Every Classroom Should Have Heavily Armed Teachers In It

No, I don't think it's impossible, i think it unlikely that medication is the cause of gun violence and rather more likely that people who commit gun violence or show a tendency towards violent behavior are people who probably should be on some sort of medication.
You misunderstand. No one is claiming gun violence is caused by medications. However gun violence by young men on big pharma’s shit is very common. This needs further study to determine if it is valid or invalid. However we know such a study will never be performed.
I don't have any problem evaluating responses . . .
Me neither. That's why I'm wondering why no one in the FBI was charged with gross negligence that led to a lot of kids dying.

Nikolas Cruz comes to mind. Was it the gun? Sure. Could the FBI have stopped him? YUP! Did they? Nope. Why not? Must not have wanted to.
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Fuck you. You just took a civil conversation and threw shit all over it. You can go fuck yourself.
That's fine you hysterical child. 😄 I didn't cry like a bitch when you intimated my position was born out of some fear of scary looking guns, I just came back and called you a clown, but you go ahead and cry about it if it makes you feel better.
Never once has anyone said that we should arm everyone, and no one's acting that way, so stop being a fucking liar, you lying piece of shit.
There have been plenty of Republicans on TV and here who suggested the solution to stopping mass shootings is more guns.
We can't make it difficult to possess firearms, dummy. Why? Because there are hundreds of millions of them already out there, and no one (except, maybe, for ignorant dipshits like you) are going to turn over their guns just because the government says to.
We could get most of those guns if we wanted to. We have a lot of information on gun owners and they are a small minority of the population. We could widdle them down by attrition.
Now, think about how different that response would've been had you not resorted to name-calling.

It doesn't bother me any soy boy. 😄 Express yourself.
You misunderstand. No one is claiming gun violence is caused by medications. However gun violence by young men on big pharma’s shit is very common. This needs further study to determine if it is valid or invalid. However we know such a study will never be performed.
Sure, right after we look at video games and rock and roll... 😄
Me neither. That's why I'm wondering why no one in the FBI was charged with gross negligence that led to a lot of kids dying.

Nikolas Cruz comes to mind. Was it the gun? Sure. Could the FBI have stopped him? YUP! Did they? Nope. Why not? Must not have wanted to.
Because Police next to Politicians are the most protected class of people in America.
That's fine you hysterical child. 😄 I didn't cry like a bitch when you intimated my position was born out of some fear of scary looking guns, I just came back and called you a clown, but you go ahead and cry about it if it makes you feel better.

Whatever, douchebag.

My comment about scary looking guns is based solidly on facts. Anti-gun zealots want to ban the AR-15, yet they nothing about the Ruger Mini-14.


There have been plenty of Republicans on TV and here who suggested the solution to stopping mass shootings is more guns.

"More guns" is not "arming everyone", you ignorant simp...

We could get most of those guns if we wanted to.

And that should scare the shit out of every decent American. And it also shows just how much of an anti-American piece of shit you are...

We have a lot of information on gun owners and they are a small minority of the population.


You don't have shit.

I own 47 firearms at the moment. You know how many the government knows about?


They don't know about a single one...

We could widdle them down by attrition.

Um, that'd be "whittle", dumbfuck, and there'd be no "widdling" [sic] of anything...
The teaching staff was almost certainly following lockdown protocol and therefore would have each been in their respective classrooms, doors locked, lights off, standing between their students and said door, with the kids on the floor in a corner away from doors or windows. They would remain thus until informed by police that the lockdown was over. If one out of every 100 teachers were armed, they wouldn't have been able to do squat unless the shooter happened to somehow break into those specific classrooms.
Whatever, douchebag.

My comment about scary looking guns is based solidly on facts. Anti-gun zealots want to ban the AR-15, yet they nothing about the Ruger Mini-14.

Yes, every semi-automatic rifle is effectively the same, what the fuck has that got to do with me or our conversation? Still taking the position of the biggest bitch imaginable I see. Either have some fun and spread a little vitriol or don't but don't be that salty child who thinks when they do it it's okay.
"More guns" is not "arming everyone", you ignorant simp...
More guns is also not how we stop mass shootings from happening.
And that should scare the shit out of every decent American. And it also shows just how much of an anti-American piece of shit you are...

Certainly anti-your America. That's my right. Cry about it.

You don't have shit.

I own 47 firearms at the moment. You know how many the government knows about?

Well you did just admit to it on the internet so you're not as inconspicuous as a ninja. 😄
They don't know about a single one...
Um, that'd be "whittle", dumbfuck, and there'd be no "widdling" [sic] of anything...
Fair enough.
My comment about scary looking guns is based solidly on facts. Anti-gun zealots want to ban the AR-15, yet they nothing about the Ruger Mini-14.
The gun grabbers are just picking the low hanging fruit for now

Seizing more guns will come later incrimenality
Yes, every semi-automatic rifle is effectively the same, what the fuck has that got to do with me or our conversation? Still taking the position of the biggest bitch imaginable I see. Either have some fun and spread a little vitriol or don't but don't be that salty child who thinks when they do it it's okay.

We're talking about getting rid of "assault rifles" (whatever that is), right?

The AR-15 is invariably the target of the cowardly left. The Mini 14, though, is essentially the same exact weapon. Fine, get rid of your assault rifles. Then mass shooters will start using Mini 14's and you can spend 25 years trying to get rid of those...

More guns is also not how we stop mass shootings from happening.

Do you deny that a person with a gun ended the massacre at Robb Elementary?


Certainly anti-your America. That's my right. Cry about it.

Oh, it's absolutely your right. And in exercising your right you're proving to all that you're an anti-American piece of shit.

But, hey, you do you...

Well you did just admit to it on the internet so you're not as inconspicuous as a ninja. 😄


See, this is where you ignorance shines with the light of a thousand suns.

Not a single firearm of mine is registered.

In Florida, if I want to sell a gun to my neighbor, I can walk over to his house, hand him the gun, and take his money. That's it. Done. Sale complete.

So, while I may have stated that I own guns now (at 12:08pm eastern time on June 7), I can just as easily say "Yeah, sold them all" and that would be the end of it, and no one would be the wiser...

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