Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

I don't know what you are talking about most of the time... and I certainly don't want to hear about the crabs on your anus.

Niether surprises me.

In fact, I'm sure that you're mystified by most of whatever you hear or read.


But this is why we have Special Education: to help you and others among the mentally handicapped population get a career mopping apple juice spilled in Isle 3 of the local Safeway.

No, guy, the problem isn't my reading, it's your writing... .

I will try to write simple sentences for you.

Their Bible is a bit bastardized, these days.


Liberals are bigots too.
When did Obama serve? I missed that?

Was someone forcing him not to join?

Fill us in...

BTW - where did you serve?

US Army. MOS 76Y30. Rank, Staff Sergeant.

How come your only defense of Romney is to attack other people?

Why not just defend Romney.

Do you think it's acceptable that he destroyed the lives of working people to make himself richer when he really didn't need to? I don't.

76 Yankee - Unit Supply Specialist.

I can see why you only mentioned your MOS by it's series number.



Hate to tell you this but not everyone is on the level that we have to deal with.

Communists have this crazy habit of turning on the very people that help put them in power.

They use people and then take them out once they don't need them anymore. Remember Khmer Rouge, the forced starvation that took place in Russia after the communist revolution.

The point is, we always have to fight evil as long as we're on this Earth. We aren't perfect but at least the options you'll find elsewhere are a heck of a lot worse.

What I remember about the Khmer Rogue is that the US bombed the shit out of Eastern Cambodia, displacing millions of people and killing hundreds of thousands, and driving them into the hands of the Khmer Rogue. And when the Cambodian government of Norodom Sihanouk complained, we staged a coup and toppled him and replaced him with a puppet named Lon Nol who just went along with us bombing and killing his people. After all, he was a western Cambodian, and those were just Eastern Peasents.

And when we finally pulled out, those angry folks in eastern Cambodia decided they were going to do something about old Lon Nol and his supporters in Western Cambodia.

But you'll leave those parts out. You'll say, "Gosh, I guess old Red was a bad dog" and leave out the part about how you locked him in a cage and beat him every day.

Same thing with the USSR. you talk about how those mean old Communists killed all those people and leave out the oppression of the Tsar, the brutality of WWI, and the long Russian Civil War that was exasperated by the attempt of the West to prop up various "White" factions. Ah, Old Red must have been a bad dog. forget about the brutality he faced for years before went on a rampage against the neighborhood children.

and this is a key point. Any political or economic system usually sounds wonderful on paper. Communism? Sounds wonderful on paper. Everyone is taken care of, everyone gets a fair share. Capitalism. Sounds wonderful on paper. If you work hard, you get rewarded.

Where they get messed up is when flawed human beings get plugged into the system,and just find ways of mucking it up.

Cambodia was our allies. I trained with some of those guys back in the 70s. Vietnam was a screwed up mess. War is messy. You act like the good guys always wore white and the bad guys always wear black. Sometimes even the good guys make mistakes and sometimes good people do terrible things.

It's one thing to make a mistake and quite another to commit genocide on your own people.

I seriously don't want to hear your excuses bud.
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Hate to tell you this but not everyone is on the level that we have to deal with.

Communists have this crazy habit of turning on the very people that help put them in power.

They use people and then take them out once they don't need them anymore. Remember Khmer Rouge, the forced starvation that took place in Russia after the communist revolution.

The point is, we always have to fight evil as long as we're on this Earth. We aren't perfect but at least the options you'll find elsewhere are a heck of a lot worse.

What I remember about the Khmer Rogue is that the US bombed the shit out of Eastern Cambodia, displacing millions of people and killing hundreds of thousands, and driving them into the hands of the Khmer Rogue. And when the Cambodian government of Norodom Sihanouk complained, we staged a coup and toppled him and replaced him with a puppet named Lon Nol who just went along with us bombing and killing his people. After all, he was a western Cambodian, and those were just Eastern Peasents.

And when we finally pulled out, those angry folks in eastern Cambodia decided they were going to do something about old Lon Nol and his supporters in Western Cambodia.

But you'll leave those parts out. You'll say, "Gosh, I guess old Red was a bad dog" and leave out the part about how you locked him in a cage and beat him every day.

Same thing with the USSR. you talk about how those mean old Communists killed all those people and leave out the oppression of the Tsar, the brutality of WWI, and the long Russian Civil War that was exasperated by the attempt of the West to prop up various "White" factions. Ah, Old Red must have been a bad dog. forget about the brutality he faced for years before went on a rampage against the neighborhood children.

and this is a key point. Any political or economic system usually sounds wonderful on paper. Communism? Sounds wonderful on paper. Everyone is taken care of, everyone gets a fair share. Capitalism. Sounds wonderful on paper. If you work hard, you get rewarded.

Where they get messed up is when flawed human beings get plugged into the system,and just find ways of mucking it up.

Cambodia was our allies. I trained with some of those guys back in the 70s. Vietnam was a screwed up mess. War is messy. You act like the good guys always wore white and the bad guys always wear black. Sometimes even the good guys make mistakes.

It's one thing to make a mistake and quite another to commit genocide on your own people.

I seriously don't want to hear your excuses bud.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dNxK_wslqo]Spy vs. Spy - YouTube[/ame]
Hate to tell you this but not everyone is on the level that we have to deal with.

Communists have this crazy habit of turning on the very people that help put them in power.

They use people and then take them out once they don't need them anymore. Remember Khmer Rouge, the forced starvation that took place in Russia after the communist revolution.

The point is, we always have to fight evil as long as we're on this Earth. We aren't perfect but at least the options you'll find elsewhere are a heck of a lot worse.

What I remember about the Khmer Rogue is that the US bombed the shit out of Eastern Cambodia, displacing millions of people and killing hundreds of thousands, and driving them into the hands of the Khmer Rogue. And when the Cambodian government of Norodom Sihanouk complained, we staged a coup and toppled him and replaced him with a puppet named Lon Nol who just went along with us bombing and killing his people. After all, he was a western Cambodian, and those were just Eastern Peasents.

And when we finally pulled out, those angry folks in eastern Cambodia decided they were going to do something about old Lon Nol and his supporters in Western Cambodia.

But you'll leave those parts out. You'll say, "Gosh, I guess old Red was a bad dog" and leave out the part about how you locked him in a cage and beat him every day.

Same thing with the USSR. you talk about how those mean old Communists killed all those people and leave out the oppression of the Tsar, the brutality of WWI, and the long Russian Civil War that was exasperated by the attempt of the West to prop up various "White" factions. Ah, Old Red must have been a bad dog. forget about the brutality he faced for years before went on a rampage against the neighborhood children.

and this is a key point. Any political or economic system usually sounds wonderful on paper. Communism? Sounds wonderful on paper. Everyone is taken care of, everyone gets a fair share. Capitalism. Sounds wonderful on paper. If you work hard, you get rewarded.

Where they get messed up is when flawed human beings get plugged into the system,and just find ways of mucking it up.

Cambodia was our allies. I trained with some of those guys back in the 70s. Vietnam was a screwed up mess. War is messy. You act like the good guys always wore white and the bad guys always wear black. Sometimes even the good guys make mistakes and sometimes good people do terrible things.

It's one thing to make a mistake and quite another to commit genocide on your own people.

I seriously don't want to hear your excuses bud.

One lead to the other, which is what you seem unable to grasp.

Yes, Vietnam was a mess, because we made it a mess. When Ho Chi Mihn threw out the French, that should have been the end of the issue. He was a national hero, and wouldhave won any election we had. And we tried to prop up a puppet regime. And when that puppet regime didn't do what we wanted we over threw it and put in a new puppet regime that was even more corrupt. And when neighboring countries wouldn't play along, we overthrew their government and put in puppet regimes and armed one faction or tribe against another.

And when we pulled out and they started getting payback on each other, we all pretended like it had nothing to do with us.

Kind of like what we do in the middle east, except in that case, some of the hornets follow us home.
Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Perhaps you wouldn't be laid off if you were worth a shit?

Just a thought...

Um... nope.

1996- Got laid off because the company closed it's entire Chicago Branch on the theory they could service the Chicago Area from Milwaukee where the owners lived. They couldn't. Company was out of business a year later.

2001- Got laid off because the company I worked for reorganized, eliminating our entire department. Again. Nothing to do with me personally.

2008- Got laid off because the company I worked for lost it's biggest account. Even then, they struggled to keep me around for a year as they worked to get that account back, and they had no one else who really understood it, so they had me doing "busy work".

Of four companies I've left in the last 20 years, three of them approached me to go work for them again.

So, uh, no, guy. Please stop trying to make my disdain for the way business is frequently done in this country about me.

Only if you were as great as you think you are.
Actually, if you could write ones that weren't stupid and off point, that would be a real help.

You mean stuff that includes remarks about a sky pixie?


Gotchya.....speaking of having a log in your eye.....


You make it too easy to make you look stupid.
Perhaps you wouldn't be laid off if you were worth a shit?

Just a thought...

Um... nope.

1996- Got laid off because the company closed it's entire Chicago Branch on the theory they could service the Chicago Area from Milwaukee where the owners lived. They couldn't. Company was out of business a year later.

2001- Got laid off because the company I worked for reorganized, eliminating our entire department. Again. Nothing to do with me personally.

2008- Got laid off because the company I worked for lost it's biggest account. Even then, they struggled to keep me around for a year as they worked to get that account back, and they had no one else who really understood it, so they had me doing "busy work".

Of four companies I've left in the last 20 years, three of them approached me to go work for them again.

So, uh, no, guy. Please stop trying to make my disdain for the way business is frequently done in this country about me.

Only if you were as great as you think you are.

Actually, I'm pretty awesome... but it isn't about me, guy. I'll survive, I always have.

It's about what's good for the country. And a country where we destroy the middle class so a few rich douchebags can have car elevators and polo ponies is not one that is going to last.
Actually, if you could write ones that weren't stupid and off point, that would be a real help.

You mean stuff that includes remarks about a sky pixie?


Gotchya.....speaking of having a log in your eye.....


You make it too easy to make you look stupid.

I was completely on point, it was your inability to keep out of the weeds that was the problem.

(Next this retard is going to start explaining the fundementals of golf because he can't understand a metaphor.)
Actually, if you could write ones that weren't stupid and off point, that would be a real help.

You mean stuff that includes remarks about a sky pixie?


Gotchya.....speaking of having a log in your eye.....


You make it too easy to make you look stupid.

I was completely on point, it was your inability to keep out of the weeds that was the problem.

(Next this retard is going to start explaining the fundementals of golf because he can't understand a metaphor.)


Poor Joe.


Here's as simply as I can write it for you:

Stop while you're behind.


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