Every Single Thing This President Has Tried Has Failed

Don Surber sums up the Obama Presidency very succinctly. Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail.....

"I am not on the ballot this fall," President Obama told voters in Evanston, Illinois, on Thursday. "Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them."

Republicans should be shaking in their boots -- with laughter. His presidency is one failure after another.

There was the $787 billion stimulus.

On January 10, 2009, the New York Times reported: "One day after the nation’s unemployment rate was reported to be at a 16-year high, President-elect Barack Obama on Saturday again raised the estimate of how many jobs would result from his economic recovery plan, saying it would create or save three million to four million, nearly 90 percent of them in the private sector."

And the report later said: "Without an economic recovery plan, the report warned, the unemployment rate could hit 9 percent, up from 7.2 percent now. If the plan is adopted, unemployment is still expected to rise but then fall late this year."

Unemployment topped 10% within months of passage of this boondoggle that enriched Obama's pals and political cronies. I rank that Three Fails.


There was his Cash for Clunkers program.

It clunked: "Researchers at Texas A and M, in a recently released report, measured the impact of Cash for Clunkers on sales and found the program actually decreased industry revenue by $3 billion over a nine-to-11-month period. Meanwhile, the "stimulus" also cost taxpayers $3 billion."

Three More Fails although if I did it by the billion, the stimulus would get 787.



You can keep your doctor. Period.
One Joe Wilson.

You lie!
You can keep your plan. Period.
Another Joe Wilson.

You lie!

The average family will save $2,500.
One more Joe Wilson.

You lie! All in all, as most Americans now want this damned thing repealed, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the largest political disaster in the nation since Prohibition.

Four Fails.


Then there was the execution of Osama bin Laden. A great moment in American history.

That President Obama somehow managed to screw up.

How? By identifying his killers. Within three months, most of them were killed. Loose lips still sink ships.

Another Fail.


On October 21, 2011, President Obama announced the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq: "After nearly 9 years, America's war in Iraq will be over."

Troops remain in Germany, Italy and Japan nearly 70 years after we defeated them in World War II.

But not Iraq.

Five Fails.


Every single thing this president has tried or promised has failed. The economy? Fail. Transparency in government? Fail. Easing racial tension? Fail. Ending war? Fail. Winning Afghanistan? Fail.

Hell, he could not even pull off the Beer Summit between Professor Gates and the white cop. It ended with no one conceding anything.

The only two things he got right in nearly 6 years is his 2009 NCAA bracket and killing that fly on TV.

The Democratic plan was simple: Hide behind the black guy, pass a bunch of socialist crapola and wait for the crowd to applaud. Anyone who doesn't like it will be branded a racist.

There was just one problem with the Democratic Party programs: They didn't work.

I hope to hell the election is referendum on this president's policies because not one has worked. Not one.

Don Surber Every single thing this president has tried has failed
Yet, conservatives were unable to convince a majority of Americans to vote for the Republican candidate in 2012.


Obama 51.01%
Romney 47.15%
margin: Obama +3.86%

EC: 332-206.

Obama is only one of three presidents in over 100 years to be elected not just once, but twice with over 51% of the vote. FDR, Eisenhower and Obama.

Not Nixon, not Reagan and not Bill Clinton. Now Hillary, I think she will easily go over 55% both times. :thup:

Uh, I'm not into anus and dick. Uhhh.... fuggedaboudit.

"Uh, I'm not into anus and dick. Uhhh.... fuggedaboudit."

But, there's no doubt you are a Liberal liar.

So, of COURSE you'd deny it.

And, technically speaking, owing to the numerous stories being told behind your back that you are a "bottom," wouldn't that mean DICK is into YOU.
Every Single Thing This President Has Tried Has Failed

Did Osama bin Laden commit suicide?

And he screwed that up by not producing at least a picture. Now, I have it on good authority that it WAS Bin Laden, but that's besides the point. The country deserved confirmation.

Oh, and by te way, all Obama did was okay that mission. He had nothing to do with gathering the intel, planning OR executing the mission. He deserves credit for saying "Yes" and nothing more.
You have it on good authority? :lol: Fuck off. The country deserved a president who saw the importance of seeing that OBL was brought to justice; not one that wasn't concerned about his whereabouts, like Bush said.
Read 'em and weep, NaziCons.

Suck on THIS, Donkey Kong.

"President Obama’s bid to focus U.S. attention on Asia has failed to meet the lofty expectations he set three years ago in a grand pronouncement that the new emphasis would become a pillar of his foreign policy.

The result, as Obama prepares to travel to the region… has been a loss of confidence among some U.S. allies about the administration’s commitment at a time of escalating regional tensions. Relations between Japan and South Korea are at one of the lowest points since World War II, and China has provoked both with aggressive actions at sea despite a personal plea to Beijing from Vice President Biden in December.

The same story could be said of the Obama presidency on issue after issue, in foreign policy and on domestic matters. The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. (Failure)

Economic growth. (Failure)

Improving our health-care system.

Reducing the debt.

Reducing poverty.

Reducing income inequality.

Slowing the rise of the oceans.

Healing the planet.

Repairing the world.

The Russian “reset.” (Failure)

Peace in the Middle East.

Red lines in Syria.

Renewed focus on Afghanistan.

A new beginning with the Arab world.

Better relations with our allies.

Depolarizing our politics.

Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.”

Working with the other party.


No lobbyists working in his administration.

His commitment to seek public financing in the general election.

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side."

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine
Grampa murked u said:
Obama successfully fucked up the following things:

Racial harmony
Economic recovery
His own legacy
Stopping voter fraud
Creating the most transparent administration

Healthcare: reformed
Employment: 5.9%
Iraq: Bush's creation
Racial harmony: I wasn't aware that the potus us responsible for racial harmony (how ridiculous)
Economic recovery: 5.9% UE rate, 10 million jobs created, Dow over 16k
Hus own legacy: will be just fine. Get out of your echo chamber.
Benghazi: compared to what - the countless times embassies hav been attacked throughout every presidency? Fail.
IRS: trying to keep groups off of tax exempt status that didn't meet the criteria in the first place? How is that a bad thing?
Stopping voter fraud: His sole responsibility also I suppose?
Creating the most transparent administration: Prove that it isn't.
Yet, conservatives were unable to convince a majority of Americans to vote for the Republican candidate in 2012.
Hell, conservatives weren't able to convince REPUBLICANS to even nominate a conservative!

Conservatives are the most over-hyped voting block in the country. Greens may even have more electoral power. :)
Conservatives, as we know them here at the USMB are primarily concerned with social issues. They try very hard to connect their economic philosophy to their Neanderthal views on sex and religion and race. But....it doesn't work.

The nation has moved past them on the social issues and "liberals" have proven more effective at managing the nation's resources.

It's a fucking colossal failure to maintain traction. If not for a steady flow of cash and a vocal minority of bigots....they'd not make a splash in any election.
You're a fucking idiot. She grew up as a Cubs fan, as everyone knows. She was Senator of New York, as everyone knows.

I proudly wear a Yankees hat, because I grew up in Jersey. I proudly wear a Braves hat, because I moved to the South and that's the only team I could see regularly, and lived in Atlanta for 3-4 years. I also wear a Cubs hat, a Mets hat, and a Devil Rays hat. What difference does it make?
You're a fucking idiot. She grew up as a Cubs fan, as everyone knows. She was Senator of New York, as everyone knows.

I proudly wear a Yankees hat, because I grew up in Jersey. I proudly wear a Braves hat, because I moved to the South and that's the only team I could see regularly, and lived in Atlanta for 3-4 years. I also wear a Cubs hat, a Mets hat, and a Devil Rays hat. What difference does it make?

Label you: "Rebel without a clue."
Every Single Thing This President Has Tried Has Failed

Did Osama bin Laden commit suicide?

And he screwed that up by not producing at least a picture. Now, I have it on good authority that it WAS Bin Laden, but that's besides the point. The country deserved confirmation.

Oh, and by te way, all Obama did was okay that mission. He had nothing to do with gathering the intel, planning OR executing the mission. He deserves credit for saying "Yes" and nothing more.
You have it on good authority? :lol: Fuck off. The country deserved a president who saw the importance of seeing that OBL was brought to justice; not one that wasn't concerned about his whereabouts, like Bush said.

On what planet did you grow up where you never played Hide & Seek and pretended to stop seeking so the hider would let down their guard and make a mistake which allowed you to get them out?

Any 10 year old American kid knows that much!

What a dunce you are.



EDIT: ESPCIALLY after having seen how effective the tactic was and you are STILL clueless!


Recall something about shooting Osama bin Laden in the face. To say nothing of successfully pissing off every Republican and racist in the country by winning. Twice. :)
Recall something about shooting Osama bin Laden in the face. To say nothing of successfully pissing off every Republican and racist in the country by winning. Twice. :)
He didn't shoot anyone.

Pissing off half the country can only be viewed as a positive by an idiot.
Recall something about shooting Osama bin Laden in the face. To say nothing of successfully pissing off every Republican and racist in the country by winning. Twice. :)
He didn't shoot anyone.

Pissing off half the country can only be viewed as a positive by an idiot.

He gave the order so he gets the credit, just as Nazi command gave the orders and got the blame.
Recall something about shooting Osama bin Laden in the face. To say nothing of successfully pissing off every Republican and racist in the country by winning. Twice. :)
He didn't shoot anyone.

Pissing off half the country can only be viewed as a positive by an idiot.

He gave the order so he gets the credit, just as Nazi command gave the orders and got the blame.
Equating an order that ANY president would have given in that situation to ANYTHING Nazi related is beyond retarded.
Recall something about shooting Osama bin Laden in the face. To say nothing of successfully pissing off every Republican and racist in the country by winning. Twice. :)
He didn't shoot anyone.

Pissing off half the country can only be viewed as a positive by an idiot.

He gave the order so he gets the credit, just as Nazi command gave the orders and got the blame.
They won't give him credit for OBL, but he gets all the blame for Benghazi :cuckoo:
Grampa murked u said:
Obama successfully fucked up the following things:

Racial harmony
Economic recovery
His own legacy
Stopping voter fraud
Creating the most transparent administration

Healthcare: reformed
Employment: 5.9%
Iraq: Bush's creation
Racial harmony: I wasn't aware that the potus us responsible for racial harmony (how ridiculous)
Economic recovery: 5.9% UE rate, 10 million jobs created, Dow over 16k
Hus own legacy: will be just fine. Get out of your echo chamber.
Benghazi: compared to what - the countless times embassies hav been attacked throughout every presidency? Fail.
IRS: trying to keep groups off of tax exempt status that didn't meet the criteria in the first place? How is that a bad thing?
Stopping voter fraud: His sole responsibility also I suppose?
Creating the most transparent administration: Prove that it isn't.


Now, tell us...where was Obama and what was he doing the night of the Benghazi attack?
Recall something about shooting Osama bin Laden in the face. To say nothing of successfully pissing off every Republican and racist in the country by winning. Twice. :)
He didn't shoot anyone.

Pissing off half the country can only be viewed as a positive by an idiot.

He gave the order so he gets the credit, just as Nazi command gave the orders and got the blame.
They won't give him credit for OBL, but he gets all the blame for Benghazi :cuckoo:

I have praised Obama's decision on UBL MANY times on usmb.

Stfu troll
Conservatives, as we know them here at the USMB are primarily concerned with social issues. They try very hard to connect their economic philosophy to their Neanderthal views on sex and religion and race. But....it doesn't work.

The nation has moved past them on the social issues and "liberals" have proven more effective at managing the nation's resources.

It's a fucking colossal failure to maintain traction. If not for a steady flow of cash and a vocal minority of bigots....they'd not make a splash in any election.

If it wasn't for adults, kids would eat junk food and sweets at every meal. They wouldn't shower or brush their teeth. They would get drunk and high and try having sex all the time. And if a vote were to be held for the person to lead them, the one promising to give them more of what they want would win out over the individual trying to make things optimally healthy for the long term.

Your point is absolutely clear.

You are endorsing a tyranny of self indulgence.

That's exactly our current problem.

We're a nation with too many grown up-children.

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