Every leftist is at war with America, we "normals" need to start fighting back...

It wouldn't if you guys stopped pushing Hispanics out of your party.

I am in no way associated with the republican party. Their mistake was failing to conserve anything and letting in so many immigrants in. Note that the republican party will survive, what I mean by that the leftists have won is that America is well on its way to becoming a 3rd world shithole, or having a major internal conflict. Not sure which is a better option, but if you think that the country can have a majority 3rd world population and not become a 3rd world country, you are in for a surprise.

The people are what fundamentally makes any country what it is.

Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.

I am in no way associated with the republican party. Their mistake was failing to conserve anything and letting in so many immigrants in. Note that the republican party will survive, what I mean by that the leftists have won is that America is well on its way to becoming a 3rd world shithole, or having a major internal conflict. Not sure which is a better option, but if you think that the country can have a majority 3rd world population and not become a 3rd world country, you are in for a surprise.

The people are what fundamentally makes any country what it is.

Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.
Ironically, when the Irish came, they were accused of bringing down the country...same with the Japanese, the Chinese, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews......not so much the Germans because they were here in large numbers since the beginning....and not quite that many Koreans to alarm the xenophobes.

Those immigrants came legally before the implementation of welfare in the 30’s. NONE of those nationals are nearly as disgusting, immoral and dependent as are wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America where they breed like filthy rodents, behead people with chainsaws and hang people from bridges. Stop playing stupid, pull your head from your ass....look up all meaningful statistics such as incarceration rates, criminality, welfare, abortion...etc.
Wetbacks are what they are....a browner nation is a more dangerous, more dependent, less productive nation...sorry the truth hurts your noble little feelings.
Poor xenophobes....whatcha gonna do when you are the minority in this great country?
I am in no way associated with the republican party. Their mistake was failing to conserve anything and letting in so many immigrants in. Note that the republican party will survive, what I mean by that the leftists have won is that America is well on its way to becoming a 3rd world shithole, or having a major internal conflict. Not sure which is a better option, but if you think that the country can have a majority 3rd world population and not become a 3rd world country, you are in for a surprise.

The people are what fundamentally makes any country what it is.

Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.

Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.
Ironically, when the Irish came, they were accused of bringing down the country...same with the Japanese, the Chinese, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews......not so much the Germans because they were here in large numbers since the beginning....and not quite that many Koreans to alarm the xenophobes.

Those immigrants came legally before the implementation of welfare in the 30’s. NONE of those nationals are nearly as disgusting, immoral and dependent as are wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America where they breed like filthy rodents, behead people with chainsaws and hang people from bridges. Stop playing stupid, pull your head from your ass....look up all meaningful statistics such as incarceration rates, criminality, welfare, abortion...etc.
Wetbacks are what they are....a browner nation is a more dangerous, more dependent, less productive nation...sorry the truth hurts your noble little feelings.
Poor xenophobes....whatcha gonna do when you are the minority in this great country?

I’ll be six feet under and my children will relocate to Norway.
The real question is this....what are the filthy wetbacks going to do when they’ve morphed the U.S. into another failed brown shithole just like the one they fled...what will they do when there are more takers than givers?
I am in no way associated with the republican party. Their mistake was failing to conserve anything and letting in so many immigrants in. Note that the republican party will survive, what I mean by that the leftists have won is that America is well on its way to becoming a 3rd world shithole, or having a major internal conflict. Not sure which is a better option, but if you think that the country can have a majority 3rd world population and not become a 3rd world country, you are in for a surprise.

The people are what fundamentally makes any country what it is.

Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.

Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.
Ironically, when the Irish came, they were accused of bringing down the country...same with the Japanese, the Chinese, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews......not so much the Germans because they were here in large numbers since the beginning....and not quite that many Koreans to alarm the xenophobes.

Those immigrants came legally before the implementation of welfare in the 30’s. NONE of those nationals are nearly as disgusting, immoral and dependent as are wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America where they breed like filthy rodents, behead people with chainsaws and hang people from bridges. Stop playing stupid, pull your head from your ass....look up all meaningful statistics such as incarceration rates, criminality, welfare, abortion...etc.
Wetbacks are what they are....a browner nation is a more dangerous, more dependent, less productive nation...sorry the truth hurts your noble little feelings.
Poor xenophobes....whatcha gonna do when you are the minority in this great country?

Well, this will really make you piss yourself....ignorant fools know the only reason this place is a “great country” is because Caucasians are not the minority....So what are you gonna do when this whole country is like ALL Brown shitholes are?
President "Comrade" Trumph has more ties to Russia than with the West.

He hates the West and is doing Putin's' bidding to weaken us and the alliance.

Join us in November to stop his Anti-American Agenda.
Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.
Ironically, when the Irish came, they were accused of bringing down the country...same with the Japanese, the Chinese, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews......not so much the Germans because they were here in large numbers since the beginning....and not quite that many Koreans to alarm the xenophobes.

Those immigrants came legally before the implementation of welfare in the 30’s. NONE of those nationals are nearly as disgusting, immoral and dependent as are wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America where they breed like filthy rodents, behead people with chainsaws and hang people from bridges. Stop playing stupid, pull your head from your ass....look up all meaningful statistics such as incarceration rates, criminality, welfare, abortion...etc.
Wetbacks are what they are....a browner nation is a more dangerous, more dependent, less productive nation...sorry the truth hurts your noble little feelings.
Poor xenophobes....whatcha gonna do when you are the minority in this great country?

Well, this will really make you piss yourself....ignorant fools know the only reason this place is a “great country” is because Caucasians are not the minority....So what are you gonna do when this whole country is like ALL Brown shitholes are?
This is a great country because of it being a melting pot.....for someone to think it's all because of whites...they are delusional and the victim of a poor education.
So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.

It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.
Ironically, when the Irish came, they were accused of bringing down the country...same with the Japanese, the Chinese, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews......not so much the Germans because they were here in large numbers since the beginning....and not quite that many Koreans to alarm the xenophobes.

Those immigrants came legally before the implementation of welfare in the 30’s. NONE of those nationals are nearly as disgusting, immoral and dependent as are wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America where they breed like filthy rodents, behead people with chainsaws and hang people from bridges. Stop playing stupid, pull your head from your ass....look up all meaningful statistics such as incarceration rates, criminality, welfare, abortion...etc.
Wetbacks are what they are....a browner nation is a more dangerous, more dependent, less productive nation...sorry the truth hurts your noble little feelings.
Poor xenophobes....whatcha gonna do when you are the minority in this great country?

Well, this will really make you piss yourself....ignorant fools know the only reason this place is a “great country” is because Caucasians are not the minority....So what are you gonna do when this whole country is like ALL Brown shitholes are?
This is a great country because of it being a melting pot.....for someone to think it's all because of whites...they are delusional and the victim of a poor education.

The ignorant with their head in the sand are scared shitless of the FACT.
Go ahead and direct us to all those thriving, law abiding, productive Brown cities would you please?
Thanks in advance.
Well, this will really make you piss yourself....ignorant fools know the only reason this place is a “great country” is because Caucasians are not the minority....So what are you gonna do when this whole country is like ALL Brown shitholes are?

Brown shitholes like Singapore and Japan that have higher standards of living than the United States?
Well, this will really make you piss yourself....ignorant fools know the only reason this place is a “great country” is because Caucasians are not the minority....So what are you gonna do when this whole country is like ALL Brown shitholes are?

Brown shitholes like Singapore and Japan that have higher standards of living than the United States?

The Japanese are pissed at you right now...Aren’t those yellow shitholes?
The leftists hate America, they hate God, they hate the military, they hate Christians, they hate everything normal and wholesome and love the twisted and perverted.
You probably hate the poor, non-whites, immigrants, "criminals" (eg non white collar criminals the aren't on your team), jews, Muslims, lgbtq types, women, people who disagree with you, Hollywood elites. Did I miss anything? Btw that's basically America right there. So you hate America.
I am in no way associated with the republican party. Their mistake was failing to conserve anything and letting in so many immigrants in. Note that the republican party will survive, what I mean by that the leftists have won is that America is well on its way to becoming a 3rd world shithole, or having a major internal conflict. Not sure which is a better option, but if you think that the country can have a majority 3rd world population and not become a 3rd world country, you are in for a surprise.

The people are what fundamentally makes any country what it is.

Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.

Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.
Ironically, when the Irish came, they were accused of bringing down the country...same with the Japanese, the Chinese, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews......not so much the Germans because they were here in large numbers since the beginning....and not quite that many Koreans to alarm the xenophobes.

Those immigrants came legally before the implementation of welfare in the 30’s. NONE of those nationals are nearly as disgusting, immoral and dependent as are wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America where they breed like filthy rodents, behead people with chainsaws and hang people from bridges. Stop playing stupid, pull your head from your ass....look up all meaningful statistics such as incarceration rates, criminality, welfare, abortion...etc.
Wetbacks are what they are....a browner nation is a more dangerous, more dependent, less productive nation...sorry the truth hurts your noble little feelings.
Poor xenophobes....whatcha gonna do when you are the minority in this great country?

When Americans are a minority in their own country, it won't be a great country anymore.

We will need a new country by that point, and you won't be invited. You will be living in the 3rd world shithole you helped create.
Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.
Ironically, when the Irish came, they were accused of bringing down the country...same with the Japanese, the Chinese, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews......not so much the Germans because they were here in large numbers since the beginning....and not quite that many Koreans to alarm the xenophobes.

Those immigrants came legally before the implementation of welfare in the 30’s. NONE of those nationals are nearly as disgusting, immoral and dependent as are wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America where they breed like filthy rodents, behead people with chainsaws and hang people from bridges. Stop playing stupid, pull your head from your ass....look up all meaningful statistics such as incarceration rates, criminality, welfare, abortion...etc.
Wetbacks are what they are....a browner nation is a more dangerous, more dependent, less productive nation...sorry the truth hurts your noble little feelings.
Poor xenophobes....whatcha gonna do when you are the minority in this great country?

When Americans are a minority in their own country, it won't be a great country anymore.

We will need a new country by that point, and you won't be invited. You will be living in the 3rd world shithole you helped create.
Non-white does not equal non-American.
Bush made big inroads with Hispanics. He won 44% of their vote in 2004 and took New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, the last time a Republican candidate won those states. Then in 2006 when he came up with a plan to provide a pathway to legalization for those who have been here for decades leading productive lives, a sensible thing to do given years of the government letting this problem compound, conservatives had a collective meltdown, killed it, and lost all of that Hispanic support in the process. Texas wouldn't be in danger of turning blue if conservatives would takes their heads out of their asses, ditch their xenophobia, and come to the table to appropriately deal with this issue once and for all.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.

So the only way to get the hispanic vote is to let in all the 3rd world horde.

That's exactly how America will turn into a 3rd world country. It's not exactly xenophobia to not want to have to live in a 3rd world country. After all, that's exactly the reason why the immigrants want to get in.
It's mentally ill to think immigrants coming here will turn America in to a third world country..... Did the poor Irish? Did the Japanese? Did the Chinese? Did the Italians? Did the Germans? Did the Koreans?

Time to get a grip on reality and pack your racist, xenophobic, insecurities away.....

All men are created equal, by God.....skin color or language matters not.
Ironically, when the Irish came, they were accused of bringing down the country...same with the Japanese, the Chinese, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews......not so much the Germans because they were here in large numbers since the beginning....and not quite that many Koreans to alarm the xenophobes.

Those immigrants came legally before the implementation of welfare in the 30’s. NONE of those nationals are nearly as disgusting, immoral and dependent as are wetbacks from Mexico, Central and South America where they breed like filthy rodents, behead people with chainsaws and hang people from bridges. Stop playing stupid, pull your head from your ass....look up all meaningful statistics such as incarceration rates, criminality, welfare, abortion...etc.
Wetbacks are what they are....a browner nation is a more dangerous, more dependent, less productive nation...sorry the truth hurts your noble little feelings.
Poor xenophobes....whatcha gonna do when you are the minority in this great country?

When Americans are a minority in their own country, it won't be a great country anymore.

We will need a new country by that point, and you won't be invited. You will be living in the 3rd world shithole you helped create.
Oh, for fuck's sake, with roughly 93% of the U.S.'s some 325 million population, there's virtually no chance of that happening.
"Normal" people go about their business, holding down a job, or running a business, raising a family, and they are not obsessed with transforming the world as leftists are.

The reason lefitsts control so many of our institutions is that they are fighting for control and the "normals" are not fighting back.

The most recent institution to fall to leftists it the Boy Scouts, which is now admitting girls and changed its name so that is no longer a place where boys can transform into men.

The Catholic Church was long ago infiltrated by the left, which is why we're having a vocation crisis and a gradual dwindling off of membership.

All Protestant churches, except evangelicals, fell to the leftists long ago, and you see these churches becoming increasingly irrelevant as they ordain homosexuals as bishops and advise women that abortion is good.

The media was once diverse in viewpoint but now it is almost exclusive leftist, except for Fox and some internet publications like Drudge and Lucianne.
"Every leftist is at war with America, we "normals" need to start fighting back..."
Rightwing extremists and trumpettes are anything but 'normal.' Anything but mentally and emotionally healthy or reasonable. This thread is a perfect example of that. Making such a broad sweeping generalization about those who don't think like you way and calling them 'not normal' as opposed to you being normal .... such utter partisan BS, such tunnel vision... Get a grip on reality.

The new normal for liberal Democrats is OCD Trump Hate 24/7.. isn't that obvious.?
Well, this will really make you piss yourself....ignorant fools know the only reason this place is a “great country” is because Caucasians are not the minority....So what are you gonna do when this whole country is like ALL Brown shitholes are?

Brown shitholes like Singapore and Japan that have higher standards of living than the United States?

The Japanese are pissed at you right now...Aren’t those yellow shitholes?

I'm Asian and I'm not "yellow." My mother is from Singapore. It routinely ranks as one of the top five economies in the world and a standard of living higher than the United States. How is it possible that non-white people achieved something better than you?

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