Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

Like Obama????

Obama is rich.....he's a stuck up Harvard grad, and he has this habit of lording it over the rest of us constantly. He feels he's better than us common folk.

Oh, I know.....you just don't like the rich white guy. You must figure that blacks are different when they're rich. They are immune to being called snobs because they're all down for the struggle. Am I right? 400 years of oppression has given them collectively a get out of jail free card.

Obama didn't become rich until he became an adult. He actually came from a very middle class background. And he earned his place despite being born in a country that considered him a second class citizen because of his race. That's actually kind of impressive.

I don't give Obama a pass. I've criticized him when I think he's wrong on an issue. But this is ultimately a choice. Obama for his flaws is a decent guy who cares about people like me and understands my problems.

Romney is a weird Mormon cultist who is out for himself and always has been. He's never advocated a solution to a problem that didn't benefit rich people.

It really shouldn't matter how you became rich. What should matter is what you do with it once you are rich.

I see Obama as a braggart who has spent the last 20 plus year being coddled and protected by members of the Weather Underground and the media.

What you have a problem with is a false stereotype. Your prejudices aren't based in reality. You assume that the propaganda that Obama puts out about Mitt Romney are accurate. You easily fall pray to their intellectually lazy arguments because you hate Mormons. That's why they work on you. Harry Reid is a Mormon yet you don't have a hardon for him. However he is a perfect example of a 'bad Mormon'.
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Oh, so now you're trying to call me a racist?

I could care less who or what Joseph Smith was. Mormons are not part of the same Borg-like mindset. They do not collectively answer for what other members do. If one member commits a crime must they all pay for it? According to you they should. I suggest you apply that same rationale to Muslims or Catholics. Is it any less true in their case?

No, I'm not "trying". I did. 99% of the opposition to Obama is based on Racism. It can't be on philosophy, because he's continued most of the policies of Bush that you guys supported. If he were white and Republican, you'd think he was the most awesomest president ever.

And, yes, Mormon are of a mindset. they all believe that their Prophet talks directly to God. He says, "We got to stop gay marriage in California, even though few of us live there and no one is making us do it" and the little Mormon Drones empty out their kid's college funds to support Proposition Hate.

But the very fact you say that you don't care who Joseph Smith was, but you are willing to let a guy who thinks he was talking to God because you think he might do stuff you want, I think you are buying a pig in a poke.

What if Romney is really crazy? He's already proven to be kind of a sociopath, really.

Actually you're exhibiting more sociopath tendencies than anyone here.

You don't read here much, do you.
Wow......I mean......just WOW!!!!

I think everyone in the world has heard of the mountain meadows massecre.......oh my.

Like I said, you love to base your beliefs off of one isolated incident......at the same time you're supporting a white house that actively supports the Arab Spring with not only air assets but weapons and training along with a good deal of taxpayer money. I'm seeing massive hypocrisy on your part here.

Um, if you've paid attention, I've expressed real concern with what Obama did in Libya, although there were really no good options there.

The fact that most people don't know about the MMM is just an example of the hard work the LDS Cult has done in covering it up. And that's the point. They do a lot of covering up. Kind of like the Scientologists don't tell you about Space Lord Zenu until after they have your money.

Not that I have had any love for the Catholic Church, but at least they've owned up to their bad behavior and admitted it was bad.

And frankly, I get a little bored with the "Well, at least Mormons aren't as evil as Muslims". Frankly, I've met Muslims who were pretty n ice guys. I've never met a Mormon who wasn't weird and creepy.
Oh, so now you're trying to call me a racist?

I could care less who or what Joseph Smith was. Mormons are not part of the same Borg-like mindset. They do not collectively answer for what other members do. If one member commits a crime must they all pay for it? According to you they should. I suggest you apply that same rationale to Muslims or Catholics. Is it any less true in their case?

No, I'm not "trying". I did. 99% of the opposition to Obama is based on Racism. It can't be on philosophy, because he's continued most of the policies of Bush that you guys supported. If he were white and Republican, you'd think he was the most awesomest president ever.

And, yes, Mormon are of a mindset. they all believe that their Prophet talks directly to God. He says, "We got to stop gay marriage in California, even though few of us live there and no one is making us do it" and the little Mormon Drones empty out their kid's college funds to support Proposition Hate.

But the very fact you say that you don't care who Joseph Smith was, but you are willing to let a guy who thinks he was talking to God because you think he might do stuff you want, I think you are buying a pig in a poke.

What if Romney is really crazy? He's already proven to be kind of a sociopath, really.

Actually you're exhibiting more sociopath tendencies than anyone here.

Couldn't argue the point, so you had to go right to the name-calling, eh?
No, I'm not "trying". I did. 99% of the opposition to Obama is based on Racism. It can't be on philosophy, because he's continued most of the policies of Bush that you guys supported. If he were white and Republican, you'd think he was the most awesomest president ever.

And, yes, Mormon are of a mindset. they all believe that their Prophet talks directly to God. He says, "We got to stop gay marriage in California, even though few of us live there and no one is making us do it" and the little Mormon Drones empty out their kid's college funds to support Proposition Hate.

But the very fact you say that you don't care who Joseph Smith was, but you are willing to let a guy who thinks he was talking to God because you think he might do stuff you want, I think you are buying a pig in a poke.

What if Romney is really crazy? He's already proven to be kind of a sociopath, really.

Actually you're exhibiting more sociopath tendencies than anyone here.

You don't read here much, do you.

I was comparing Joe to Mitt Romney, not the trolls on this board.
No, I'm not "trying". I did. 99% of the opposition to Obama is based on Racism. It can't be on philosophy, because he's continued most of the policies of Bush that you guys supported. If he were white and Republican, you'd think he was the most awesomest president ever.

And, yes, Mormon are of a mindset. they all believe that their Prophet talks directly to God. He says, "We got to stop gay marriage in California, even though few of us live there and no one is making us do it" and the little Mormon Drones empty out their kid's college funds to support Proposition Hate.

But the very fact you say that you don't care who Joseph Smith was, but you are willing to let a guy who thinks he was talking to God because you think he might do stuff you want, I think you are buying a pig in a poke.

What if Romney is really crazy? He's already proven to be kind of a sociopath, really.

Actually you're exhibiting more sociopath tendencies than anyone here.

Couldn't argue the point, so you had to go right to the name-calling, eh?

That's not name calling. Name calling is calling someone a Hoser, or a mouth-breather. I was just using a little comparative analysis.
Wow......I mean......just WOW!!!!

I think everyone in the world has heard of the mountain meadows massecre.......oh my.

Like I said, you love to base your beliefs off of one isolated incident......at the same time you're supporting a white house that actively supports the Arab Spring with not only air assets but weapons and training along with a good deal of taxpayer money. I'm seeing massive hypocrisy on your part here.

Um, if you've paid attention, I've expressed real concern with what Obama did in Libya, although there were really no good options there.

The fact that most people don't know about the MMM is just an example of the hard work the LDS Cult has done in covering it up. And that's the point. They do a lot of covering up. Kind of like the Scientologists don't tell you about Space Lord Zenu until after they have your money.

Not that I have had any love for the Catholic Church, but at least they've owned up to their bad behavior and admitted it was bad.

And frankly, I get a little bored with the "Well, at least Mormons aren't as evil as Muslims". Frankly, I've met Muslims who were pretty n ice guys. I've never met a Mormon who wasn't weird and creepy.

I've met and trained some that are pretty nice too. I've also met Mormons that are really good people, but like every religion there are good ones and there are bad ones. However if you find a good one I would bet my paycheck they could be trusted more than Barrack Obama. To be honest I think just about any American would be more trustworthy.
It really shouldn't matter how you became rich. What should matter is what you do with it once you are rich.

I see Obama as a braggart who has spent the last 20 plus year being coddled and protected by members of the Weather Underground and the media.

And he was born in Kenya. And he is really a Muslim. I read that somewhere! :eusa_hand:

Seriously, guy?

Okay, I look at what Obama did with his wealth. He has spent it trying to make things better for other people.

I look at what Romney did with his wealth. He spent it getting more wealth, and screwing over working folks at every oppurtunity.

Now, is Obama kind of a narcissist? Um. Yeah. Probably. Most politicians are. The ones who aren't full of themselves get weeded out at the Student Council level of politics.

What you have a problem with is a false stereotype. Your prejudices aren't based in reality. You assume that the propaganda that Obama puts out about Mitt Romney are accurate. You easily fall pray to their intellectually lazy arguments because you hate Mormons. That's why they work on you. Harry Reid is a Mormon yet you don't have a hardon for him. However he is a perfect example of a 'bad Mormon'.

I don't live in Harry's state. If I had the ability to vote him out, I would.

Frankly, Romney's own words show his contempt for working people.

"I like to be able to fire people."
"Where did you get these cookies, 7/11?"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake!"
"Corporations are people, too, My friend!"

Romney's own conduct is so sleazy that people like Jake think he's going to be a moderate and people like Gatsby think he's going to be a birther whacko like them. If I don't know where you stand, I don't wnat you near me.
I've met and trained some that are pretty nice too. I've also met Mormons that are really good people, but like every religion there are good ones and there are bad ones. However if you find a good one I would bet my paycheck they could be trusted more than Barrack Obama. To be honest I think just about any American would be more trustworthy.

I've never met a Mormon who wasn't up to absolutely no good. Ever. Now, I'll admit, I'm pretty open with my hostility towards them up front. I don't give second chances.

You are willing to buy a pig in a poke because you hate Obama so much. I'm not. I was willing to entertain Santorum or Gingrich or Perry, but Romney was a non-starter for me from day one. Yes, his religion is part of that. So is his business practices, his flip-flopping, and his general mendacity.
It really shouldn't matter how you became rich. What should matter is what you do with it once you are rich.

I see Obama as a braggart who has spent the last 20 plus year being coddled and protected by members of the Weather Underground and the media.

And he was born in Kenya. And he is really a Muslim. I read that somewhere! :eusa_hand:

Seriously, guy?

Okay, I look at what Obama did with his wealth. He has spent it trying to make things better for other people.

I look at what Romney did with his wealth. He spent it getting more wealth, and screwing over working folks at every oppurtunity.

Now, is Obama kind of a narcissist? Um. Yeah. Probably. Most politicians are. The ones who aren't full of themselves get weeded out at the Student Council level of politics.

What you have a problem with is a false stereotype. Your prejudices aren't based in reality. You assume that the propaganda that Obama puts out about Mitt Romney are accurate. You easily fall pray to their intellectually lazy arguments because you hate Mormons. That's why they work on you. Harry Reid is a Mormon yet you don't have a hardon for him. However he is a perfect example of a 'bad Mormon'.

I don't live in Harry's state. If I had the ability to vote him out, I would.

Frankly, Romney's own words show his contempt for working people.

"I like to be able to fire people."
"Where did you get these cookies, 7/11?"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake!"
"Corporations are people, too, My friend!"

Romney's own conduct is so sleazy that people like Jake think he's going to be a moderate and people like Gatsby think he's going to be a birther whacko like them. If I don't know where you stand, I don't wnat you near me.

I see you love taking sound-bites out of context.

This is an example of the intellectually dense arguments that work extremely well on bigots. You automatically assume the worst about someone because you already hate everything about him because of his race, his religion, or whatever social class he resides in.

So he's a rich white guy who belongs to a religious cult you hate.

He's a perfect poster-boy for your hatred. He cannot do anything right in your eyes. You have totally lost any objectivity.

No sir, you are the problem, not Mitt Romney.
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I've met and trained some that are pretty nice too. I've also met Mormons that are really good people, but like every religion there are good ones and there are bad ones. However if you find a good one I would bet my paycheck they could be trusted more than Barrack Obama. To be honest I think just about any American would be more trustworthy.

I've never met a Mormon who wasn't up to absolutely no good. Ever. Now, I'll admit, I'm pretty open with my hostility towards them up front. I don't give second chances.

You are willing to buy a pig in a poke because you hate Obama so much. I'm not. I was willing to entertain Santorum or Gingrich or Perry, but Romney was a non-starter for me from day one. Yes, his religion is part of that. So is his business practices, his flip-flopping, and his general mendacity.

I don't hate Obama.

I do hate the way he does or doesn't do his job.

I don't like the way he constantly divides us. No leader can get anything done if he's the cause of most of the problems.
I see you love taking sound-bites out of context.

This is an example of the intellectually dense arguments that work extremely well on bigots. You automatically assume the worst about someone because you already hate everything about him because of his race, his religion, or whatever social class he resides in.

So he's a rich white guy who belongs to a religious cult you hate.

He's a perfect poster-boy for your hatred. He cannot do anything right in your eyes. You have totally lost any objectivity.

No sir, you are the problem, not Mitt Romney.

No, I'm not the guy who fucked over hundreds of working people at AmPad and GS Steel to make myself richer. I'm not the guy who left people suffering from Asbestos poisoning with no insurance when they closed that steel mill in Kansas City.

Those quotes tell me who Romney is. An entitled guy who has no clue. Context has little to do with it.

Let's take the "I likes to fire people" comment. Now, the apologists will tell you it was about insurance companies, not the hundreds of people he's actually fired. (I know, it's hard to keep that straight, as he REALLY DID FIRE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE TO MAKE HIMSELF RICHER!) But even that shows how out of touch he is.

Most of us get our insurance through our employers, and you haven't lived until you've tried to get an insurance company to pay for an expensive procedure. We don't have the option of firing our insurance companies if we don't like the service. More likely, you will find yourself with a worse policy because your company is trying to save money by going with Dewey, Cheatem and Howe Insurance. (Our policy. If you lose an Arm, we help you look for it!)

Of course, he's a rich guy who probably has the insurance companies wrestling each other to get his business, unlike the rest of us.

I don't hate Obama.

I do hate the way he does or doesn't do his job.

I don't like the way he constantly divides us. No leader can get anything done if he's the cause of most of the problems.

You know what, you say that shit and you expose your own hatred.

At least I'm honest about who I don't like and why.

You should try to do the same.

What has Obama personally done to "divide" you? Seriously.

If anything, I think he went too far out of his way to accommedate the Republicans, who oppose him even when he does things they previously supported.

They were all for killing Khadafy and Bin Laden, until Obama actually killed them.

I don't hate Obama.

I do hate the way he does or doesn't do his job.

I don't like the way he constantly divides us. No leader can get anything done if he's the cause of most of the problems.

You know what, you say that shit and you expose your own hatred.

At least I'm honest about who I don't like and why.

You should try to do the same.

What has Obama personally done to "divide" you? Seriously.

If anything, I think he went too far out of his way to accommedate the Republicans, who oppose him even when he does things they previously supported.

They were all for killing Khadafy and Bin Laden, until Obama actually killed them.

Divide me?

That's impossible.

But he has declared my favorite cigarettes illegal, has sent the IRS after my business in his first 4 months in office, and called me and everyone else like me "Teabaggers".

I don't have the time to mention the rest of the things he's personally done to me. I have to get to work.

I don't hate Obama.

I do hate the way he does or doesn't do his job.

I don't like the way he constantly divides us. No leader can get anything done if he's the cause of most of the problems.

You know what, you say that shit and you expose your own hatred.

At least I'm honest about who I don't like and why.

You should try to do the same.

What has Obama personally done to "divide" you? Seriously.

If anything, I think he went too far out of his way to accommedate the Republicans, who oppose him even when he does things they previously supported.

They were all for killing Khadafy and Bin Laden, until Obama actually killed them.

Divide me?

That's impossible.

But he has declared my favorite cigarettes illegal, has sent the IRS after my business in his first 4 months in office, and called me and everyone else like me "Teabaggers".

I don't have the time to mention the rest of the things he's personally done to me. I have to get to work.

How did he do the sending IRS thing. You personalize it, and it cannot possibly be so.

Seems to me that one element of the "change" (ugh, that word) that Obama wanted to bring to Washington was the notion of President as facilitator, not leader. He talked a big game in front of adoring crowds, but he has clearly chosen not to get his hands dirty in the legislative process. I personally don't have any interest in being "led" per se, but I don't think the average American from either party wants just a coordinator in the Oval Office. The Democrats are pissed that he hasn't been a bright and shining leader for their causes, and the Republicans, well...

Sorry for the moment of sober analysis, I realize this thread will end up being an insult-fest from both sides, as usual.
In 3 years, Obama has not facilitated a budget. He doesn't want no stinkin' budget to stop him from spending taxpayer money like a drunken sailor.
Divide me?

That's impossible.

But he has declared my favorite cigarettes illegal, has sent the IRS after my business in his first 4 months in office, and called me and everyone else like me "Teabaggers".

I don't have the time to mention the rest of the things he's personally done to me. I have to get to work.

My nephew works for the IRS, and I can promise you, if the IRS went after your business, it was probably because you screwed up, not because of some vendetta.

But I think it's amusing that you hate Obama because the IRS finally caught you on his watch. And you say I'm bad for nursing a grudge against Mormons from 1983.

As for the "Teabagger" thing, I hate to say this, you all were calling yourselves that before you figured out why the left was mocking you for it. You were the ones sending "teabags" to Congress. You thought it was the wittiest thing in teh world, until someone pointed out it was slang for a sex act.

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