Every crime committed by an illegal alien might as well be committed by Democrats...

Think the republicans should take the blame for everyone killed by guns? Didn't think so. Every policy has a downside, some worse than others, Is the upside worth it?
Because the entire DNC is such an exercise in dehumanizing, murderous hatred against fellow Americans -- one of the most delightful stenches of the "legacy" Obamaggot left behind -- they feel a burst of schadenfreude when fellow Americans suffer and/or die at the hands of the violent, jailbird, low-I.Q. criminal-savage 3rd-world dregs of humanity that these liberals venerate as something to be admired.
When a madman shoots scores of people in a rampage the Conservatives blame him exclusively. They don’t blame legislators for not passing laws to prohibit the mentally disturbed from buying guns. In fact, they applaud such legislators.
But when an immigrant commits murder, do they blame the immigrant exclusively? No. They find legislators to blame.
Where’s the consistency of thought?

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