Every Classroom Should Have Heavily Armed Teachers In It

And the military is saying they have had enough too..........You aren't the only ones dealing with hard times. I left the military after Somalia because I couldn't stomach having a leader like Clinton who didn't support our men there with armor and air cover. Playing politics over honoring his oath. But hey we got a great movie out of it huh.

Police are being attacked with the BS rhetoric. Defund the police. Some assassinated just eating a sandwich in their car over BLM garbage.

Our country is in decay. You are just another taking hits in the process. It IS WHAT IT IS..........And it will get worse.

Good luck in whatever decision you make. I do regret not having that pension for staying another 10 years now. But not missing being screwed by politicians.

This is absolutely the truth. We can't have anything "community" because we don't trust one another. Police, teachers, medical professionals. All of it in fast decay.
And the military is saying they have had enough too..........You aren't the only ones dealing with hard times. I left the military after Somalia because I couldn't stomach having a leader like Clinton who didn't support our men there with armor and air cover. Playing politics over honoring his oath. But hey we got a great movie out of it huh.

Police are being attacked with the BS rhetoric. Defund the police. Some assassinated just eating a sandwich in their car over BLM garbage.

Our country is in decay. You are just another taking hits in the process. It IS WHAT IT IS..........And it will get worse.

Good luck in whatever decision you make. I do regret not having that pension for staying another 10 years now. But not missing being screwed by politicians.

Oh one more thing. I am still personally happy in my job. This is what being a veteran will get you. I have learned what I need to do to make my career sustainable and enjoyable for my students AND for me, and I only have a few years left. Everything I say here about how difficult this has become is for the "sake" of newer/younger teachers, who look around and say "30 years of this? Nope".

That's what I care about.
This is absolutely the truth. We can't have anything "community" because we don't trust one another. Police, teachers, medical professionals. All of it in fast decay.
Globalist are taking us down. Leftist want FASCIST CONTROL. They will destroy us to take power. They always say by any means necessary. They aren't kidding.

We may be heading into a depression. I'd advise against job changes right now. Hell might be coming to breakfast soon.
Oh one more thing. I am still personally happy in my job. This is what being a veteran will get you. I have learned what I need to do to make my career sustainable and enjoyable for my students AND for me, and I only have a few years left. Everything I say here about how difficult this has become is for the "sake" of newer/younger teachers, who look around and say "30 years of this? Nope".

That's what I care about.
I'm proud of you. And thank you for your service.
Globalist are taking us down. Leftist want FASCIST CONTROL. They will destroy us to take power. They always say by any means necessary. They aren't kidding.
No, they aren't.

It was predicted.

Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer and fixer of President Donald Trump, has argued in a foreword to his new book that Trump will never leave office peacefully because he knows he'll serve prison time when he is no longer president.


January 31 2022
The 84 people who signed bogus documents claiming that Donald Trump won the 2020 election include dozens of local Republican Party leaders, seven current candidates for public office, eight current office holders and at least five previous state and federal office holders.

Groups from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all allegedly sent lists of so-called alternate electors to the National Archives after the 2020 election. The slate of fake electors includes Lou Barletta and Charlie Gerow, both candidates for governor in Pennsylvania; Burt Jones, a candidate for lieutenant governor in Georgia; James Lamon, a candidate for U.S. Senate from Arizona; and candidates for state legislative seats.

Among the dozens of election reform laws changing rules regarding how voters cast ballots, several have also diminished secretaries of states' authority over elections or shifted aspects of election administration to highly partisan bodies, such as state legislators themselves or unevenly bipartisan election boards.

These new laws include one that requires local election boards in Arkansas to refer election law violation complaints to the State Board of Election Commissioners -- made up of five Republicans and just one Democrat -- instead of their respective county clerks and local prosecutors; another that generally bars the executive and judicial branches in Kansas from modifying election law; and one in Texas requiring the governor, lieutenant governor and state house speaker to "unanimously agree" to the secretary of state granting local election commissions' or boards' requests to accept donations over $1,000.

We may be heading into a depression. I'd advise against job changes right now. Hell might be coming to breakfast soon.

If nut jobs like this gets RE elected, it will be hell for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

No, they aren't.

It was predicted.

Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer and fixer of President Donald Trump, has argued in a foreword to his new book that Trump will never leave office peacefully because he knows he'll serve prison time when he is no longer president.

View attachment 653813

January 31 2022
The 84 people who signed bogus documents claiming that Donald Trump won the 2020 election include dozens of local Republican Party leaders, seven current candidates for public office, eight current office holders and at least five previous state and federal office holders.

Groups from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all allegedly sent lists of so-called alternate electors to the National Archives after the 2020 election. The slate of fake electors includes Lou Barletta and Charlie Gerow, both candidates for governor in Pennsylvania; Burt Jones, a candidate for lieutenant governor in Georgia; James Lamon, a candidate for U.S. Senate from Arizona; and candidates for state legislative seats.

Among the dozens of election reform laws changing rules regarding how voters cast ballots, several have also diminished secretaries of states' authority over elections or shifted aspects of election administration to highly partisan bodies, such as state legislators themselves or unevenly bipartisan election boards.

These new laws include one that requires local election boards in Arkansas to refer election law violation complaints to the State Board of Election Commissioners -- made up of five Republicans and just one Democrat -- instead of their respective county clerks and local prosecutors; another that generally bars the executive and judicial branches in Kansas from modifying election law; and one in Texas requiring the governor, lieutenant governor and state house speaker to "unanimously agree" to the secretary of state granting local election commissions' or boards' requests to accept donations over $1,000.

If nut jobs like this gets RE elected, it will be hell for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Yawn. same old deflection BS. Has nothing to do with little kids being shot by a maniac and your stupidity it's better to die without a gun .........SAFER.

Yawn. same old deflection BS.
As you deflect?

"Globalist are taking us down. Leftist want FASCIST CONTROL. They will destroy us to take power. They always say by any means necessary. They aren't kidding".
Has nothing to do with little kids being shot by a maniac
No, shit dumbass.
and your stupidity it's better to die without a gun .........SAFER.
More lies.

You're stupidity of more guns = more "safety".
You're 'view' is just like MTG's.............................warped.

"Hours after Texas’ deadliest school shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, state Republicans called for efforts to harden schools and arm more teachers. “We can’t stop bad people from doing bad things,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Fox News. “We can potentially arm and prepare and train teachers and other administrators to respond quickly. That, in my opinion, is the best answer.” There’s no assurance that an employee with a handgun can halt a school shooting.

For instance, during the 2018 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, an armed school resource officer never went inside the high school or attempted to engage the gunman during the attack. Reports are circulating that a school police officer was on campus at Robb Elementary on Tuesday. The officer exchanged gunfire with the shooter and was shot and injured."

Fact of the matter is, arming teachers is the most effective way at stopping the next school shooter....Yea, yea, I know...we have been busy demonizing public schools and teachers and accusing them of indoctrinating our kids and forcing kids to be trans and teaching them CRT -- but that was just political hyperbole, so put that aside for now.... Truth is, we can't trust teachers to not force our kids to be gay -- but we can totally trust them to carry a Glock 9mm on their hip during finger paints time.. Matter of fact, hand guns aren't enough....we need them to be armed to the T -- so it is vital they have either AR's or AK's in order to more effectively stop a mass shooter...that is why the officers that first engaged with the Uvalde shooter failed...Not enough firepower....They had a chance to stop the shooter before he even started -- and they failed....if they were armed with a grenade launcher, they could have blown up the truck the shooter was in a long time ago...

Which brings me to another point....why aren't we training these so-called professional law enforcement officers better? As more information has come out, we are hearing that the police waited over 40 minutes before they entered the school...that is 40 mins of time for this demon to murder 21 people....with a weapon that does so much damage that parents had to submit DNA samples and wait the longest fucking wait of their lives --- just to find out if it was their child or not.....

“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers soon after the attack began, said Juan Carranza, 24, Javier Cazares, whose fourth grade daughter, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said “Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to -- “They were unprepared,” he added."

Apparently, police waited up to 40 minutes or more before entering the school because they were waiting on a tactical team to show up....why waste SWAT's time when you could have an armed teacher in the classroom instead? That armed teacher and other armed teachers from other classrooms could have done a far better job than well-trained tactical SWAT units....as long as you are willing to overlook the fact they are teaching our kids to have gay sex orgies in the class and indoctrinating them with CRT and stuff...
The mistake you make is assuming all teachers are woke leftwing activist jackasses who wouldn't defend their students. There will always be a few manly patriots who would put it on the line for students. Coaches and ex-military men who are now teachers.
All you know how to do is hurl personal insults like a typical lib with a junior high school brain
So, is it only your dear leader that's allowed to hurl personal insults?

Isn't that why his cult is so attracted to him?
So, is it only your dear leader that's allowed to hurl personal insults?

Isn't that why his cult is so attracted to him?
You are really sick

Trump is not here so dont blame your lack of civility on him
Make your mind up. First you claim the police are outgunned by the public, then you do a 180 degree flip.

Does the 2nd Amendment specify the police or, "The People" as to the right to keep and bear.
So, they are supposed to have items not available to the general public.

Yes, there is....................deeply wrong.

You proved my point.
Actually what I've done is show you have no actual point nor basis for forming one.
We disagree. She is not a vet. Shots were being fired and the funeral home people had just yelled at her that the guy had a gun and shots are being fired.

She was probably terrified. I'll not go down that path to condemn her. The videos show her closing the dang door. She had no idea it didn't lock and at any second she most have thought that she would be shot.

Me and you would be looking for something to kill that fucker with. But that is us.
I don't care, she is charged with protecting the students.

It takes less than a half second to push on that door to see if it locked and she was not herself under fire.

Like it or not this matters because that is how the shooter gained access to the building. Absent that unlocked door he'd have been stopped by the police who were already arriving from ever gaining entry.

The adults are responsible for securing the school including making sure that door locked once she was inside.
I don't care, she is charged with protecting the students.

It takes less than a half second to push on that door to see if it locked and she was not herself under fire.

Like it or not this matters because that is how the shooter gained access to the building. Absent that unlocked door he'd have been stopped by the police who were already arriving from ever gaining entry.

The adults are responsible for securing the school including making sure that door locked once she was inside.
The teacher opened the door and was the last person using it before the shooter arrived

It was her personal responsibility to close it properly
Properly trained....
That's the key point right there.
Thank you for bringing it up.

Now approximately how many hours of training and testing is it going to require for a teacher to be trained to unsecure their firearm and begin to return fire at a perpetrator?
(I am an advocate of an armed civilian population...I believe that the founding fathers were quite right in limiting the federal government from taking guns)

And it is going to require a ridiculous amount of time and training and testing for a teacher to learn to do this.

And that's the point. Shootouts are an extremely emotionally shocking experience. Most people empty their guns when training and hit anything but the cardboard cutouts. And when you go to training you are mentally preparing yourself to shoot targets.
That mental preparation doesn't happen in the course of a normal school day...it's all about tardy slips and grading homework and trying to teach these rowdy kids so you can demonstrate their learning through standardized testing.

I completely agree that a person with a hand gun that had been well trained inside the school at the time the shooter started would have been fortuitous. It would have saved lives.
The problem is the training for shoot/don't shoot is difficult and requires lots of hours. Lots and lots of them. And even police who train specifically for this on a regular basis still make bad shots and bad calls of judgment....happens regularly enough.

Your average school teacher puts in around 70-80 hours a week. That's just dealing with students and parents and lessons and grading papers.

That's why I'm saying what I'm saying. Because the teachers likely won't be proficient with their firearm and will inadvertently begin shooting students, teachers, or even responding police or other responding armed citizens trying to help.

Logistically what you are talking about is a nightmare to pull off.
Training for the initial licensing is about 24 hours depending on which program the school uses with regular training throughout the year.
No, they aren't.

It was predicted.

Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer and fixer of President Donald Trump, has argued in a foreword to his new book that Trump will never leave office peacefully because he knows he'll serve prison time when he is no longer president.

View attachment 653813

January 31 2022
The 84 people who signed bogus documents claiming that Donald Trump won the 2020 election include dozens of local Republican Party leaders, seven current candidates for public office, eight current office holders and at least five previous state and federal office holders.

Groups from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all allegedly sent lists of so-called alternate electors to the National Archives after the 2020 election. The slate of fake electors includes Lou Barletta and Charlie Gerow, both candidates for governor in Pennsylvania; Burt Jones, a candidate for lieutenant governor in Georgia; James Lamon, a candidate for U.S. Senate from Arizona; and candidates for state legislative seats.

Among the dozens of election reform laws changing rules regarding how voters cast ballots, several have also diminished secretaries of states' authority over elections or shifted aspects of election administration to highly partisan bodies, such as state legislators themselves or unevenly bipartisan election boards.

These new laws include one that requires local election boards in Arkansas to refer election law violation complaints to the State Board of Election Commissioners -- made up of five Republicans and just one Democrat -- instead of their respective county clerks and local prosecutors; another that generally bars the executive and judicial branches in Kansas from modifying election law; and one in Texas requiring the governor, lieutenant governor and state house speaker to "unanimously agree" to the secretary of state granting local election commissions' or boards' requests to accept donations over $1,000.

If nut jobs like this gets RE elected, it will be hell for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Stop trying to derail the thread. Start another for that if you're so enamored with the subject matter.
I don't care, she is charged with protecting the students.

It takes less than a half second to push on that door to see if it locked and she was not herself under fire.

Like it or not this matters because that is how the shooter gained access to the building. Absent that unlocked door he'd have been stopped by the police who were already arriving from ever gaining entry.

The adults are responsible for securing the school including making sure that door locked once she was inside.
libs are desperate to blame guns while leaving the schools unprotected

Because it fits their gun grabbing agenda the same way that Obama and holder allowing mexican drug dealers to buy weapons illegally in America did

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