Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

What I remember about the Khmer Rogue is that the US bombed the shit out of Eastern Cambodia, displacing millions of people and killing hundreds of thousands, and driving them into the hands of the Khmer Rogue. And when the Cambodian government of Norodom Sihanouk complained, we staged a coup and toppled him and replaced him with a puppet named Lon Nol who just went along with us bombing and killing his people. After all, he was a western Cambodian, and those were just Eastern Peasents.

And when we finally pulled out, those angry folks in eastern Cambodia decided they were going to do something about old Lon Nol and his supporters in Western Cambodia.

But you'll leave those parts out. You'll say, "Gosh, I guess old Red was a bad dog" and leave out the part about how you locked him in a cage and beat him every day.

Same thing with the USSR. you talk about how those mean old Communists killed all those people and leave out the oppression of the Tsar, the brutality of WWI, and the long Russian Civil War that was exasperated by the attempt of the West to prop up various "White" factions. Ah, Old Red must have been a bad dog. forget about the brutality he faced for years before went on a rampage against the neighborhood children.

and this is a key point. Any political or economic system usually sounds wonderful on paper. Communism? Sounds wonderful on paper. Everyone is taken care of, everyone gets a fair share. Capitalism. Sounds wonderful on paper. If you work hard, you get rewarded.

Where they get messed up is when flawed human beings get plugged into the system,and just find ways of mucking it up.

Cambodia was our allies. I trained with some of those guys back in the 70s. Vietnam was a screwed up mess. War is messy. You act like the good guys always wore white and the bad guys always wear black. Sometimes even the good guys make mistakes and sometimes good people do terrible things.

It's one thing to make a mistake and quite another to commit genocide on your own people.

I seriously don't want to hear your excuses bud.

One lead to the other, which is what you seem unable to grasp.

Yes, Vietnam was a mess, because we made it a mess. When Ho Chi Mihn threw out the French, that should have been the end of the issue. He was a national hero, and wouldhave won any election we had. And we tried to prop up a puppet regime. And when that puppet regime didn't do what we wanted we over threw it and put in a new puppet regime that was even more corrupt. And when neighboring countries wouldn't play along, we overthrew their government and put in puppet regimes and armed one faction or tribe against another.

And when we pulled out and they started getting payback on each other, we all pretended like it had nothing to do with us.

Kind of like what we do in the middle east, except in that case, some of the hornets follow us home.

Yes.......we're a baaaaaaad country.

If you can provide an instance where we intentionally tried to kill off millions of our own citizens in some kind of purge so we can institute a different more progressive society then feel free to do so. Most of what I've seen from you is one-sided observations taught to you by someone who really doesn't like this country......because they're not from this country.

If you're an American, you are aren't you, I would think you were ripe for manipulation by our enemies. Most of what you believe leaves out some really important details, and the reason you do is because you're not looking at this objectively.

I've saying this in a nice way up until this point. To be honest.....if you were to start talking this smack around my former teammates you'd probably get your ass kicked up one side of the room and down the another.
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Cambodia was our allies. I trained with some of those guys back in the 70s. Vietnam was a screwed up mess. War is messy. You act like the good guys always wore white and the bad guys always wear black. Sometimes even the good guys make mistakes and sometimes good people do terrible things.

It's one thing to make a mistake and quite another to commit genocide on your own people.

I seriously don't want to hear your excuses bud.

One lead to the other, which is what you seem unable to grasp.

Yes, Vietnam was a mess, because we made it a mess. When Ho Chi Mihn threw out the French, that should have been the end of the issue. He was a national hero, and wouldhave won any election we had. And we tried to prop up a puppet regime. And when that puppet regime didn't do what we wanted we over threw it and put in a new puppet regime that was even more corrupt. And when neighboring countries wouldn't play along, we overthrew their government and put in puppet regimes and armed one faction or tribe against another.

And when we pulled out and they started getting payback on each other, we all pretended like it had nothing to do with us.

Kind of like what we do in the middle east, except in that case, some of the hornets follow us home.

Yes.......we're a baaaaaaad country.

If you can provide and instance where we intentionally tried to kill off millions of our own citizens in some kind of purge so we can institute different more progressive society then feel free to do so. Most of what I've seen from you is one-sided observations taught to you by someone who really doesn't like this country......because they're not from this country.

If you're an American, you are aren't you, I would think you were ripe for manipulation by our enemies. Most of what you believe leaves out some really important details, and the reason you do is because you're not looking at this objectively.

I've saying this in a nice way up until this point. To be honest.....if you were to start talking this smack around my former teammates you'd probably get your ass kicked up one side of the room and down the another.

And it would be deserved.
Um... nope.

1996- Got laid off because the company closed it's entire Chicago Branch on the theory they could service the Chicago Area from Milwaukee where the owners lived. They couldn't. Company was out of business a year later.

2001- Got laid off because the company I worked for reorganized, eliminating our entire department. Again. Nothing to do with me personally.

2008- Got laid off because the company I worked for lost it's biggest account. Even then, they struggled to keep me around for a year as they worked to get that account back, and they had no one else who really understood it, so they had me doing "busy work".

Of four companies I've left in the last 20 years, three of them approached me to go work for them again.

So, uh, no, guy. Please stop trying to make my disdain for the way business is frequently done in this country about me.

Only if you were as great as you think you are.

Actually, I'm pretty awesome... but it isn't about me, guy. I'll survive, I always have.

It's about what's good for the country. And a country where we destroy the middle class so a few rich douchebags can have car elevators and polo ponies is not one that is going to last.

Neither will a country that destroys both the rich and the middle class so girls can have abortions and the young can stay drug sotted for their whole lives.
Um... nope.

1996- Got laid off because the company closed it's entire Chicago Branch on the theory they could service the Chicago Area from Milwaukee where the owners lived. They couldn't. Company was out of business a year later.

2001- Got laid off because the company I worked for reorganized, eliminating our entire department. Again. Nothing to do with me personally.

2008- Got laid off because the company I worked for lost it's biggest account. Even then, they struggled to keep me around for a year as they worked to get that account back, and they had no one else who really understood it, so they had me doing "busy work".

Of four companies I've left in the last 20 years, three of them approached me to go work for them again.

So, uh, no, guy. Please stop trying to make my disdain for the way business is frequently done in this country about me.

Only if you were as great as you think you are.

Actually, I'm pretty awesome... but it isn't about me, guy. I'll survive, I always have.

It's about what's good for the country. And a country where we destroy the middle class so a few rich douchebags can have car elevators and polo ponies is not one that is going to last.

Actually we live in a country where anyone can make enough to buy those elevators, especially since they paid someone to build it......some middle-class contractor that needed work.

It's nice to live in a country where you don't have to belong to a party that allows you to have food on your table or a country where you have to be born into wealth or an country where the only way you can get rich is by producing drugs. Instead you can do it by being really good at what you do.

Your problem is you're too damned cynical about this country.
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Yes.......we're a baaaaaaad country.

If you can provide an instance where we intentionally tried to kill off millions of our own citizens in some kind of purge so we can institute a different more progressive society then feel free to do so. Most of what I've seen from you is one-sided observations taught to you by someone who really doesn't like this country......because they're not from this country.

Um, so it's okay if we kill millions of foreigners, then, just so long as they aren't Americans? It this your argument, because it's kind of lame. Did you just forget about the genocide of the Native Americans? Or the Slavery thing?

If you're an American, you are aren't you, I would think you were ripe for manipulation by our enemies. Most of what you believe leaves out some really important details, and the reason you do is because you're not looking at this objectively.

No, I am an American. I just don't go into the brainwashing that we are somehow better because our attrocities happened longer ago. I look at history like a historian. A historian doesn't pick sides. Just looks at the facts. We were wrong in Vietnam. Most sensible people agree with that now.

Shitty the way the vets were treated when they returned, but it was hardly a "noble cause". We tried to impose a government on people they didn't want. We bombed their villages and turned their daughters into prostitutes and wondered why they weren't into the whole thing.

I've saying this in a nice way up until this point. To be honest.....if you were to start talking this smack around my former teammates you'd probably get your ass kicked up one side of the room and down the another.

yeah, because, obviously, your former teammates are zombies who stopped thinking for themselves a long time ago.

Having met a few SF when I was in, I found most of them were a little whacked and none of them were the "super soldiers" the media makes them out to be.
Actually we live in a country where anyone can make enough to buy those elevators, especially since they paid someone to build it......some middle-class contractor that needed work.

But that's the point. Romney didn't do the work that made that money. Other people did. And Romney kept more than his fair share in the process of cheating the folks who were doing the actual work. That is when he wasn't cheating investors by loading down companies with debt to pay himself a handsome salary and then letting them go bankrupt, leaving the rest of us to hold the bag. The whole notion that's it great that the 1% gets half the wealth when they certainly aren't doing half the actual work is kind of silly.

It's nice to live in a country where you don't have to belong to a party that allows you to have food on your table or a country where you have to be born into wealth or an country where the only way you can get rich is by producing drugs. Instead you can do it by being really good at what you do.

Your problem is you're too damned cynical about this country.

yes, it would be nice is we still lived in that country. We really don't anymore. Every recession becomes an excuse for these assholes to tighten the screws a little more on working folks.

I'm cynical because there is no reason for me not to be. Because we have an unacceptable status quo. YOu whine about what the Commies did in Russia, but the fact is, we are going on the same path as the Tsars did. Let the fuckin' peasents starve as long as we get our mansions and our car elevators. Check in with the Romanovs to see how well that worked out.

I mean, I guess they can keep getting you mouthbreathers to get upset about abortion and guns and Jay-a-zus and the gheys. Shit, I fell for that stuff for years. But the end of the day, you don't have economic justice, the rest of that shit doesn't really matter.
It's about what's good for the country. And a country where we destroy the middle class so a few rich douchebags can have car elevators and polo ponies is not one that is going to last.

Neither will a country that destroys both the rich and the middle class so girls can have abortions and the young can stay drug sotted for their whole lives.

But I ask the question, who is destroying the middle class here?

I'll admit, I'd probably agree that the democrat who raises taxes so more people can be on welfare is putting a pinch on the middle class.

But so is the rich person who decides to downsize employees, outsource manufacturing to China, etc.

You guys whine about abortion, but as I pointed out in the other thread, countries that have high taxes on the rich and strong social welfare programs have less abortions than we do, even with the government paying for them.

The Obama White House is in full panic mode. Folks that normally support him are now openly second-guessing his policies and are being called onto the carpet to modify their honest opinions. Corey Booker was embarrassed personally by Barrack Obama soon after saying that his campaign against Bain Capital was nauseating. Now the White House has said "He's Dead To Me".

Sounds like a scene from the Sopranos.

Even "Bubba" has said that Mitt Romney had "Sterling Credentials" and that Obama's policies were potentially damaging to the economy. Of course he had to walk back those comments, without actually walking them back. Instead he simply apologized for being so open about his beliefs. To be honest, I don't think Obama is half the president that Bill Clinton was, so these comments carry weight.​


I've always known that it wouldn't take much for the media and Democrats to do a number on Obama. If they were all of the sudden to stop speaking in tongues and turn over a new leaf, they could destroy him practically overnight. I think the final straw was his obvious lack of support for the Wisconsin recall effort.

You see Obama hates hanging with losers. He loves rubbing elbows with the cool people. This is a leftover from his days in Harvard where everyone is cool, at least in their own minds. He loves being the center of attention even among heroes, even though he isn't one of them, being around great people to Obama is the next best thing to being great.

Obama has never been one to take on tough issues, regardless of how people claim he has. He hates losing, so much so that he avoids the possibility like the plague. This is what stops him from being great. He has this fear of failure. Well, this time it's coming back to haunt him. So many on the left were counting on Wisconsin and all he could muster was a lame tweet supporting the Democrat opposing Scott Walker. Now all of those security leaks matter and all of his criminality is starting to matter, even to Democrats.

Obama has had two things going for him. The Osama Bin Laden take down and his nice guy image. He's beginning to lose even that. The closer it gets to the election the more he's going to panic and the more his real personality will become known. His penchant for throwing others under the bus and his self-centered attitude is biting him in the ass big-time. I'm just worried about what he's capable of before leaving office. Will he let his vindictive nature get the better of him?

Must be nice to take a word here and a word there and build entire scenarios around them totally out of context to get a whole other story.
Actually we live in a country where anyone can make enough to buy those elevators, especially since they paid someone to build it......some middle-class contractor that needed work.

But that's the point. Romney didn't do the work that made that money. Other people did. And Romney kept more than his fair share in the process of cheating the folks who were doing the actual work. That is when he wasn't cheating investors by loading down companies with debt to pay himself a handsome salary and then letting them go bankrupt, leaving the rest of us to hold the bag. The whole notion that's it great that the 1% gets half the wealth when they certainly aren't doing half the actual work is kind of silly.

It's nice to live in a country where you don't have to belong to a party that allows you to have food on your table or a country where you have to be born into wealth or an country where the only way you can get rich is by producing drugs. Instead you can do it by being really good at what you do.

Your problem is you're too damned cynical about this country.

yes, it would be nice is we still lived in that country. We really don't anymore. Every recession becomes an excuse for these assholes to tighten the screws a little more on working folks.

I'm cynical because there is no reason for me not to be. Because we have an unacceptable status quo. YOu whine about what the Commies did in Russia, but the fact is, we are going on the same path as the Tsars did. Let the fuckin' peasents starve as long as we get our mansions and our car elevators. Check in with the Romanovs to see how well that worked out.

I mean, I guess they can keep getting you mouthbreathers to get upset about abortion and guns and Jay-a-zus and the gheys. Shit, I fell for that stuff for years. But the end of the day, you don't have economic justice, the rest of that shit doesn't really matter.


You're the one always whining about Mormons and shit.

Get over it.

The Obama White House is in full panic mode. Folks that normally support him are now openly second-guessing his policies and are being called onto the carpet to modify their honest opinions. Corey Booker was embarrassed personally by Barrack Obama soon after saying that his campaign against Bain Capital was nauseating. Now the White House has said "He's Dead To Me".

Sounds like a scene from the Sopranos.

Even "Bubba" has said that Mitt Romney had "Sterling Credentials" and that Obama's policies were potentially damaging to the economy. Of course he had to walk back those comments, without actually walking them back. Instead he simply apologized for being so open about his beliefs. To be honest, I don't think Obama is half the president that Bill Clinton was, so these comments carry weight.​


I've always known that it wouldn't take much for the media and Democrats to do a number on Obama. If they were all of the sudden to stop speaking in tongues and turn over a new leaf, they could destroy him practically overnight. I think the final straw was his obvious lack of support for the Wisconsin recall effort.

You see Obama hates hanging with losers. He loves rubbing elbows with the cool people. This is a leftover from his days in Harvard where everyone is cool, at least in their own minds. He loves being the center of attention even among heroes, even though he isn't one of them, being around great people to Obama is the next best thing to being great.

Obama has never been one to take on tough issues, regardless of how people claim he has. He hates losing, so much so that he avoids the possibility like the plague. This is what stops him from being great. He has this fear of failure. Well, this time it's coming back to haunt him. So many on the left were counting on Wisconsin and all he could muster was a lame tweet supporting the Democrat opposing Scott Walker. Now all of those security leaks matter and all of his criminality is starting to matter, even to Democrats.

Obama has had two things going for him. The Osama Bin Laden take down and his nice guy image. He's beginning to lose even that. The closer it gets to the election the more he's going to panic and the more his real personality will become known. His penchant for throwing others under the bus and his self-centered attitude is biting him in the ass big-time. I'm just worried about what he's capable of before leaving office. Will he let his vindictive nature get the better of him?

Must be nice to take a word here and a word there and build entire scenarios around them totally out of context to get a whole other story.

Is that the best you can do?

Those words and characters were highlighted to keep the reader from falling asleep and keep them interested.

Guess a Chode like you would never understand the technique and why it is used.

You're the one always whining about Mormons and shit.

Get over it.

I am over it. Now I just blast Mormons on principle. If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it.

But honestly, Romney could renounce the Mormon Cult tomorrow, and he'd still be an awful person.

You're the one always whining about Mormons and shit.

Get over it.

I am over it. Now I just blast Mormons on principle. If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it.

But honestly, Romney could renounce the Mormon Cult tomorrow, and he'd still be an awful person.

That makes you a bigot then. :eusa_eh:

You're the one always whining about Mormons and shit.

Get over it.

I am over it. Now I just blast Mormons on principle. If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it.

But honestly, Romney could renounce the Mormon Cult tomorrow, and he'd still be an awful person.

That makes you a bigot then. :eusa_eh:

What a strange conclusion.
I am over it. Now I just blast Mormons on principle. If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it.

But honestly, Romney could renounce the Mormon Cult tomorrow, and he'd still be an awful person.

That makes you a bigot then. :eusa_eh:

What a strange conclusion.

Actually.....no....because he's lying.

He only said the last sentence to provide cover for himself. He knows I'm right and won't admit it.

The sentence before gave him away:

"If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it."
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