Every Single Thing This President Has Tried Has Failed

Why isn't Obama jetting off to West Africa to lay his Messiah-hands on the sick and dying to make them WHOLE and Democrat?
Or how about the fact that 13 times SCOTUS has ruled UNANIMOUSLY that this "constitiuonal scholar" has exceeded is constitonal powers.

13 times the Court has unamiously ruled against Obama, is that a record? I would think so.
Righties really do love to rewrite history. Really, they do.
Many Righties are simply congenital liars. With them, it's pathological.

In May, 2011, on the order of our President, Barack Obama, the Navy Seals took that bastard out.

Righties are simply butthurt (as always) because it did not happen on Bush 43's watch.
Righties really do love to rewrite history. Really, they do.
Many Righties are simply congenital liars. With them, it's pathological.

In May, 2011, on the order of our President, Barack Obama, the Navy Seals took that bastard out.

Righties are simply butthurt (as always) because it did not happen on Bush 43's watch.
Remind me how Obama changed standing policy of hte US instituted by Bush. Oh, he didnt. He had to be prodded to issue the order and made sure there was deniability if the operation failed so he could blame someone else.
Why is it ignorant assholes like Statistheilhitler, the German answer to Jerry Lewis, constantly invoke bin Laden as some kind of massive win? Bin Laden had been isolated and was largely irrelevant to global terrorism except as a figurehead thanks to Bush and Rumsfeld.

Remind me how Obama changed standing policy of hte US instituted by Bush.

He didn't. That's why you're full of shit to claim that Bush had some mythical policy to overturn his own policy on Iraq and the withdrawal that Obama supposedly failed to follow.
Obama prevented two national disasters.

1. A McCain presidency

2. A Romney presidency
That's because Romney was right about every foreign policy issue in the debate and Obama was wrong?
Obama prevented total nuclear war. Its true!

Yes Romney was wrong. Romney wanted to bankrupt us with an escalation of defense spending that included hundreds of billions, for starters, into a missile defense system for Europe.
Don Surber sums up the Obama Presidency very succinctly. Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail.....

"I am not on the ballot this fall," President Obama told voters in Evanston, Illinois, on Thursday. "Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them."

Republicans should be shaking in their boots -- with laughter. His presidency is one failure after another.

There was the $787 billion stimulus.

On January 10, 2009, the New York Times reported: "One day after the nation’s unemployment rate was reported to be at a 16-year high, President-elect Barack Obama on Saturday again raised the estimate of how many jobs would result from his economic recovery plan, saying it would create or save three million to four million, nearly 90 percent of them in the private sector."

And the report later said: "Without an economic recovery plan, the report warned, the unemployment rate could hit 9 percent, up from 7.2 percent now. If the plan is adopted, unemployment is still expected to rise but then fall late this year."

Unemployment topped 10% within months of passage of this boondoggle that enriched Obama's pals and political cronies. I rank that Three Fails.


There was his Cash for Clunkers program.

It clunked: "Researchers at Texas A and M, in a recently released report, measured the impact of Cash for Clunkers on sales and found the program actually decreased industry revenue by $3 billion over a nine-to-11-month period. Meanwhile, the "stimulus" also cost taxpayers $3 billion."

Three More Fails although if I did it by the billion, the stimulus would get 787.



You can keep your doctor. Period.
One Joe Wilson.

You lie!
You can keep your plan. Period.
Another Joe Wilson.

You lie!

The average family will save $2,500.
One more Joe Wilson.

You lie! All in all, as most Americans now want this damned thing repealed, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the largest political disaster in the nation since Prohibition.

Four Fails.


Then there was the execution of Osama bin Laden. A great moment in American history.

That President Obama somehow managed to screw up.

How? By identifying his killers. Within three months, most of them were killed. Loose lips still sink ships.

Another Fail.


On October 21, 2011, President Obama announced the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq: "After nearly 9 years, America's war in Iraq will be over."

Troops remain in Germany, Italy and Japan nearly 70 years after we defeated them in World War II.

But not Iraq.

Five Fails.


Every single thing this president has tried or promised has failed. The economy? Fail. Transparency in government? Fail. Easing racial tension? Fail. Ending war? Fail. Winning Afghanistan? Fail.

Hell, he could not even pull off the Beer Summit between Professor Gates and the white cop. It ended with no one conceding anything.

The only two things he got right in nearly 6 years is his 2009 NCAA bracket and killing that fly on TV.

The Democratic plan was simple: Hide behind the black guy, pass a bunch of socialist crapola and wait for the crowd to applaud. Anyone who doesn't like it will be branded a racist.

There was just one problem with the Democratic Party programs: They didn't work.

I hope to hell the election is referendum on this president's policies because not one has worked. Not one.

Don Surber Every single thing this president has tried has failed

Stage 4 Obama Derangement Syndrome...

...when the gratuitous massive graphic images start to appear in anti-Obama rants...
There is one more thing that Obama has succeded at, on top of the other 262 administrative things.

His mere presence has caused Conservatives and Republicans to jump the collective shark.

Righties really do love to rewrite history. Really, they do.
Many Righties are simply congenital liars. With them, it's pathological.

In May, 2011, on the order of our President, Barack Obama, the Navy Seals took that bastard out.

Righties are simply butthurt (as always) because it did not happen on Bush 43's watch.
Remind me how Obama changed standing policy of hte US instituted by Bush. Oh, he didnt. He had to be prodded to issue the order and made sure there was deniability if the operation failed so he could blame someone else.
Why is it ignorant assholes like Statistheilhitler, the German answer to Jerry Lewis, constantly invoke bin Laden as some kind of massive win? Bin Laden had been isolated and was largely irrelevant to global terrorism except as a figurehead thanks to Bush and Rumsfeld.

Your eternal butthurt is delightful to watch. You are such and easy toy to bat around, because your anger always causes you to write stupid things.

Your detachment from reality, however, is a sickness that I am not qualified to fix. Go seek out a professional.

The OP is a lame-assed RWNJ attempt to say that our President has achieved nothing, that everything he has done is an abject failure, and yet, when someone points out something he has done, you RWNJs escape into the "well, that wasn't important" or "actually, he was prodded" argument. In other words, your hatred of this man has completely blinded you.

And btw, you stupid shitty fuckface, why did you bring up Bush? Here you bitch all the time that Libs bring up Bush, but you did not this thread, you stupid shitty fuckface, not I.

Good luck with that anger management, you stupid shitty fuckface, Fake Rabbi.
Every Single Thing This President Has Tried Has Failed

Did Osama bin Laden commit suicide?


Beat me to it.

And I am not the least bit a fan of Obama's.

It is worth noting, however, that one of the principal reasons the Obama Administration was able to whack bin Laden was because of the Bush Administration's aggressive interrogations and tactics.

Like it or not, one should be honest with himself/ herself and say that torture works. :thup:
Righties really do love to rewrite history. Really, they do.
Many Righties are simply congenital liars. With them, it's pathological.

In May, 2011, on the order of our President, Barack Obama, the Navy Seals took that bastard out.

Righties are simply butthurt (as always) because it did not happen on Bush 43's watch.
Remind me how Obama changed standing policy of hte US instituted by Bush. Oh, he didnt. He had to be prodded to issue the order and made sure there was deniability if the operation failed so he could blame someone else.
Why is it ignorant assholes like Statistheilhitler, the German answer to Jerry Lewis, constantly invoke bin Laden as some kind of massive win? Bin Laden had been isolated and was largely irrelevant to global terrorism except as a figurehead thanks to Bush and Rumsfeld.

Your eternal butthurt is delightful to watch. You are such and easy toy to bat around, because your anger always causes you to write stupid things.

Your detachment from reality, however, is a sickness that I am not qualified to fix. Go seek out a professional.

The OP is a lame-assed RWNJ attempt to say that our President has achieved nothing, that everything he has done is an abject failure, and yet, when someone points out something he has done, you RWNJs escape into the "well, that wasn't important" or "actually, he was prodded" argument. In other words, your hatred of this man has completely blinded you.

And btw, you stupid shitty fuckface, why did you bring up Bush? Here you bitch all the time that Libs bring up Bush, but you did not this thread, you stupid shitty fuckface, not I.

Good luck with that anger management, you stupid shitty fuckface, Fake Rabbi.

Says a fake American.
Righties really do love to rewrite history. Really, they do.
Many Righties are simply congenital liars. With them, it's pathological.

In May, 2011, on the order of our President, Barack Obama, the Navy Seals took that bastard out.

Righties are simply butthurt (as always) because it did not happen on Bush 43's watch.
Remind me how Obama changed standing policy of hte US instituted by Bush. Oh, he didnt. He had to be prodded to issue the order and made sure there was deniability if the operation failed so he could blame someone else.
Why is it ignorant assholes like Statistheilhitler, the German answer to Jerry Lewis, constantly invoke bin Laden as some kind of massive win? Bin Laden had been isolated and was largely irrelevant to global terrorism except as a figurehead thanks to Bush and Rumsfeld.

Your eternal butthurt is delightful to watch. You are such and easy toy to bat around, because your anger always causes you to write stupid things.

Your detachment from reality, however, is a sickness that I am not qualified to fix. Go seek out a professional.

The OP is a lame-assed RWNJ attempt to say that our President has achieved nothing, that everything he has done is an abject failure, and yet, when someone points out something he has done, you RWNJs escape into the "well, that wasn't important" or "actually, he was prodded" argument. In other words, your hatred of this man has completely blinded you.

And btw, you stupid shitty fuckface, why did you bring up Bush? Here you bitch all the time that Libs bring up Bush, but you did not this thread, you stupid shitty fuckface, not I.

Good luck with that anger management, you stupid shitty fuckface, Fake Rabbi.

Says a fake American.

So, when you have no argument to offer, all that is left for you to do is to attack someone. I am indeed an American, and not a fake one. It's just your blindness and ignorance that is in your way, you poor little sharty creature.
Righties really do love to rewrite history. Really, they do.
Many Righties are simply congenital liars. With them, it's pathological.

In May, 2011, on the order of our President, Barack Obama, the Navy Seals took that bastard out.

Righties are simply butthurt (as always) because it did not happen on Bush 43's watch.
Remind me how Obama changed standing policy of hte US instituted by Bush. Oh, he didnt. He had to be prodded to issue the order and made sure there was deniability if the operation failed so he could blame someone else.
Why is it ignorant assholes like Statistheilhitler, the German answer to Jerry Lewis, constantly invoke bin Laden as some kind of massive win? Bin Laden had been isolated and was largely irrelevant to global terrorism except as a figurehead thanks to Bush and Rumsfeld.

Your eternal butthurt is delightful to watch. You are such and easy toy to bat around, because your anger always causes you to write stupid things.

Your detachment from reality, however, is a sickness that I am not qualified to fix. Go seek out a professional.

The OP is a lame-assed RWNJ attempt to say that our President has achieved nothing, that everything he has done is an abject failure, and yet, when someone points out something he has done, you RWNJs escape into the "well, that wasn't important" or "actually, he was prodded" argument. In other words, your hatred of this man has completely blinded you.

And btw, you stupid shitty fuckface, why did you bring up Bush? Here you bitch all the time that Libs bring up Bush, but you did not this thread, you stupid shitty fuckface, not I.

Good luck with that anger management, you stupid shitty fuckface, Fake Rabbi.

Says a fake American.

So, when you have no argument to offer, all that is left for you to do is to attack someone. I am indeed an American, and not a fake one. It's just your blindness and ignorance that is in your way, you poor little sharty creature.

S'that all you got, retard — primary-schoolish insults???
262 accomplishments under the Obama administration.

Updated Again 262 Accomplishments By Obama Democrats The PCTC Blog

Only, RWNJs are so eternally butthurt, they will never see it, never admit it.

ODS, state IV, terminal.

There are some interesting things at that link that many people have forgotten.
That's it in a nutshell, Stat. They cannot stand any success by a Democrat, and will do everything they can to stop it, no matter how much it hurts America.
Don Surber sums up the Obama Presidency very succinctly. Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail.....

"I am not on the ballot this fall," President Obama told voters in Evanston, Illinois, on Thursday. "Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them."

Republicans should be shaking in their boots -- with laughter. His presidency is one failure after another.

There was the $787 billion stimulus.

On January 10, 2009, the New York Times reported: "One day after the nation’s unemployment rate was reported to be at a 16-year high, President-elect Barack Obama on Saturday again raised the estimate of how many jobs would result from his economic recovery plan, saying it would create or save three million to four million, nearly 90 percent of them in the private sector."

And the report later said: "Without an economic recovery plan, the report warned, the unemployment rate could hit 9 percent, up from 7.2 percent now. If the plan is adopted, unemployment is still expected to rise but then fall late this year."

Unemployment topped 10% within months of passage of this boondoggle that enriched Obama's pals and political cronies. I rank that Three Fails.


There was his Cash for Clunkers program.

It clunked: "Researchers at Texas A and M, in a recently released report, measured the impact of Cash for Clunkers on sales and found the program actually decreased industry revenue by $3 billion over a nine-to-11-month period. Meanwhile, the "stimulus" also cost taxpayers $3 billion."

Three More Fails although if I did it by the billion, the stimulus would get 787.



You can keep your doctor. Period.
One Joe Wilson.

You lie!
You can keep your plan. Period.
Another Joe Wilson.

You lie!

The average family will save $2,500.
One more Joe Wilson.

You lie! All in all, as most Americans now want this damned thing repealed, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the largest political disaster in the nation since Prohibition.

Four Fails.


Then there was the execution of Osama bin Laden. A great moment in American history.

That President Obama somehow managed to screw up.

How? By identifying his killers. Within three months, most of them were killed. Loose lips still sink ships.

Another Fail.


On October 21, 2011, President Obama announced the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq: "After nearly 9 years, America's war in Iraq will be over."

Troops remain in Germany, Italy and Japan nearly 70 years after we defeated them in World War II.

But not Iraq.

Five Fails.


Every single thing this president has tried or promised has failed. The economy? Fail. Transparency in government? Fail. Easing racial tension? Fail. Ending war? Fail. Winning Afghanistan? Fail.

Hell, he could not even pull off the Beer Summit between Professor Gates and the white cop. It ended with no one conceding anything.

The only two things he got right in nearly 6 years is his 2009 NCAA bracket and killing that fly on TV.

The Democratic plan was simple: Hide behind the black guy, pass a bunch of socialist crapola and wait for the crowd to applaud. Anyone who doesn't like it will be branded a racist.

There was just one problem with the Democratic Party programs: They didn't work.

I hope to hell the election is referendum on this president's policies because not one has worked. Not one.

Don Surber Every single thing this president has tried has failed
Yet, conservatives were unable to convince a majority of Americans to vote for the Republican candidate in 2012.

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