Even The Liberal Press Isn't Buying John Kerry's Apology Via James Taylor To The French


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Jul 21, 2009

In the kind of response that sounds like a joke -- even to liberal journalists -- Secretary of State John Kerry brought Seventies pop star James Taylor (now almost 67) to sing his old chestnut "You've Got a Friend' to the French as a show of support after President Obama blew off the "historic" rally of world leaders last Sunday.

Try Washington Post political reporter Aaron Blake as a non-plussed MSM member:


Kerry and Taylor are old friends, and Taylor was in Paris to promote a forthcoming European tour. Bloomberg reports Kerry, who said he was in France “to share a big hug with Paris,” is also set to lay wreaths at the sites of the two attacks, a State Department official said. Kerry and Hollande embraced as they met in the courtyard of the presidential palace.

“The American people watched you and your team lead with great elegance and grace, and we watched the people of France come together with great sense of purpose and unity,” Kerry said. “It was a great lesson to the world.”

- See more at: Even Liberal Media Can t Believe John Kerry Bringing James Taylor Apology to the French
No doubt this concert will strike fear in the hearts of terrorists around the world. ...... :cool:
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I am so embarrassed by this bunch of nut jobs in charge of country...and scared of them all at the same time...dear gawd, we are in the hands of the Insane in foreign policy and vicious radicals here at home.
I am so embarrassed by this bunch of nut jobs in charge of country...and scared of them all at the same time...dear gawd, we are in the hands of the Insane in foreign policy and vicious radicals here at home.
Liberalism these days is total fantasy. It's like dealing with the insane. Europe finally sees the error of their ways, it appears, but I guess we have to go through this to discover it for ourselves.
What a corny thing to do...a feckin embarrassment on top of an embarrassment.

In the kind of response that sounds like a joke -- even to liberal journalists -- Secretary of State John Kerry brought Seventies pop star James Taylor (now almost 67) to sing his old chestnut "You've Got a Friend' to the French as a show of support after President Obama blew off the "historic" rally of world leaders last Sunday.

Try Washington Post political reporter Aaron Blake as a non-plussed MSM member:


Kerry and Taylor are old friends, and Taylor was in Paris to promote a forthcoming European tour. Bloomberg reports Kerry, who said he was in France “to share a big hug with Paris,” is also set to lay wreaths at the sites of the two attacks, a State Department official said. Kerry and Hollande embraced as they met in the courtyard of the presidential palace.

“The American people watched you and your team lead with great elegance and grace, and we watched the people of France come together with great sense of purpose and unity,” Kerry said. “It was a great lesson to the world.”

- See more at: Even Liberal Media Can t Believe John Kerry Bringing James Taylor Apology to the French

It would of been more interesting if John Kerry flew in the San Diego Chicken and Barney and let them wrestle on Live French TV.
This might have been the gayest thing I have ever seen.....
A total joke....
Obama fucks up and doesn't go to France for the march.They don't send anyone of note to represent us.
Then they try to make up for it by doing this.

I'm happy that there will be a day when this whole Obama mess is out of power.
That day can't come soon enough.
Bad enough the Obama administration screwed the pooch by not sending anyone over.
Now they compound that gaff with this nonsense.
They should have just let it go and not try to fix it.


James Taylor and a "big hug". Holy crap.

This is something I'd expect to see on The Onion or The Daily Show.

The decision to do this rivals Dukakis riding around in that tank with the helmet on.
Cant wait for Saturday night live tonight. Betcha the skit includes The Pillsbury Doughboy

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