Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

You are the one entertaining delusions. Obama's Closest Supporters are starting to Question him, Because he is a fucking idiot. Period.

Your right, the Bain Stuff does Resonate with some people. Ignorant people that are unable to see through the LIES Obama is selling. Like yourself.
He bungled the Oath Of Office, wandered around outside the WH looking how to get into the oval office - then things went downhill from there....
The Republicans have been in the media spotlight for a year while the Democrats stayed in the wings, waiting for them to nominate a presidential candidate.

Now that Romney appears to have become that candidate, the free ride is over and the serious campaigning starts.

To say that the OP has declared victory prematurely would be an understatement to say the least.

In 2008, Obama came out of nowhere and beat the Clintons who had the whole Democratic establishment lined up behind them - anybody who underestimates BHO is a fool.
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Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

No it doesn't resonate with our society. Americans appreciate hard work and success--and Romney has done that. No one wins a campaign by continually attacking their opponents. They have to stand on their own accomplishments--and if they don't have any--they're sunk before they even begin.
Up until now, Romney and his PACs have had the money to "steamroller" any opposition.

Now that the finances are more balanced, its time to see if Romney can withstand a media attack as well as he can dish it out!
The Republicans have been in the media spotlight for a year while the Democrats stayed in the wings, waiting for them to nominate a presidential candidate.

Now that Romney appears to have become that candidate, the free ride is over and the serious campaigning starts.

To say that the OP has declared victory prematurely would be an understatement to say the least.

In 2008, Obama came out of nowhere and beat the Clintons who had the whole Democratic establishment lined up behind them - anybody who underestimates BHO is a fool.

Obama won in 2008 because people bought into a vague notion of "Hope & Change".

In 2012 the electorate has a good idea of what Barry brings to the table and it's been more finger pointing and excuse making than it's been getting anything done. Why would anyone want to reelect a President who ran out of ideas a year into his first term?

You're the one always whining about Mormons and shit.

Get over it.

I am over it. Now I just blast Mormons on principle. If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it.

But honestly, Romney could renounce the Mormon Cult tomorrow, and he'd still be an awful person.

That makes you a bigot then. :eusa_eh:

No, it makes me someone with a value judgement.

There are only two intellectually honest positions you can have on Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God, where do I sign up for my own pair of Magic Underpants?

2) Joseph Smith was a con man, pedophile and fraud, and anyone who believes he was talking to God is a deranged cultist who can't be trusted.

There simply is no middle ground.

There is a intellectually dishonest position. "I know his religions is fucking nuts, but I hate the black guy so much that I will support nearly anything that has a chance of beating him."

Which is where I'm guessing you're coming from.
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

No it doesn't resonate with our society. Americans appreciate hard work and success--and Romney has done that. No one wins a campaign by continually attacking their opponents. They have to stand on their own accomplishments--and if they don't have any--they're sunk before they even begin.

Romney was born on third base and thought he hit a triple. Most AMericans don't like rich douchebags who lord it over the rest of us.
That makes you a bigot then. :eusa_eh:

What a strange conclusion.

Actually.....no....because he's lying.

He only said the last sentence to provide cover for himself. He knows I'm right and won't admit it.

The sentence before gave him away:

"If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it."

What does that give away?

That I don't trust cults that have secret ceremonies, actively try to dupe young people into joining, have a long history of racism, homophobia, misogyny.

I made the mistake of trusting Mormons once.. That's never happening again.
What a strange conclusion.

Actually.....no....because he's lying.

He only said the last sentence to provide cover for himself. He knows I'm right and won't admit it.

The sentence before gave him away:

"If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it."

What does that give away?

That I don't trust cults that have secret ceremonies, actively try to dupe young people into joining, have a long history of racism, homophobia, misogyny.

I made the mistake of trusting Mormons once.. That's never happening again.

Yup.....so the next one and the next one pays the price for one individual.

That's bigotry.

Well, at least you're willing to admit it......even though you try to avoid the label.

I figure you'll never understand what Mormons are really like until you become one......figure the odds on that ever happening.

You know, I don't see Mormons producing suicide bombers by the thousands. I don't see them murdering innocent people. I really don't understand why you have such a hardon for them.
I am over it. Now I just blast Mormons on principle. If it's a Mormon, I dont even wait for him to be about whatever he's up to. I assume he's up to no good and I put a stop to it.

But honestly, Romney could renounce the Mormon Cult tomorrow, and he'd still be an awful person.

That makes you a bigot then. :eusa_eh:

No, it makes me someone with a value judgement.

There are only two intellectually honest positions you can have on Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God, where do I sign up for my own pair of Magic Underpants?

2) Joseph Smith was a con man, pedophile and fraud, and anyone who believes he was talking to God is a deranged cultist who can't be trusted.

There simply is no middle ground.

There is a intellectually dishonest position. "I know his religions is fucking nuts, but I hate the black guy so much that I will support nearly anything that has a chance of beating him."

Which is where I'm guessing you're coming from.

Oh, so now you're trying to call me a racist?

I could care less who or what Joseph Smith was. Mormons are not part of the same Borg-like mindset. They do not collectively answer for what other members do. If one member commits a crime must they all pay for it? According to you they should. I suggest you apply that same rationale to Muslims or Catholics. Is it any less true in their case?
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

No it doesn't resonate with our society. Americans appreciate hard work and success--and Romney has done that. No one wins a campaign by continually attacking their opponents. They have to stand on their own accomplishments--and if they don't have any--they're sunk before they even begin.

Romney was born on third base and thought he hit a triple. Most AMericans don't like rich douchebags who lord it over the rest of us.

Like Obama????

Obama is rich.....he's a stuck up Harvard grad, and he has this habit of lording it over the rest of us constantly. He feels he's better than us common folk.

Oh, I know.....you just don't like the rich white guy. You must figure that blacks are different when they're rich. They are immune to being called snobs because they're all down for the struggle. Am I right? 400 years of oppression has given them collectively a get out of jail free card.
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Yup.....so the next one and the next one pays the price for one individual.

That's bigotry.

Well, at least you're willing to admit it......even though you try to avoid the label.

No. It's a value judgement. If i go to a resturant and find a big honking cockroach in my soup, I'm not being a bigot if I never eat there again.

If I encounter members of a cult, and find they are backstabbing crazy people, I'm not being a bigot if I don't trust them.

I figure you'll never understand what Mormons are really like until you become one......figure the odds on that ever happening.

Well, yeah, I don't believe in magic sky men who grant your wishes... I have contempt for all religions, really. But Mormonism gets an extra ration of my contempt because the fraud is so obvious. This was a two-bit con man who wanted to have sex with children. I'd be just as horrified if in 150 years, a Branch Davidian was the leading candidate for president.

However are we going to get rid of the scourge of religion if we can't even weed out the obvious frauds.

Speaking of religious bigotry...

You know, I don't see Mormons producing suicide bombers by the thousands. I don't see them murdering innocent people. I really don't understand why you have such a hardon for them.

You don't see Mormons murdering innocent people?


Ever hear of the "Mountain Meadows Massacre"?

Why do I have a hard on for them, as you say? Well, yeah, I met some when I was stationed at Ft. Lewis in 1983, and frankly, they creeped me the fuck out, to be honest. And they were the most backstabbing POS's I ever met in my life.

But that was before I started to educate myself on the Magic Underwear, Jaredite Submarines, Planet Kolob, and so on. I just realized that there was something seriously wrong with these people. When I started to delve into the specifics of their beliefs, I was shocked and horrified at the weirdness.
Oh, so now you're trying to call me a racist?

I could care less who or what Joseph Smith was. Mormons are not part of the same Borg-like mindset. They do not collectively answer for what other members do. If one member commits a crime must they all pay for it? According to you they should. I suggest you apply that same rationale to Muslims or Catholics. Is it any less true in their case?

No, I'm not "trying". I did. 99% of the opposition to Obama is based on Racism. It can't be on philosophy, because he's continued most of the policies of Bush that you guys supported. If he were white and Republican, you'd think he was the most awesomest president ever.

And, yes, Mormon are of a mindset. they all believe that their Prophet talks directly to God. He says, "We got to stop gay marriage in California, even though few of us live there and no one is making us do it" and the little Mormon Drones empty out their kid's college funds to support Proposition Hate.

But the very fact you say that you don't care who Joseph Smith was, but you are willing to let a guy who thinks he was talking to God because you think he might do stuff you want, I think you are buying a pig in a poke.

What if Romney is really crazy? He's already proven to be kind of a sociopath, really.
Like Obama????

Obama is rich.....he's a stuck up Harvard grad, and he has this habit of lording it over the rest of us constantly. He feels he's better than us common folk.

Oh, I know.....you just don't like the rich white guy. You must figure that blacks are different when they're rich. They are immune to being called snobs because they're all down for the struggle. Am I right? 400 years of oppression has given them collectively a get out of jail free card.

Obama didn't become rich until he became an adult. He actually came from a very middle class background. And he earned his place despite being born in a country that considered him a second class citizen because of his race. That's actually kind of impressive.

I don't give Obama a pass. I've criticized him when I think he's wrong on an issue. But this is ultimately a choice. Obama for his flaws is a decent guy who cares about people like me and understands my problems.

Romney is a weird Mormon cultist who is out for himself and always has been. He's never advocated a solution to a problem that didn't benefit rich people.
Yup.....so the next one and the next one pays the price for one individual.

That's bigotry.

Well, at least you're willing to admit it......even though you try to avoid the label.

No. It's a value judgement. If i go to a resturant and find a big honking cockroach in my soup, I'm not being a bigot if I never eat there again.

If I encounter members of a cult, and find they are backstabbing crazy people, I'm not being a bigot if I don't trust them.

I figure you'll never understand what Mormons are really like until you become one......figure the odds on that ever happening.

Well, yeah, I don't believe in magic sky men who grant your wishes... I have contempt for all religions, really. But Mormonism gets an extra ration of my contempt because the fraud is so obvious. This was a two-bit con man who wanted to have sex with children. I'd be just as horrified if in 150 years, a Branch Davidian was the leading candidate for president.

However are we going to get rid of the scourge of religion if we can't even weed out the obvious frauds.

Speaking of religious bigotry...

You know, I don't see Mormons producing suicide bombers by the thousands. I don't see them murdering innocent people. I really don't understand why you have such a hardon for them.

You don't see Mormons murdering innocent people?


Ever hear of the "Mountain Meadows Massacre"?

Why do I have a hard on for them, as you say? Well, yeah, I met some when I was stationed at Ft. Lewis in 1983, and frankly, they creeped me the fuck out, to be honest. And they were the most backstabbing POS's I ever met in my life.

But that was before I started to educate myself on the Magic Underwear, Jaredite Submarines, Planet Kolob, and so on. I just realized that there was something seriously wrong with these people. When I started to delve into the specifics of their beliefs, I was shocked and horrified at the weirdness.

Wow......I mean......just WOW!!!!

I think everyone in the world has heard of the mountain meadows massecre.......oh my.

Like I said, you love to base your beliefs off of one isolated incident......at the same time you're supporting a white house that actively supports the Arab Spring with not only air assets but weapons and training along with a good deal of taxpayer money. I'm seeing massive hypocrisy on your part here.
Oh, so now you're trying to call me a racist?

I could care less who or what Joseph Smith was. Mormons are not part of the same Borg-like mindset. They do not collectively answer for what other members do. If one member commits a crime must they all pay for it? According to you they should. I suggest you apply that same rationale to Muslims or Catholics. Is it any less true in their case?

No, I'm not "trying". I did. 99% of the opposition to Obama is based on Racism. It can't be on philosophy, because he's continued most of the policies of Bush that you guys supported. If he were white and Republican, you'd think he was the most awesomest president ever.

And, yes, Mormon are of a mindset. they all believe that their Prophet talks directly to God. He says, "We got to stop gay marriage in California, even though few of us live there and no one is making us do it" and the little Mormon Drones empty out their kid's college funds to support Proposition Hate.

But the very fact you say that you don't care who Joseph Smith was, but you are willing to let a guy who thinks he was talking to God because you think he might do stuff you want, I think you are buying a pig in a poke.

What if Romney is really crazy? He's already proven to be kind of a sociopath, really.

Actually you're exhibiting more sociopath tendencies than anyone here.

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