Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

LMAO.......#1 on DRUDGE now...............this is what the guy said today.............

"the private sector is doing fine but that the economy is suffering because of cuts in state and local government."

Now......not for nothing but, the president has pretty much been tagged as a guy who never takes ownership of anything. He must think that people were born yesterday. Good.......I hope he keeps leading like a wennie..........from behind. Works for me...........:D:D:D

No kidding. Any doubt now for anyone that Obama IS Big government Socialist that belives only government can solves problems?

The only way is for them to get out of our way. Obama is 180 degrees out of phase with this nation.

Okay, yeah, I guess if you take that statement out of context and apply no reasoning skills to it, it sounds pretty bad.

But the fact is, the Private Sector has made a lot of Job Gains that have been offset because state and local governments are having to fire people. (BEcause, gosh, Darn, we can't deny Annie Warbucks her new Polo Pony!)
Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

There's only one reason to vote for Romney- the fegging a-hole nonstop BS and hater noncooperation Pubs wouldn't be the disloyal opposition- a disgrace for dupes only.


^I did that for you Champ... :thup:

Now yoar a Foar Stah Retald!


Now listen to the 'Conservatives' cry and whine over another dictator with American blood on his hands. We aided the Libyans in destroying a man and system that was truly evil and left it up to the Libyans to decide what kind of government they wish to have. A resounding success without having to expend that much money, and without losing a drop of American blood.

When you think that you're "exceptional", that the rules don't apply to you, that the world needs to bow to your "exceptionalism", you can evidently justify any cost, any amount of deaths, any amount of misery, any destruction, any long-term damage. A very counterproductive psychosis, indeed.


Are we discussing the same thing? We aided an internal revolution against a man that had ordered the murder of hundreds of innocent Americans. We did not carpet bomb cities, instead NATO concentrated on Khadafi's military. From Lockerbie until that Libyan put a bullet through Khadifi's head, there was a blood debt that Khadafi owed this nation. A debt President Obama helped collect.

I suppose next you are going to cry about how we violated Pakistan's soveriegnty in getting Bin Laden. In fact, what you 'Conservatives' are crying about is a policy that states that if you kill Americans without reason, you will pay with your life. We won't bomb the cities you hide in, we won't use your actions as an excuse to to adventuring, as in Iraq, we will find you, and kill you! I fully approve of that policy.

Had we had that policy after 9-11, we would not have invaded and occupied Afghanistan, we would simply have gone in, killed Bin Laden, and left. Then continued to kill, as we are doing at present, all the Al Queda that we are able to locate. Under such a policy, we never would have invaded Iraq, and would not have paid such a terrible price in blood and national treasure for nothing.

The effect of the doctrine by the previous administration on our military is being demonstrated right now. For 2012, deaths by suicide in the US Military outnumber the deaths by combat. We need to pull fully out of both Iraq and Afghanistan. And simply go after the people that are causing the trouble.

I do hope you're referring to me when you say "you conservatives", because I can just hear the right-wingers' blood boil at that thought. They have me pegged as a "commie".

:cool: This place is a hoot.

Anyway, I think our military involvement in the Middle East has been a truly historic disaster on multiple levels, and I agree completely with your comment about not occupying Afghanistan (not to mention Iraq). Those who are convinced that normal rules do not apply to us would strongly disagree, of course.

Because they're "exceptional".

Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Bullshit, speak for yourself. I've never been fired, laid off, or lost a job. Ever.
No.....the United States had no allies......:rolleyes:

I'm sure you know history well enough to know that often times when two countries have a common enemy they sometimes work together, much in the way the Mujahedin received training and aid from the United States in Afghanistan only to turn on us later, and one of their members planning and carrying out 9/11.

Russia is not our friends and they probably never will be. You should hear some of the anti-American rhetoric their citizens produce.

I think we have more in common with the Russians than a lot of people in the world. Certainly more than we do with Corporate Plutocracy and Mitt's bestest buds, the Chinese.

But that's the point, we have a bad habit of enabling people to defeat an enemy, and then whine about how we have enabled them.

In WWI, we were all against autocratic monarchies. So we encouraged their overthrow and got Fascism.

In WWII, we were all against Fascism, so we enable Communism.

IN teh Cold War, we were all against Communism, so we enabled Jihadism.

Hate to tell you this but not everyone is on the level that we have to deal with.

Communists have this crazy habit of turning on the very people that help put them in power.

They use people and then take them out once they don't need them anymore. Remember Khmer Rouge, the forced starvation that took place in Russia after the communist revolution.

The point is, we always have to fight evil as long as we're on this Earth. We aren't perfect but at least the options you'll find elsewhere are a heck of a lot worse.
No.....the United States had no allies......:rolleyes:

I'm sure you know history well enough to know that often times when two countries have a common enemy they sometimes work together, much in the way the Mujahedin received training and aid from the United States in Afghanistan only to turn on us later, and one of their members planning and carrying out 9/11.

Russia is not our friends and they probably never will be. You should hear some of the anti-American rhetoric their citizens produce.

I think we have more in common with the Russians than a lot of people in the world. Certainly more than we do with Corporate Plutocracy and Mitt's bestest buds, the Chinese.

But that's the point, we have a bad habit of enabling people to defeat an enemy, and then whine about how we have enabled them.

In WWI, we were all against autocratic monarchies. So we encouraged their overthrow and got Fascism.

In WWII, we were all against Fascism, so we enable Communism.

IN teh Cold War, we were all against Communism, so we enabled Jihadism.

Hate to tell you this but not everyone is on the level that we have to deal with.

Communists have this crazy habit of turning on the very people that help put them in power.

They use people and then take them out once they don't need them anymore. Remember Khmer Rouge, the forced starvation that took place in Russia after the communist revolution.

The point is, we always have to fight evil as long as we're on this Earth. We aren't perfect but at least the options you'll find elsewhere are a heck of a lot worse.

Soviets had one Hell of a purge too as did Nazi Germany. All despots do it...Perhaps Joey isn't familiar with the term "useful IDIOTS"?
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Bullshit, speak for yourself. I've never been fired, laid off, or lost a job. Ever.

Sure you haven't.
Hate to tell you this but not everyone is on the level that we have to deal with.

Communists have this crazy habit of turning on the very people that help put them in power.

They use people and then take them out once they don't need them anymore. Remember Khmer Rouge, the forced starvation that took place in Russia after the communist revolution.

The point is, we always have to fight evil as long as we're on this Earth. We aren't perfect but at least the options you'll find elsewhere are a heck of a lot worse.

What I remember about the Khmer Rogue is that the US bombed the shit out of Eastern Cambodia, displacing millions of people and killing hundreds of thousands, and driving them into the hands of the Khmer Rogue. And when the Cambodian government of Norodom Sihanouk complained, we staged a coup and toppled him and replaced him with a puppet named Lon Nol who just went along with us bombing and killing his people. After all, he was a western Cambodian, and those were just Eastern Peasents.

And when we finally pulled out, those angry folks in eastern Cambodia decided they were going to do something about old Lon Nol and his supporters in Western Cambodia.

But you'll leave those parts out. You'll say, "Gosh, I guess old Red was a bad dog" and leave out the part about how you locked him in a cage and beat him every day.

Same thing with the USSR. you talk about how those mean old Communists killed all those people and leave out the oppression of the Tsar, the brutality of WWI, and the long Russian Civil War that was exasperated by the attempt of the West to prop up various "White" factions. Ah, Old Red must have been a bad dog. forget about the brutality he faced for years before went on a rampage against the neighborhood children.

and this is a key point. Any political or economic system usually sounds wonderful on paper. Communism? Sounds wonderful on paper. Everyone is taken care of, everyone gets a fair share. Capitalism. Sounds wonderful on paper. If you work hard, you get rewarded.

Where they get messed up is when flawed human beings get plugged into the system,and just find ways of mucking it up.
Soviets had one Hell of a purge too as did Nazi Germany. All despots do it...Perhaps Joey isn't familiar with the term "useful IDIOTS"?

And we had slavery and slaughtered the native Americans because they happened to be in the way. We slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the Philippines and Vietnam and we are still trying to get an accurate accounting in Iraq.

I think your magic sky pixie used to say something about complaining about the mote in someone's eye when ingoring the timber in your own.
Soviets had one Hell of a purge too as did Nazi Germany. All despots do it...Perhaps Joey isn't familiar with the term "useful IDIOTS"?

And we had slavery and slaughtered the native Americans because they happened to be in the way. We slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the Philippines and Vietnam and we are still trying to get an accurate accounting in Iraq.

I think your magic sky pixie used to say something about complaining about the mote in someone's eye when ingoring the timber in your own.

Grasping are you joe?
But we see why you support obama you are using his agenda. Are you also going to take a world tour like he did?
Soviets had one Hell of a purge too as did Nazi Germany. All despots do it...Perhaps Joey isn't familiar with the term "useful IDIOTS"?

And we had slavery and slaughtered the native Americans because they happened to be in the way. We slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the Philippines and Vietnam and we are still trying to get an accurate accounting in Iraq.

I think your magic sky pixie used to say something about complaining about the mote in someone's eye when ingoring the timber in your own.

Grasping are you joe?
But we see why you support obama you are using his agenda. Are you also going to take a world tour like he did?

I don't see it as a "grasp".

The fact is, human history is full of lot of bad behavior by a lot of people. But some are happy to point out the evils of others while ignoring their own faults.

Which I guess is also human nature.
Soviets had one Hell of a purge too as did Nazi Germany. All despots do it...Perhaps Joey isn't familiar with the term "useful IDIOTS"?

And we had slavery and slaughtered the native Americans because they happened to be in the way. We slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the Philippines and Vietnam and we are still trying to get an accurate accounting in Iraq.

I think your magic sky pixie used to say something about complaining about the mote in someone's eye when ingoring the timber in your own.

Grasping are you joe?
But we see why you support obama you are using his agenda. Are you also going to take a world tour like he did?

Soviets had one Hell of a purge too as did Nazi Germany. All despots do it...Perhaps Joey isn't familiar with the term "useful IDIOTS"?

And we had slavery and slaughtered the native Americans because they happened to be in the way. We slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the Philippines and Vietnam and we are still trying to get an accurate accounting in Iraq.

I think your magic sky pixie used to say something about complaining about the mote in someone's eye when ingoring the timber in your own.

I'll attempt to drain a little from what appears to be the deep pool of ignorance you're standing it.

Jesus, a jewish carpenter, is quoted as repeating what was, and still is, the common expression (although the translation of the word "mote" is probably closer to "small splinter").

No "magic sky pixie" was involved.
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Nope. Not at all.

"Gee, them foreigners have a political system we don't like, and they killed people, usually for reasons unrelated to politics. Like Religion. Or Ethnic Strife. Or because they had a long civil war and were getting some payback."

"Um, but what about the fact we slaughtered the Native Americans, or killed perhaps 200,000 Filipinos trying to pacify their islands?"

"Oh, You're grasping, America is the bestest country ever, don't you dare point out OUR history."
And we had slavery and slaughtered the native Americans because they happened to be in the way. We slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the Philippines and Vietnam and we are still trying to get an accurate accounting in Iraq.

I think your magic sky pixie used to say something about complaining about the mote in someone's eye when ingoring the timber in your own.

Grasping are you joe?
But we see why you support obama you are using his agenda. Are you also going to take a world tour like he did?

I don't see it as a "grasp".

The fact is, human history is full of lot of bad behavior by a lot of people. But some are happy to point out the evils of others while ignoring their own faults.

Which I guess is also human nature.

Right sure it is.:eusa_whistle:
Soviets had one Hell of a purge too as did Nazi Germany. All despots do it...Perhaps Joey isn't familiar with the term "useful IDIOTS"?

And we had slavery and slaughtered the native Americans because they happened to be in the way. We slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the Philippines and Vietnam and we are still trying to get an accurate accounting in Iraq.

I think your magic sky pixie used to say something about complaining about the mote in someone's eye when ingoring the timber in your own.

I'll attempt to correct what appears to be the deep pool of ignorance you're standing it.

Jesus, a jewish carpenter, is quoted as repeating what was, and still is, the common expression (although the translation of the word "mote" is probably closer to "small splinter").

No "magic sky pixie" was involved.

Actually, Jesus probably never really existed. He was made up by 2nd century mystics developing a backstory for their silly new religion.

It doesn't go to the point, though.

People like Mud and T are here whining about those foreigners and their human rights violations, but ignore the fact we have a few skeletons in our own closet.
A person who once said For the first time in my Adult life I am proud of America could also be expected too say All this for a damn flag

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJgWMI0hch8]Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" shown at three different speeds - YouTube[/ame]

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