Every House Republican Just Ignored Their Oaths Of Office


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
It was a sad spectacle, a confirmation that not a single House Republican (even those who are retiring) appreciates his/her oath of office, that not a single Republican can step away from partisanship and look to the greater good, and not a single Republican who is concerned enough about the extortion of a foreign government to influence our elections to do anything about it. For whatever they do in politics and in life, the vote on Thursday setting forth the procedures for public hearings on impeachment and the inevitable vote on articles of impeachment will define their public life.

Unless they see the light and vote for articles of impeachment, not a single one will be able say that, when the chips were down and the most dangerous president in history attempted to delegitimize our elections (by inviting interference) and to co-opt the government for private political gain, they put country over party. None will be able to claim that they stood against an invitation for a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen.


The only thing I can deduce is many of them don't care, or will blame someone else for their actions.

MOD EDIT: Do not post the entire article. Only an excerpt
Last edited by a moderator:
It was a sad spectacle, a confirmation that not a single House Republican (even those who are retiring) appreciates his/her oath of office, that not a single Republican can step away from partisanship and look to the greater good, and not a single Republican who is concerned enough about the extortion of a foreign government to influence our elections to do anything about it. For whatever they do in politics and in life, the vote on Thursday setting forth the procedures for public hearings on impeachment and the inevitable vote on articles of impeachment will define their public life.

Unless they see the light and vote for articles of impeachment, not a single one will be able say that, when the chips were down and the most dangerous president in history attempted to delegitimize our elections (by inviting interference) and to co-opt the government for private political gain, they put country over party. None will be able to claim that they stood against an invitation for a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen.

Not even Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.), Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) or other Republicans who criticized the president’s behavior could manage to support a resolution providing transparency and affording more rights to the president than in any previous presidential impeachment.

All the Republicans’ talk about a so-called star chamber or a “Soviet” process is mindless blather, a pathetic attempt to wave away the reality that President Trump betrayed our democracy and endangered our national security in strong-arming an ally for his own political benefit.

Republicans have been present and have had the opportunity to ask questions of the witnesses called. Instead, they have chosen to storm the hearing room and to attempt, in contravention of law, to reveal the identity of the whistleblower.

Speaking from the well of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) implored her colleagues to look to the Constitution, to preserve the three equal branches of government. Nothing less than the survival of our democracy is at issue, she warned. She added, “I doubt anybody in this place . . . comes to Congress to take the oath of office, comes to Congress to impeach the president of the United States, unless his actions are jeopardizing our honoring our oath of office.”

Certainly, Pelosi, who held out on impeachment until it was unavoidable, did not desire this. She’d rather run on health care and Trump’s disastrous foreign policy. However, as she likes to quote Thomas Paine, “The times have found us.”

In a similar vein, ex-Republican Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.) implored his colleagues, “This president will be in power for only a short time, but excusing his misbehavior will forever tarnish your name. To my Republican colleagues: Step outside your media and social bubble. History will not look kindly on disingenuous, frivolous, and false defenses of this man.”

To no one’s surprise, Pelosi’s and Amash’s words could not pierce the partisan armor and shield of willful ignorance erected by House Republicans. A House freshman pointed out to me before the vote that Democrats in 2018 were the first post-Trump members, coming there with a mission to check the executive and protect the Constitution; Republican freshmen elected in 2018 are the first post-Trump Republicans, coming there not despite Trump and not in opposition to him but in full support of an unfit president.

Perhaps then we should not be surprised that arguably the most morally bankrupt Republicans and some of the most principled Democrats ever to serve make up this Congress. The argument for permanently debilitating the Republican Party and starting a center-right party from scratch becomes more compelling each day.


The only thing I can deduce is many of them don't care, or will blame someone else for their actions.

It was a sad spectacle, a confirmation that not a single House Republican (even those who are retiring) appreciates his/her oath of office, that not a single Republican can step away from partisanship and look to the greater good, and not a single Republican who is concerned enough about the extortion of a foreign government to influence our elections to do anything about it. For whatever they do in politics and in life, the vote on Thursday setting forth the procedures for public hearings on impeachment and the inevitable vote on articles of impeachment will define their public life.

Unless they see the light and vote for articles of impeachment, not a single one will be able say that, when the chips were down and the most dangerous president in history attempted to delegitimize our elections (by inviting interference) and to co-opt the government for private political gain, they put country over party. None will be able to claim that they stood against an invitation for a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen.

Not even Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.), Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) or other Republicans who criticized the president’s behavior could manage to support a resolution providing transparency and affording more rights to the president than in any previous presidential impeachment.

All the Republicans’ talk about a so-called star chamber or a “Soviet” process is mindless blather, a pathetic attempt to wave away the reality that President Trump betrayed our democracy and endangered our national security in strong-arming an ally for his own political benefit.

Republicans have been present and have had the opportunity to ask questions of the witnesses called. Instead, they have chosen to storm the hearing room and to attempt, in contravention of law, to reveal the identity of the whistleblower.

Speaking from the well of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) implored her colleagues to look to the Constitution, to preserve the three equal branches of government. Nothing less than the survival of our democracy is at issue, she warned. She added, “I doubt anybody in this place . . . comes to Congress to take the oath of office, comes to Congress to impeach the president of the United States, unless his actions are jeopardizing our honoring our oath of office.”

Certainly, Pelosi, who held out on impeachment until it was unavoidable, did not desire this. She’d rather run on health care and Trump’s disastrous foreign policy. However, as she likes to quote Thomas Paine, “The times have found us.”

In a similar vein, ex-Republican Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.) implored his colleagues, “This president will be in power for only a short time, but excusing his misbehavior will forever tarnish your name. To my Republican colleagues: Step outside your media and social bubble. History will not look kindly on disingenuous, frivolous, and false defenses of this man.”

To no one’s surprise, Pelosi’s and Amash’s words could not pierce the partisan armor and shield of willful ignorance erected by House Republicans. A House freshman pointed out to me before the vote that Democrats in 2018 were the first post-Trump members, coming there with a mission to check the executive and protect the Constitution; Republican freshmen elected in 2018 are the first post-Trump Republicans, coming there not despite Trump and not in opposition to him but in full support of an unfit president.

Perhaps then we should not be surprised that arguably the most morally bankrupt Republicans and some of the most principled Democrats ever to serve make up this Congress. The argument for permanently debilitating the Republican Party and starting a center-right party from scratch becomes more compelling each day.


The only thing I can deduce is many of them don't care, or will blame someone else for their actions.

Nobody cares what you "deduce" about anything. Just because you, Nancy, and Schiff say something is true doesn't mean it is. What is wrong with you people?
Maybe they actually believe that congress no longer has oversight powers on the executive branch. That shit changes 2 seconds after the next democratic president is voted in then they go back to crying about unchecked presidential power.
Lol democrats stop now before you can’t win in 2024 lol
Reagan tripled the national debt in 8 years. Bush increased the national debt via 2 unpaid for endless wars. Carter and Clinton reduced the national debt. Don raised the national debt and gave the aristocracy a tax cut.

The aristocracy is resurrecting the two Santa Claus theory, typical shit, the working class will pay once again.
But Reagan lol go away add some substance you spook

Every House Republican Just Ignored Their Oaths Of Office

I see it differently

House democrats are ignoring important issues like border security, trade agreements with canada and mexico, and funding the military while pursuing a coup against the president
Lol democrats stop now before you can’t win in 2024 lol
Reagan tripled the national debt in 8 years. Bush increased the national debt via 2 unpaid for endless wars. Carter and Clinton reduced the national debt. Don raised the national debt and gave the aristocracy a tax cut.

The aristocracy is resurrecting the two Santa Claus theory, typical shit, the working class will pay once again.

Ruben is a conservative. The witnesses testifying before Congress are conservatives. There are no more conservatives in the Republican party. They are now the party of Trump. Keep in mind that Trump will be gone sooner or later. That will open every one of them up to being primaried by more moderate conservatives, in later elections. Ironically enough, that will have the effect of moving the party left, back toward the center.
Lol democrats stop now before you can’t win in 2024 lol
Reagan tripled the national debt in 8 years. Bush increased the national debt via 2 unpaid for endless wars. Carter and Clinton reduced the national debt. Don raised the national debt and gave the aristocracy a tax cut.

The aristocracy is resurrecting the two Santa Claus theory, typical shit, the working class will pay once again.

Ruben is a conservative. The witnesses testifying before Congress are conservatives. There are no more conservatives in the Republican party. They are now the party of Trump. Keep in mind that Trump will be gone sooner or later. That will open every one of them up to being primaried by more moderate conservatives, in later elections. Ironically enough, that will have the effect of moving the party left, back toward the center.

Oh me a achin ribs. Rubin is a progtard and anyone a degree right of center knows it

You dumbass clown
It was a sad spectacle, a confirmation that not a single House Republican (even those who are retiring) appreciates his/her oath of office, that not a single Republican can step away from partisanship and look to the greater good, and not a single Republican who is concerned enough about the extortion of a foreign government to influence our elections to do anything about it. For whatever they do in politics and in life, the vote on Thursday setting forth the procedures for public hearings on impeachment and the inevitable vote on articles of impeachment will define their public life.

Unless they see the light and vote for articles of impeachment, not a single one will be able say that, when the chips were down and the most dangerous president in history attempted to delegitimize our elections (by inviting interference) and to co-opt the government for private political gain, they put country over party. None will be able to claim that they stood against an invitation for a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen.

Not even Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.), Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) or other Republicans who criticized the president’s behavior could manage to support a resolution providing transparency and affording more rights to the president than in any previous presidential impeachment.

All the Republicans’ talk about a so-called star chamber or a “Soviet” process is mindless blather, a pathetic attempt to wave away the reality that President Trump betrayed our democracy and endangered our national security in strong-arming an ally for his own political benefit.

Republicans have been present and have had the opportunity to ask questions of the witnesses called. Instead, they have chosen to storm the hearing room and to attempt, in contravention of law, to reveal the identity of the whistleblower.

Speaking from the well of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) implored her colleagues to look to the Constitution, to preserve the three equal branches of government. Nothing less than the survival of our democracy is at issue, she warned. She added, “I doubt anybody in this place . . . comes to Congress to take the oath of office, comes to Congress to impeach the president of the United States, unless his actions are jeopardizing our honoring our oath of office.”

Certainly, Pelosi, who held out on impeachment until it was unavoidable, did not desire this. She’d rather run on health care and Trump’s disastrous foreign policy. However, as she likes to quote Thomas Paine, “The times have found us.”

In a similar vein, ex-Republican Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.) implored his colleagues, “This president will be in power for only a short time, but excusing his misbehavior will forever tarnish your name. To my Republican colleagues: Step outside your media and social bubble. History will not look kindly on disingenuous, frivolous, and false defenses of this man.”

To no one’s surprise, Pelosi’s and Amash’s words could not pierce the partisan armor and shield of willful ignorance erected by House Republicans. A House freshman pointed out to me before the vote that Democrats in 2018 were the first post-Trump members, coming there with a mission to check the executive and protect the Constitution; Republican freshmen elected in 2018 are the first post-Trump Republicans, coming there not despite Trump and not in opposition to him but in full support of an unfit president.

Perhaps then we should not be surprised that arguably the most morally bankrupt Republicans and some of the most principled Democrats ever to serve make up this Congress. The argument for permanently debilitating the Republican Party and starting a center-right party from scratch becomes more compelling each day.


The only thing I can deduce is many of them don't care, or will blame someone else for their actions.
The greater good is keeping due process which the Democrats are trying to kill. They messed up on the Russia hoax, the Kavanaugh hearing, and this made up crime is their last hope. It really does not matter-everyone that hates Trump will see a crime and every fair minded person will see a phone call.

Every House Republican Just Ignored Their Oaths Of Office

I see it differently

House democrats are ignoring important issues like border security, trade agreements with canada and mexico, and funding the military while pursuing a coup against the president
A lawless president trying to tamper with the election and the republicans trying to make the case that the president can do ANYTHING he wants is pretty important as well. Republican executive power grabs are nothing new but they are going for the whole enchilada.
and not a single Republican who is concerned enough about the extortion of a foreign government to influence our elections to do anything about it.

Lol democrats stop now before you can’t win in 2024 lol
Reagan tripled the national debt in 8 years. Bush increased the national debt via 2 unpaid for endless wars. Carter and Clinton reduced the national debt. Don raised the national debt and gave the aristocracy a tax cut.

The aristocracy is resurrecting the two Santa Claus theory, typical shit, the working class will pay once again.

Actually the debt increased during the Carter and Clinton administrations, 1.3% and 7.3% respectively.

US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic

Lol democrats stop now before you can’t win in 2024 lol
Reagan tripled the national debt in 8 years. Bush increased the national debt via 2 unpaid for endless wars. Carter and Clinton reduced the national debt. Don raised the national debt and gave the aristocracy a tax cut.

The aristocracy is resurrecting the two Santa Claus theory, typical shit, the working class will pay once again.

Ruben is a conservative. The witnesses testifying before Congress are conservatives. There are no more conservatives in the Republican party. They are now the party of Trump. Keep in mind that Trump will be gone sooner or later. That will open every one of them up to being primaried by more moderate conservatives, in later elections. Ironically enough, that will have the effect of moving the party left, back toward the center.

Oh me a achin ribs. Rubin is a progtard and anyone a degree right of center knows it

You dumbass clown
Oh all them gay guys are "prog". He's the quintessential identity politics practitioner.

Every House Republican Just Ignored Their Oaths Of Office

I see it differently

House democrats are ignoring important issues like border security, trade agreements with canada and mexico, and funding the military while pursuing a coup against the president
A lawless president trying to tamper with the election and the republicans trying to make the case that the president can do ANYTHING he wants is pretty important as well. Republican executive power grabs are nothing new but they are going for the whole enchilada.
Simple phone call nothing more-but it is a chance for the house to impeach Trump and not get blamed for doing NOTHING for their entire term. Worst house I ever saw in 60 years.

Every House Republican Just Ignored Their Oaths Of Office

I see it differently

House democrats are ignoring important issues like border security, trade agreements with canada and mexico, and funding the military while pursuing a coup against the president
A lawless president trying to tamper with the election and the republicans trying to make the case that the president can do ANYTHING he wants is pretty important as well. Republican executive power grabs are nothing new but they are going for the whole enchilada.
Simple phone call nothing more-but it is a chance for the house to impeach Trump and not get blamed for doing NOTHING for their entire term. Worst house I ever saw in 60 years.
Do you in fact believe the constitution says the president can do anything he wants? Imagine Hillary is president before you answer.
Lol democrats stop now before you can’t win in 2024 lol
Reagan tripled the national debt in 8 years. Bush increased the national debt via 2 unpaid for endless wars. Carter and Clinton reduced the national debt. Don raised the national debt and gave the aristocracy a tax cut.

The aristocracy is resurrecting the two Santa Claus theory, typical shit, the working class will pay once again.

Ruben is a conservative. The witnesses testifying before Congress are conservatives. There are no more conservatives in the Republican party. They are now the party of Trump. Keep in mind that Trump will be gone sooner or later. That will open every one of them up to being primaried by more moderate conservatives, in later elections. Ironically enough, that will have the effect of moving the party left, back toward the center.
No, bullshit, Rubin is a grifter. Eisenhower and Goldwater were conservatives.

Every House Republican Just Ignored Their Oaths Of Office

I see it differently

House democrats are ignoring important issues like border security, trade agreements with canada and mexico, and funding the military while pursuing a coup against the president
A lawless president trying to tamper with the election and the republicans trying to make the case that the president can do ANYTHING he wants is pretty important as well. Republican executive power grabs are nothing new but they are going for the whole enchilada.
Simple phone call nothing more-but it is a chance for the house to impeach Trump and not get blamed for doing NOTHING for their entire term. Worst house I ever saw in 60 years.
Do you in fact believe the constitution says the president can do anything he wants? Imagine Hillary is president before you answer.
When it comes to war, we pay no attention to the Constitution whatsoever.

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