Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17.

i don't think that is it...

I think the point that is bothersome is her being captured and held in a room with him and his buddy, turning up the music so not to be heard, then holding his hand over her mouth so her screams could not be heard.... as described by her.... is the issue...


and Not just boys being boys and trying to get in your pants kind of thing.
correct - "if" true.

but tell me please what the difference is between this and boys trying to get into girls pants, kinda thing. since we have no idea if this is true we have no idea how it went down, if it's true. so you're now making assumptions off speculation and only in the worst possible light so you can compare it to something harmless and call it not the same thing.

*if* even true at all.

i could just as easily say *IF TRUE* she was asking for it and changed her mind at the last minute and he obliged and drove her home and now she's upset for some reason and have just as much chance to be right as you.

*if* true.
the whole scenario is different than boys trying to get in your pants... read her side, pretend like this is your sister or mother or someone you trust of the female gender, when you read her letter... the whole incident is not some guy she knows from school trying to get in to your pants....

she was grabbed and forced in to the room with both boys, on her way to the bathroom... according to her...

Even if any part of her story is true, or all of it were true, nothing will come of it... Kavanaugh has lead a pretty decent life since he grew up, no other incidences occurred...

Maybe she will be able to heal herself...? to finally get this scary occurrence for a 15 yr old girl, out in the open... when she failed to do such, at 15, and locked it all up, in her head, letting it fester.

I don't want Kavanaugh for the legal positions he has taken over the years and it has nothing at all, not even a nano bit, to do with what this woman claims happened to her, at 15.
if this were my sister, mother or someone i cared about i'd have beat kavenaughs ass 30 years ago. if she kept quiet i'd have to ask her why.

the timing of this is too questionable along with her story that went from being locked in the closet to sexual assault in 3 moves. which is it?

maybe she will heal herself? so you choose to believe her w/o hearing his side? isn't that just as bad as you telling me i need to pretend she's my sister and how would i feel? "claims" is a long way from truth and given the nature of politics these days, it just smells too much like another political ploy and i've grown weary of those.

Care4alls motive is clearly stated in the last sentence of the post. Progressives don't give a shit about truth, the ends simply justify the means.
NO! LIAR! THAT is not what I said at all or in the least! Now wash your mouth out with soap, and go to your room! :D
sorry, that's what i got out of it also. whatever it takes to stop a trump nomination is cool with you.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
You mean like, rape-a-girl outrageous?
that is not what he has been accused of now is it?

lie much, ted?
So we all tried to rape a girl?
i don't think that is it...

I think the point that is bothersome is her being captured and held in a room with him and his buddy, turning up the music so not to be heard, then holding his hand over her mouth so her screams could not be heard.... as described by her.... is the issue...


and Not just boys being boys and trying to get in your pants kind of thing.

All that AND she doesn’t recall where?

I’ve known far too many sexual assault survivors to give this chick even a single ounce of credibility.

She, for pure political reasons, is using ACTUAL victims for political gain.

Shame on her and on those that likely talked her into it.

you can rule political reasons out... she brought this out of her head in 2012 with a therapist and husband... she recently passed a polygraph on it.... she really believes it happened!

oh, she does recall where, the area of town, but not the person's name or specific address is what I heard...?
She told her therapist there were 4 boys. That isn't the story she told now.
And if her intent was to remain anonymous why take a polygraph?
she's seeing or sought out a therapist, she obviously has issues with it all...

it was a mistake for her to come out in the open vs anonymous... she will pay a price for it, even if it is all true...

The mistake was coming forward with a story that doesn't hold water. My only question is, who conspired to get her into this mess.
her therapist? Republican operatives...knowing how this would play out and knowing democrats could not stop themselves from the dangling carrot?
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.

Not me, I did some stupid things at 13 or 14 but nothing felonious. The Problem which faced everyone who did, and when it became an issue, lied about it.

My confession: In the 8th grade a friend of mine stole a bottle of Jim Crow Whiskey from his dad's bar, and all four of us drank it from the bottle. Two only sipped, two of us (one being me) drank most of it.

I don't have total recall of that evening, but when I got home I couldn't see the keyhole to open the door, so I rang the bell. My next memory was sitting in a cold shower and then awakening in my bed and being told to get up, I had a dentist appointment.

My parents made me go, and take the bus to and back. Also, My sister and my dad did my Chronicle Paper Route that morning before I was awakened and my dad made me pay for her help.

I don't doubt Kavanaugh's victims statement, maybe he has no recall and was in a black out. But one will remember bits and pieces of such an event, and when confronted not lie about it.
All that AND she doesn’t recall where?

I’ve known far too many sexual assault survivors to give this chick even a single ounce of credibility.

She, for pure political reasons, is using ACTUAL victims for political gain.

Shame on her and on those that likely talked her into it.

you can rule political reasons out... she brought this out of her head in 2012 with a therapist and husband... she recently passed a polygraph on it.... she really believes it happened!

oh, she does recall where, the area of town, but not the person's name or specific address is what I heard...?
She told her therapist there were 4 boys. That isn't the story she told now.
And if her intent was to remain anonymous why take a polygraph?
she's seeing or sought out a therapist, she obviously has issues with it all...

it was a mistake for her to come out in the open vs anonymous... she will pay a price for it, even if it is all true...

The mistake was coming forward with a story that doesn't hold water. My only question is, who conspired to get her into this mess.
her therapist? Republican operatives...knowing how this would play out and knowing democrats could not stop themselves from the dangling carrot?

I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
When I was 16 we had this really cute girl living next door and I would see her outside and talk to her and stuff. I thought she liked me and one day I walked home from school with her. It was about this time my mom and dad talked to me about "getting a girl into trouble". They were quick to warn me about the dangers and the pitfalls. I really had no idea what they were talking about. How could I get a girl into trouble? It sounded like they knew what they were talking about but I didn't understand the term.

Later I asked a buddy and after berating me for being stupid he explained to me what it really meant. Oh, OH! So I came up with a plan! Later that week I talked to mom and dad and told them that they were too late with their warning, that I had gotten the girl next door into trouble! They looked stunned as I slowly sat down. What happened, my mom said? I then put on my best serious face and said, "I had Mary framed for murder".
...It never happened, douchebag...
And you know this to be a fact, how, again?

...The woman is obviously a sleazy lying nutburger.
Could be... could be...

The United States Senate will hear what she has to say, under oath, next Monday...

I'll withhold judgment until then.
it is my belief she is lying yes. why? because the core story changed and has had "3" faces along the way, each progressively worse until they finally got the reaction they needed.

if she is lying, she needs to be tossed in jail for this crap. the drama and the bullshit needs to come to an end and if we don't penalize people for this, it will only get worse and this will be our "politics" moving forward as both sides will engage in such defamation and say the other side started it.

is that what we really want? no. at least not me. so the next choice in line is as you say - put it to the test and see what happens. if she's telling the truth, make your decisions then. if not, directly to jail, no bail. your ass will be playing hard to get at the next prison dance.
There is probably no way to "prove" she is lying, anymore there is to prove she's telling the truth at this point.

There is a witness she named. He should be interviewed as well.
I actually totally agree with you on this...

I don’t want Kavanaugh confirmed but not on the basis of this. These are high school morons doing stupid stuff. It’s not good stuff but it clearly hasn’t been a pattern in his adult life and that is what counts.

I get that,
And you are another righty loser who will call all those women testifying against republicans, liars

Wrong again dumb shit. I didn’t say she lied, I want proof of the allegation. It was Hillary that called women bimbos and liars, get your fucking facts straight troll. Innocent until proven guilty, that is what I have said.
Thank you! This is a really sick thread. You can't dismiss attempted rape as a teenage indiscretion.

Got proof he did anything or are you another lying scum leftist asshole? Never mind, we know to are a lying piece of crap.
What we know is it's a he said she said deal and WHAT does she have to gain except grief? Only righty scum won't believe any women speaking up against a republican They need pictures
The same thing any of these women had to gain?

Should we always believe women accusers?
Tell me ,,what does this accuser have to gain ?? fame ?? fortune??
On PBS last night, they said that Ford never changed her mind about wanting anonymity--her letter was leaked.
It's got to really suck to be her right now.

So she went from wanting to be anonymous, to getting a polygraph, to having her name published, to want to testify before Congress. I’m thinking she wanted her story out there otherwise she would have remained silent. She had to know if she sent the letter what would transpire, she is a very smart educated woman.

The question is why, there is something more to this story that we don’t know, however the only important factor is the truth. I’m just not sure what it is.
...It never happened, douchebag...
And you know this to be a fact, how, again?

...The woman is obviously a sleazy lying nutburger.
Could be... could be...

The United States Senate will hear what she has to say, under oath, next Monday...

I'll withhold judgment until then.
it is my belief she is lying yes. why? because the core story changed and has had "3" faces along the way, each progressively worse until they finally got the reaction they needed.

if she is lying, she needs to be tossed in jail for this crap. the drama and the bullshit needs to come to an end and if we don't penalize people for this, it will only get worse and this will be our "politics" moving forward as both sides will engage in such defamation and say the other side started it.

is that what we really want? no. at least not me. so the next choice in line is as you say - put it to the test and see what happens. if she's telling the truth, make your decisions then. if not, directly to jail, no bail. your ass will be playing hard to get at the next prison dance.
There is probably no way to "prove" she is lying, anymore there is to prove she's telling the truth at this point.

There is a witness she named. He should be interviewed as well.

The witness claimed it didn’t happen, I don’t know if I’d believe him anyway, he is a friend of Kavanaugh’s.
And you know this to be a fact, how, again?

Could be... could be...

The United States Senate will hear what she has to say, under oath, next Monday...

I'll withhold judgment until then.
it is my belief she is lying yes. why? because the core story changed and has had "3" faces along the way, each progressively worse until they finally got the reaction they needed.

if she is lying, she needs to be tossed in jail for this crap. the drama and the bullshit needs to come to an end and if we don't penalize people for this, it will only get worse and this will be our "politics" moving forward as both sides will engage in such defamation and say the other side started it.

is that what we really want? no. at least not me. so the next choice in line is as you say - put it to the test and see what happens. if she's telling the truth, make your decisions then. if not, directly to jail, no bail. your ass will be playing hard to get at the next prison dance.
There is probably no way to "prove" she is lying, anymore there is to prove she's telling the truth at this point.
hey - we agree. :) it's my belief she's lying her ass off but who knows anymore. still, it's only *my* belief which doesn't make me right, just how i feel. back to that emo-thing from last post. >g< we just seem to encourage people to lie either to get something out of them or because they want the attention we give them.

I strongly disagree.

The whole reason this woman didn’t want to go public is the personal attacks and abuse she’s now facing. Nobody does that for attention.

Time and time again it’s been proven that false allegatiopins are rare. The odds are 99/1 that she’s telling the truth. That doesn’t stop people from attacking victims. The first post I saw on this forum called her a “whore” repeatedly.

This is why women don’t come forward.
one thing i have learned in my time posting in this forum is it's pointless to talk to you.
And once more you'd be wrong
...It never happened, douchebag...
And you know this to be a fact, how, again?

...The woman is obviously a sleazy lying nutburger.
Could be... could be...

The United States Senate will hear what she has to say, under oath, next Monday...

I'll withhold judgment until then.
it is my belief she is lying yes. why? because the core story changed and has had "3" faces along the way, each progressively worse until they finally got the reaction they needed.

if she is lying, she needs to be tossed in jail for this crap. the drama and the bullshit needs to come to an end and if we don't penalize people for this, it will only get worse and this will be our "politics" moving forward as both sides will engage in such defamation and say the other side started it.

is that what we really want? no. at least not me. so the next choice in line is as you say - put it to the test and see what happens. if she's telling the truth, make your decisions then. if not, directly to jail, no bail. your ass will be playing hard to get at the next prison dance.
There is probably no way to "prove" she is lying, anymore there is to prove she's telling the truth at this point.

There is a witness she named. He should be interviewed as well.

The witness claimed it didn’t happen, I don’t know if I’d believe him anyway, he is a friend of Kavanaugh’s.
And he wrote a book in which he had some nasty things to say about women
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.

I never attempted to rape a girl at 16 or 17.

If attempted forcible rape is something that you consider perfectly normal for a teenager, is there something you want to tell us, Gramps?

Thank you! This is a really sick thread. You can't dismiss attempted rape as a teenage indiscretion.
Shittingbull strikes again

It’s obvious the left wing nuts care nothing about truth or honesty or justice. If the charge was against a Democrat, they’d defend him to the end.
Like we did with Franken?? so your statement to the end is Repub bullshit

Franken should have stayed, I said that from the beginning with him, there were those on the Democratic side that wanted Franken as a sacrificial lamb.
I think there is a segment who had drunken consensual sex and neither remember it in college for one hundred years+.
You just wake up the next day dehydrated from the booze. Usually kinda weird
At times someone was remorseful about the activities. And angry.
Flashing forward to today we are advocating the idea that if someone does not remember then it was sexual asssult. I do not agree.
i don't think that is it...

I think the point that is bothersome is her being captured and held in a room with him and his buddy, turning up the music so not to be heard, then holding his hand over her mouth so her screams could not be heard.... as described by her.... is the issue...


and Not just boys being boys and trying to get in your pants kind of thing.

All that AND she doesn’t recall where?

I’ve known far too many sexual assault survivors to give this chick even a single ounce of credibility.

She, for pure political reasons, is using ACTUAL victims for political gain.

Shame on her and on those that likely talked her into it.

you can rule political reasons out... she brought this out of her head in 2012 with a therapist and husband... she recently passed a polygraph on it.... she really believes it happened!

oh, she does recall where, the area of town, but not the person's name or specific address is what I heard...?
She told her therapist there were 4 boys. That isn't the story she told now.
And if her intent was to remain anonymous why take a polygraph?
she's seeing or sought out a therapist, she obviously has issues with it all...

it was a mistake for her to come out in the open vs anonymous... she will pay a price for it, even if it is all true...

I’m not sure what happened or who is telling the truth, the issue is it’s a he said, she said at this point and that is my problem with the whole story. If it happened he needs to step down, if it didn’t happen his reputation for life is ruined. A lot at stake.
I remember my first sexual experience at the age of 16 and how frightened I was. The room was dark and I was all alone under the covers with only a flashlight and a Penthouse magazine.
And you know this to be a fact, how, again?

Could be... could be...

The United States Senate will hear what she has to say, under oath, next Monday...

I'll withhold judgment until then.
it is my belief she is lying yes. why? because the core story changed and has had "3" faces along the way, each progressively worse until they finally got the reaction they needed.

if she is lying, she needs to be tossed in jail for this crap. the drama and the bullshit needs to come to an end and if we don't penalize people for this, it will only get worse and this will be our "politics" moving forward as both sides will engage in such defamation and say the other side started it.

is that what we really want? no. at least not me. so the next choice in line is as you say - put it to the test and see what happens. if she's telling the truth, make your decisions then. if not, directly to jail, no bail. your ass will be playing hard to get at the next prison dance.
There is probably no way to "prove" she is lying, anymore there is to prove she's telling the truth at this point.

There is a witness she named. He should be interviewed as well.

The witness claimed it didn’t happen, I don’t know if I’d believe him anyway, he is a friend of Kavanaugh’s.
And he wrote a book in which he had some nasty things to say about women

Hang him. But what the fuck does that have to do with this?

The book was written in 1997. If you are looking to reverse engineer and incident, then obviously you use this guy as the witness. Problem comes when you look at the testimony in the therapist report where she claims it was a gang assault involving 4 men.
Last edited:
i don't think that is it...

I think the point that is bothersome is her being captured and held in a room with him and his buddy, turning up the music so not to be heard, then holding his hand over her mouth so her screams could not be heard.... as described by her.... is the issue...


and Not just boys being boys and trying to get in your pants kind of thing.

All that AND she doesn’t recall where?

I’ve known far too many sexual assault survivors to give this chick even a single ounce of credibility.

She, for pure political reasons, is using ACTUAL victims for political gain.

Shame on her and on those that likely talked her into it.

you can rule political reasons out... she brought this out of her head in 2012 with a therapist and husband... she recently passed a polygraph on it.... she really believes it happened!

oh, she does recall where, the area of town, but not the person's name or specific address is what I heard...?
She told her therapist there were 4 boys. That isn't the story she told now.
And if her intent was to remain anonymous why take a polygraph?
she's seeing or sought out a therapist, she obviously has issues with it all...

it was a mistake for her to come out in the open vs anonymous... she will pay a price for it, even if it is all true...

I’m not sure what happened or who is telling the truth, the issue is it’s a he said, she said at this point and that is my problem with the whole story. If it happened he needs to step down, if it didn’t happen his reputation for life is ruined. A lot at stake.
It should have been handed over to the FBI and they investigate in secret, without our knowledge... then given to the Senate judiciary committee in a classified setting, what ever their investigation found out or didn't or couldn't find out, and not gone before the public, nor should...even the two of them be questioned under oath in public, if the FBI investigators could not find anything to substantiate her claims...
So she’s gonna testify he did something. He’ll testify he didn’t do it. Then what? No other witnesses, no one was told about any wrongdoing at the time, no nothing. Time to vote.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
It has always been this way! You are not even innocent when proven innocent the fact you were charged stays!

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