every day republicans show us how they don't care about the people

You might have a leg to stand on if the Republican governor had not switched the water supply from the great lakes to a contaminated river to save money.
I assure you that I will lay blame where it belongs.

This is a State and local issue and I put that blame mostly at the local level and the Governor is just as guilty.

But to blame Republicans.

I don't buy it!
ok republican, who claims he's a democrat ... go read the god damn news this morning ... it show the republicans blocking the money to repair the water system in Flint ... then come back here and tell us your bull shit statement here how republicans are great people, wonderful human beings... cause they dont want to be held responsible for poisoning women, men, and children ... just because they didn't want to spend money to find out if that was a good Idea ... tell us how great of a Idea it is ... tell us how we are full off bull shit ... we would love to here your stupidity shine here even more ...
1st. They should not be blocking the aid to repair the water system. That I can agree on. It appears the Dems blocked the energy bill as well.

These water systems are the responsibility at a local level. I do not disagree with the aid to repair the system, but who's fault is it that our nation's water systems are in disrepair?

We have the flush tax in Maryland to address this infrastructure and I am all for it. Much has been done to address the decline of the Chesapeake Bay. There is still a problem with the aging sewage systems and the spillover of sewage into the tributaries.
I don't see Republicans as great people and wonderful human beings.

Our representatives need to address this problem immediately just as if it were a natural disaster and at a State and local level address crumbling infrastructure, instead of waiting for a crisis like a bridge collapsing or sewage in the drinking water.

The problem I have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame instead of addressing the crisis.
the problem you have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame ??? man you're ignorant ... lets see here who was it that took the mayer out of his job to run the city of fling who knew about their water system problems??? answer the republican governor ... who was it that stopped the water coming into their city ??? a republican governor... who told to them to change it ... the mayer knew that it was a bad Idea but the republican governor jumped all over this plan they ignored the mayer because the republicans knew better .. the republicans did all of this to flint ... now you're trying to say we don't need to blame someone really ...

what does the energy bill have to do with repairing the water system... its hard to debate with an idiot who like to point out shiny objects ... we know its the state problem, you idiot ... this was a federal bill to help them repair it quickly, nothing more ... now you want to point out a bunch of useless shit???
The funding for the repair was was in the energy bill.

I'm making a statement to this fact.

There is no shiney object.

I agreed with you on the federal bill.

You agree with me on it being a State problem and then call me an idiot.

You created a post on "every day republicans!" I called you on it!

You should have used the title "Republican representatives!"

I agree with you 100% on everything else concerning this issue and you call me an idiot!

You are on an emotional roller coaster without breaks!
lets see who was it that cause us to lose out retirement plan by deregulating the banks, the republicans ...who was it that almost cause this country go into another great depression ??? the republicans ... who was it that lied to the people to go into a war with Iraq ???the republicans ... who was it that complain about a health care plan then vote a 60 plus time to remove it then complain that their health care double because they didn't bring the health care plan into their state ... the republicans ... who complain that Obama was spending too much when in reality he cut the amount of spend in this country more then any president to date ... the republicans ... I could go on and on to adnusium ... the problem you have is you want to remain neutral ... thats fine ... thats your choice .. but don't come here with your shiny objects and try to put it up my butt ...
Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah, claims other politicians are “grandstanding,” using the Flint crisis to direct federal funding to their own states and to “federalize” the nation’s water infrastructure. where they keep getting poisoned by their water that republicans created for them

Neither political party works for the sheeple. They are employees of USA.INC and their job is to raise as much revenue as possible while placating the masses of uneducated serfs to keep them on the hamster wheel. If you think otherwise, you are simply one of the sheeple.
Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah, claims other politicians are “grandstanding,” using the Flint crisis to direct federal funding to their own states and to “federalize” the nation’s water infrastructure. where they keep getting poisoned by their water that republicans created for them
They are grandstanding and using this crisis for personal gain.

Repub!licans are poisoning the water now?

How do you explain the issue in other States, including Baltimore?

I believe there has been outrage from many who are conservative and Republican.

And before you go off on a right wing rant, I am a Democrat.

You are full of :bsflag:
the republicans have been blocking the repairs of the nations water systems for 9 years now ... they are doing it because they didn't want to see the democrats turn around the unemployment to fast ... are you really this stupid??? they have been blocking the highway systems for 9 years now ... same reason, they didn't want to see the democrats turn around the unemployment numbers around too fast ... now that we are sitting at 4.9 they try to tell us Obama did a bad job ??? where you are falling for the BULL SHIT that they are trying to pull??? really ??? so now that you think they are grand standing to get their water systems repaired in their state ... you think thats a bad Idea??? really ??? are you this stupid ... these people are being screwed and you trying to say, well its ok they can deal with it by them selves... because you think its ok because block it because you thing politicians are grandstanding ... you're no democrat that I know

The source of the lead in question usually isn't from the feeder pipes, but the pipes inside people's houses. Most government's don't touch that piping, as it is the property owner's responsibility. At best the local government could offer a tax credit to people for replacing their pipes, but then of course Flint needs its tax income to pay for its pension costs, so this is what happens when blue model cities start running out of money, both current and future.
I assure you that I will lay blame where it belongs.

This is a State and local issue and I put that blame mostly at the local level and the Governor is just as guilty.

But to blame Republicans.

I don't buy it!
ok republican, who claims he's a democrat ... go read the god damn news this morning ... it show the republicans blocking the money to repair the water system in Flint ... then come back here and tell us your bull shit statement here how republicans are great people, wonderful human beings... cause they dont want to be held responsible for poisoning women, men, and children ... just because they didn't want to spend money to find out if that was a good Idea ... tell us how great of a Idea it is ... tell us how we are full off bull shit ... we would love to here your stupidity shine here even more ...
1st. They should not be blocking the aid to repair the water system. That I can agree on. It appears the Dems blocked the energy bill as well.

These water systems are the responsibility at a local level. I do not disagree with the aid to repair the system, but who's fault is it that our nation's water systems are in disrepair?

We have the flush tax in Maryland to address this infrastructure and I am all for it. Much has been done to address the decline of the Chesapeake Bay. There is still a problem with the aging sewage systems and the spillover of sewage into the tributaries.
I don't see Republicans as great people and wonderful human beings.

Our representatives need to address this problem immediately just as if it were a natural disaster and at a State and local level address crumbling infrastructure, instead of waiting for a crisis like a bridge collapsing or sewage in the drinking water.

The problem I have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame instead of addressing the crisis.
the problem you have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame ??? man you're ignorant ... lets see here who was it that took the mayer out of his job to run the city of fling who knew about their water system problems??? answer the republican governor ... who was it that stopped the water coming into their city ??? a republican governor... who told to them to change it ... the mayer knew that it was a bad Idea but the republican governor jumped all over this plan they ignored the mayer because the republicans knew better .. the republicans did all of this to flint ... now you're trying to say we don't need to blame someone really ...

what does the energy bill have to do with repairing the water system... its hard to debate with an idiot who like to point out shiny objects ... we know its the state problem, you idiot ... this was a federal bill to help them repair it quickly, nothing more ... now you want to point out a bunch of useless shit???
The funding for the repair was was in the energy bill.

I'm making a statement to this fact.

There is no shiney object.

I agreed with you on the federal bill.

You agree with me on it being a State problem and then call me an idiot.

You created a post on "every day republicans!" I called you on it!

You should have used the title "Republican representatives!"

I agree with you 100% on everything else concerning this issue and you call me an idiot!

You are on an emotional roller coaster without breaks!
lets see who was it that cause us to lose out retirement plan by deregulating the banks, the republicans ...who was it that almost cause this country go into another great depression ??? the republicans ... who was it that lied to the people to go into a war with Iraq ???the republicans ... who was it that complain about a health care plan then vote a 60 plus time to remove it then complain that their health care double because they didn't bring the health care plan into their state ... the republicans ... who complain that Obama was spending too much when in reality he cut the amount of spend in this country more then any president to date ... the republicans ... I could go on and on to adnusium ... the problem you have is you want to remain neutral ... thats fine ... thats your choice .. but don't come here with your shiny objects and try to put it up my butt ...
I assure you that I will lay blame where it belongs.

This is a State and local issue and I put that blame mostly at the local level and the Governor is just as guilty.

But to blame Republicans.

I don't buy it!
ok republican, who claims he's a democrat ... go read the god damn news this morning ... it show the republicans blocking the money to repair the water system in Flint ... then come back here and tell us your bull shit statement here how republicans are great people, wonderful human beings... cause they dont want to be held responsible for poisoning women, men, and children ... just because they didn't want to spend money to find out if that was a good Idea ... tell us how great of a Idea it is ... tell us how we are full off bull shit ... we would love to here your stupidity shine here even more ...
1st. They should not be blocking the aid to repair the water system. That I can agree on. It appears the Dems blocked the energy bill as well.

These water systems are the responsibility at a local level. I do not disagree with the aid to repair the system, but who's fault is it that our nation's water systems are in disrepair?

We have the flush tax in Maryland to address this infrastructure and I am all for it. Much has been done to address the decline of the Chesapeake Bay. There is still a problem with the aging sewage systems and the spillover of sewage into the tributaries.
I don't see Republicans as great people and wonderful human beings.

Our representatives need to address this problem immediately just as if it were a natural disaster and at a State and local level address crumbling infrastructure, instead of waiting for a crisis like a bridge collapsing or sewage in the drinking water.

The problem I have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame instead of addressing the crisis.
the problem you have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame ??? man you're ignorant ... lets see here who was it that took the mayer out of his job to run the city of fling who knew about their water system problems??? answer the republican governor ... who was it that stopped the water coming into their city ??? a republican governor... who told to them to change it ... the mayer knew that it was a bad Idea but the republican governor jumped all over this plan they ignored the mayer because the republicans knew better .. the republicans did all of this to flint ... now you're trying to say we don't need to blame someone really ...

what does the energy bill have to do with repairing the water system... its hard to debate with an idiot who like to point out shiny objects ... we know its the state problem, you idiot ... this was a federal bill to help them repair it quickly, nothing more ... now you want to point out a bunch of useless shit???
The funding for the repair was was in the energy bill.

I'm making a statement to this fact.

There is no shiney object.

I agreed with you on the federal bill.

You agree with me on it being a State problem and then call me an idiot.

You created a post on "every day republicans!" I called you on it!

You should have used the title "Republican representatives!"

I agree with you 100% on everything else concerning this issue and you call me an idiot!

You are on an emotional roller coaster without breaks!
lets see who was it that cause us to lose out retirement plan by deregulating the banks, the republicans ...who was it that almost cause this country go into another great depression ??? the republicans ... who was it that lied to the people to go into a war with Iraq ???the republicans ... who was it that complain about a health care plan then vote a 60 plus time to remove it then complain that their health care double because they didn't bring the health care plan into their state ... the republicans ... who complain that Obama was spending too much when in reality he cut the amount of spend in this country more then any president to date ... the republicans ... I could go on and on to adnusium ... the problem you have is you want to remain neutral ... thats fine ... thats your choice .. but don't come here with your shiny objects and try to put it up my butt ...
We could discuss all of the above ad nauseam! And we'd probably agree on some of these issues.

I am not being neutral on this issue.

These people are suffering and it needs to be resolved immediately. Not debated.

The only one shoving shiny objects up your butt is you.
I don't think a Republican has ever even been to Flint

You are supposed to put one of those smiley faces on posts when you are trying to be funny.

When are you going to put one on there that shows stupid when you say something stupid?

Wilbur needs a smilie that says I' with stupid and points down

That would be for those who don't already know Wilbur is stupid.
I assure you that I will lay blame where it belongs.

This is a State and local issue and I put that blame mostly at the local level and the Governor is just as guilty.

But to blame Republicans.

I don't buy it!
ok republican, who claims he's a democrat ... go read the god damn news this morning ... it show the republicans blocking the money to repair the water system in Flint ... then come back here and tell us your bull shit statement here how republicans are great people, wonderful human beings... cause they dont want to be held responsible for poisoning women, men, and children ... just because they didn't want to spend money to find out if that was a good Idea ... tell us how great of a Idea it is ... tell us how we are full off bull shit ... we would love to here your stupidity shine here even more ...
1st. They should not be blocking the aid to repair the water system. That I can agree on. It appears the Dems blocked the energy bill as well.

These water systems are the responsibility at a local level. I do not disagree with the aid to repair the system, but who's fault is it that our nation's water systems are in disrepair?

We have the flush tax in Maryland to address this infrastructure and I am all for it. Much has been done to address the decline of the Chesapeake Bay. There is still a problem with the aging sewage systems and the spillover of sewage into the tributaries.
I don't see Republicans as great people and wonderful human beings.

Our representatives need to address this problem immediately just as if it were a natural disaster and at a State and local level address crumbling infrastructure, instead of waiting for a crisis like a bridge collapsing or sewage in the drinking water.

The problem I have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame instead of addressing the crisis.
the problem you have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame ??? man you're ignorant ... lets see here who was it that took the mayer out of his job to run the city of fling who knew about their water system problems??? answer the republican governor ... who was it that stopped the water coming into their city ??? a republican governor... who told to them to change it ... the mayer knew that it was a bad Idea but the republican governor jumped all over this plan they ignored the mayer because the republicans knew better .. the republicans did all of this to flint ... now you're trying to say we don't need to blame someone really ...

what does the energy bill have to do with repairing the water system... its hard to debate with an idiot who like to point out shiny objects ... we know its the state problem, you idiot ... this was a federal bill to help them repair it quickly, nothing more ... now you want to point out a bunch of useless shit???
The funding for the repair was was in the energy bill.

I'm making a statement to this fact.

There is no shiney object.

I agreed with you on the federal bill.

You agree with me on it being a State problem and then call me an idiot.

You created a post on "every day republicans!" I called you on it!

You should have used the title "Republican representatives!"

I agree with you 100% on everything else concerning this issue and you call me an idiot!

You are on an emotional roller coaster without breaks!
lets see who was it that cause us to lose out retirement plan by deregulating the banks, the republicans ...who was it that almost cause this country go into another great depression ??? the republicans ... who was it that lied to the people to go into a war with Iraq ???the republicans ... who was it that complain about a health care plan then vote a 60 plus time to remove it then complain that their health care double because they didn't bring the health care plan into their state ... the republicans ... who complain that Obama was spending too much when in reality he cut the amount of spend in this country more then any president to date ... the republicans ... I could go on and on to adnusium ... the problem you have is you want to remain neutral ... thats fine ... thats your choice .. but don't come here with your shiny objects and try to put it up my butt ...

Revisionist history...except for Barrypuppetcare, a plan written for the benefit of insurance companies FOR insurance companies, all that other sit had the democrats handy work on it as well. Repubs and dems are just diufferent sides of the same coin and those at the top work together and make backroom deals that will pad their pockets.

BTW, you do know that USA.INC is the majority stockholder of big pharma and the insurance companies, right?
But no democrat outrage over Obama's EPA knowing full well what was happening and doing nothing? Yeah OK, partisan politics in play
looks like you have been paying attention ... but whats new when it come to the world of republican land... the people who didn't report this to the administration were either fired or forced to resigned ... and before you blame the obama administration if they are't told by anyone then you republics love to blame it on them as if they can read minds ...but thats what republicans do they see a line in the news about the epa in their state who ignored it, so it must be the democrats doing nothing ...

It's simple, don't be pointing fingers at one side while your side's hands are dirty also
the republicans caused this disaster in flint ... the epa in flint also was apart of it by not doing their job ... that i pointed out the epa isn't a democrat or a republican agency... they failed to report this to the obama admistration ... this has been established by the obama administration being transparent as soon as the became aware of this ... the democrats wrote a bill to help them with their water system and the republicans blocked it so tell me again how both sides of the obama administrate are dirty??? you can't hold some one responsible if you have been told...
thats more then i can say about the snider administration... the flying fickle of fate is pointing right at him who by the way won't show all of his emails in this matter ..
Oh bullshit Billy. The left wing doesn't have anything to run on do they use trained seals like you to spread bovine fertilizer around. The problem is the leaching of lead from the pipes. I wouldn't want to drink any chemicals that would coat the pipes or prevent lead from leaching. But in your case I think it's too late.
its obvious you have watch any of the democratic debates, other wise you wouldn't look so stupid her e ...stop making a fool of yourself.. whats the republicans running on ??? who has the biggest dick??? what do you guys use mud suckers to make you follow their insanity
Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah, claims other politicians are “grandstanding,” using the Flint crisis to direct federal funding to their own states and to “federalize” the nation’s water infrastructure. where they keep getting poisoned by their water that republicans created for them
They are grandstanding and using this crisis for personal gain.

Repub!licans are poisoning the water now?

How do you explain the issue in other States, including Baltimore?

I believe there has been outrage from many who are conservative and Republican.

And before you go off on a right wing rant, I am a Democrat.

You are full of :bsflag:
the republicans have been blocking the repairs of the nations water systems for 9 years now ... they are doing it because they didn't want to see the democrats turn around the unemployment to fast ... are you really this stupid??? they have been blocking the highway systems for 9 years now ... same reason, they didn't want to see the democrats turn around the unemployment numbers around too fast ... now that we are sitting at 4.9 they try to tell us Obama did a bad job ??? where you are falling for the BULL SHIT that they are trying to pull??? really ??? so now that you think they are grand standing to get their water systems repaired in their state ... you think thats a bad Idea??? really ??? are you this stupid ... these people are being screwed and you trying to say, well its ok they can deal with it by them selves... because you think its ok because block it because you thing politicians are grandstanding ... you're no democrat that I know

The source of the lead in question usually isn't from the feeder pipes, but the pipes inside people's houses. Most government's don't touch that piping, as it is the property owner's responsibility. At best the local government could offer a tax credit to people for replacing their pipes, but then of course Flint needs its tax income to pay for its pension costs, so this is what happens when blue model cities start running out of money, both current and future.
as a person who sweated in many copper lines, yes its a source of contamination too... in this case it wasn't the main source ... from my understanding the amount of led contamination in a home was small enought for government standards ... thats my understanding ... like everything that too will change ...
Your "understanding" of the Flint debacle is very very limited. Instead of doubling down on uninformed partisan poppycock and offering the pointless news that you have "sweated in many copper lines", find out what actually happened in Flint. There are at least a dozen posts on this board with links. You could start there.

That is, if you really care about people, you'd want to know the actual details. Of course, that'll take more work that just blaming republicans, but you will be at least be less likely to keep repeating the ridiculous.
Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah, claims other politicians are “grandstanding,” using the Flint crisis to direct federal funding to their own states and to “federalize” the nation’s water infrastructure. where they keep getting poisoned by their water that republicans created for them
They are grandstanding and using this crisis for personal gain.

Repub!licans are poisoning the water now?

How do you explain the issue in other States, including Baltimore?

I believe there has been outrage from many who are conservative and Republican.

And before you go off on a right wing rant, I am a Democrat.

You are full of :bsflag:
the republicans have been blocking the repairs of the nations water systems for 9 years now ... they are doing it because they didn't want to see the democrats turn around the unemployment to fast ... are you really this stupid??? they have been blocking the highway systems for 9 years now ... same reason, they didn't want to see the democrats turn around the unemployment numbers around too fast ... now that we are sitting at 4.9 they try to tell us Obama did a bad job ??? where you are falling for the BULL SHIT that they are trying to pull??? really ??? so now that you think they are grand standing to get their water systems repaired in their state ... you think thats a bad Idea??? really ??? are you this stupid ... these people are being screwed and you trying to say, well its ok they can deal with it by them selves... because you think its ok because block it because you thing politicians are grandstanding ... you're no democrat that I know

The source of the lead in question usually isn't from the feeder pipes, but the pipes inside people's houses. Most government's don't touch that piping, as it is the property owner's responsibility. At best the local government could offer a tax credit to people for replacing their pipes, but then of course Flint needs its tax income to pay for its pension costs, so this is what happens when blue model cities start running out of money, both current and future.
as a person who sweated in many copper lines, yes its a source of contamination too... in this case it wasn't the main source ... from my understanding the amount of led contamination in a home was small enought for government standards ... thats my understanding ... like everything that too will change ...
Your "understanding" of the Flint debacle is very very limited. Instead of doubling down on uninformed partisan poppycock and offering the pointless news that you have "sweated in many copper lines", find out what actually happened in Flint. There are at least a dozen posts on this board with links. You could start there.

That is, if you really care about people, you'd want to know the actual details. Of course, that'll take more work that just blaming republicans, but you will be at least be less likely to keep repeating the ridiculous.

He's just using it to attack the right.
I don't think a Republican has ever even been to Flint

You are supposed to put one of those smiley faces on posts when you are trying to be funny.

When are you going to put one on there that shows stupid when you say something stupid?

Wilbur needs a smilie that says I' with stupid and points down

That would be for those who don't already know Wilbur is stupid.

Exactly, it's for people who don't know him
ok republican, who claims he's a democrat ... go read the god damn news this morning ... it show the republicans blocking the money to repair the water system in Flint ... then come back here and tell us your bull shit statement here how republicans are great people, wonderful human beings... cause they dont want to be held responsible for poisoning women, men, and children ... just because they didn't want to spend money to find out if that was a good Idea ... tell us how great of a Idea it is ... tell us how we are full off bull shit ... we would love to here your stupidity shine here even more ...
1st. They should not be blocking the aid to repair the water system. That I can agree on. It appears the Dems blocked the energy bill as well.

These water systems are the responsibility at a local level. I do not disagree with the aid to repair the system, but who's fault is it that our nation's water systems are in disrepair?

We have the flush tax in Maryland to address this infrastructure and I am all for it. Much has been done to address the decline of the Chesapeake Bay. There is still a problem with the aging sewage systems and the spillover of sewage into the tributaries.
I don't see Republicans as great people and wonderful human beings.

Our representatives need to address this problem immediately just as if it were a natural disaster and at a State and local level address crumbling infrastructure, instead of waiting for a crisis like a bridge collapsing or sewage in the drinking water.

The problem I have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame instead of addressing the crisis.
the problem you have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame ??? man you're ignorant ... lets see here who was it that took the mayer out of his job to run the city of fling who knew about their water system problems??? answer the republican governor ... who was it that stopped the water coming into their city ??? a republican governor... who told to them to change it ... the mayer knew that it was a bad Idea but the republican governor jumped all over this plan they ignored the mayer because the republicans knew better .. the republicans did all of this to flint ... now you're trying to say we don't need to blame someone really ...

what does the energy bill have to do with repairing the water system... its hard to debate with an idiot who like to point out shiny objects ... we know its the state problem, you idiot ... this was a federal bill to help them repair it quickly, nothing more ... now you want to point out a bunch of useless shit???
The funding for the repair was was in the energy bill.

I'm making a statement to this fact.

There is no shiney object.

I agreed with you on the federal bill.

You agree with me on it being a State problem and then call me an idiot.

You created a post on "every day republicans!" I called you on it!

You should have used the title "Republican representatives!"

I agree with you 100% on everything else concerning this issue and you call me an idiot!

You are on an emotional roller coaster without breaks!
lets see who was it that cause us to lose out retirement plan by deregulating the banks, the republicans ...who was it that almost cause this country go into another great depression ??? the republicans ... who was it that lied to the people to go into a war with Iraq ???the republicans ... who was it that complain about a health care plan then vote a 60 plus time to remove it then complain that their health care double because they didn't bring the health care plan into their state ... the republicans ... who complain that Obama was spending too much when in reality he cut the amount of spend in this country more then any president to date ... the republicans ... I could go on and on to adnusium ... the problem you have is you want to remain neutral ... thats fine ... thats your choice .. but don't come here with your shiny objects and try to put it up my butt ...

Revisionist history...except for Barrypuppetcare, a plan written for the benefit of insurance companies FOR insurance companies, all that other sit had the democrats handy work on it as well. Repubs and dems are just diufferent sides of the same coin and those at the top work together and make backroom deals that will pad their pockets.

BTW, you do know that USA.INC is the majority stockholder of big pharma and the insurance companies, right?
and yet the states that took obama care or as you called it barrypuppetcare cut the cost in half ... i guess usa, inc did us proud
I don't think a Republican has ever even been to Flint

You are supposed to put one of those smiley faces on posts when you are trying to be funny.

When are you going to put one on there that shows stupid when you say something stupid?

Wilbur needs a smilie that says I' with stupid and points down

That would be for those who don't already know Wilbur is stupid.

Exactly, it's for people who don't know him

Those of us who know the type he is don't need it. Others need to know before they spend time they can't get back by wasting it on him.
But no democrat outrage over Obama's EPA knowing full well what was happening and doing nothing? Yeah OK, partisan politics in play
looks like you have been paying attention ... but whats new when it come to the world of republican land... the people who didn't report this to the administration were either fired or forced to resigned ... and before you blame the obama administration if they are't told by anyone then you republics love to blame it on them as if they can read minds ...but thats what republicans do they see a line in the news about the epa in their state who ignored it, so it must be the democrats doing nothing ...

It's simple, don't be pointing fingers at one side while your side's hands are dirty also
the republicans caused this disaster in flint ... the epa in flint also was apart of it by not doing their job ... that i pointed out the epa isn't a democrat or a republican agency... they failed to report this to the obama admistration ... this has been established by the obama administration being transparent as soon as the became aware of this ... the democrats wrote a bill to help them with their water system and the republicans blocked it so tell me again how both sides of the obama administrate are dirty??? you can't hold some one responsible if you have been told...
thats more then i can say about the snider administration... the flying fickle of fate is pointing right at him who by the way won't show all of his emails in this matter ..
Oh bullshit Billy. The left wing doesn't have anything to run on do they use trained seals like you to spread bovine fertilizer around. The problem is the leaching of lead from the pipes. I wouldn't want to drink any chemicals that would coat the pipes or prevent lead from leaching. But in your case I think it's too late.
its obvious you have watch any of the democratic debates, other wise you wouldn't look so stupid her e ...stop making a fool of yourself.. whats the republicans running on ??? who has the biggest dick??? what do you guys use mud suckers to make you follow their insanity

I know all I need to know about the Clinton crime cabal and their ties to the Bush crime family and the Rockefellers. I know enough to understand that she is a globalist just like Bill was and we might as well throw in the towel if the Bilderburg group is able to get her into office. Then we have Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist that wants to lift even more money out of the struggling middle class to pay for social programs so we know that isn't going to work. It was Woodrow Wilson, a democrat that was bought and paid for by the banking oligarchs that got him to turn over our monetary system to a bunch of foreign bankers in 1913. It was FDR, a democrat that monetized our birth certificates and made us all surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 in exchange for some trinkets like Social Security that WE actually pay for as well as the employer. You don't know real history, I do. Repub presidents like Nixon, Reagan and the Bush clan were POS as well and THAT is why the middle class is getting it's ass kicked. None of your beloved members of the democrat party are going to do a damn thing to turn this country around. I could cure what ails this country in less than a year if given the chance but I would probably end up like JFK, the last decent president that we had.
as a person who sweated in many copper lines, yes its a source of contamination too... in this case it wasn't the main source ... from my understanding the amount of led contamination in a home was small enought for government standards ... thats my understanding ... like everything that too will change ...
If the water was eating the solder joints they would be leaking.

Eventually, but that takes time, and even taking off the surface molecules from a pipe that isn't used frequently can lead to elevated lead levels in people, especially children. Reading further though, it seems that some of the local piping and a lot of the house piping contains actual lead pipe, from earlier in the century.
Yeah, older lead pipes, I'm sure. I'm doubting the solder thing. I soldered many homes and we don't have any lead prevention chemicals here. people would throw a hissy fit.

Yeah, i think i had a morning brain fart there.

In any event, be it lead pipe in the house, or lead pipe in the street, its Flint's issue, not the Governor's, and Flint has been solidly democratic for decades.
but it wasn't flint who changed the water system now was it ...its like you're driving down the street ...you have the green light ... you go into the intersection and you're nailed ... now its your fault for going through the intersection .... thats what you're trying to tell us here ... as for pluming in houses and the 50/50 led solder that was used ... usually it not a problem ...it only becomes a problem when lines are contaminate by a substance that cause the led to leach out of the pipes soldered joints in the home .. who cause that problem I would say the republicans caused this problem
looks like you have been paying attention ... but whats new when it come to the world of republican land... the people who didn't report this to the administration were either fired or forced to resigned ... and before you blame the obama administration if they are't told by anyone then you republics love to blame it on them as if they can read minds ...but thats what republicans do they see a line in the news about the epa in their state who ignored it, so it must be the democrats doing nothing ...

It's simple, don't be pointing fingers at one side while your side's hands are dirty also
the republicans caused this disaster in flint ... the epa in flint also was apart of it by not doing their job ... that i pointed out the epa isn't a democrat or a republican agency... they failed to report this to the obama admistration ... this has been established by the obama administration being transparent as soon as the became aware of this ... the democrats wrote a bill to help them with their water system and the republicans blocked it so tell me again how both sides of the obama administrate are dirty??? you can't hold some one responsible if you have been told...
thats more then i can say about the snider administration... the flying fickle of fate is pointing right at him who by the way won't show all of his emails in this matter ..
Oh bullshit Billy. The left wing doesn't have anything to run on do they use trained seals like you to spread bovine fertilizer around. The problem is the leaching of lead from the pipes. I wouldn't want to drink any chemicals that would coat the pipes or prevent lead from leaching. But in your case I think it's too late.
its obvious you have watch any of the democratic debates, other wise you wouldn't look so stupid her e ...stop making a fool of yourself.. whats the republicans running on ??? who has the biggest dick??? what do you guys use mud suckers to make you follow their insanity

I know all I need to know about the Clinton crime cabal and their ties to the Bush crime family and the Rockefellers. I know enough to understand that she is a globalist just like Bill was and we might as well throw in the towel if the Bilderburg group is able to get her into office. Then we have Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist that wants to lift even more money out of the struggling middle class to pay for social programs so we know that isn't going to work. It was Woodrow Wilson, a democrat that was bought and paid for by the banking oligarchs that got him to turn over our monetary system to a bunch of foreign bankers in 1913. It was FDR, a democrat that monetized our birth certificates and made us all surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 in exchange for some trinkets like Social Security that WE actually pay for as well as the employer. You don't know real history, I do. Repub presidents like Nixon, Reagan and the Bush clan were POS as well and THAT is why the middle class is getting it's ass kicked. None of your beloved members of the democrat party are going to do a damn thing to turn this country around. I could cure what ails this country in less than a year if given the chance but I would probably end up like JFK, the last decent president that we had.
go back to your underground shelter where your safe ... you know only what you want to believe ... what a nut case you are
1st. They should not be blocking the aid to repair the water system. That I can agree on. It appears the Dems blocked the energy bill as well.

These water systems are the responsibility at a local level. I do not disagree with the aid to repair the system, but who's fault is it that our nation's water systems are in disrepair?

We have the flush tax in Maryland to address this infrastructure and I am all for it. Much has been done to address the decline of the Chesapeake Bay. There is still a problem with the aging sewage systems and the spillover of sewage into the tributaries.
I don't see Republicans as great people and wonderful human beings.

Our representatives need to address this problem immediately just as if it were a natural disaster and at a State and local level address crumbling infrastructure, instead of waiting for a crisis like a bridge collapsing or sewage in the drinking water.

The problem I have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame instead of addressing the crisis.
the problem you have is not taking responsibility and throwing blame ??? man you're ignorant ... lets see here who was it that took the mayer out of his job to run the city of fling who knew about their water system problems??? answer the republican governor ... who was it that stopped the water coming into their city ??? a republican governor... who told to them to change it ... the mayer knew that it was a bad Idea but the republican governor jumped all over this plan they ignored the mayer because the republicans knew better .. the republicans did all of this to flint ... now you're trying to say we don't need to blame someone really ...

what does the energy bill have to do with repairing the water system... its hard to debate with an idiot who like to point out shiny objects ... we know its the state problem, you idiot ... this was a federal bill to help them repair it quickly, nothing more ... now you want to point out a bunch of useless shit???
The funding for the repair was was in the energy bill.

I'm making a statement to this fact.

There is no shiney object.

I agreed with you on the federal bill.

You agree with me on it being a State problem and then call me an idiot.

You created a post on "every day republicans!" I called you on it!

You should have used the title "Republican representatives!"

I agree with you 100% on everything else concerning this issue and you call me an idiot!

You are on an emotional roller coaster without breaks!
lets see who was it that cause us to lose out retirement plan by deregulating the banks, the republicans ...who was it that almost cause this country go into another great depression ??? the republicans ... who was it that lied to the people to go into a war with Iraq ???the republicans ... who was it that complain about a health care plan then vote a 60 plus time to remove it then complain that their health care double because they didn't bring the health care plan into their state ... the republicans ... who complain that Obama was spending too much when in reality he cut the amount of spend in this country more then any president to date ... the republicans ... I could go on and on to adnusium ... the problem you have is you want to remain neutral ... thats fine ... thats your choice .. but don't come here with your shiny objects and try to put it up my butt ...

Revisionist history...except for Barrypuppetcare, a plan written for the benefit of insurance companies FOR insurance companies, all that other sit had the democrats handy work on it as well. Repubs and dems are just diufferent sides of the same coin and those at the top work together and make backroom deals that will pad their pockets.

BTW, you do know that USA.INC is the majority stockholder of big pharma and the insurance companies, right?
and yet the states that took obama care or as you called it barrypuppetcare cut the cost in half ... i guess usa, inc did us proud

No, for everyone person it allegedly helped, it fucked over 4 people that did not qualify for a subsidy and had plans that did not pass the ACA "sniff test". I know, just for chucks and grins, I looked up a plan for someone my age and it would have been 600 a month plus a 6,000 deductible and then only covered 80 percent after that.....that's "affordable" to you????
as a person who sweated in many copper lines, yes its a source of contamination too... in this case it wasn't the main source ... from my understanding the amount of led contamination in a home was small enought for government standards ... thats my understanding ... like everything that too will change ...
If the water was eating the solder joints they would be leaking.

Eventually, but that takes time, and even taking off the surface molecules from a pipe that isn't used frequently can lead to elevated lead levels in people, especially children. Reading further though, it seems that some of the local piping and a lot of the house piping contains actual lead pipe, from earlier in the century.
Yeah, older lead pipes, I'm sure. I'm doubting the solder thing. I soldered many homes and we don't have any lead prevention chemicals here. people would throw a hissy fit.

Yeah, i think i had a morning brain fart there.

In any event, be it lead pipe in the house, or lead pipe in the street, its Flint's issue, not the Governor's, and Flint has been solidly democratic for decades.
but it wasn't flint who changed the water system now was it ...its like you're driving down the street ...you have the green light ... you go into the intersection and you're nailed ... now its your fault for going through the intersection .... thats what you're trying to tell us here ... as for pluming in houses and the 50/50 led solder that was used ... usually it not a problem ...it only becomes a problem when lines are contaminate by a substance that cause the led to leach out of the pipes soldered joints in the home .. who cause that problem I would say the republicans caused this problem
Respectfully, sir.

What was the substance that caused the lead to leach?

We can discuss this without name calling.
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It's simple, don't be pointing fingers at one side while your side's hands are dirty also
the republicans caused this disaster in flint ... the epa in flint also was apart of it by not doing their job ... that i pointed out the epa isn't a democrat or a republican agency... they failed to report this to the obama admistration ... this has been established by the obama administration being transparent as soon as the became aware of this ... the democrats wrote a bill to help them with their water system and the republicans blocked it so tell me again how both sides of the obama administrate are dirty??? you can't hold some one responsible if you have been told...
thats more then i can say about the snider administration... the flying fickle of fate is pointing right at him who by the way won't show all of his emails in this matter ..
Oh bullshit Billy. The left wing doesn't have anything to run on do they use trained seals like you to spread bovine fertilizer around. The problem is the leaching of lead from the pipes. I wouldn't want to drink any chemicals that would coat the pipes or prevent lead from leaching. But in your case I think it's too late.
its obvious you have watch any of the democratic debates, other wise you wouldn't look so stupid her e ...stop making a fool of yourself.. whats the republicans running on ??? who has the biggest dick??? what do you guys use mud suckers to make you follow their insanity

I know all I need to know about the Clinton crime cabal and their ties to the Bush crime family and the Rockefellers. I know enough to understand that she is a globalist just like Bill was and we might as well throw in the towel if the Bilderburg group is able to get her into office. Then we have Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist that wants to lift even more money out of the struggling middle class to pay for social programs so we know that isn't going to work. It was Woodrow Wilson, a democrat that was bought and paid for by the banking oligarchs that got him to turn over our monetary system to a bunch of foreign bankers in 1913. It was FDR, a democrat that monetized our birth certificates and made us all surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 in exchange for some trinkets like Social Security that WE actually pay for as well as the employer. You don't know real history, I do. Repub presidents like Nixon, Reagan and the Bush clan were POS as well and THAT is why the middle class is getting it's ass kicked. None of your beloved members of the democrat party are going to do a damn thing to turn this country around. I could cure what ails this country in less than a year if given the chance but I would probably end up like JFK, the last decent president that we had.
go back to your underground shelter where your safe ... you know only what you want to believe ... what a nut case you are

Bite me, pussboy.....all I do is read books that I download, listen to lectures and documentaries. I have invested well over 13,000 hours trying to make sense of things. You get your information from leftard friendly blogsites and the corporate owned media that is owned by 6 conglomerates whose heads all have a seat on the Council of Foreign Relations. You can't dispute my claims (which is typical) so you throw out insults....sucks to be you but the fact remains is that I know more than you.

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