Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

You don't work with Goyim looking for properties lost.

Especially Germ-Mans in the Prussian Trust.
You provided the Link, dildo.

You are terrible at compensating your theft of Palestine.
Henry Ford describes in 1920 the streets of New York being full of Jewish peddlers selling the wedding rings of murdered Russians.

Henry Ford said that ? how did the jewish peddlers get them?

my grandma used to go there in 1920 to get Pickled Herring.....ie----Hester
You don't work with Goyim looking for properties lost.

Especially Germ-Mans in the Prussian Trust.
You provided the Link, dildo.

You are terrible at compensating your theft of Palestine.

silly -----Jews have offered the palis FULL compensation for any claims of
losses-----so long as the losses sustained by jews in muslim lands are
compensated------IS THAT NOT FAIR?

I'm tired of your tribe barking orders you won't even follow.
So do something about it.
The FBI is bored of you not taking action.

Why don't you force Poland to pay you your loot they owe you.
You provided the Link, dildo.

You are terrible at compensating your theft of Palestine.

silly -----Jews have offered the palis FULL compensation for any claims of
losses-----so long as the losses sustained by jews in muslim lands are
compensated------IS THAT NOT FAIR?

I'm tired of your tribe barking orders you won't even follow.
So do something about it.
The FBI is bored of you not taking action.

Why don't you force Poland to pay you your loot they owe you.

my grandfather refused----he did not want to know the DETAILS of how
his brothers and their families died
Well, I agree with you that these two were the Poles only by heritage, and in everyday life they maybe were more Russians than Poles.
But wasnt to some extent the similar situation with leaders of Bolsheviks of Jewish origin? Bolshewism itself contradicts the Jewish way of living.

Bolsheviks killed mostly Russians.... Certainly not a pro-Russian aspiration.
I don't mean that they became pro Russian. Bolshewism virtually denies divisions on nationalities. I meant they became less Jewish.

That kind of proves it's Kosher, rather than Russian.
The fact that it was initially against ethnics & their divisions.

Stalin sure changed that though.
It couldn't be the other way around. Bolshevism was the opposite of social, political and economic system which existed in the Russian Empire. And it wasn't just a whim of Bolsheviks. Many people were fed up by the system.

The real Russian Empire were the Tsarists, what the Bolsheviks were are traitors of the Tsar, and ones using very much similar values of the Kosher people today tend to support in the USA, such as pro-Abortion, pro-Gun control, and ending Ethnic and religious concepts.

It's just like in the USA they Kosher people fund Democrats by 1/2 of their financing, and push the same kind of cr@p as the Bolsheviks did, except this time far worse.

They pray upon indoctrinating & dividing the populace into a wedge to push Bolshevik values.
Jews can't be considered as traitors, because they never showed allegiance to the Empire or the tsar.

Why they were active in the Bolshevism movement? They were intellectualy superior to the average population where they lived, but at the same time they were underrated and sidelined by the system. So, it is understandable that the movement which aim was to fully destroy this system attracted many of them.

The Western civilization throughout all its history persecuted Jews or discriminated them in some or another form. Nationalism and Christianity played significant role in it. So, there is no surprise that they support cosmopolitan and secular parties there.
Last edited:
You provided the Link, dildo.

You are terrible at compensating your theft of Palestine.

silly -----Jews have offered the palis FULL compensation for any claims of
losses-----so long as the losses sustained by jews in muslim lands are
compensated------IS THAT NOT FAIR?

I'm tired of your tribe barking orders you won't even follow.
So do something about it.
The FBI is bored of you not taking action.

Why don't you force Poland to pay you your loot they owe you.
Because Jews aren’t animals like you.
The Prophet Joshua.
And since Christians believe in the Prophet Joshua...
It is very strange religious requirement, to tell the truth.
It depends on your point of view.
The sex drive causes people to lie, cheat and steal, which is improper use of the mouth, body and mind.
In the days of prophecy, people were on a much higher spiritual level and didn’t think all day about having sex.
The Prophet Joshua.
And since Christians believe in the Prophet Joshua...
It is very strange religious requirement, to tell the truth.
It depends on your point of view.
The sex drive causes people to lie, cheat and steal, which is improper use of the mouth, body and mind.
In the days of prophecy, people were on a much higher spiritual level and didn’t think all day about having sex.
Frankly, I have some doubts about those people being on higher spiritual level, but I still don't understand what it has to do with required circumcision.
The Prophet Joshua.
And since Christians believe in the Prophet Joshua...
It is very strange religious requirement, to tell the truth.
It depends on your point of view.
The sex drive causes people to lie, cheat and steal, which is improper use of the mouth, body and mind.
In the days of prophecy, people were on a much higher spiritual level and didn’t think all day about having sex.
Frankly, I have some doubts about those people being on higher spiritual level, but I still don't understand what it has to do with required circumcision.
I don’t understand why the Canaanites were having sex with their animals.
Perhaps their women were ugly as all heck.
Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.
I'm reading Henry Ford's "International Jew" right now, and it is eye-popping...and I thought I was woke already. He incorporates a lot of the protocols in it. He says they originated in France or Switzerland. and have the tone of somebody taking notes in a lecture. Jews say they originated in Russia (but, of course) and are a Tsarist forgery. I trust Henry Ford, who sacrificed a lot to publish his papers, more than I do any Jew
Indeed. I own a copy of the International Jew as well. Another good one is Duke's Jewish Supremacism. If the Protocols are forgeries someone sure knew the history 100 years in the future! Those things are VERY descriptive of what is going on in the world today.
Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.
I'm reading Henry Ford's "International Jew" right now, and it is eye-popping...and I thought I was woke already. He incorporates a lot of the protocols in it. He says they originated in France or Switzerland. and have the tone of somebody taking notes in a lecture. Jews say they originated in Russia (but, of course) and are a Tsarist forgery. I trust Henry Ford, who sacrificed a lot to publish his papers, more than I do any Jew
Indeed. I own a copy of the International Jew as well. Another good one is Duke's Jewish Supremacism. If the Protocols are forgeries someone sure knew the history 100 years in the future! Those things are VERY descriptive of what is going on in the world today.
It’s called success via years of hard work.
Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.
I'm reading Henry Ford's "International Jew" right now, and it is eye-popping...and I thought I was woke already. He incorporates a lot of the protocols in it. He says they originated in France or Switzerland. and have the tone of somebody taking notes in a lecture. Jews say they originated in Russia (but, of course) and are a Tsarist forgery. I trust Henry Ford, who sacrificed a lot to publish his papers, more than I do any Jew
Indeed. I own a copy of the International Jew as well. Another good one is Duke's Jewish Supremacism. If the Protocols are forgeries someone sure knew the history 100 years in the future! Those things are VERY descriptive of what is going on in the world today.

Nostradamus is better
The Prophet Joshua.
And since Christians believe in the Prophet Joshua...
It is very strange religious requirement, to tell the truth.
It depends on your point of view.
The sex drive causes people to lie, cheat and steal, which is improper use of the mouth, body and mind.
In the days of prophecy, people were on a much higher spiritual level and didn’t think all day about having sex.
Frankly, I have some doubts about those people being on higher spiritual level, but I still don't understand what it has to do with required circumcision.
I don’t understand why the Canaanites were having sex with their animals.
Perhaps their women were ugly as all heck.
I have no idea. It has nothing to do with what I wrote above.
The Prophet Joshua.
And since Christians believe in the Prophet Joshua...
It is very strange religious requirement, to tell the truth.
It depends on your point of view.
The sex drive causes people to lie, cheat and steal, which is improper use of the mouth, body and mind.
In the days of prophecy, people were on a much higher spiritual level and didn’t think all day about having sex.
Frankly, I have some doubts about those people being on higher spiritual level, but I still don't understand what it has to do with required circumcision.
I don’t understand why the Canaanites were having sex with their animals.
Perhaps their women were ugly as all heck.
I have no idea. It has nothing to do with what I wrote above.
Your guess is as good as mine.
I honestly have never really looked into the issue.
It is very strange religious requirement, to tell the truth.
It depends on your point of view.
The sex drive causes people to lie, cheat and steal, which is improper use of the mouth, body and mind.
In the days of prophecy, people were on a much higher spiritual level and didn’t think all day about having sex.
Frankly, I have some doubts about those people being on higher spiritual level, but I still don't understand what it has to do with required circumcision.
I don’t understand why the Canaanites were having sex with their animals.
Perhaps their women were ugly as all heck.
I have no idea. It has nothing to do with what I wrote above.
Your guess is as good as mine.
I honestly have never really looked into the issue.
Hm. In what issue? About Canaanites or about circumcision?
It depends on your point of view.
The sex drive causes people to lie, cheat and steal, which is improper use of the mouth, body and mind.
In the days of prophecy, people were on a much higher spiritual level and didn’t think all day about having sex.
Frankly, I have some doubts about those people being on higher spiritual level, but I still don't understand what it has to do with required circumcision.
I don’t understand why the Canaanites were having sex with their animals.
Perhaps their women were ugly as all heck.
I have no idea. It has nothing to do with what I wrote above.
Your guess is as good as mine.
I honestly have never really looked into the issue.
Hm. In what issue? About Canaanites or about circumcision?
I believe there’s only one rabbi on earth who does it.
His community probably believes he has the ability to give the children the ability to resist sexual sins.
And those Christians are also seeking recompense, dildo.

You don't work with Goyim looking for properties lost.

Especially Germ-Mans in the Prussian Trust.
You provided the Link, dildo.

You are terrible at compensating your theft of Palestine.
Henry Ford describes in 1920 the streets of New York being full of Jewish peddlers selling the wedding rings of murdered Russians.
That’s the ticket!
Don’t forget drinking the blood of Christian virgins!
The reason gentiles are more religiously advanced than jews is because we understand all humans are flawed. All humans err. There are times in every human's life when he needs to beg forgiveness. This is a rational view of the world as it really is in terms of our relationships with other humans. We use our ability to reason to determine where we are wrong, to admit we were wrong, to seek forgiveness, to make amends. This make us more rational, more religiously advanced. Jews, on the other hand, NEVER admit, acknowledge, apologize. Y'all are still stuck in Deuteronomy. Now, what was that about drinking the blood of Christian virgins?
You don't work with Goyim looking for properties lost.

Especially Germ-Mans in the Prussian Trust.
You provided the Link, dildo.

You are terrible at compensating your theft of Palestine.
Henry Ford describes in 1920 the streets of New York being full of Jewish peddlers selling the wedding rings of murdered Russians.
That’s the ticket!
Don’t forget drinking the blood of Christian virgins!
The reason gentiles are more religiously advanced than jews is because we understand all humans are flawed. All humans err. There are times in every human's life when he needs to beg forgiveness. This is a rational view of the world as it really is in terms of our relationships with other humans. We use our ability to reason to determine where we are wrong, to admit we were wrong, to seek forgiveness, to make amends. This make us more rational, more religiously advanced. Jews, on the other hand, NEVER admit, acknowledge, apologize. Y'all are still stuck in Deuteronomy. Now, what was that about drinking the blood of Christian virgins?
It’s apparent you know nothing of your bloody history and your incredibly repetitive NT...Demons and withered hands.
You don't work with Goyim looking for properties lost.

Especially Germ-Mans in the Prussian Trust.
You provided the Link, dildo.

You are terrible at compensating your theft of Palestine.
Henry Ford describes in 1920 the streets of New York being full of Jewish peddlers selling the wedding rings of murdered Russians.
That’s the ticket!
Don’t forget drinking the blood of Christian virgins!
The reason gentiles are more religiously advanced than jews is because we understand all humans are flawed. All humans err. There are times in every human's life when he needs to beg forgiveness. This is a rational view of the world as it really is in terms of our relationships with other humans. We use our ability to reason to determine where we are wrong, to admit we were wrong, to seek forgiveness, to make amends. This make us more rational, more religiously advanced. Jews, on the other hand, NEVER admit, acknowledge, apologize. Y'all are still stuck in Deuteronomy. Now, what was that about drinking the blood of Christian virgins?
Is that why Jews win so many Nobel Prizes?
Frankly, I have some doubts about those people being on higher spiritual level, but I still don't understand what it has to do with required circumcision.
I don’t understand why the Canaanites were having sex with their animals.
Perhaps their women were ugly as all heck.
I have no idea. It has nothing to do with what I wrote above.
Your guess is as good as mine.
I honestly have never really looked into the issue.
Hm. In what issue? About Canaanites or about circumcision?
I believe there’s only one rabbi on earth who does it.
His community probably believes he has the ability to give the children the ability to resist sexual sins.
I thought that this is still widely practiced by Jews today.
I don't know how circumcision affects sexual life, but adoption of this practice had nothing to do with that, as far as I know. It was a part of covenant with Abraham. Something like to distinguish those who follow the covenant from those who don't.

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