Even super-liberal LA Times admits stephon clark was a thug and career criminal

Another dangerous black man and the cops knew this.

The man was in his grandparents back yard talking on his cell phone when the police shot him in the back. His past record is immaterial to his death.

Stephon Clark was shot 8 times - 7 times in the back. And here you are attempting to claim the police did nothing wrong.

The man was breaking into his neighbor's cars...was followed on infrared camera jumping fences in the neighborhood to get away from Police responding to the 911 call. He was tracked down by Police on foot who confronted him in the dark. The Police officers thought he had a gun in his hand and opened fire. He was shot in the back because of how he fell.

Bottom line is this, kiddies...if you're out breaking into your neighbors cars (if you're THAT kind of a lowlife!) then if the Police show up and corner you in the dark...GET YOUR ASS DOWN ON THE GROUND WITH YOUR EMPTY HANDS OUTSTRETCHED AND LET THEM KNOW YOU'RE SURRENDERING! This isn't advice for any particular race...it's common sense advice for everyone! If you don't then chances are really good that you may be shot and you'll have nobody to blame but yourself!

You think he fell before he was shot? Quit trying to make dumb excuses. You're glad the cops shot another black guy. Your pathetic attempt to justify the murder is appalling.

Some of the bullets entered his front...some his back. From the video that I've seen he appears to twist as he falls to the ground ending up with his back to the officers. Police are trained to fire a number of shots to ensure that any potential threat is neutralized. They shot for a total of about three seconds and you can tell from their recorded video on their body cams that they both believed that Clark had fired at them. They are reluctant to approach him laying on the ground because they are STILL worried that he might be armed.

Bullshit. He was shot once from the front, and 7 times from the back. He didn't have a gun, so how could they think he shot at them?

Ever shot a gun? Ever stood next to someone who was? It's incredibly loud. I mean it's so loud your ears ring for minutes. You're going to have ZERO chance of telling who's shooting and where shots are coming from. As for WHERE he was shot? Watch the video...he turns towards the officers...one of them yells "Gun! Gun!" and both open fire. The first shot to him appears to have hit him in the neck and as he falls to the ground basically on his side with his back to the officers...the next seven hit him in towards the side of his back. It's over in a matter of seconds. That's two officers both firing automatics at what they perceived to be a man with something in his hands that one of them thought was a gun. They STILL think he's armed because he doesn't respond to their commands to show them his hands and they don't approach his body until backup gets on scene.
Another dangerous black man and the cops knew this.

Stephon Clark: Surrounded by love, trouble and tragedy, and now a rallying cry for justice after police shooting

And Clark had a criminal history, four cases in four years that included charges of robbery, pimping, and domestic abuse. Sacramento County court files show he pleaded no contest to reduced charges, spent time on a sheriff's work detail and was on probation for the 2014 robbery when he was killed.

Community leaders were adamant that Clark's criminal record was immaterial to how he died, and said the officers who killed him are the ones who ought to be scrutinized.

The man was in his grandparents back yard talking on his cell phone when the police shot him in the back. His past record is immaterial to his death.

Stephon Clark was shot 8 times - 7 times in the back. And here you are attempting to claim the police did nothing wrong.

Dear Dragonlady was
it a lie or not that Stephon Clark was actually caught
breaking into cars with a tool like a crowbar. Is that true or fabricated?

Man standing in his own back yard shot 20 times by police. He was armed with a cell phone.

It was a lie. He was NOT caught breaking into cars with a crowbar. He was standing in his backyard when he was shot.

Did you not see the video of him running from the cops when they responded to the 911 call about someone breaking car windows? He's jumping fences through people's back yards in the dark and it's all caught on the infrared camera from the helicopter overhead. The police in that helicopter observed him breaking a sliding glass door to a house and relayed that information BEFORE the shooting took place! You idiots seem to think if you commit a crime and make it back home before the Police catch you...THAT YOU'RE INNOCENT!
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Just because someone is bad, doesn't mean you break the rule of law.

Thanks frigidweirdo see my previous msg to RW.
The reason people break the rules is out of fear.
Get fear out of the equation and people can support and comply
with each other.

If this man had no respect for the law, that sets up the relationship to fail.
All sides need to agree on law enforcement, not based on fear but on respect,
and the dynamics of this community can change and protect their kids in the future who don't need to grow up in an environment of fearing police and breaking laws.

People don't break rules out of fear.

People break rules for many reasons, but fear is not one of them.

They break rules because they don't care.
They break rules because they think rules apply to other people.
They break rules because they want to.
They break rules because the rules aren't convenient for them.
They break rules to gain an advantage.

And others.

But not fear.

Dear frigidweirdo
Yes, this is scarcity mentality
and fear that to get what you want means you step on someone else.

I'm confused...

You said it was all about fear, then you agree with me.

Yes frigidweirdo because we are saying the same thing.
the selfish motivations you describe
are out of scarcity mentality or fear that
to get your way means to step on someone else.
We don't disagree but have different ways of explaining the same results.

No, they're not.

Selfishness is about people wanting to put THEMSELVES FIRST.

Not fear.

Okay, say for example someone enters the subway before others have gotten off the subway, or the elevator, whatever.

Are they going in first out of fear? No, they're going in first because they're ONLY thinking about THEMSELVES.

Me, me, me, I'm important, fuck you, me, me, me.

There's no fear there.
Good. Racists pieces of shit like her deserve to be fired. How can she give good care to non-whites whole harbouring such bigotry?

What bigotry?. The nurse said he deserved to die because he was stupid. Nothing racist about that. THINK

Asking the Dragonflylady to THINK is like expecting a submarine with screen-doors to float. She practically copied and regurgitated the words of the little fascist social worker that forced the issue word for word, like the good little commie-leftist that we've come to expect. Isn't it odd that no one has simply ASKED the nurse what she meant by her words? Including her employer who now regulates what she can and cannot say in her free time? Would it be too much for an employer, who expects you to jump through hoops on the head of a pin to work for them had merely said that they didn't approve of the comments and upon questioning the nurse, understand she merely meant that the guy should have cooperated better with the police and have advised her to choose her words more carefully in the future? Aside from the fact that this had NOTHING to do with the woman's job and there was absolutely NO EVIDENCE that she ever had in the past harbored any ill will or sub-par treatment towards babies of color, what ever happened to giving people a warning? Bottom line: she wouldn't have been fired nor would anyone have cared if the deceased being commented on had been WHITE. In fact, in that case, the very same people denouncing the nurse would have probably been saying that the guy deserved it themselves. Chances are good that racism and political correctness was again involved here and this lady was the victim of it. The very term "white privilege" is by definition, both racist and hateful, but has been approved for the lexicon of our language by the very same racism against whites people like the dragonlady decry against blacks.
ok--I asked about this in the other SClark thread--was he the one carbreaking?
so this is very similar to most of the other cop shootings = CRIMINAL shot
most of these shot are jackass criminals and the blacks STILL don't get it !!!
CRIMINALS are being shot--not innocents--not good boys
the criminals INITIATE/start the problem--NOT the cops
Bottom line: she wouldn't have been fired nor would anyone have cared if the deceased being commented on had been WHITE. In fact, in that case, the very same people denouncing the nurse would have probably been saying that the guy deserved it themselves. .

Got that right. The core of liberalism is hatred of white people.
so the guy who initially called the police is ok with criminals--??!!
I never really knew him knew him. But I knew of him. He was a nice guy, he didn't deserve that, even if he was breaking my windows out," Reiling told FOX40.
he never really knew him--but knew him??!!
he didn't know he was a career thug criminal
he says his trucks are his livelihood, but he's ok with people breaking into them!!
Stephon Clark’s neighbor says he regrets calling 911: ‘He didn’t deserve that’
he deserved to get shot dead for doing stupid, criminal crap
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Another dangerous black man and the cops knew this.

Stephon Clark: Surrounded by love, trouble and tragedy, and now a rallying cry for justice after police shooting

And Clark had a criminal history, four cases in four years that included charges of robbery, pimping, and domestic abuse. Sacramento County court files show he pleaded no contest to reduced charges, spent time on a sheriff's work detail and was on probation for the 2014 robbery when he was killed.

Community leaders were adamant that Clark's criminal record was immaterial to how he died, and said the officers who killed him are the ones who ought to be scrutinized.
So you think we are like the Philippines? Police just kill people if they break the law.

It was dark. It was not his house. But hey. That shit don;t matter because he has a record.
[. The very term "white privilege" is by definition, both racist and hateful, but has been approved for the lexicon of our language by the very same racism against whites people like the dragonlady decry against blacks.

Plus - the term "white privilege" is a lie. We have affirmative action programs everywhere.. Blacks get special treatment and whites get persecution.. Yes - blacks are still failures, but that is clearly their fault.

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