class in this country.

He has embraced some of the most noxious people, from Donald Trump to Ted Nugent to Rush Limbaugh, after they have said some of the most toxic things.
I would have happily supported Gingrich or Perry or Santorum.

But you idiots nominated a MOrmon, my blood enemy.

I have yet to vote for Romney.

So you hate Romney, no wonder you think people would hate Obama. It is your unhealthy hate that you project into this issue.

Not at all.

I hate Romney because he is an utterly reprehensible human being. He doesn't have one redeeming quality about him.

He belongs to an evil cult started by child molesting con-artists.

He made his fortune screwing over working people and undermining the middle class in this country.

He has embraced some of the most noxious people, from Donald Trump to Ted Nugent to Rush Limbaugh, after they have said some of the most toxic things.

You stated he is a Morman and a sworn enemy, so to say you don't hate him because of his religion, is a lie.
. I thought liberals were tolerant of other religions and crap like that, but hey I'm just a right wing baptist that hates different religions...oh wait Im voting for a mormon, the moral superiority I feel against hypocritical liberals is breath taking.

I think you are voting for the Mormon because you hate Obama more, not because you've suddenly learned to love the Mormon Craziness.

So a lot of you are so steeped in your hate, that you are willing to overlook anything in Romney's jacket that makes you wince.

FRom what I can see Joe, you're no slighly liberal as you claim in the roll call thread, you're very liberal as I pointed out (on economics of course). Do you think businesses have a money tree and they just dont share with the worker. What do you think the min wage should be, I say raise it to $100/hour, are ya with me?

No, I wouldn't be.

But how's this for a better idea. No CEO can make more than 10 times what his average line worker makes. Incidently, this is pretty much how the rest of the world does it, which is why Nissan and Volkwagen are beating the pants off Ford and GM.

In 1980, the average CEO made 40 times what a line worker made. In 2011, he makes 475 times what a line worker makes. this is not about a money tree, this is about how rewards are handed out, and in this case, the foxes are in charge of the henhouse.

What business is it of your how one is compensated?
You libs live in the world of the zero sum game.
You believe there is a finite amount of wealth that exists in some secret location.
You people believe that if one person has more, then another MUST have less.
You people view wealth as evil. You refuse to acknowledge hard work, achievement, ideas and success.
You look upon those who are successful with utter disdain. You hate them. When you see the successful or wealthy, you think "that person screwed me. He should be taxed( punished) by government.".
Years ago when a parent with a child spotted a nice car or home he or she would tell the child, if you go to school, work hard and do your best, you can own a home or car just like that one"....Today's liberal parent says to the child,"you see that fancy car/house, that person took from others to make him/herself rich. Don't ever be like him/her."
I have yet to vote for Romney.

So you hate Romney, no wonder you think people would hate Obama. It is your unhealthy hate that you project into this issue.

Not at all.

I hate Romney because he is an utterly reprehensible human being. He doesn't have one redeeming quality about him.

He belongs to an evil cult started by child molesting con-artists.

He made his fortune screwing over working people and undermining the middle class in this country.

He has embraced some of the most noxious people, from Donald Trump to Ted Nugent to Rush Limbaugh, after they have said some of the most toxic things.

You stated he is a Morman and a sworn enemy, so to say you don't hate him because of his religion, is a lie.

First, it's MORMON, not MORMAN. The very fact that you can't get that much right tells me that you don't know enough about Mormonism (also known as the CHurch of Latter Day Saints, like that isn't hubris) to know if my concerns are valid or not.

There are things in Mormonism- the racism, the misogyny, the pure stupidity, the fact that they don't seem to understand there's a line between Church and State, that makes me never want on in any position of responsibility.

Sorry, that's just the way it is.

And if you bothered to even educate yourself on their beliefs and history, you'd feel the same way.
I would have happily supported Gingrich or Perry or Santorum.

But you idiots nominated a MOrmon, my blood enemy.

I have yet to vote for Romney.

So you hate Romney, no wonder you think people would hate Obama. It is your unhealthy hate that you project into this issue.

Not at all.

I hate Romney because he is an utterly reprehensible human being. He doesn't have one redeeming quality about him.

He belongs to an evil cult started by child molesting con-artists.

He made his fortune screwing over working people and undermining the middle class in this country.

He has embraced some of the most noxious people, from Donald Trump to Ted Nugent to Rush Limbaugh, after they have said some of the most toxic things.
Yep..Correct on all accounts.....:cuckoo:
What business is it of your how one is compensated?
You libs live in the world of the zero sum game.
You believe there is a finite amount of wealth that exists in some secret location.
You people believe that if one person has more, then another MUST have less.
You people view wealth as evil. You refuse to acknowledge hard work, achievement, ideas and success.
You look upon those who are successful with utter disdain. You hate them. When you see the successful or wealthy, you think "that person screwed me. He should be taxed( punished) by government.".
Years ago when a parent with a child spotted a nice car or home he or she would tell the child, if you go to school, work hard and do your best, you can own a home or car just like that one"....Today's liberal parent says to the child,"you see that fancy car/house, that person took from others to make him/herself rich. Don't ever be like him/her."

Probably because that parent sees the kind of douchebag who gets the fancy car or house...

It isn't a liberal issue, guy. In fact, the situation I described is unique to the United States.

In Japan or Germany, the average CEO only makes about 10 times what a line worker makes. And most Germans and Japanese consider that pretty reasonable.

In the US, he makes an 8 figure salary, requires a bailout from the government due to his ineptitude, and insists he still deserves his bonus on his way out.

This is the system you support.... I'm just not sure why.
Not at all.

I hate Romney because he is an utterly reprehensible human being. He doesn't have one redeeming quality about him.

He belongs to an evil cult started by child molesting con-artists.

He made his fortune screwing over working people and undermining the middle class in this country.

He has embraced some of the most noxious people, from Donald Trump to Ted Nugent to Rush Limbaugh, after they have said some of the most toxic things.

You stated he is a Morman and a sworn enemy, so to say you don't hate him because of his religion, is a lie.

First, it's MORMON, not MORMAN. The very fact that you can't get that much right tells me that you don't know enough about Mormonism (also known as the CHurch of Latter Day Saints, like that isn't hubris) to know if my concerns are valid or not.

There are things in Mormonism- the racism, the misogyny, the pure stupidity, the fact that they don't seem to understand there's a line between Church and State, that makes me never want on in any position of responsibility.

Sorry, that's just the way it is.

And if you bothered to even educate yourself on their beliefs and history, you'd feel the same way.
Thanks for exposing yourself with your neanderthal generalizations.
Another example of a liberal double standard. You people think you have carte blanche to spew racist and anti religious bile. While everyone else is supposed to kowtow to your side's PC protected classes.
Just remember this sunshine...What goes around comes around.
Once the Tea Party conservatives get control of this country and start us on the road to being great again, your side will find itself shut out. No more "big tent" reaching across the aisle"...
Mormons are your "sworn enemy", Joey? Really? And they're all "cultists"? Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you sound? IT'S A RELIGION, DUDE! GET OVER IT!!! Mormon's don't sacrifice babies at midnight on a full moon and Mitt Romney is not going to subject us to some devious "take-over" of America if he's elected President any more than Jack Kennedy turned the US over to the "Papists" when he became President.
Thanks for exposing yourself with your neanderthal generalizations.
Another example of a liberal double standard. You people think you have carte blanche to spew racist and anti religious bile. While everyone else is supposed to kowtow to your side's PC protected classes.
Just remember this sunshine...What goes around comes around.
Once the Tea Party conservatives get control of this country and start us on the road to being great again, your side will find itself shut out. No more "big tent" reaching across the aisle"...

Guy, the TEA Party is already done. You served your purpose, you useful idiots.

It's hardly a liberal double standard. I'm critical of all religion. I think all religion is a scam. Has been since Moses came down from a cliff with some silly rules and said, "See, I got these from a Sky Pixie, really!"

Mormonism offends because the scam is about as obvious as Scientology, but there are people who buy into it anyway. And some of you don't even want to know how crazy the shit is, because you just hate Obama so much.
Mormons are your "sworn enemy", Joey? Really? And they're all "cultists"? Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you sound? IT'S A RELIGION, DUDE! GET OVER IT!!! Mormon's don't sacrifice babies at midnight on a full moon and Mitt Romney is not going to subject us to some devious "take-over" of America if he's elected President any more than Jack Kennedy turned the US over to the "Papists" when he became President.

I would say that you've never spent six weeks with them at an ROTC advanced camp, or you'd realize, nope they are a cult and they are damned creepy as shit.

Not that I have any love for religion, but Mormonism is a cult. The difference between a religion in a cult is how much control they insist on having on your life.

Magic Underwear, compulsary tithing, compulsary missionairy work (which puts parents deeper in debt to the Cult), mandetory testimonies you have to recite on command, forcing you to refrain from coffee, tobacco and alcohol... that's some serious attempts at Mind Control that borders on fascism.
Mormons are your "sworn enemy", Joey? Really? And they're all "cultists"? Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you sound? IT'S A RELIGION, DUDE! GET OVER IT!!! Mormon's don't sacrifice babies at midnight on a full moon and Mitt Romney is not going to subject us to some devious "take-over" of America if he's elected President any more than Jack Kennedy turned the US over to the "Papists" when he became President.

I would say that you've never spent six weeks with them at an ROTC advanced camp, or you'd realize, nope they are a cult and they are damned creepy as shit.

Not that I have any love for religion, but Mormonism is a cult. The difference between a religion in a cult is how much control they insist on having on your life.

Magic Underwear, compulsary tithing, compulsary missionairy work (which puts parents deeper in debt to the Cult), mandetory testimonies you have to recite on command, forcing you to refrain from coffee, tobacco and alcohol... that's some serious attempts at Mind Control that borders on fascism.

They haven't Forced me to Join... Hell, they haven't even Asked. :thup:

Let me know when they start Stoning Women and Executing Homosexuals.


Mormons are your "sworn enemy", Joey? Really? And they're all "cultists"? Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you sound? IT'S A RELIGION, DUDE! GET OVER IT!!! Mormon's don't sacrifice babies at midnight on a full moon and Mitt Romney is not going to subject us to some devious "take-over" of America if he's elected President any more than Jack Kennedy turned the US over to the "Papists" when he became President.

I would say that you've never spent six weeks with them at an ROTC advanced camp, or you'd realize, nope they are a cult and they are damned creepy as shit.

Not that I have any love for religion, but Mormonism is a cult. The difference between a religion in a cult is how much control they insist on having on your life.

Magic Underwear, compulsary tithing, compulsary missionairy work (which puts parents deeper in debt to the Cult), mandetory testimonies you have to recite on command, forcing you to refrain from coffee, tobacco and alcohol... that's some serious attempts at Mind Control that borders on fascism.

They haven't Forced me to Join... Hell, they haven't even Asked. :thup:

Let me know when they start Stoning Women and Executing Homosexuals.



Again, I don't wait for them to do something nasty when I can prevent them from ever being in a position from doing something nasty.

Kind of like how I lock the door when I go to work rather than count on the local punks having enough intergrity to not steal my stuff.
I would say that you've never spent six weeks with them at an ROTC advanced camp, or you'd realize, nope they are a cult and they are damned creepy as shit.

Not that I have any love for religion, but Mormonism is a cult. The difference between a religion in a cult is how much control they insist on having on your life.

Magic Underwear, compulsary tithing, compulsary missionairy work (which puts parents deeper in debt to the Cult), mandetory testimonies you have to recite on command, forcing you to refrain from coffee, tobacco and alcohol... that's some serious attempts at Mind Control that borders on fascism.

They haven't Forced me to Join... Hell, they haven't even Asked. :thup:

Let me know when they start Stoning Women and Executing Homosexuals.



Again, I don't wait for them to do something nasty when I can prevent them from ever being in a position from doing something nasty.

Kind of like how I lock the door when I go to work rather than count on the local punks having enough intergrity to not steal my stuff.

And what is it you are doing to stop the Mormon Church from whatever it is you Think they are doing?...


They haven't Forced me to Join... Hell, they haven't even Asked. :thup:

Let me know when they start Stoning Women and Executing Homosexuals.



Again, I don't wait for them to do something nasty when I can prevent them from ever being in a position from doing something nasty.

Kind of like how I lock the door when I go to work rather than count on the local punks having enough intergrity to not steal my stuff.

And what is it you are doing to stop the Mormon Church from whatever it is you Think they are doing?...



Mal Joe is using the Mormon religion to hide his hate for the GOP
Mal Joe is using the Mormon religion to hide his hate for the GOP

No, not at all.

If Romney weren't a Mormon, he'd just be another out of touch GOP Loser like Mccain or Dole that I'd vote for holding my nose, and not investing too much in emotionally.

(As opposed to Reagan and Bush-43, who I had some emotional commitment to when I supported them. But this was before the whole crap that went down in my life in 2007-8)

I do think that the GOP has to do a lot of things to keep from going the way of the Whigs. They have to stop putting the desires of multi-national corporations over the good of American working people. They need to slap down the racists and nativists and get right with the emerging non-white majority in this country. Probably about a dozen other things.

More likely, Obama will beat the snot out of Romney in November, and you guys will all welp about how he wasn't a "real conservative" and that's why he lost.
Mal Joe is using the Mormon religion to hide his hate for the GOP

No, not at all.

If Romney weren't a Mormon, he'd just be another out of touch GOP Loser like Mccain or Dole that I'd vote for holding my nose, and not investing too much in emotionally.

(As opposed to Reagan and Bush-43, who I had some emotional commitment to when I supported them. But this was before the whole crap that went down in my life in 2007-8)

I do think that the GOP has to do a lot of things to keep from going the way of the Whigs. They have to stop putting the desires of multi-national corporations over the good of American working people. They need to slap down the racists and nativists and get right with the emerging non-white majority in this country. Probably about a dozen other things.

More likely, Obama will beat the snot out of Romney in November, and you guys will all welp about how he wasn't a "real conservative" and that's why he lost.

Sure right yep uhun yes siree :cuckoo:
Hey, just because you're a mind-numbed robot waiting for Rush to tell you what to think and looking at the shiny thing, doesn't mean I have to be.

But keep Clinging to your gun and your bible. Give the corporatists enough time, it's probably all you'll have left.

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