Even Obama Knows The End Is Near


Seems to me that one element of the "change" (ugh, that word) that Obama wanted to bring to Washington was the notion of President as facilitator, not leader. He talked a big game in front of adoring crowds, but he has clearly chosen not to get his hands dirty in the legislative process. I personally don't have any interest in being "led" per se, but I don't think the average American from either party wants just a coordinator in the Oval Office. The Democrats are pissed that he hasn't been a bright and shining leader for their causes, and the Republicans, well...

Sorry for the moment of sober analysis, I realize this thread will end up being an insult-fest from both sides, as usual.


It's not the Barack Obama has "chosen" not to get his hands dirty in the legislative process, Mac...it's that he has ZERO expertise at legislating. If you examine his legislative record in the Illinois Senate exactly NONE of the bills that he wrote were passed in the first two years he was a State Senator. He didn't get a bill sponsored by him passed until Emile Jones took him under his wing and started giving him other people's bills to affix his name to. Once he became a US Senator the same thing happened...the powers to be let a young "up coming star" of the Democratic Party affix his name to the work of others again. The truth is that Barry doesn't get his hands "dirty" with legislation because Barry's not very good at it.
When did Khadafy get on the list?

How about when REagan put him there?

This is another wonderful example of Republicans being totally against something they used to be for, Until The Black Guy Did It.

Now, incidently, I personally am not thrilled with our Libya intervention. I think it's another case of fisting the Hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

Boy oh boy, tough to find a thread around here that hasn't degenerated into 7th-grade name calling and personal insults. Nice to see something I can latch on to. It's getting tougher and tougher.

Sticking our nose into hornets' nests appears to be our specialty. Now, while the Republicans appear to be far more willing to both stick our noses into hornets' nests and defend their decision when our face is covered in stings, the Democrats can't say their hands are clean either.

Is it something in the freakin' water in Washington DC, this notion that we're the World's Policeman? And why are we so willing to ignore the costs and long term downsides of such a policy?


My theory, for what it's worth.

Military intervention is something the politicians like because it's exciting, because you can get measurable results quickly, and the consequences are usually not felt until so far down the road most people don't notice them.

Incidently, the only guy who never felt a need to flex our military muscles for the Hell of it, was Dwight D. Eisenhower. He got us out of Korea, and although he did preside over a cold war military buildup, he also fought for infrastructure to benefit the civilian population.

Then again, this great warrior also said this...

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final
sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

I think a guy like Reb would call him a Marxist and a Communist for saying this, which is just a demonstration of how far removed the GOP has gotten in recent years.

Here's a novel idea you might want to ponder; Thanks to Eisenhower and others we got a lengthy Cold War. The issue never would have materialized if it had not been for his pacifist ideology. Russia wanted to expand and we did nothing at first to stop them. Millions lost their lives and their freedoms because we refused to stand up to them from the very beginning. We stood by and let them erect the Berlin wall so they could cut off the people in that city and hold their own people hostage as well as the people of East Germany, Poland, the Chechs, Yugoslavs, etc.

Remember the Berlin Airlift????

Seems to me that one element of the "change" (ugh, that word) that Obama wanted to bring to Washington was the notion of President as facilitator, not leader. He talked a big game in front of adoring crowds, but he has clearly chosen not to get his hands dirty in the legislative process. I personally don't have any interest in being "led" per se, but I don't think the average American from either party wants just a coordinator in the Oval Office. The Democrats are pissed that he hasn't been a bright and shining leader for their causes, and the Republicans, well...

Sorry for the moment of sober analysis, I realize this thread will end up being an insult-fest from both sides, as usual.


It's not the Barack Obama has "chosen" not to get his hands dirty in the legislative process, Mac...it's that he has ZERO expertise at legislating. If you examine his legislative record in the Illinois Senate exactly NONE of the bills that he wrote were passed in the first two years he was a State Senator. He didn't get a bill sponsored by him passed until Emile Jones took him under his wing and started giving him other people's bills to affix his name to. Once he became a US Senator the same thing happened...the powers to be let a young "up coming star" of the Democratic Party affix his name to the work of others again. The truth is that Barry doesn't get his hands "dirty" with legislation because Barry's not very good at it.

He never wants to risk his image. What people think of him is very important to him. This is why everyone suspects he is the source of all of these top secret leaks.

Drafting legislation is tedious work. Obama would rather wait till the last minute and sponsor a bill rather than get involved in the process. He's too busy handing out awards to teams like the Giants. He doesn't want to actually work for a living. Being president is supposed to be about giving speeches and then heading off to Hawaii to ride his bike.
A working man voting for Obama is like a restaurant hiring Hannibal Lecter as head chef
I think it is Pudwhistler that is in panic mode. I think he has always been in panic mode.


How so????

Maybe because all of the threads you start read like the cover of the National Enquirer.

I've watched Obama recently and pretty much for his whole term(because he is the president) and I don't recall any "panic".

I'm sure you would like him to be in "panic mode" but that's just you speaking to your agenda.

If you had any shred of truth to your statements you would title your OP something like...

"Obama read the Jobs numbers. I hope it causes him to panic" or something like that.

Point is that you always transfer YOUR panic or wishful thinking upon others as if you just discovered the answer to all knowledge of the universe... when in reality you just listened to Sean Hannity or The Dominican Republic Child Molester and you re-spout thier drivel as if you discovered the secret to time travel.
I think it is Pudwhistler that is in panic mode. I think he has always been in panic mode.


How so????

Maybe because all of the threads you start read like the cover of the National Enquirer.

I've watched Obama recently and pretty much for his whole term(because he is the president) and I don't recall any "panic".

I'm sure you would like him to be in "panic mode" but that's just you speaking to your agenda.

If you had any shred of truth to your statements you would title your OP something like...

"Obama read the Jobs numbers. I hope it causes him to panic" or something like that.

Point is that you always transfer YOUR panic or wishful thinking upon others as if you just discovered the answer to all knowledge of the universe... when in reality you just listened to Sean Hannity or The Dominican Republic Child Molester and you re-spout thier drivel as if you discovered the secret to time travel.

Sorry, but if I need somebody to write my posts for me I'll let you know.
The left chose to criticize everything Bush did and didn't do, so why give them any more ammo.

Course we could compare the two and compare how they would react (or reacted) to issues and events and I'm sure that just about any president would do better then the current president.

You list is BS because most of the issues aren't really solved or are still in the air, not to mention still a serious problem.

Is any problem truly solved? Most problems are just addressed, creating new problems that then need to be addressed.

So I give Obama credit for addressing the problems. Bush didn't. We had more uninsured when he left office than when he came in. More unemployed. More car companies on the brink of collapse and Bin Laden was very much alive.

I mean you can say the thing above, but the fact is, Bush left office with a 20% approval rating. Even Republicans thought he was doing a messed up job when he left.
Here's a novel idea you might want to ponder; Thanks to Eisenhower and others we got a lengthy Cold War. The issue never would have materialized if it had not been for his pacifist ideology. Russia wanted to expand and we did nothing at first to stop them. Millions lost their lives and their freedoms because we refused to stand up to them from the very beginning. We stood by and let them erect the Berlin wall so they could cut off the people in that city and hold their own people hostage as well as the people of East Germany, Poland, the Chechs, Yugoslavs, etc.

Remember the Berlin Airlift????

I do.

And the problem with that statement is that it works under the delusion that we won World War II all by our lonesome and the USSR just took advantage when in fact, the oppossite is probably more true.

Fact is, there were single battles in the Eastern Front in WWII that involved more men than the entire western front. And Japan's surrender probably had more to do with the USSR entering the pacific war with hundreds of battle-hardended divisions than the atom bomb.

The whole notion that the Soviet Union wanted to "take over the world" was kind of laughable as well. It's the kind of propagandistic bullshit we told ourselves during the Cold War that was laughable.

But a lot of people making money off the fear business.
Bin Laden- Solved. GM- Solved.

Using W's War Machine and Tools that Barry himself Spoke out Against when Bush was President. :thup:

The plummet in the Stock Market- Solved.

How did he Solve the Generational Correction?... Aside from continuing Bushes Policies and Expanding his Spending?

Dishonest number and a Dishonest conclusion.

We are not out and he did what was on the Bush Timeline.

Getting Khadafy- Solved.

When did he get on the list?... And point me to where Obama Consulted Congress AT ALL... You guys complained about Bush not "Declarng War" in Iraq... At least Bush got Congressional Approval AND waited 5 months.

Reforming the financial industry- Solved.

You can go ahead an Illustrate that one.



^Completely worked Joe. :thup:


Guy, all you did was offer the usual "I was for it until the Black Guy Did It" whining we hear from Republicans these days.

If Obama were Republican and White, you'd be wanting to carve his face on Mount Rushmore right now.
The left chose to criticize everything Bush did and didn't do, so why give them any more ammo.

Course we could compare the two and compare how they would react (or reacted) to issues and events and I'm sure that just about any president would do better then the current president.

You list is BS because most of the issues aren't really solved or are still in the air, not to mention still a serious problem.

Is any problem truly solved? Most problems are just addressed, creating new problems that then need to be addressed.

So I give Obama credit for addressing the problems. Bush didn't. We had more uninsured when he left office than when he came in. More unemployed. More car companies on the brink of collapse and Bin Laden was very much alive.

I mean you can say the thing above, but the fact is, Bush left office with a 20% approval rating. Even Republicans thought he was doing a messed up job when he left.

You wanna give Obama credit for making speeches. That's essentially what he's done. That's how he won a Nobel Peace Prize. Most of what he's tried has failed. But he sure talks a great game.

Talk is cheap.

I'm not impressed with talkers......in my former line of work they're useless.
Here's a novel idea you might want to ponder; Thanks to Eisenhower and others we got a lengthy Cold War. The issue never would have materialized if it had not been for his pacifist ideology. Russia wanted to expand and we did nothing at first to stop them. Millions lost their lives and their freedoms because we refused to stand up to them from the very beginning. We stood by and let them erect the Berlin wall so they could cut off the people in that city and hold their own people hostage as well as the people of East Germany, Poland, the Chechs, Yugoslavs, etc.

Remember the Berlin Airlift????

I do.

And the problem with that statement is that it works under the delusion that we won World War II all by our lonesome and the USSR just took advantage when in fact, the oppossite is probably more true.

Fact is, there were single battles in the Eastern Front in WWII that involved more men than the entire western front. And Japan's surrender probably had more to do with the USSR entering the pacific war with hundreds of battle-hardended divisions than the atom bomb.

The whole notion that the Soviet Union wanted to "take over the world" was kind of laughable as well. It's the kind of propagandistic bullshit we told ourselves during the Cold War that was laughable.

But a lot of people making money off the fear business.

No.....the United States had no allies......:rolleyes:

I'm sure you know history well enough to know that often times when two countries have a common enemy they sometimes work together, much in the way the Mujahedin received training and aid from the United States in Afghanistan only to turn on us later, and one of their members planning and carrying out 9/11.

Russia is not our friends and they probably never will be. You should hear some of the anti-American rhetoric their citizens produce.
LMAO.......#1 on DRUDGE now...............this is what the guy said today.............

"the private sector is doing fine but that the economy is suffering because of cuts in state and local government."

Now......not for nothing but, the president has pretty much been tagged as a guy who never takes ownership of anything. He must think that people were born yesterday. Good.......I hope he keeps leading like a wennie..........from behind. Works for me...........:D:D:D
Just in case someone has forgotten what this thread is about.​
Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

There's only one reason to vote for Romney- the fegging a-hole nonstop BS and hater noncooperation Pubs wouldn't be the disloyal opposition- a disgrace for dupes only.
Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

There's only one reason to vote for Romney- the fegging a-hole nonstop BS and hater noncooperation Pubs wouldn't be the disloyal opposition- a disgrace for dupes only.

has obama raised taxes on the rich yet? Did obama take money out of medicare to pay for obamacare? Didn't obama allow the bonuses to be kept by the CEO's of the corporation's that took the bailouts? Doesn't appear obama is too worried about the debt either since he keeps adding too it.
LMAO.......#1 on DRUDGE now...............this is what the guy said today.............

"the private sector is doing fine but that the economy is suffering because of cuts in state and local government."

Now......not for nothing but, the president has pretty much been tagged as a guy who never takes ownership of anything. He must think that people were born yesterday. Good.......I hope he keeps leading like a wennie..........from behind. Works for me...........:D:D:D

No kidding. Any doubt now for anyone that Obama IS Big government Socialist that belives only government can solves problems?

The only way is for them to get out of our way. Obama is 180 degrees out of phase with this nation.
No.....the United States had no allies......:rolleyes:

I'm sure you know history well enough to know that often times when two countries have a common enemy they sometimes work together, much in the way the Mujahedin received training and aid from the United States in Afghanistan only to turn on us later, and one of their members planning and carrying out 9/11.

Russia is not our friends and they probably never will be. You should hear some of the anti-American rhetoric their citizens produce.

I think we have more in common with the Russians than a lot of people in the world. Certainly more than we do with Corporate Plutocracy and Mitt's bestest buds, the Chinese.

But that's the point, we have a bad habit of enabling people to defeat an enemy, and then whine about how we have enabled them.

In WWI, we were all against autocratic monarchies. So we encouraged their overthrow and got Fascism.

In WWII, we were all against Fascism, so we enable Communism.

IN teh Cold War, we were all against Communism, so we enabled Jihadism.

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