Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

Why do you say such stupid shit like that? Ya see THAT'S what makes me really hate assholes like you. OK..Obama has an agenda that you and even I may not agree with... He tried to accomodate the GOPs in the house when THEY clearly hate America. I think he should have been a man and told TheBoner to fuck off. They display thier hatred for America when they will ignore America's needs because America made a choice in 2008 that they didn't like. They apparently hate democracy also.

Obama does not hate America.

if I am going to fundamentally change America you to would say I hate America, if you agree with me then you hate America.

Then you must REALLY hate America because since 1776 it has gone through numerous fundamental changes.

To numerous to numerate.

So at what point in Americas history did YOU love it?

The whole world has made fundamental changes.

Some changes are very bad and some are very good. All change requires some sacrifice. The invention of the automobile was devastating to the blacksmythe industry. The invention of barbed wire was devastating to free range ranching and the cattle drive industry...cowboys took a big hit. The invention of waterwheel and later steam powered machines that are used in manufacturing fundamentally changed the world. These advances all changed the world and the world adapted. It spawned a world where many of it's human occupants were drawn to cities and away from the farms. This meant that many people now needed to have some safety nets in place because of the fluxuations in manufacturing bases leaving people high and dry as manufacturing constantly moved towards ways of making things cheaper. So...people ..society ..have constantly made fundamental change to keep up.

Nowadays changes in finance have made all markets interdependant so when one group gets too big and too greedy and too stupid ..they can devastate huge percentages of a countries wealth..this can happen with incredible speed.

Yet you hate Obama.

Obama acted as best he could to minimize the devastation he walked into.

Did he do EVERYTHING right? No..probably not. That makes you hate him. What I would like to know is before all this hindsight you are so butt hurt over who exactly would have done a better job? McCain? You think McCrazy was up to the task? You think McCrazy would have made no mistakes?

Honest question...If the situation was exactly the same minus the health care bill would you hate McCain? In all likelyhood McCain would have left us in a bigger hole at this time in the recovery than Obama and you know what?.. You wouldn't blink an eye.

Ya the world is changing fundamentally. Next thing ya know is that most of the civilized world will provide single payer health care for it's citizens. OOOPS! They already do. We are the only hold out.

Question? If single payer health care is so evil why are there not riots in the streets to get it abolished in any other first world country?

Yet you hate Obama because he attempted to get some fundamental change in how our country addresses health care for it's citizens?

Why do you hate human beings? You don't have any special gripe on Obama. You just fucking hate people in general.

Have a nice life.

I wasn't the one who said I would fundamentally change America. obama said it.

Honest question...If the situation was exactly the same minus the health care bill would you hate McCain? In all likelyhood McCain would have left us in a bigger hole at this time in the recovery than Obama and you know what?.. You wouldn't blink an eye.
I never liked McCain I voted for him because of the lesser of two evils but not anymore.

Yet you hate Obama because he attempted to get some fundamental change in how our country addresses health care for it's citizens?
Do you understand what America's fundamentals are?

Question? If single payer health care is so evil why are there not riots in the streets to get it abolished in any other first world country?

Because unlike the supporters of obamacare we use restraint and act when we have no recourse.

Ya the world is changing fundamentally. Next thing ya know is that most of the civilized world will provide single payer health care for it's citizens. OOOPS! They already do. We are the only hold out.

Yes and those countries that have the socialized healthcare are going broke.
Nothing and no one could possibly heal the nation's divisiveness. The divisions are only reflected in the politics. The people are divided. Those divisions are so deep and so wide, with no point of compromise, that the nation must either war against itself or peaceably break apart.

The nation was more united under Reagan and Clinton than we are now. It takes a leader the bridge the gap of difference of belief to bring a nation together. obama has failed.
Nothing and no one could possibly heal the nation's divisiveness. The divisions are only reflected in the politics. The people are divided. Those divisions are so deep and so wide, with no point of compromise, that the nation must either war against itself or peaceably break apart.

And I disagree.
Obamacare and Romneycare are two different animals.

Only a retard thinks a law that is under 100 pages is identical to one that is over 2200.
Oh, and if I meet someone interested in lessons on how to be hypicritical bigot I'll let you know. Meanwhile, don't tell the rest of us how to act.

Well, frankly, I guess are you saying your a non-hypocrtical bigot because you can't admit your bigotry.

Mormonism is a lie. The only hypocrisy is pretending it isn't because a Mormon might give you something you want.

Now, on to your point, how does ObamaCare differ from RomneyCare, other than the number of pages?

They both essentially rely on the same notion. The force everyone to buy insurance, and limit what the insurance companies can disallow. No difference at all. Otherwise, you'd be able to name one other than "one is state, the other is federal (ignoring the fact individual states are given a lot of latitude to customize it.)
Sure Obama can do that. Obama is a millionaire, so what. I don't care the religion of Romney, Obama's religion didn't matter, neither is Romney's. Romney, to me has a better grasp of economics than Obama and Obama hasn't seemed to listen to the American people, so I ready to try the next in line.

Campaigning that you should vote for someone because the other is worse? Bad strategy.

As far as winning their home state, I am amazed that Romney got elected for anything in that state, it gives me the confidence he can do what is needed to heal the country from the decisiveness[sic] to this administration has doubled down on.

I think the word your tiny brain was searching for there was "divisiveness".

Of course, Romney's religion matters. It's a religion that had in its temple oath a vow to avenge the blood of its prophets against the United States until the 1920's.

And frankly, getting rich off Daddy's contacts and Daddy's money doesn't really impress me that much. Dubya Bush did that, and he was practically retarded.

The Obama White House is in full panic mode. Folks that normally support him are now openly second-guessing his policies and are being called onto the carpet to modify their honest opinions. Corey Booker was embarrassed personally by Barrack Obama soon after saying that his campaign against Bain Capital was nauseating. Now the White House has said "He's Dead To Me".

Sounds like a scene from the Sopranos.

Even "Bubba" has said that Mitt Romney had "Sterling Credentials" and that Obama's policies were potentially damaging to the economy. Of course he had to walk back those comments, without actually walking them back. Instead he simply apologized for being so open about his beliefs. To be honest, I don't think Obama is half the president that Bill Clinton was, so these comments carry weight.​


I've always known that it wouldn't take much for the media and Democrats to do a number on Obama. If they were all of the sudden to stop speaking in tongues and turn over a new leaf, they could destroy him practically overnight. I think the final straw was his obvious lack of support for the Wisconsin recall effort.

You see Obama hates hanging with losers. He loves rubbing elbows with the cool people. This is a leftover from his days in Harvard where everyone is cool, at least in their own minds. He loves being the center of attention even among heroes, even though he isn't one of them, being around great people to Obama is the next best thing to being great.

Obama has never been one to take on tough issues, regardless of how people claim he has. He hates losing, so much so that he avoids the possibility like the plague. This is what stops him from being great. He has this fear of failure. Well, this time it's coming back to haunt him. So many on the left were counting on Wisconsin and all he could muster was a lame tweet supporting the Democrat opposing Scott Walker. Now all of those security leaks matter and all of his criminality is starting to matter, even to Democrats.

Obama has had two things going for him. The Osama Bin Laden take down and his nice guy image. He's beginning to lose even that. The closer it gets to the election the more he's going to panic and the more his real personality will become known. His penchant for throwing others under the bus and his self-centered attitude is biting him in the ass big-time. I'm just worried about what he's capable of before leaving office. Will he let his vindictive nature get the better of him?


soon, hopefully, we all will be free


"Mr Obama, tear down this wall"
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Sure Obama can do that. Obama is a millionaire, so what. I don't care the religion of Romney, Obama's religion didn't matter, neither is Romney's. Romney, to me has a better grasp of economics than Obama and Obama hasn't seemed to listen to the American people, so I ready to try the next in line.

Campaigning that you should vote for someone because the other is worse? Bad strategy.

As far as winning their home state, I am amazed that Romney got elected for anything in that state, it gives me the confidence he can do what is needed to heal the country from the decisiveness[sic] to this administration has doubled down on.

I think the word your tiny brain was searching for there was "divisiveness".

Of course, Romney's religion matters. It's a religion that had in its temple oath a vow to avenge the blood of its prophets against the United States until the 1920's.

And frankly, getting rich off Daddy's contacts and Daddy's money doesn't really impress me that much. Dubya Bush did that, and he was practically retarded.

Y'know what impression I get? This is a wealthy man's gamble. He wants to win the Presidency. Not sure he'll know what to do with it if/when he gets it, but he'll just keep trying until he does.
Obamacare and Romneycare are two different animals.

Only a retard thinks a law that is under 100 pages is identical to one that is over 2200.
Oh, and if I meet someone interested in lessons on how to be hypicritical bigot I'll let you know. Meanwhile, don't tell the rest of us how to act.

Well, frankly, I guess are you saying your a non-hypocrtical bigot because you can't admit your bigotry.

Mormonism is a lie. The only hypocrisy is pretending it isn't because a Mormon might give you something you want.

Now, on to your point, how does ObamaCare differ from RomneyCare, other than the number of pages?

They both essentially rely on the same notion. The force everyone to buy insurance, and limit what the insurance companies can disallow. No difference at all. Otherwise, you'd be able to name one other than "one is state, the other is federal (ignoring the fact individual states are given a lot of latitude to customize it.)

I don't pretend anything. This country has a constitution that supports the right to free expression of religion. Every religion feels that theirs is the only true religion. Every one of them could be "A Lie". Singling out an entire group, class, or race and saying that you hate them because they belong to that group, class, or race is what bigotry is. I could give two shits if you don't like the label or not.

Obamacare and Romneycare have nothing in common. The only reason you think they are is because your kool-aide drinking ass fell for the lame-assed intellectually dense BS Obama and company has been dishing you.

Btw, listening to Obama giving stump speeches the last week or so shows he hasn't a clue how the economy works. Ether that or he thinks fuckwads like you will believe anything he says regardless how wrong it is.
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if I am going to fundamentally change America you to would say I hate America, if you agree with me then you hate America.

Then you must REALLY hate America because since 1776 it has gone through numerous fundamental changes.

To numerous to numerate.

So at what point in Americas history did YOU love it?

The whole world has made fundamental changes.

Some changes are very bad and some are very good. All change requires some sacrifice. The invention of the automobile was devastating to the blacksmythe industry. The invention of barbed wire was devastating to free range ranching and the cattle drive industry...cowboys took a big hit. The invention of waterwheel and later steam powered machines that are used in manufacturing fundamentally changed the world. These advances all changed the world and the world adapted. It spawned a world where many of it's human occupants were drawn to cities and away from the farms. This meant that many people now needed to have some safety nets in place because of the fluxuations in manufacturing bases leaving people high and dry as manufacturing constantly moved towards ways of making things cheaper. So...people ..society ..have constantly made fundamental change to keep up.

Nowadays changes in finance have made all markets interdependant so when one group gets too big and too greedy and too stupid ..they can devastate huge percentages of a countries wealth..this can happen with incredible speed.

Yet you hate Obama.

Obama acted as best he could to minimize the devastation he walked into.

Did he do EVERYTHING right? No..probably not. That makes you hate him. What I would like to know is before all this hindsight you are so butt hurt over who exactly would have done a better job? McCain? You think McCrazy was up to the task? You think McCrazy would have made no mistakes?

Honest question...If the situation was exactly the same minus the health care bill would you hate McCain? In all likelyhood McCain would have left us in a bigger hole at this time in the recovery than Obama and you know what?.. You wouldn't blink an eye.

Ya the world is changing fundamentally. Next thing ya know is that most of the civilized world will provide single payer health care for it's citizens. OOOPS! They already do. We are the only hold out.

Question? If single payer health care is so evil why are there not riots in the streets to get it abolished in any other first world country?

Yet you hate Obama because he attempted to get some fundamental change in how our country addresses health care for it's citizens?

Why do you hate human beings? You don't have any special gripe on Obama. You just fucking hate people in general.

Have a nice life.

I wasn't the one who said I would fundamentally change America. obama said it.

I never liked McCain I voted for him because of the lesser of two evils but not anymore.

Do you understand what America's fundamentals are?

Question? If single payer health care is so evil why are there not riots in the streets to get it abolished in any other first world country?

Because unlike the supporters of obamacare we use restraint and act when we have no recourse.

Ya the world is changing fundamentally. Next thing ya know is that most of the civilized world will provide single payer health care for it's citizens. OOOPS! They already do. We are the only hold out.

Yes and those countries that have the socialized healthcare are going broke.

They are going broke for the same resons we almost did. It has nothing to do with health care although in those countries health care is also falling victim to the stupidity of putting all of your financial eggs in the derivative basket.
Then you must REALLY hate America because since 1776 it has gone through numerous fundamental changes.

To numerous to numerate.

So at what point in Americas history did YOU love it?

The whole world has made fundamental changes.

Some changes are very bad and some are very good. All change requires some sacrifice. The invention of the automobile was devastating to the blacksmythe industry. The invention of barbed wire was devastating to free range ranching and the cattle drive industry...cowboys took a big hit. The invention of waterwheel and later steam powered machines that are used in manufacturing fundamentally changed the world. These advances all changed the world and the world adapted. It spawned a world where many of it's human occupants were drawn to cities and away from the farms. This meant that many people now needed to have some safety nets in place because of the fluxuations in manufacturing bases leaving people high and dry as manufacturing constantly moved towards ways of making things cheaper. So...people ..society ..have constantly made fundamental change to keep up.

Nowadays changes in finance have made all markets interdependant so when one group gets too big and too greedy and too stupid ..they can devastate huge percentages of a countries wealth..this can happen with incredible speed.

Yet you hate Obama.

Obama acted as best he could to minimize the devastation he walked into.

Did he do EVERYTHING right? No..probably not. That makes you hate him. What I would like to know is before all this hindsight you are so butt hurt over who exactly would have done a better job? McCain? You think McCrazy was up to the task? You think McCrazy would have made no mistakes?

Honest question...If the situation was exactly the same minus the health care bill would you hate McCain? In all likelyhood McCain would have left us in a bigger hole at this time in the recovery than Obama and you know what?.. You wouldn't blink an eye.

Ya the world is changing fundamentally. Next thing ya know is that most of the civilized world will provide single payer health care for it's citizens. OOOPS! They already do. We are the only hold out.

Question? If single payer health care is so evil why are there not riots in the streets to get it abolished in any other first world country?

Yet you hate Obama because he attempted to get some fundamental change in how our country addresses health care for it's citizens?

Why do you hate human beings? You don't have any special gripe on Obama. You just fucking hate people in general.

Have a nice life.

I wasn't the one who said I would fundamentally change America. obama said it.

I never liked McCain I voted for him because of the lesser of two evils but not anymore.

Do you understand what America's fundamentals are?

Because unlike the supporters of obamacare we use restraint and act when we have no recourse.

Ya the world is changing fundamentally. Next thing ya know is that most of the civilized world will provide single payer health care for it's citizens. OOOPS! They already do. We are the only hold out.

Yes and those countries that have the socialized healthcare are going broke.

They are going broke for the same resons we almost did. It has nothing to do with health care although in those countries health care is also falling victim to the stupidity of putting all of your financial eggs in the derivative basket.

They are going broke for the same resons we almost did
What is the reason they are going broke?
I wasn't the one who said I would fundamentally change America. obama said it.

I never liked McCain I voted for him because of the lesser of two evils but not anymore.

Do you understand what America's fundamentals are?

Because unlike the supporters of obamacare we use restraint and act when we have no recourse.

Yes and those countries that have the socialized healthcare are going broke.

They are going broke for the same resons we almost did. It has nothing to do with health care although in those countries health care is also falling victim to the stupidity of putting all of your financial eggs in the derivative basket.

They are going broke for the same resons we almost did
What is the reason they are going broke?

In a few words. The Greeks elected some foolish and some criminal people to represent them in government. They, the elected leaders, made some very foolish and in some cases some criminal choices.
They are going broke for the same resons we almost did. It has nothing to do with health care although in those countries health care is also falling victim to the stupidity of putting all of your financial eggs in the derivative basket.

They are going broke for the same resons we almost did
What is the reason they are going broke?

In a few words. The Greeks elected some foolish and some criminal people to represent them in government. They, the elected leaders, made some very foolish and in some cases some criminal choices.

Like the U.S.?
I don't pretend anything. This country has a constitution that supports the right to free expression of religion. Every religion feels that theirs is the only true religion. Every one of them could be "A Lie". Singling out an entire group, class, or race and saying that you hate them because they belong to that group, class, or race is what bigotry is. I could give two shits if you don't like the label or not.

Well, of course not. It's usually pretty easy to ignore your own racism by calling one's objections to a cult "bigotry".

The Constitution only says that Congress shall make no law restricting religion. it does not require the rest of us to give crazy ass batshit cults started by child molestors any credence or respect.

While I do think most religions are "lies", Mormanism is a pretty blatant one. Everything in it can be scientifically disproven. We know Joseph Smith was a fraud.

Obamacare and Romneycare have nothing in common. The only reason you think they are is because your kool-aide drinking ass fell for the lame-assed intellectually dense BS Obama and company has been dishing you.

More deflection. You have yet to tell me HOW they are different, you just insist that they are. I think you know your own argument is weak.

Btw, listening to Obama giving stump speeches the last week or so shows he hasn't a clue how the economy works. Ether that or he thinks fuckwads like you will believe anything he says regardless how wrong it is.

Once again, I really don't take the far right seriously on economics when none of their ideas have every actually worked. Trickle down doesn't. The Laffer Curve doesn't exist, and we don't get out of recessions without spurts of government spending. Ever.
I don't pretend anything. This country has a constitution that supports the right to free expression of religion. Every religion feels that theirs is the only true religion. Every one of them could be "A Lie". Singling out an entire group, class, or race and saying that you hate them because they belong to that group, class, or race is what bigotry is. I could give two shits if you don't like the label or not.

Well, of course not. It's usually pretty easy to ignore your own racism by calling one's objections to a cult "bigotry".

The Constitution only says that Congress shall make no law restricting religion. it does not require the rest of us to give crazy ass batshit cults started by child molestors any credence or respect.

While I do think most religions are "lies", Mormanism is a pretty blatant one. Everything in it can be scientifically disproven. We know Joseph Smith was a fraud.

Obamacare and Romneycare have nothing in common. The only reason you think they are is because your kool-aide drinking ass fell for the lame-assed intellectually dense BS Obama and company has been dishing you.

More deflection. You have yet to tell me HOW they are different, you just insist that they are. I think you know your own argument is weak.

Btw, listening to Obama giving stump speeches the last week or so shows he hasn't a clue how the economy works. Ether that or he thinks fuckwads like you will believe anything he says regardless how wrong it is.

Once again, I really don't take the far right seriously on economics when none of their ideas have every actually worked. Trickle down doesn't. The Laffer Curve doesn't exist, and we don't get out of recessions without spurts of government spending. Ever.

Putting your blatant bigotry aside, show me the entries in Romneycare that deal with ending two federal college funds.

Show me the entries in Romneycare that adds an extra tenth of a percent to your Medicare tax for those making over $250,000 and doubles the tax on dividends, boosts the Capital Gains tax from 15% to 20% but does a slight of hand raising long-term gains to 43% verses the current 15%.

How about an entry that caps your allowable contributions to your employer's flexible spending account FSA at $2500. Until 2013 there is no limit.

Show me that entry in Romneycare that states all private insurance companies must use 80% of their on-hand funds to pay benefits, not operating expenses.

Show me the entry in Romneycare that states a child can remain on their parents insurance till age 26.

Show me the entries that state that a religious activity that receives federal funds must carry insurance policies with a minimum of $100,000 annually. Currently the cap is $30,000. Schools must carry insurance for students that covers birth control.

Show me any entries in Romneycare that makes it illegal for religious entities to feed the homeless.

All of the above and more is in the Affordable Health Care Act.
Putting your blatant bigotry aside, show me the entries in Romneycare that deal with ending two federal college funds.

Show me the entries in Romneycare that adds an extra tenth of a percent to your Medicare tax for those making over $250,000 and doubles the tax on dividends, boosts the Capital Gains tax from 15% to 20% but does a slight of hand raising long-term gains to 43% verses the current 15%.

How about an entry that caps your allowable contributions to your employer's flexible spending account FSA at $2500. Until 2013 there is no limit.

Show me that entry in Romneycare that states all private insurance companies must use 80% of their on-hand funds to pay benefits, not operating expenses.

Show me the entry in Romneycare that states a child can remain on their parents insurance till age 26.

Show me the entries that state that a religious activity that receives federal funds must carry insurance policies with a minimum of $100,000 annually. Currently the cap is $30,000. Schools must carry insurance for students that covers birth control.

Show me any entries in Romneycare that makes it illegal for religious entities to feed the homeless.

All of the above and more is in the Affordable Health Care Act.

Putting all your complaint aside, all those things are pretty awesome.

You are actually WHINING because federal college funds are being eliminated? I thought you guys wanted to end government spending?

And seriously, Insurance companes should be spending AT LEAST 80% of their revenues providing the benefits they promised. That's the point.

Just not seeing the bad, or even the relevent here, because 99% of us won't be effected by these changes, and the one percent who are can just suck it, as far as I'm concerned.
James Carville’s polling firm to Obama: Nobody believes that the economy’s recovering anymore

What is clear from this fresh look at public consciousness on the economy is how difficult this period has been for both non-college-educated and college-educated voters – and how vulnerable the prevailing narratives articulated by national Democratic leaders are. We will face an impossible headwind in November if we do not move to a new narrative, one that contextualizes the recovery but, more importantly, focuses on what we will do to make a better future for the middle class.

It is elites who are creating a conventional wisdom that an incumbent president must run on his economic performance – and therefore must convince voters that things are moving in the right direction. They are wrong, and that will fail. The voters are very sophisticated about the character of the economy; they know who is mainly responsible for what went wrong and they are hungry to hear the President talk about the future. They know we are in a new normal where life is a struggle – and convincing them that things are good enough for those who have found jobs is a fool’s errand. They want to know the plans for making things better in a serious way – not just focused on finishing up the work of the recovery…

These voters are not convinced that we are headed in the right direction. They are living in a new economy – and there is no conceivable recovery in the year ahead that will change the view of the new state of the country. They actually have a very realistic view of the long road back and the struggles of the middle class — and the current narrative about progress just misses the opportunity to connect and point forward.
Putting your blatant bigotry aside, show me the entries in Romneycare that deal with ending two federal college funds.

Show me the entries in Romneycare that adds an extra tenth of a percent to your Medicare tax for those making over $250,000 and doubles the tax on dividends, boosts the Capital Gains tax from 15% to 20% but does a slight of hand raising long-term gains to 43% verses the current 15%.

How about an entry that caps your allowable contributions to your employer's flexible spending account FSA at $2500. Until 2013 there is no limit.

Show me that entry in Romneycare that states all private insurance companies must use 80% of their on-hand funds to pay benefits, not operating expenses.

Show me the entry in Romneycare that states a child can remain on their parents insurance till age 26.

Show me the entries that state that a religious activity that receives federal funds must carry insurance policies with a minimum of $100,000 annually. Currently the cap is $30,000. Schools must carry insurance for students that covers birth control.

Show me any entries in Romneycare that makes it illegal for religious entities to feed the homeless.

All of the above and more is in the Affordable Health Care Act.

Putting all your complaint aside, all those things are pretty awesome.

You are actually WHINING because federal college funds are being eliminated? I thought you guys wanted to end government spending?

And seriously, Insurance companes should be spending AT LEAST 80% of their revenues providing the benefits they promised. That's the point.

Just not seeing the bad, or even the relevent here, because 99% of us won't be effected by these changes, and the one percent who are can just suck it, as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, so you think this won't effect you??? You really are dense.

So you like the fact that Obama cut two very large college funds with Obamacare just when students needed them more and more due to ever increasing education costs?

You think that any company can operate on only 20% of their gross income? (Even United Way spends only 20% of incoming donations to feed the poor. The rest is eaten up by overhead expenses) Forget about staying in business if you don't increase premiums exponentially. That means your ass, the insured, will have to fork out extra just to keep your insurance company from folding to keep pace with inflation.
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Oh, so you think this won't effect you??? You really are dense.

So you like the fact that Obama cut two very large college funds with Obamacare just when students needed them more and more due to ever increasing education costs?

You think that any company can operate on only 20% of their gross income? (Even United Way spends only 20% of incoming donations to feed the poor. The rest is eaten up by overhead expenses) Forget about staying in business if you don't increase premiums exponentially. That means your ass, the insured, will have to fork out extra just to keep your insurance company from folding to keep pace with inflation.

I get pretty tired of the 1% telling me that they are indispensible when they are screwing me.

I just don't buy it anymore. SOrry, just don't.

Given that insurance companies operate at a 30% profit margin, I'm sure they can afford it. When a douchebag like Ed Hanaway gets a 72 million dollar severance package, you know the foxes are in charge of the henhouse.

(If you want to know when I stopped being a Republican, it was pretty much after I had to spend two years wrestling with Cigna to get them to pay for a couple procedures, and ended up losing the job even though I had seniority. Fuck the insurance companies. I hope they all burn in hell.)
Putting your blatant bigotry aside, show me the entries in Romneycare that deal with ending two federal college funds.

Show me the entries in Romneycare that adds an extra tenth of a percent to your Medicare tax for those making over $250,000 and doubles the tax on dividends, boosts the Capital Gains tax from 15% to 20% but does a slight of hand raising long-term gains to 43% verses the current 15%.

How about an entry that caps your allowable contributions to your employer's flexible spending account FSA at $2500. Until 2013 there is no limit.

Show me that entry in Romneycare that states all private insurance companies must use 80% of their on-hand funds to pay benefits, not operating expenses.

Show me the entry in Romneycare that states a child can remain on their parents insurance till age 26.

Show me the entries that state that a religious activity that receives federal funds must carry insurance policies with a minimum of $100,000 annually. Currently the cap is $30,000. Schools must carry insurance for students that covers birth control.

Show me any entries in Romneycare that makes it illegal for religious entities to feed the homeless.

All of the above and more is in the Affordable Health Care Act.

Putting all your complaint aside, all those things are pretty awesome.

You are actually WHINING because federal college funds are being eliminated? I thought you guys wanted to end government spending?

And seriously, Insurance companes should be spending AT LEAST 80% of their revenues providing the benefits they promised. That's the point.

Just not seeing the bad, or even the relevent here, because 99% of us won't be effected by these changes, and the one percent who are can just suck it, as far as I'm concerned.

when one says things like what you just said (in bold)...one is letting the readers know how little one knows about runniung a business.

A business owner never uses JUST revenue as a deciding factor for money applied to service. Net margin is the only tool appropriate for such an analysis.....which, for all intents and purposes is the ratio between revenue and profit.

Learn about what you are debating before debating. It helps with your credibility.
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Oh, so you think this won't effect you??? You really are dense.

So you like the fact that Obama cut two very large college funds with Obamacare just when students needed them more and more due to ever increasing education costs?

You think that any company can operate on only 20% of their gross income? (Even United Way spends only 20% of incoming donations to feed the poor. The rest is eaten up by overhead expenses) Forget about staying in business if you don't increase premiums exponentially. That means your ass, the insured, will have to fork out extra just to keep your insurance company from folding to keep pace with inflation.

I get pretty tired of the 1% telling me that they are indispensible when they are screwing me.

I just don't buy it anymore. SOrry, just don't.

Given that insurance companies operate at a 30% profit margin, I'm sure they can afford it. When a douchebag like Ed Hanaway gets a 72 million dollar severance package, you know the foxes are in charge of the henhouse.

(If you want to know when I stopped being a Republican, it was pretty much after I had to spend two years wrestling with Cigna to get them to pay for a couple procedures, and ended up losing the job even though I had seniority. Fuck the insurance companies. I hope they all burn in hell.)

So you are blaming your decision to pay for a less than adequate insurance policy on the insurance company itself?

I find that a bit selfish.

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