Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

Divide me?

That's impossible.

But he has declared my favorite cigarettes illegal, has sent the IRS after my business in his first 4 months in office, and called me and everyone else like me "Teabaggers".

I don't have the time to mention the rest of the things he's personally done to me. I have to get to work.

My nephew works for the IRS, and I can promise you, if the IRS went after your business, it was probably because you screwed up, not because of some vendetta.

But I think it's amusing that you hate Obama because the IRS finally caught you on his watch. And you say I'm bad for nursing a grudge against Mormons from 1983.

As for the "Teabagger" thing, I hate to say this, you all were calling yourselves that before you figured out why the left was mocking you for it. You were the ones sending "teabags" to Congress. You thought it was the wittiest thing in teh world, until someone pointed out it was slang for a sex act.

I don't pay near enough attention. What do the TPM members call themselves, now that the bagger bit is out?
Like Obama????

Obama is rich.....he's a stuck up Harvard grad, and he has this habit of lording it over the rest of us constantly. He feels he's better than us common folk.

Oh, I know.....you just don't like the rich white guy. You must figure that blacks are different when they're rich. They are immune to being called snobs because they're all down for the struggle. Am I right? 400 years of oppression has given them collectively a get out of jail free card.

Obama didn't become rich until he became an adult. He actually came from a very middle class background. And he earned his place despite being born in a country that considered him a second class citizen because of his race. That's actually kind of impressive.

I don't give Obama a pass. I've criticized him when I think he's wrong on an issue. But this is ultimately a choice. Obama for his flaws is a decent guy who cares about people like me and understands my problems.

Romney is a weird Mormon cultist who is out for himself and always has been. He's never advocated a solution to a problem that didn't benefit rich people.

It really shouldn't matter how you became rich. What should matter is what you do with it once you are rich.

I see Obama as a braggart who has spent the last 20 plus year being coddled and protected by members of the Weather Underground and the media.

What you have a problem with is a false stereotype. Your prejudices aren't based in reality. You assume that the propaganda that Obama puts out about Mitt Romney are accurate. You easily fall pray to their intellectually lazy arguments because you hate Mormons. That's why they work on you. Harry Reid is a Mormon yet you don't have a hardon for him. However he is a perfect example of a 'bad Mormon'.

(responding to bolded quote)

That's it. The media is the Weather Underground. That's why they get tingles under their pant legs as Obama/Weatherman/God damn America Church displaces one American Institution after another. If they say they aren't, they should face the facts: they support upheavel to the point of killing someone like Officer Brian V. McConnell, whose last activity was watching the speeding shards from Ms. Dorne's little home-crafted bomb left on the Park Police Station windowsill of the coming at him to take his life, San Fransicko, California.


Officer Brian V. McDonnell, before (link) the Weatherman drop off bomb took his life at Park Police Station, SF, CA
You know what, you say that shit and you expose your own hatred.

At least I'm honest about who I don't like and why.

You should try to do the same.

What has Obama personally done to "divide" you? Seriously.

If anything, I think he went too far out of his way to accommedate the Republicans, who oppose him even when he does things they previously supported.

They were all for killing Khadafy and Bin Laden, until Obama actually killed them.

Divide me?

That's impossible.

But he has declared my favorite cigarettes illegal, has sent the IRS after my business in his first 4 months in office, and called me and everyone else like me "Teabaggers".

I don't have the time to mention the rest of the things he's personally done to me. I have to get to work.

How did he do the sending IRS thing. You personalize it, and it cannot possibly be so.

Nope, within 4 months of taking office the IRS went to my business and audited my Western Union account looking for folks sending money overseas. They closed my business down for two days and made copies of all of my files using my paper and my copy machine. Then while they were doing this they asked my wife what she thought of the president. Why the subject came up I can only guess.
Divide me?

That's impossible.

But he has declared my favorite cigarettes illegal, has sent the IRS after my business in his first 4 months in office, and called me and everyone else like me "Teabaggers".

I don't have the time to mention the rest of the things he's personally done to me. I have to get to work.

My nephew works for the IRS, and I can promise you, if the IRS went after your business, it was probably because you screwed up, not because of some vendetta.

But I think it's amusing that you hate Obama because the IRS finally caught you on his watch. And you say I'm bad for nursing a grudge against Mormons from 1983.

As for the "Teabagger" thing, I hate to say this, you all were calling yourselves that before you figured out why the left was mocking you for it. You were the ones sending "teabags" to Congress. You thought it was the wittiest thing in teh world, until someone pointed out it was slang for a sex act.

I don't pay near enough attention. What do the TPM members call themselves, now that the bagger bit is out?

Ask yourself if an 80 year old Grandmother knew what Teabagging means among Obama's Gay friends and I'm sure she'll quit calling herself that.
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Gee, what's wrong with me? I've never been laid off. Oops...there goes that idiotic theory.
My nephew works for the IRS, and I can promise you, if the IRS went after your business, it was probably because you screwed up, not because of some vendetta.

But I think it's amusing that you hate Obama because the IRS finally caught you on his watch. And you say I'm bad for nursing a grudge against Mormons from 1983.

As for the "Teabagger" thing, I hate to say this, you all were calling yourselves that before you figured out why the left was mocking you for it. You were the ones sending "teabags" to Congress. You thought it was the wittiest thing in teh world, until someone pointed out it was slang for a sex act.

I don't pay near enough attention. What do the TPM members call themselves, now that the bagger bit is out?

Ask yourself if an 80 year old Grandmother knew what Teabagging means among Obama's Gay friends and I'm sure she'll quit calling herself that.

Nosrsly. What are they called now.
Divide me?

That's impossible.

But he has declared my favorite cigarettes illegal, has sent the IRS after my business in his first 4 months in office, and called me and everyone else like me "Teabaggers".

I don't have the time to mention the rest of the things he's personally done to me. I have to get to work.

My nephew works for the IRS, and I can promise you, if the IRS went after your business, it was probably because you screwed up, not because of some vendetta.

But I think it's amusing that you hate Obama because the IRS finally caught you on his watch. And you say I'm bad for nursing a grudge against Mormons from 1983.

As for the "Teabagger" thing, I hate to say this, you all were calling yourselves that before you figured out why the left was mocking you for it. You were the ones sending "teabags" to Congress. You thought it was the wittiest thing in teh world, until someone pointed out it was slang for a sex act.

So you think it's cool for the president to mock people he doesn't agree with? Millions of middle-class Americans?

Talking about lording it over the rest of us. Shit!!!!!

Oh, and btw.......the IRS found nothing wrong. They were just data-mining. Looking for suspects. I followed the law in every single case the investigation discovered.
I don't pay near enough attention. What do the TPM members call themselves, now that the bagger bit is out?

Ask yourself if an 80 year old Grandmother knew what Teabagging means among Obama's Gay friends and I'm sure she'll quit calling herself that.

Nosrsly. What are they called now.
According to Homeland Security they're possible terrorists along with every Iraq War veteran.

I don't hate Obama.

I do hate the way he does or doesn't do his job.

I don't like the way he constantly divides us. No leader can get anything done if he's the cause of most of the problems.

You know what, you say that shit and you expose your own hatred.

At least I'm honest about who I don't like and why.

You should try to do the same.

What has Obama personally done to "divide" you? Seriously.

If anything, I think he went too far out of his way to accommedate the Republicans, who oppose him even when he does things they previously supported.

They were all for killing Khadafy and Bin Laden, until Obama actually killed them.

At this point you should just take a sabbatical from the board until after the election, Joe. Republicans were against killing Osama Bin Laden? Really?

Look, I don't know what your deal is with hating Mormons so much but when it leads you to make statements as stupid as the ones above then it's time you admitted that you've lost the ability to be rational on the subject.
Nope, within 4 months of taking office the IRS went to my business and audited my Western Union account looking for folks sending money overseas. They closed my business down for two days and made copies of all of my files using my paper and my copy machine. Then while they were doing this they asked my wife what she thought of the president. Why the subject came up I can only guess.

Really? I mean most paranoids know exactly why the Gummit is out to get them.

At this point you should just take a sabbatical from the board until after the election, Joe. Republicans were against killing Osama Bin Laden? Really?

Look, I don't know what your deal is with hating Mormons so much but when it leads you to make statements as stupid as the ones above then it's time you admitted that you've lost the ability to be rational on the subject.

NOt at all.... so much bullshit has come out of your mouths about the Bin Laden thing, like he took credit for what the Seals did and we should have taken him alive and how do we know he's really dead... it's kind of pathetic.

Frankly, this is the problem with you guys. You hate Obama so insanely that you are against things that you used to be for.

ALl for Mandates- Until the Black Guy did it.

All for Killing Qadafi - Until the Black Guy Did It.

All for Killing Osama- Until the Black Guy did It.
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So you think it's cool for the president to mock people he doesn't agree with? Millions of middle-class Americans?

Talking about lording it over the rest of us. Shit!!!!!

Oh, and btw.......the IRS found nothing wrong. They were just data-mining. Looking for suspects. I followed the law in every single case the investigation discovered.

Then what are you whining about then? Oh, they used your copier. I get it.

Frankly, mocking Teabaggers is really the only appropriate response to them. Never have I seen a stupider political movement.

Teabagger - "We's being taxed too much!"

Sensible Person - "Um, Obama Cut your taxes!"

Teabagger - "And he better keep his Gummit hands off my Medicare!"

Sensible Person - "Um, Medicare is a government program!"

Teabagger - "Did you know he was born in Kenya?"

Sensible person - "Oh, sweet evil Jesus, don't ever breed!"

obama cut taxes!

Yeah, sure he did.

Gives oddduck a new meaning.

Read and learn...

PolitiFact | Tax cut for 95 percent? The stimulus made it so

Here, we wanted to check Obama's statement that he cut taxes for 95 percent of working families.

The key word in his statement is "working." Obama's claim is based on a tax cut intended to offset payroll taxes. Under the stimulus bill, single workers got $400, and working couples got $800. The Internal Revenue Service issued new guidelines to reduce withholdings for income tax, so many workers saw a small increase in their checks in April 2009.
If trends continue, Obama will be in trouble, the key states are tightening and even states like Oregon, the gap is narrowing.

The issue is this is June and so much can and will happen, but Obama and his people watch those polls and they are keenly aware that things are tightening. This should be interesting but Obama needs the gas to drop a lot further and people to flock to work.
If trends continue, Obama will be in trouble, the key states are tightening and even states like Oregon, the gap is narrowing.

The issue is this is June and so much can and will happen, but Obama and his people watch those polls and they are keenly aware that things are tightening. This should be interesting but Obama needs the gas to drop a lot further and people to flock to work.

Or he can just point out to people that whatever their disappointments in him are, Romney would be worse for everyone who isn't a Millionaire or a Mormon cultist.

The most telling reason why we shouldn't elect Romney.

He won't carry his home state.

The people who tried Romney-led government are rejecting it on the national level by 20 points.

Consider that for the moment. A presidential candidate who can't carry his home state?

Even losers like Walter Mondale and Barry Goldwater still managed to carry their home states when they were carrying nothing else.

Even Jimmy Carter carried his home state both times.

You have to ask yourselves, what do they know that we don't.
If trends continue, Obama will be in trouble, the key states are tightening and even states like Oregon, the gap is narrowing.

The issue is this is June and so much can and will happen, but Obama and his people watch those polls and they are keenly aware that things are tightening. This should be interesting but Obama needs the gas to drop a lot further and people to flock to work.

Or he can just point out to people that whatever their disappointments in him are, Romney would be worse for everyone who isn't a Millionaire or a Mormon cultist.

The most telling reason why we shouldn't elect Romney.

He won't carry his home state.

The people who tried Romney-led government are rejecting it on the national level by 20 points.

Consider that for the moment. A presidential candidate who can't carry his home state?

Even losers like Walter Mondale and Barry Goldwater still managed to carry their home states when they were carrying nothing else.

Even Jimmy Carter carried his home state both times.

You have to ask yourselves, what do they know that we don't.

So you're saying Obamacare was a bad idea?:eusa_whistle:
So you think it's cool for the president to mock people he doesn't agree with? Millions of middle-class Americans?

Talking about lording it over the rest of us. Shit!!!!!

Oh, and btw.......the IRS found nothing wrong. They were just data-mining. Looking for suspects. I followed the law in every single case the investigation discovered.

Then what are you whining about then? Oh, they used your copier. I get it.

Frankly, mocking Teabaggers is really the only appropriate response to them. Never have I seen a stupider political movement.

Teabagger - "We's being taxed too much!"

Sensible Person - "Um, Obama Cut your taxes!"

Teabagger - "And he better keep his Gummit hands off my Medicare!"

Sensible Person - "Um, Medicare is a government program!"

Teabagger - "Did you know he was born in Kenya?"

Sensible person - "Oh, sweet evil Jesus, don't ever breed!"

You are an idiot
Obamacare Robs Medicare to Pay the Bills of the Uninsured

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